Jolla + Sony Xperia Q&A
asked 2017-02-27 17:10:55 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
This is the big news. HUUUUUGE news in fact. Every Jolla user expected exactly that. Quality HW and SFOS officially supported by Jolla. But we have questions.
Post questions as separate answers and hopefully @veskuh or @james or anyone else at jolla will answer. In case this doesn't work on TJC we can take the questions to one of the community meetings.
Fire away.
Edit 2017.03.02 by I suggeted to discuss the Q&A in the upcoming Jolla community meeting, feel free to add yourself as substitute as likely I won't attend.
Edit chemist: if you start a specific Q&A you might also have it as wiki so teh actual Q&A can be added to the op. Please, do not put your questions into answers.
Answers: The answers to most of the questions can be summed in section 3. of This page
Edit 2017.06.29 by William: the blog post
Edit 2017-06-30 by Direc: The blog post now contains an FAQ section as an update.
Edit 2017-07-13 by h.berd: Look at the recent comments of the blog post about the 20MP AOSP driver blog post and maemo
Edit 2017-08-01 by ghling: The blog post was updated to announce the first images are available to the cbeta group.
Edit 2017-09-27 by ghling: According to a new blog post, the sale for Sailfish X now should start October 4th with the first relase still be available October 11th. To flash the images, you will need to use Sony's Emma Tool for Windows. See my recent answer for more details.
Edit 2017-10-04 by olf: From Jolla's shop, "As of October 4 only Jolla Tablet refund voucher customers can use the sales site. The wider sales opening will happen at the same time with the software delivery start.", which is still supposed to happen October 11.
1) The slides stated that SFOS will be supported on a range of devices. Will those devices be available from the jolla store or a user can buy (from any ventor) and then install SFOS on one.?
2) Will sony give jolla access to the SW that powers its really good cameras so SFOS can fully exploit them?
3) Can we have a compact X on the store tomorrow :P
PS. I am so excited about this :D :D
ApB ( 2017-02-27 17:16:51 +0200 )editMee too...almost nose-bleeding like hyped... posting here for later reads hope we will get here more details.
PatsJolla ( 2017-02-27 17:21:42 +0200 )edit4) will it support Android as previous "official" devices?
pemek ( 2017-02-27 17:22:23 +0200 )edit@pemek that would be a must...alien-dalvik is unfortunately too much needed on everyday basis.
PatsJolla ( 2017-02-27 17:24:37 +0200 )edit1.) Will the Dual Sim models be supported if the single sim devices are going to receive SFOS?
2.) When can we expect the first Xperias with SFOS?
Armadillo ( 2017-02-27 17:29:28 +0200 )edit