[Wiki] Xperia X Accessories
asked 2017-10-13 14:32:57 +0200
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With SFOS X running on the Xperia X, lets start a wiki with accessories for the device. Feel free to add any experience you made.
Screen Protectors
upscreen spy shield clear: To small to cover the whole front, great as privacy filter (see answer by ghling for more details)
Mumbi protective sheet, to small, too.
Tempered glass screen protector 3D curved: it covers fully the screen.
CNC aluminium casing, fits like a charme, but you have to like the color
Aluminium Case: Great fit and detailed modeled, makes the phone bigger / bulkier (find full review with pictures in the answer by ghling below)
BEZ® leather flipcase (more convenient, less protective)
Terrapin leather flipcase (more protective, less convenient)
fitBAG: I loved the one given with our White N9, it's almost the same :)
Rii bluetooth mini qwerty keyboard (French azerty version verified OK with SailfishX)
Specific question 29.10.2017: Is there experience of rounded edge screen protectors together with flip cases, for example PanzerGlass with Wave BookCase ? Do they overlap or can they be used together?
nice list of affiliate links.
Spark ( 2017-10-16 12:49:46 +0200 )editIndeed, I have shorten the links and removed the unnecessary additions. People, this is supposed to be a place to share your experience with your Xperia X accessories (e.g. "it fits / doesn't fit", "it works / doesn't work",...), not to make little bucks (if any) on behalf of other peoples privacy. Please remove any parameters not needed to visit the item (for Amazon, that would be anything after the 10 char item code) or refrain from posting links at all. Thanks.
ghling ( 2017-10-17 09:55:01 +0200 )editNubuck Leather with Credit Card slot from Snakehive
ljimonad4iks ( 2018-03-31 10:29:28 +0200 )edit