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How to Android Locale or language switch ?

asked 2017-09-12 06:33:20 +0200

FromKorea gravatar image

Dear I use other language not listed SETTING -Language List English is enough on sailfishOS. But, i want to use my mother language on android app environment. How to ? not temp, forever. I try to android app. but, most app can't change . show me mesage "request ROOTING", normally. now, i use Intex aquafish phone.

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Dear! i try to do. But, Change is nothing. I used OS ver

FromKorea ( 2017-09-12 13:29:05 +0200 )edit

edit /opt/alien/system/build.prop

Moo-Crumpus ( 2017-09-12 14:34:50 +0200 )edit

My trial : 1.edit /opt/alien/system/build.prop ->no change 2.edit /opt/alien/system_jolla/build.prop -> no change 3. Cmd windows #setprop persist.sys.language [code] // en, fr,de #setprop persist.sys.country [code[] // US,FR,DE -> reboot -> no change Confirmly, Variable is changed , but Change is nothing As i see files's content need to change under /opt/alien/data/property/
persist.sys.country / persist.sys.language <--Auto generate file

In result, i can't find out soultion, yet

FromKorea ( 2017-09-12 15:28:22 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2018-09-08 02:15:02 +0200

FromKorea gravatar image

updated 2018-09-08 02:18:23 +0200

Dear ALL

I recently solved This issue without changing app. But, this making fixed language setup on android (System do not effect) Of course, you can change by changing app before you used. But, After rebooting, it restore language that you modified language.

You need to development mode and work terminal window(SSH or contain terminal)

#cd /opt/alien/system/script

#vi plaform_envsetup.sh

Fidn out Variable


Commnet this line and insert new line below


replace "en_US.utf8" to your wanting language

Save and reboot.

whatever your system language is, android language is that you modified things.

In more

If you want to add list on setting menu-> language


#cd /opt/alien/usr/share/jolla-languages-supported

#cp en_US.utf8 // copy example file

#mv en_US.utf ko_KR.utf8 //change name you want

#vi ko_KR.utf8

modifiy that language code

save and exit vi

see setting menu, you can see new language .

If system support language localization, If you choice, it will change all setting that you choiced language.

if not, i can not guarantee what the system do activtion.

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answered 2017-09-14 13:55:53 +0200

FromKorea gravatar image

updated 2017-09-14 13:59:26 +0200

Dear all!
I solved this problem. not perfectly.
For 2 days+A, i collecting infomation. All is development environment!!
And, i get hint property like ADB shell command
"pm grant jp.co.c_lis.ccl.morelocale android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"
First, The reason is " “After 4.2 new Jelly Bean, The protection level definition of CHANGE_CONFIGURATION has been changed."
I searched "android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION" property to all files on phone with ssh (root).
and, i found out some.
1. /home/./android/data/system/packages.xml <--------I try to edit No.1
2. /opt/alien/data/system/package.xml
3. /opt/alien/home/.android/data/system/packages.xml

First, "MORELOCALE 2" app install
edit paclages.xml =>>>editing method is
findout string "jp.co.c_lis.ccl.morelocale" ==> scroll down a bit
find out <perms> => edit <perms><item name="android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION"></item></perms>
Save file ==> Change workplace On TouchScreen(phone screen) not ssh
SailfishOS Setting ->android support -> stop -> start OR reboot.
Run "morelang2" app => change locale =>> end.</perms>

It is temporarily. After reboot, Locale is restore.
Then, Re-change locale with "morelang2" app,
Repeatly every reboot.

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My SailfishOS is ver lijoki

FromKorea ( 2017-09-14 14:29:16 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-09-12 06:33:20 +0200

Seen: 1,879 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '18