Storage usage: What is "Sailfish OS and other files"?

asked 2016-10-26 01:48:12 +0200

epsilonijk gravatar image

I constantly have trouble with the internal storage being full, at least from the btrfs point of view which thinks, everything is allocated while the storage summary in settings actually lists 3.5 GB as free.

The most surprising data point there (apart from the negative value for "other user data) is that it claims "Sailfish OS and other files" take up 5.1 GB of space. I have no idea what is supposed to take up so much memory, therefore my question: What does it count for this number?

I originally thought, it was the stale backup vault data, but I had recently exported the data to SD card, cleared the vault and imported back.

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when i was at 90+ usage from btrfs point of view i had to move like 7GB 3.5 as free was not enough for balancer to do his job correctly. best is to enlist all files bigger than.... and clean or move whatever is yours

i had one big strange file in androing section that was actually not as big as it claimed to be .

pawel ( 2016-10-26 09:27:35 +0200 )edit