Too many problems... [not a question]
When buying a Jolla, I knew there would be some problems. However, I did not expect it this bad. After nearly one month with the device I have to say, it is nearly unusuable. I reset the device several times, reinstalled apps, to no effect. The issues:
- Documents does not recognize any .pdfs. Those .pdfs I downloaded with Android apps (K9, Dolphin) can at least be opened with Adobe Reader for Android. Those downloaded with Joll mail or the Jolla web browser are neither found by “Documents“, nor by Adobe Reader. Lately, a friend sent me a .jpg - guess what: I cannot open it. Jolla mail not even shows the attachment, K9 Android can download it, but then there's no way to open it. Not with "Gallery“, not with any of the two file browsers currently available on the Jolla market.
- Even worse: any files downloaded with an Android app CANNOT BE DELETED! I don't have the right to delete them.
- I cannot transfer the unreadable and undeletable files to my Mac to open them there. Not with bluetooth, not with via USB.
- Text copied/cut in an Android app can only be inserted in another Android app, not in a Sailfish app, and vice versa.
- When surfing, half of the screen is covered by the keyboard, that won't close.
- I had to format a SD card to make it readable by the Jolla, and copies some music onto it. Now the phone detects the card - at least sometimes. When I open "Media“, I never know what will happen: are the files found or not?! If not (half of the time, at least), I have to reboot the device, and try again.
- It's still impossible ro send emails with the Jolla mail app (using a account with pop3).
- The keyboard remembers passwords. I logges into a gmail account ( only use it for receiving spam though ^^), and now the ttping suggestions show my password, whenever I use the Browser.
- Android headsets don't work.
- Every now and then an app suddenly closes, and I'm askes to install the ugly “Snow White” ambiance. I don't.
- Battery drains within hours, when surfing the web much. Plus the device gets really hot on the top back. (- Only btw: why did Jolla never communicate the SAR, aren't they obliged to do so?)
There's more, but let's leave it for now. To sum up: At this state, I feel deeply disapponted, Jolla seems unusuable for non-developers. It's sad, I really wanted, and still want to, love Jolla. For when the next update, and will it help?
Ok, I used the Jolla web browser to write the text, I don't know what happened to the formatting (- list entries). QED
naitsirhc ( 2014-01-16 20:01:39 +0200 )editI think that many of your problems will be solved with the January update. I guess most of us normal users didn't know that the OS will still be in beta when receiving the phone, but I am confident that after two months and new updates these annoying things will be behind us.
Neo ( 2014-01-16 20:28:39 +0200 )editI've not come across a pdf that can't be opened however I quite often get a blank screen; swipe to the home screen then click back on documents and it shows.
The keyboard can be moved by swiping down on the keyboard from one of the letters.
Mail works great for me so I'd guess it's a configuration issue. It's SMTP btw for sending not POP3.
Hopefully an update fixes some of these issues and you work out the right settings for mail.
aegis ( 2014-01-17 02:37:05 +0200 )editHaven't had any problems with pdf's (used lots of them), have you downloaded all the updates? After the latest update battery life has been great (better than my Galaxy Note). Have had no problems with headsets (Sennheiser PX310BT). What are you using? Hope the next update will fix calendar issues.
mkk ( 2014-01-17 04:57:41 +0200 )editI can confirm some of the problems you mention. As a matter of fact I was ready to sell the phone on ebay when I got it based on the comments of users after the DNA event. However, after playing around some hours with the device it became clear that it is not that bad and I've used it for 3 weeks now as my main phone without missing my N8 ( I miss only the call recorder). It certainly still has it's glitches and shortcomings, but not that much that I can't use the phone.
Jörg ( 2014-01-17 11:35:53 +0200 )edit