XMPP unreliable after 2.0.5?
Did someone found that sometimes messages aren't delivered when using xmpp after the Sailfish 2.0.5 upgrade? I have two different xmpp accounts (one with autistici.org and another with dukgo.com) and in many occasions I found that I didn't received some messages. After logging off and on again, it starts receiving again.
A/I very recently upgraded their servers so there could be some temporary issues, I also had troubles with messages not being received/sent a few days ago but it seems to be resolved by now. DuckDuckGo's XMPP service is absolutely terrible, they don't support any XEPs and there are constant issues.
Either way, if you're using a Jolla device, for now you're still better off using the Android application Conversations for XMPP, because the XMPP implementation in Sailfish is missing several features to really make it work on mobile phones. Work is being done to add the missing features, but it takes time. Also see the links I have posted here: https://together.jolla.com/question/154191/opensource-alternative-to-alien-dalvik/?answer=154211#post-id-154211
nthn ( 2016-12-28 23:11:12 +0200 )editThanks. I prefer using native applications, so I'll disable ddg's xmpp for a while to see if a/i xmpp is working properly now.
Giskard ( 2016-12-28 23:53:02 +0200 )editI still think that there's something wrong. After a period of using both Xabber and the native xmpp chat, I found that some messages that had arrived on my Xabber didn't arrive on my sailfish chat client (thus excluding server issues). This after chat sessions with the same contact to whom I responded only with the native client. I'll try to use both for some more time to be sure.
Giskard ( 2017-01-14 15:54:02 +0200 )editStrange, it seems to work fine for me with A/I. All messages I send and receive in the native XMPP chat also show up in Conversations and Gajim, and messages sent/received in Conversations and Gajim also show up in the native XMPP chat. I'm sure that at least Xabber doesn't support most of the necessary XEPs such as XEP-0280, XEP-0313 and XEP-0198 which allow for receiving messages offline and in all clients. You could try it again with Conversations instead of Xabber and see if you still get these issues.
My native XMPP chat is set up with the plugins I linked earlier installed and configured, of course.
nthn ( 2017-01-14 16:06:07 +0200 )editUsing A/I too. I ditched DDG because it kept disconnecting and giving certificate errors. Bitlbee client on my pc, Xabber and native XMPP on Jolla. When I send from native XMPP, my message are shown also on the other clients, the opposite is not true, since, as far as I know, telepathy-gabble does not support carbons yet. But that's not the main problem, which is that in a previous chat I received a message from one of my contact on both Bitlbee and Xabber, but not on native XMPP client. Before doing this test I was using only the native client and I noticed that many times I didn't received messages from my contacts.
Giskard ( 2017-01-14 16:30:21 +0200 )edit