sailfish X - still private?
Hello, I'm considering updating my Jolla 1 to a Sony Xperia X with Sailfish X. Privacy is one of my key motivators - and was similarly so when I bought my J1 in the first place.
Invasive data collection is the norm on all other mobile platforms (even so-called "open" variants - see e.g. here). I can imagine that, for a small company like Jolla, the option to sell data must have very tempting financial rewards.
So: I'd be very grateful if someone could confirm. Does Sailfish X on an an Xperia track behaviour, use, or send any other kind of telemetry to Jolla or any other party? If so, can it be stopped?
As someone who believes in the right to privacy, this is a critical question for me. And, to be clear, it is something I believe in sufficiently to pay money for. So: I would happily pay an annual "subscription" fee for Sailfish in return for a privacy guarantee.
[And in case anyone is wondering: it's not because I want to do illegal things. I simply believe that I should have a choice in what data I share, with whom, and when].
Now this is a great question!
tortoisedoc ( 2017-10-10 21:28:10 +0200 )editGood question but in my opinion its not there business plan to sell data. User data is escpecially usefull if you get a lot of data sets at once and jolla don't have the numbers of users to make this profitable. The big players in the web can provide data for advertising in a much better quality then little jolla. IMO the biggest threat to privacy lays in the usage of third party software and onlineservices in general. If privacy is extremely important you can use a unregistered sim, vpn and no personalized services (email,shopping) on your phone.
h.berd ( 2017-10-10 22:31:36 +0200 )editWhat made you doubt it will be the same as before?
attah ( 2017-10-11 09:58:17 +0200 )edit@attah: several things. (1) the world has moved on a lot since I bought my J1. (2) A data sharing agreement is a plausible part of an agreement between Jolla & Sony. Not saying it is, just that it's never been stated either way as far as I can find. (3) I'm deciding on my next phone. If sailfish continues to respect privacy, then that means I'm willing to consider a (much) reduced set of phone options and features compared to Android/Apple. If it doesn't then I see much, much less justification.
sfinnie ( 2017-10-11 10:58:46 +0200 )editIf in doubt, tcpdump.
gabriel ( 2017-10-11 11:29:43 +0200 )edit