Intex sailfish updates

asked 2017-10-12 14:28:43 +0200

kivanen gravatar image

updated 2017-10-12 14:29:34 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Does Sailfish updates still come to Intex? I noticed that my Intex doesnt find or load those anymore.

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Same with my Jolla C. It only says "waiting for connection" when searching for updates. Seems to be a problem with the update server. I had to update to manually.

SagaciousT ( 2017-10-12 14:33:04 +0200 )edit

@Sagacious: For Jolla C, OTA update came without problem for when it came out. Have you rtried to reboot? Also tried over wifi?

peyo22 ( 2017-10-12 15:09:59 +0200 )edit

My Aqua as jolla C has also received all the updates so far

pawel ( 2017-10-12 15:36:16 +0200 )edit

Updates for the Aquafish are released in cooperation with intex, which delays them. If you "convert" the Aquafish to a Jolla C you'll receive the latest updates and can even join the Early Access group. I've done this the moment I received my Aquafish since I find regular updates important and wanted to get rid of all this Intex bloatware.

Personally, I wouldn't rely on Intex to publish furter updates, but maybe Jolla can tell us more about the situation.

ghling ( 2017-10-12 17:31:48 +0200 )edit