Someone from Spain? I need a Jolla C or Intex Aqua Fish

asked 2017-10-10 01:33:19 +0200

Kalatti gravatar image

Hi, I have been looking for these phones, but new ones are too expensive and I have few economic resources. I would like to know if there is anyone from Spain who could sell me a Jolla C or Intex Aqua Fish.

I am an enthusiast of mobile phones and their operating systems. With the passage of time, I have been able to test different phones and operating systems thanks to the second hand purchase and its sale later. With this, I have managed to go through operating systems such as: BB7, BB10, WP, W10M, Android, iOS, Symbian, etc.

I think it could come to contribute something to this community, I have not found my place in any operating system I have tried and continue to search. Sailfish OS is probably my last cartridge, my last chance.

I apologize for my bad English, I write with the help of the translator.

Thank you.

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