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Links dont open outside of browser.

asked 2016-12-01 10:01:52 +0200

DarkTuring gravatar image

updated 2016-12-01 10:03:35 +0200

Basically any link i select that is a hyperlink will not open the browser.

selection menu for browsers

long press link in android error

When i select the sailfish browser it briefly jumps to a new screen then back to the selection of browsers to open the link. It does the same when selecting Aurora browser.

This happens in SFOS native app links, or in Android App links external to the browser, but which call a browser to open and paste the link into.

Its basically broken.

Within sailfish browser links open and copy ok.

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Works fine for me from all sources (tried whatsapp, sms and email). I only have SF browser installed. AF Fiskarsinjoki

fstrahlm ( 2016-12-01 13:34:43 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2016-12-01 17:35:51 +0200

DarkTuring gravatar image

If you experiencing that issue i did the following.

  1. dete other browsers except Sailfish,
  2. in Mime settings select sailfish browser,
  3. in utilities rebuid app registry,
  4. after reboot links work properly again,


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actually only worked until next reboot then links wont open in browser again, instead jumpy behavior and sailfish flickering in and out of existence for a while for each link trying to be opened.

DarkTuring ( 2016-12-01 22:34:39 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-12-01 10:01:52 +0200

Seen: 233 times

Last updated: Dec 01 '16