Sailfish 1.x appreciation thread
i know i may be late but i'm opening this thread to tell Jolla how much i miss the 1.x interface (and i'm sure i'm not alone on prefering 1.x interface to 2.x) just to remind jolla that sometime there's no need to repair what's not broken (sailfish 1.x) but should be better to simply improve it... :) i will anyway explain my points (which you can agree or not obviously)
1 when i was looking for a replacement for my old windows phone, first thing that hooked me from jolla was the swype to lockscreen...i loved the idea of having the lockscreen accessible with a single swype and even loved the idea (which is really fantastic for me) to have the option to lock the phone with a single swype (the famous and much requested swype to lock)
2 one other thing i really liked about sailfish was the fact all informations were on the lock screen without the need of a status bar...this while all information remained always visible while opening an app or doing a sneak peek to home from an app...very unlike and useful while the new status bar sound too much android to me...
3 the events view from the downside was absolutely fantastic and was way ahead of iOS that implemented it now the lower menu...for example the 1.1.7 was perfect...
don't get me wrong...i love Sailfish 2.x, i love the fact i can have quick actions without the need of always open the settings app, and at the same time i love the fact i could have the app grid always under my thumbs and open apps from everywhere, but Sailfish 1.x was rather unique and seems that this magic has got a bit lost with Sailfish 2.x which seems more adjusted to not worry too much people coming from other os's...
i know there are patches but why i have to use a patch for a settings i could have natively?i even now i can reset my phone then update till 1.1.7 and stick to it but there are things in 2.x that are too essentials (like the h264 video encoding while 1.x encode in h263)
would be fantastic if jolla could give us some 1.x functions back... many people agree with me? :)
+1 I am ;-)
richdb ( 2016-08-24 11:10:14 +0200 )editI really miss the swipe to lock. Now I often get a list of ambiances, wtf? I never change ambiances but I lock my device often so I'd prefer hiding the ambiances in some settings menu and make the swipe to lock available again.
Also I miss the smart covers I just grabbed and moved where I have to target at small symols now...
mdosch ( 2016-08-24 12:00:13 +0200 )editSome years ago, still on Meego, I suggested implementation of quick actions (reply, like, favourite, share, retweet,...) directly from events view. By tapping and holding on event mini menu would pop-up with input field for text reply and buttons for like or favourite, share or retweet,... I suggested that last year here on Sailfish also... Now we have that on Android Nougat. I think that implementation of those kind of things is more beneficial for users then wasting resources on making fancy new UI.
saleki ( 2016-08-24 12:22:30 +0200 )editi personally change ambiances quite often because of the silent theme...would be nice in that case if the silence option once was in the pulley lockscreen menu would change even the ambience to remind you the phone is there would be no need for an ambience selector with top swype :)
247 ( 2016-08-24 12:50:15 +0200 )editSwipe to lock is really the only thing I really miss from 1.0.
nthn ( 2016-08-25 02:07:31 +0200 )edit