Calendar widget needs to be fixed
After 2.1.1 update there are upcomming events in the notifications area. It doesn't show when the event will be just shows day of the week and sometimes you have them doubled or you see events from next week which is annoying. If you could add option to choose when the notifications would be show like how many days in the future or display date.
Yes, the way it is is confusing. I remember There was a friend's birthday showing up in the calendar as the first entry. My mind completely ignored the day of the week because I never expected this in a calendar overview. All I saw was the only real date on that screen: today's date. I thought his birthday was today when it was almost a week later. - I'm sorry I don't have a more constructive idea like "try it this way", but I have to support Mister_Magister when he says it could be improved one way or the other.
ossi1967 ( 2017-10-06 16:14:40 +0200 )editI don't see the problem: all events have a timestamp and also tell you which day they will happen (today, tomorrow or monday-sunday). There are only a limited amount of events visible, and they never go past 1 week in the future, so it's impossible to mix up any days.
nthn ( 2017-10-07 18:08:05 +0200 )edit@nthn they are so confusing
Mister_Magister ( 2017-10-15 13:21:46 +0200 )editBut how? If it shows 'Monday', the event can only ever be on the first Monday to come (although it looks like I made a mistake, it never says 'Tomorrow', only 'Today' or 'Monday-Sunday'). Should the date and time be reversed, so instead of '13:00 Monday' it would say 'Monday 13:00'? Should '13:00 Today' then also be reversed to 'Today 13:00'?
nthn ( 2017-10-15 15:22:15 +0200 )edit