Snapchat login temporarly failed
Hi there!
I recently downloaded snapchat and wanted to try it out on sailfish but when I try to login it say's "Oh no your login temporarily failed, so please try again later " I wanted to resolve this issue
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Hi there!
I recently downloaded snapchat and wanted to try it out on sailfish but when I try to login it say's "Oh no your login temporarily failed, so please try again later " I wanted to resolve this issue
I doubt it's SafetyNet, the VMs I used today never passed it. It must be some other check, it's not about su binary either, I'm pretty clueless right now. Anyway, I came up with something today. This is not a solution everyone will like, but some terminal voodoo let me run Snapchat on my phone. This might be useful to someone.
First of all, I installed Snapchat on an Android VM. Here is catch, not every single one would work. Installing Android x86 on VirtualBox - no go, same error. Andy failed me miserably. Both Bluestacks and Remix OS Player did work, I used the latter because well, Bluestacks is a bloated piece of crap.
Here is a catch though. We can't root Jolla C/AquaFish for now, which means no Titanium Backup. Sad. You should be able to do the backup part using it though. I went with the old fashioned way. Remember to enable developer mode if you're going down this road. After logging in to Snapchat, backup your credentials this way:
Open terminal
cd /data/data
tar -cvf /sdcard/snapchat.tar
Remix OS image came with super outdated tar, you might come across an issue with filenames longer than 100 bytes. If this happens, not all the files will be packaged, so you have to manually remove/rename files to avoid that. I assume using Titanium Backup or something instead should suffice too.
Now you need your backup transferred to your Jolla. I used this:
For adb to work you need to enable developer mode. Also make sure ssh is enabled on your Jolla and you have your password handy.
ssh into your Jolla, run devel-su and cd to /opt/alien/data/data
ls -la | grep // note the username. I had perms problem the first time I tried that and failed.
tar -xvf /home/nemo/snapchat.tar
chown -R 10064:10064 // replace 10064 with username you got from ls command
If you made any changes during backup, reset them.
Now you should be able to open Snapchat on your phone (it's borderline unstable for me, but it does open, so that's something I guess).
It works for me now for some reason. Here are a few more tips though:
updated instructions:
su # works fine from adb
mv /data/data/ /data/data/snapfiles # because files from ./files have too long filenames
cd /data/data/
tar -cvf /sdcard/snapchat.tar .
mv /data/data/snapfiles /data/data/
adb pull, scp, untar and chown remain mostly the same but you need to change paths a bit
pisarz1958 ( 2017-06-06 10:46:51 +0200 )editIt's work but I will just add some informations:
Also I have lot of problem with adb and scp with Remix Os Player. So I just send me the tar by email.
francisbbelisle ( 2017-10-07 02:03:38 +0200 )editI'm glad to hear that my "guide" worked for you. You should be able to pull the file over adb from the VM after rebooting it though. Yes, just having Snapchat installed and ran for the first time, you probably already have "files" on your phone, and "lib" is just a symlink to /opt/alien/data/app-lib/
. I never had to do anything to make sure files on my phone are not replaced, as tar treats the VM file as symlink as well.
Great! I used Remix simply because I have no Android device and I noticed that most emulators are either really bad, or can't run snapchat (same issue as on SFOS), or both. Basically any Android device you could extract these files from (rooted?) will work.
pisarz1958 ( 2017-11-09 23:47:40 +0200 )editSafetyNet check fails on my AquaFish, not sure what causes this (maybe Android 5.x with 4.4.4 API level is suspicious? no clue), but there are quite a lot of apps which use that API, including Snapchat. Can someone check that as well to make sure it's not an isolated feature. I did a lot of weird things to my AlienDalvik files.
it's the same as with Pokemon Go, see the last pages of this thread:
I fear SailfishOS will never pass Safetynet
balta ( 2017-03-19 17:51:36 +0200 )editHi,
Same issue here. Now I'm using "Casper" (android app) as an alternative client. It's not perfect and some features are missing but you can at least view/download snaps and manage your friends (add, delete, block...) so it can be a good workaround. You can find more information about Casper (and official APK) here:
I have also found another alternative but not tried:
Hope this can help...
This issue faced by many Android and iPhone users, the main problem which causes you can not sign in on Snapchat is that you are likely running on the rooted device, and Snapchat is decline root user, yet there are many other causes for that you fix login temporarily failed on Snapchat. Check out here that other causes and fixes.
Brad Pitt ( 2017-11-21 14:27:57 +0200 )editI had this issue too, until today. I am not sure exactly why it started to work. I didn't follow pisarz1958 sollution
The things I have done since my last login attempt is:
Not tested:
Don't know for how long this will work or if it works after upgrading to latest snapchat version.
We can see here the way to hack snapchat online that we are all needing here.
snapch23 ( 2018-04-13 06:57:21 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2017-03-12 22:24:40 +0200
Seen: 3,663 times
Last updated: Feb 08 '18
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If I understand this correctly, Snapchat is doing some checks whether your device is rooted or you used third-party apps etc. and this check fails on SFOS for some reason, leaving you with an error message that tells you absolutely nothing. I don't think there is a known workaround.
pisarz1958 ( 2017-03-15 00:24:42 +0200 )editHas anyone tried using rootcloak for this?
mwilson2367 ( 2017-03-18 02:17:28 +0200 )editI don't think rootcloak works with Snapchat, as Xposed Framework presence is being checked by Snapchat as well. We could try installing Snapchat in an Android VM/non-rooted device, log in and move the config (tokens etc.) to Jolla with Titanium Backup.
pisarz1958 ( 2017-03-19 16:22:47 +0200 )edit