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Replacement earpiece fitting

asked 2016-11-28 16:06:57 +0200

davekelly gravatar image

updated 2016-11-29 13:45:58 +0200

Ok folks, I'm going through the process of replacing the earpiece speaker and loudspeaker, the bottom loudspeaker has succesfully gone in, the top earpiece speaker not to much . . . . . I've had the phone apart twice now, pretty straightforwards thanks to the how - to I followed on here, but clearly I've either not done something quite right or the speaker is wrong, I purchased a speaker off ebay described and recommended on here as "Earpiece Speaker For Nokia Lumia 435 500 530 610 625 720 820 920".

As you can see it sits pretty centrally, I've actually just adjusted it as it seemed over to the right so in the image(s) here it is pretty central, although I personally thought it seemed smaller than the original. Like I said, second time around and still not working, not sure how to progress so looking for somer guidance if anyone has any suggestions? I noticed the brass contacts seemed to be raised and the part that sticks up (on the original) looked to me to be at the bottom, so I am unsure if that was right or not as it seems I'm not getting any power at all to the speaker, but I can't make out where it needs to make contact exactly, or even if it matter which way up it is? Thanks. Dave



EDIT 29.11.2016

I'm now convincing myself that this is the wrong size speaker they've sent me, according to my logic, in the image below is the back of the PCB where the speaker should make contact, the USB point has a steel looking strap across it and below are two brass contact points, this 'HAS' to be the speaker contact points on the board surely? It seems to line up and I can't see what else they may be for?


In this image, I've sat the speaker on top with the contacts facing downwards, I can't conceivably see how the contacts on the speaker could possibly make any contact, it just doesn't seem wide enough, can anyone back my theory up from experience? I might as wel order another speaker and leave it in bits for the time being if so. . . . . . . . Thanks Folks. FWIW the speaker measures approx: 10x5x2.2mm and the hole it goes in measures about 12.5 x 6mm so there is an obvious gap all the way around the outer edge.


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Looks right to me. It can only go in one of two ways. You shouldn't need to do anything other than remove the old, fit the new, reassemble and bingo!, job done. If you haven't already, spin the speaker the other way and try again - I'm feeling that you already have tried both ways round. If not, perhaps the speaker is 'dead-on-arrival'...?

I got mine from http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161445648014?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT and it even came in a little sealed protective tray.

Spam Hunter ( 2016-11-28 19:43:31 +0200 )edit

@fmotl thanks for the suggestion, I haven't tried it the other vway round so I will - it had occurred to me that it could be faulty, although I assumed they should be tested but who knows, so if turning it around doesn't workthen I'll get anothoer off your link as the place I got mine from got the order wrong twice before I sent them back and re-ordered so I won't be going back there . . . . .

davekelly ( 2016-11-29 12:15:13 +0200 )edit

Ordered one from same source as fmotl and it should measure 12.5mm with lug making it a fraction longer as is tight fit. Getting the two cable connectors to sit flat for re-assembly however is a right pain.

aspergerguy ( 2016-11-29 15:54:52 +0200 )edit

@aspergerguy thanks for your input, I'll order one now then and hopefully have it working by weekend!

davekelly ( 2016-11-29 17:42:45 +0200 )edit

Sorry, which device is this for? Jolla 1 or Jolla c?

anidel ( 2017-02-12 12:16:11 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-12-01 20:40:56 +0200

davekelly gravatar image

Thanks for the suggestions and input and also a big thank you to the original guy that did the how - to that convinced me to have a go at repairing the phone myself, it was a lot more straightforward than I imagined, the speaker I'd been sent was too small and incorrect, I had ordered the right one but the ebay seller had sent the wrong one, change of seller to the one mentioned above and all is now well, couple of images here that may hopefully help someone in the future:

The image below is the two speakers side by side, you can see the one out of packet is obviously too small when side by side with the correct one.


he new correct speaker is a snug fit.


As this one didn't have a self adhesive back the only thing I did to it was seat it on some double sided tape and cut around it with a blade.


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Where is that how-to you were referring to? I'm searching for good instructions how to disassemble the phone...

Yo ( 2018-06-10 19:44:09 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-11-28 16:06:57 +0200

Seen: 387 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '16