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Native deezer app

asked 2016-12-15 13:23:59 +0200

pawel gravatar image

updated 2016-12-15 13:24:42 +0200

I am using deezer and would appreciate an native app.

i need alien dalvik only for:

  • here maps
  • threema
  • deeezer

any chance to get it ?

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does it feature an open api?

tortoisedoc ( 2016-12-15 13:40:55 +0200 )edit

It does but you have to login if you want to view the API but you can use it after making a developer account.

Dylan Van Assche ( 2016-12-15 13:58:40 +0200 )edit

It'd be a breeze then :)

juiceme ( 2016-12-16 21:00:35 +0200 )edit


  1. Include Deezer to accounts and Jolla's media application.
  2. Develop new application, develop plugins for local files, Deezer, Spotify and maybe other sources too.
  3. Add Deezer support to existing application.
arle ( 2016-12-17 17:20:11 +0200 )edit

Would be awesome, a native deezer app.

richdb ( 2016-12-21 13:01:10 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-12-17 15:28:22 +0200

yorambh gravatar image

If SailfishOS aims to be a leading platform for mobile privacy and security, Then features/applicatons that put those properties in high priority should be first-class-citizens. the way I see it, only free-software can be considered putting privacy and security in high priority...

So, a native port of the following applications will be considered an almost a must-have by me: ring - peer2peer + SIP audio/video calls (and chat). Signal/Telegram - instant messaging.

everyone is welcome to add his recommendations...

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answered 2018-10-19 23:27:49 +0200

lispy gravatar image

I just dug a bit into it. There are only three ways to stream a deezer song.

  1. iOS SDK
  2. Android SDK
  3. Javascript Player which doesn't run properly on Sailfish Browser

Source: https://developers.deezer.com/

So, I don't see a way of getting this off the ground. Anyone with more insight prove me wrong?? Please?

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I think you're right. Its similar with Spotify. A shame that such modern companies aren't able to provide services over an API.

scharelc ( 2018-10-20 09:48:57 +0200 )edit

I have half-working native Tidal app. But probably I will need help with implementing some functions (login, improve playback, add playlist/queue support).

kuba77 ( 2018-10-24 00:18:30 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2016-12-15 13:23:59 +0200

Seen: 1,144 times

Last updated: Oct 19 '18