Bug: how many native SF and android applications can be running at the same time? [answered]
asked 2014-01-13 15:43:25 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
At the moment my personal experience is that no more than 6 SF application can be running together with android applications at the same time.
Typically it is even less as it depends at which point the android applications have been started.
If they are started as one of the first ones then they typically stay on at Home screen until user tries to activate and use them, causing the android application to close. Restarting with 4 to 6 SF application will cause immendiate closing after the application startup.
Is this a bug or feature?
If it is feature, what are the maximum number of active applications both native SF and Android that Jolla can handle?
This happened to me several times: I have 6 native apps opened and try to open an android app, it tries to open and closes (tried with different android apps). What I did: close all native apps and opening the android app and it opens normally.
Neo ( 2014-01-13 19:12:19 +0200 )edit