Different profiles for vibration

asked 2016-08-08 23:21:27 +0300

novikan gravatar image

Hi! I have used Jolla C for couple of weeks now and i have noticed (or at least it feels that way) that the vibration in C is not as powerful as in firts Jolla phone. This is a small inconvenience, since my phone is about 95% of the time in silent mode. I can´t feel the vibration, if the phone is in my pocket. Sometimes i can´t hear it, even if it´s on the table next to me. With first Jolla, i could hear the vibration to downstairs, if the phone was on hard surface.

So, i was wondering (since i´m not a programmer), if it was even possible to implement a feature to SailfishOS, where you could assing different kind of profiles for vibration? Maybe at least three different kind of vibrations would be nice to have. For example: 1. One short vibration for email 2. Two long vibrations for WhatsApp/ Telegram/etc 3. One long vibration for SMS

This feature could be handy in meetings, if you wait important SMS, you don´t have to pull your phone out and check it after every email. You could just wait for the right kind of vibration pattern.

This, the static white LED for notifications and lack of 4g in my area (hopefully will be fixed!) are basically only negative things i have to say about Jolla C. So, what do you think?

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