E-Mail: Selection of multiple e-mails at once
asked 2014-01-15 22:31:22 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
To select multiple e-mails, I have to select the corresponding entry from pulley menu and then tap each e-mail individually. There should be a mechanism allowing to select sequential e-mails with just a single gesture, e.g.:
- Pinch open or close over all e-mails visible and to be selected
- Tapping the first e-mail in the sequence and holding while sliding down with another finger to the last one to be selected (this would even allow scrolling to pick more e-mails than do fit on a screen)
- Tapping the first e-mail in the sequence and holding while tapping with another finger the last one to be selected (if this would be combined with a swipe by the other finger, again this would allow for scrolling to pick more e-mails than do fit on a screen)
Whatever solution, it should be combined with the option to select also individual mails as it works currently.
A two finger gesture (hold with one finger, pull with another (fast enough, before the menu opens) might be one option to enable this.
simo ( 2014-01-20 20:33:35 +0200 )edit