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importing mutiple vcard option is highly needed [answered]

asked 2016-08-23 16:02:36 +0300

partha9940 gravatar image

there must be option for importing multiple vcard within the OS itself. There should not be any need of computer to make multiple vcf file into a single file. The requested feature is very useful if sailfish has to sail into the world of ordinary users as they are more in number and they want things to be easy. Also need of a computer to simply import contacts stored in memory card is not very much justified in my view. In a incidence when I tried to transer contacts from Nokia 603 using content transfer option via bluetooth failed and which is the cause of a poential customer of Aqus fish is lost. If these things are not fixed at the earliest then inspite of being a nice OS sailfish would loose business.Afterall in my view we should think simple and think of noobs while designing any thing as they are the majority and they has the potential to make anything a hit. Technically strong people are lesser in number and no problem is too difficult for them. That's the story behind the success of windows os for pc, android and IOS for mobile. Nokia's S60 was also targetted towards general user so it was the King of that time. Le's focus on the bare minimum. Any criticism is most welcome.......

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by JoHe
close date 2016-09-04 12:00:10.521145

1 Answer

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answered 2016-09-04 11:59:43 +0300

JoHe gravatar image

Put vcard files to your Jolla. Go Settings > Applications > People > From contact file.

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Asked: 2016-08-23 16:02:36 +0300

Seen: 299 times

Last updated: Sep 04 '16