[Suggestion] Show details in Notification screen when more than 1 email has been received [released]
When more than one new email message has been received, the information on the notification screen just says "N new e-mails" without any further info about account, sender, content etc.
Considering that SailfishOS is all about glanceability, it would be logical to provide the user with this most important information without him having to open the e-mail app.
By the way, if only one new message has been received, there are some details being shown. IMO, this should be implemented for multiple messages too.
Yes, please. As I understand the notification screen, there is one row for each service/system, so one for facebook, one for email, one for calls, one for sms, etc. Since I do not use fb, twatter, etc., my notification screen uses only about 3 rows. That is a total waste of space and worse, a waste of information.
Make it configurable, please, make it possible to un-stack each service. Make it possible to mark a service as "sticky", so it is always displayed. Make these options combinable.
For example, I might like to always see how many unanswered calls I have, but I want all fresh emails un-stacked in order of reception.
Or make it possible to mark one account sticky and always display the 5 most recent messages, overflow all other messages.
The current behavior is annoying, especially if you use a Pebble and you receive the notification "One new E-mail" on your watch. Then you still need to fetch your phone from the pocket to see the topic/sender .
Also, if the second email is received, the phone does not vibrate/nor play a sound. Make that configurable too, please.
the_mgt ( 2015-01-06 13:27:32 +0200 )edit