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Request: improve Chinese stroke input method

asked 2016-10-10 17:01:16 +0200

fishegg gravatar image

updated 2016-10-10 17:04:11 +0200

Stoke input method on Sailfish can only type one Chinese Character every time. For example, type "旗鱼"(sailfish), firstly, type "丶一乛丿丿一一丨丨一一一丿丶"(or less strokes if "旗" is displayed on first page) and select "旗". Then type "丿乛丨乛一丨一一" and select "鱼". You need to select twice to type "旗鱼". Many other stroke ims on iOS or Android support "word divide"(分词, I don't know if this is a proper translation) , which means that you can select the word "旗鱼" but type only once. You just type "丶一乛丿丿一一丨丨一一一丿丶'丿乛丨乛一丨一一" ('divides strokes of two characters), or even less, like "丶一乛'丿乛丨", you can select "旗鱼". If Jolla can improve the input method it would be more convenient. Users no longer need to type and select, type and select. Just type type type, and select. Also it would be nice to expand the characters database for Simplified Chinese, many characters is missed. Thank you.

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answered 2016-10-11 15:22:21 +0200

Zhang gravatar image

支持一下,不过jolla 似乎没有大陆工作人员,只有一个香港的,本土化做成这样已经不错了,更多的要依靠国内的水手了。 

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Asked: 2016-10-10 17:01:16 +0200

Seen: 157 times

Last updated: Oct 11 '16