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Sailfish 1.x appreciation thread

asked 2016-08-24 11:05:47 +0200

247 gravatar image

i know i may be late but i'm opening this thread to tell Jolla how much i miss the 1.x interface (and i'm sure i'm not alone on prefering 1.x interface to 2.x) just to remind jolla that sometime there's no need to repair what's not broken (sailfish 1.x) but should be better to simply improve it... :) i will anyway explain my points (which you can agree or not obviously)

1 when i was looking for a replacement for my old windows phone, first thing that hooked me from jolla was the swype to lockscreen...i loved the idea of having the lockscreen accessible with a single swype and even loved the idea (which is really fantastic for me) to have the option to lock the phone with a single swype (the famous and much requested swype to lock)

2 one other thing i really liked about sailfish was the fact all informations were on the lock screen without the need of a status bar...this while all information remained always visible while opening an app or doing a sneak peek to home from an app...very unlike and useful while the new status bar sound too much android to me...

3 the events view from the downside was absolutely fantastic and was way ahead of iOS that implemented it now the lower menu...for example the 1.1.7 was perfect...

don't get me wrong...i love Sailfish 2.x, i love the fact i can have quick actions without the need of always open the settings app, and at the same time i love the fact i could have the app grid always under my thumbs and open apps from everywhere, but Sailfish 1.x was rather unique and seems that this magic has got a bit lost with Sailfish 2.x which seems more adjusted to not worry too much people coming from other os's...

i know there are patches but why i have to use a patch for a settings i could have natively?i even now i can reset my phone then update till 1.1.7 and stick to it but there are things in 2.x that are too essentials (like the h264 video encoding while 1.x encode in h263)

would be fantastic if jolla could give us some 1.x functions back...

now...how many people agree with me? :)

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+1 I am ;-)

richdb ( 2016-08-24 11:10:14 +0200 )edit

I really miss the swipe to lock. Now I often get a list of ambiances, wtf? I never change ambiances but I lock my device often so I'd prefer hiding the ambiances in some settings menu and make the swipe to lock available again.

Also I miss the smart covers I just grabbed and moved where I have to target at small symols now...

mdosch ( 2016-08-24 12:00:13 +0200 )edit

Some years ago, still on Meego, I suggested implementation of quick actions (reply, like, favourite, share, retweet,...) directly from events view. By tapping and holding on event mini menu would pop-up with input field for text reply and buttons for like or favourite, share or retweet,... I suggested that last year here on Sailfish also... Now we have that on Android Nougat. I think that implementation of those kind of things is more beneficial for users then wasting resources on making fancy new UI.

saleki ( 2016-08-24 12:22:30 +0200 )edit

i personally change ambiances quite often because of the silent theme...would be nice in that case if the silence option once was in the pulley lockscreen menu would change even the ambience to remind you the phone is silent...so there would be no need for an ambience selector with top swype :)

247 ( 2016-08-24 12:50:15 +0200 )edit

Swipe to lock is really the only thing I really miss from 1.0.

nthn ( 2016-08-25 02:07:31 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-08-25 08:41:56 +0200

Fenuks gravatar image

updated 2016-08-25 09:09:19 +0200

I hope I'm not intruding with such answer, I'd like to add something.
First, /voteyes on all points, including the swipe to lock, although I've never used it, button was always closer.
Vertical layout was better on the phone. You could hold the phone with only one hand at above midsection, not at the bottom, to access all the features.

But, the strangest thing for me is removal of cover actions — there was no actual need in it. They were such a great UX feature, when you didn't have to aim at buttons on the bottom of cover, but only had to aim at the cover and you could also cancel the swipe if you changed your mind: «do not want this song, next please… hm, or maybe no, let it play».
Carousel could work, and actually is invoked most of the time, with an edge swipe. It is quite intuitive, in my opinion:
~ swipe cover for action on application,
~ swipe from the edge of the screen, to switch application:
~~ right to left to go to home,
~~ left to right to go to events (as it works from within applications with quick access to events enabled),
~~ top to bottom to close application/go to lock screen,
~~ bottom to top to open applauncher.
With settings that are already present — events/home screen with left to right swipe and close app/lock phone with top to bottom screen — sailors can set it up as they like.

It is not the vertical layout as it used to be, but putting events at bottom edge will conflict with applauncher, for it used to be pulled up with swipe not from the edge, where now it scrolls currently active applications.

If it is possible to make a patch that would bring back such behaviour, I'd gladly vote it up, pay and praise the creator for as long as my Jolla lives(and patch works).

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they said they removed the swypes on the cover cause since the home was a carousel was better to have a button system than a swype system that could lead to errors...anyway they could divide the swype from bottom in two...if swype start from left it brings you the event screen, if it start from right, the app grid and vice versa...obviously selectable in settings...

247 ( 2016-08-25 10:02:39 +0200 )edit

@247, well, yes, but it would not be a critical error. And it would just take a bit of practice to get used to — edge swipe is easy and quite unambiguous. Sailfish 1 used vertical edge and non-edge swipes and it worked.

Fenuks ( 2016-08-25 10:08:01 +0200 )edit

I've never had the privilige to interact with the cover swypes myself, but I do remember a review by pocketnow saying that release 2 of sailfish os finally did away with the finicky cover swypes. So apperantly they weren't that efficiënt or handy?

Andrik ( 2016-08-25 10:25:49 +0200 )edit

they were so fast you could barely notice they were swypes...probably buttons are easiers but swypes were definitely cool :)

247 ( 2016-08-25 10:34:36 +0200 )edit

@Andrik, they did take some time to get used to, but were very good once you do.
How it works now on audio when you need to switch to next song — you aim and tap the right bottom corner of the cover. If you miss and hit the cover, application will open fullscreen and you will either have to reach down to controls (not very handly if app on homescreen was in the top row) or swipe from the edge to go back to home screen and try again.

How it was with swipes — you aim and put your finger on the cover, then you pull slightly to the left and release.
After a while it turns into an automatic gesture — you know exactly how far you'll have to pull and thus how your finger should be to do it. And, as I mentioned, action will not be invoked untill you release the cover from side position — you can change your mind and just pull it back to neutral position and lift your finger and it will not do anything.

Besides, on Sailfish 1 you could use same taps on bottom corners(buttons) and it would work just the same as it does now. So, do it one way or the other, or even both ways, however you like it.

Fenuks ( 2016-08-25 10:43:50 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-08-24 11:05:47 +0200

Seen: 595 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '16