porting Sailfish app to Tablet
I am missing an Sailfish App, that is Opensource for the Tablett. How can I port this to the Tablet? I have some programming skill, but not in GUIs.
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I am missing an Sailfish App, that is Opensource for the Tablett. How can I port this to the Tablet? I have some programming skill, but not in GUIs.
I tried to compile the project (arm and i486)... which seamed to end succesfull, but I was unable to find/get the .rpm file. Also when I tried to simulate (for both plattforms) I was unable to find the app installed in the simmulator!
Do you know, what that means?
Select the "Deploy by building An RPM package": http://imgur.com/a/Bl4Hp
And you will find the rpms in the RPMS directory.
martonmiklos ( 2017-09-13 00:20:10 +0200 )editIn Tools > Build & Run > (Tab) General you can find the 'Projects Directory' and the 'Default build directory', the standard for the default build directory is:
So this would be: build-harbour-sabas-MerSDK_SailfishOS_i486-Release, this is (a fresh created) directory in the Projects directory. In the directory RPMS you can find the file: harbour-sabas-0.6-1.i486.rpm
rgrnetalk ( 2017-09-15 10:46:40 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2017-08-19 11:58:08 +0200
Seen: 790 times
Last updated: Sep 12 '17
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I'm not app developer, but if I have understood correctly reading threads here, all you have do is to compile the app for i486 architecture in the SFOS SDK.
avhakola ( 2017-08-19 12:24:21 +0200 )edit