Gallery question [answered]
So, in Gallery
You click on a picture to get the full screen version - is there a way to jump directly back to the thumbnails rather than having to close & re-open the app?
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
So, in Gallery
You click on a picture to get the full screen version - is there a way to jump directly back to the thumbnails rather than having to close & re-open the app?
Tap once on the picture and you'll get the 'Share' menu appear.
Swipe back to the thumbnails.
It's not very obvious.
Even with you explaining, it took me a moment to notice the 3 dots on the top left
Cosmic_Kakapo ( 2014-01-14 16:09:59 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-01-14 15:59:55 +0200
Seen: 159 times
Last updated: Jan 14 '14
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