Support of additional filesystems (needed kernel modules)

asked 2017-01-21 13:25:25 +0300

gabs5807 gravatar image

updated 2017-02-03 19:49:50 +0300

I see some request about the support of additional filesystems. On jolla store and warehouse are some tools/apps (frontend and backand) which enable the access to crypted filesystems, NFS and CIFS/SMB filesystems.

The problem with all this tools are that they are only work on the jolla phone and not on the jolla tablet nor on the community ports (the filesystem support of cifs and nfs e.g. from NielDK at warehouse works only on the phone). The reason is, the community developers are not able to test their software on all devices. So the best would be that jolly deliver a native support (kernel moduls and command line tools) for this file systems. As i know this will not conflict with any available (in jolla kernel already existing) software/function and it did not increase the install/installed image to much.

The benefit is, that this modules and commanline tools are also available on jolla deliverd kernels and on the well-kept community ports and the community apps can use this nativ tools.

I tried many tools (dnla clients, owncloud, ..) to get access to central storage for syncronisation, backup, multimedia access and some more. But i have not the desired success with this tools :-(, because many APIs are only partly supported by the server and/or the apps. With support of these three filesystems syncronisation, backup, .. should be very easy.

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Especially NFS should be a must have in file browser. Little bit frustrating to do the terminal command after every reboot...

h.berd ( 2017-01-21 23:08:51 +0300 )edit

... maybe also a kernel module for btrfs on JollaC (for sdcards...)

cy8aer ( 2017-02-03 22:50:58 +0300 )edit