Need for select only specific contact details to be shared

asked 2017-08-17 23:14:53 +0200

reakolia gravatar image

updated 2017-09-09 18:13:49 +0200

A great feature missed at SFOS: The opportunity to select a specific details from a contact to be shared.

Currently allowed to share/export only all details of a contact together. Occasionally one would _not_ like to share all the details contained in a contact. Therefore the suggestion to have the opportunity to share certain detail only, one or more, which should be selectable from the range of details offered by a contact.

In parallel to the existing option of share a contact in its fully length of details.

Side note: At the N900 that is "Send contacts vcard", whereas the here requested function at the N900 is called "Send contact's details" at the N900. Don't hesitate to power you N900 up again ;-) to check the benefits for that feature in real.

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great idea, however there are basically two standards, Apple, Microsoft vcard, and sharing one with the other usually doesnt always result in the best effects and information being omitted depending on available fields and field names in contacts.

In other words there are no standards and sharing a compressed logical file is a loosing battle UNLESS everyone is using the same software which usually is actually the case at work with people using outlook from microsoft.

Into the frey comes Google with its sharing and vcard features.

I would say new standards are required in general, that address all contact needs more completely and universally and i dont think Jolla needs to worry about that.

DarkTuring ( 2017-08-18 04:37:53 +0200 )edit

Hi 'DarkTuring', thank you for your comment. As this feat-request is not about standards in use, but about SFOS-UI, I think it would be worth to open a new ticket on subject you mentioned: ;-) cheers…

reakolia ( 2017-08-18 13:48:13 +0200 )edit