Mediaplayer cover hides artist label
I've noticed that the label for the artist is not showing most of the time, that is until you take a screenshot of the cover, then magically, the artist label appears!......I can reproduce this everytime.
To reproduce, simply open Mediaplayer, select a track/album and minimise to cover. Check that cover is NOT displaying the artist label and then take a screenshot using volume controller ( Vol+ + Vol-), while taking the screenshot, notice how artist label slowly appears.
Side note: You'll notice that the song labels are bold/stroked and there is a back button. The magical appearance of the missing artist label happened before I made any of the above modifications to MediaPlayerCover.qml, found in /usr/share/jolla-mediaplayer/cover/.
For the 'previous' track button, simply add this to the CoverActionList at the bottom of the page;
CoverAction {
iconSource: "image://theme/icon-cover-previous-song"
onTriggered: AudioPlayer.playPrevious()
Couldn't reproduce it, but there is a condition that prevents showing artistName when albumartimage is visible:
When there is no albumart, the artistname is shown.
rgrnetalk ( 2017-08-28 20:55:57 +0200 )edit