E-mail: Link to attachments & Save as
asked 2014-01-15 22:40:39 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I may have missed something, but I was not able to open/copy/whatsoever an e-mail attachment from within the Sailfish e-mail client. It was a sound file, so it could have been simply played or (better) given additional options such as opening a file manager in the right directory with the file in question highlighted. (Starting a file manager from outside the e-mail app, eventually I found my attached file.)
There should be a link from the attachment information in the e-mail client (at best in the list of e-mails as well as when the individual mail is shown) to the actual file either (or alternatively) by:
- Long tap
- Pulley menu (expecting that in case of multiple attachments, all are saved to the same directory)
- Tap + pulley menu
- Swiping to the left either the whole mail screen (i.e. within the e-mail information) or swiping to the left just the attachment information.
Edited the tittle a bit to bring more visibility.
VDVsx ( 2014-01-17 09:19:58 +0200 )editSimmilar issue here with Release -> opening xls attachment seems to work -> opening pdf attachment does't work - attachment state is "not downloaded" klicking on it is doing absolutely nothing, android pdf reader is installed... :(
Firpo ( 2014-01-21 12:36:34 +0200 )edit@Firpo What type of account ?
VDVsx ( 2014-01-22 08:13:24 +0200 )editIt's a IMAP4 Account. But, the behaviour seems to me much more complicated - not enought characters in the comment field, will create a answer with the description...
Firpo ( 2014-01-22 10:16:22 +0200 )edit@VDVsx: Pop3
jgr ( 2014-01-22 11:36:02 +0200 )edit