Native browser breaks
I am experiencing strange browser behavior on SailfishX. It often simply breaks and returns me to the main launcher screen. any fixes for that?
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I am experiencing strange browser behavior on SailfishX. It often simply breaks and returns me to the main launcher screen. any fixes for that?
Sailfish browser is terribly outdated, it's based on Firefox 38.
Personally, I recommend using Opera Mobile instead, you can download apk there:
Yes. Forget it and install F-Droid and subsequently Fennec The Firefox dev mobile browser
I don't know what is going on with the native browser but it is very slow compared to Fennec and seems to render in odd ways sometimes. Like input boxes filling the width of the whole screen etc.
Fennec seems to work fine and as I use it as my daily driver on my Android phone quite happy to use it on Sailfish too.
Only a recommendation. The choice is yours obviously.
Good luck.
answered 2017-10-14 22:17:49 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Or try 'Webcat'. A native webbrowser. Works very wel and looks nice and simple!
Yeah, but Fennec is based on FF 56 and so supports lots of things like WebRTC and H264 playback.
Webcat is a poor relation in that instance.
veritanuda ( 2017-10-15 05:15:30 +0200 )editI persevered with the SFOS browser for a year. I reported bugs and raised issues on github but got little response and development seems minimal. Jolla seem to give it little priority whereas for me it's the most important app there is. So I've given up and gone over to Firefox (fennec) which I already use on Android tablet and Linux. I get it from Mozilla:
It's great to have addons and userstyles available.
See this about language:
I am using Lightning or Privacy Browser from FDroid. There are two issues though: Could not make it work to pen the page from other applications. I tried Mimer but I get the home address. The second is the difference in behavior between Android and Sailfish. A sailfish close is not identical to an Android one. If one wants cookies deleted on exit then a long press on the "back" button is needed.
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Asked: 2017-10-14 15:37:00 +0200
Seen: 798 times
Last updated: Oct 15 '17
Don't enforce focus to textfield [answered]
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Sorry, no fixes. I just think Jolla should but more resources on delevoping the browser. You don't need an app for most things if you just have a good browser.
olli ( 2017-10-14 22:17:16 +0200 )edit