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How to attach a PDF in Whatsapp?

asked 2017-07-19 14:31:40 +0200

danfin gravatar image

updated 2017-09-28 14:54:48 +0200

jiit gravatar image

hi Sailors - wanting to attach a PDF, whatsapp presents a 'documents' folder hidden somewhere in a jungle. It does not seem to be my jolla sailfish documents folder but it's equivalent in alein-dalvik. How to navigate to there, from whatsapp's documents selector? thanks.

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3 Answers

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answered 2017-07-19 14:46:52 +0200

updated 2017-07-19 15:04:22 +0200

Navigate there in Whatsapp won't work, because usually Android-apps can't access the whole file system.

As a workaround, just copy your files to the WA-Documents folder.

Possibility 1:

use File Browser*

got to /home/nemo/Documents

copy your file

and insert it in /home/nemo/android_storage/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Documents/

Possibility 2:

use Terminal with ...

cp -uv /home/nemo/Documents/Yourfile.pdf /home/nemo/android_storage/WhatsApp/Media/WhatsApp Documents/

*also available in the Jolla store

**-uv isn't mandatory

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thank you, appreciated, I'll probably use file browser.

danfin ( 2017-07-19 17:58:04 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-09-27 18:48:01 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

Yet another possibility :

Install Alien Dalvik Control by coderus (which now has the functionality formely provided by his older Android Share UI plugin, now deprecated).

You need to go through 2 cascading menus :

But works perfectly from any Sailfish app (document viewer, gallery, file explorer) without you needing to move files around with file managers.

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answered 2017-07-20 17:48:32 +0200

I have installed a file explorer from android like ES file explorer. Or you may try copying files from sailfish location to whatsapp folder.

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Asked: 2017-07-19 14:31:40 +0200

Seen: 1,333 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '17