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install google services on sailfish x

asked 2017-11-06 19:19:16 +0200

erdinch gravatar image

updated 2017-11-06 22:15:39 +0200

ced117 gravatar image

can anyone help me out? i want google services for certain apps that require it.mymetro , youtube and google maps are what i need the most, but requires google services. any up to date instructions and files needed?

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If you're a bit techie, you can install MicroG instead: https://together.jolla.com/question/169496/xperia-x-microg/

Sthocs ( 2017-11-07 00:10:08 +0200 )edit

Regarding youtube, the native jolla version YTPlayer is very recommendable...

g ( 2017-12-02 15:50:03 +0200 )edit

There are some alternatives for these use cases, which additionally respect your privacy, work offline and partially provide more functionality:

In short: Usually one does not need Google Services and IMHO should avoid using them, which is easily feasible by using alternatives.

olf ( 2017-12-02 18:50:32 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-06 22:27:27 +0200

aspergerguy gravatar image

updated 2017-12-02 12:45:55 +0200

Tanghus gravatar image

Follow HtheB's method in this thread:link text


[root@Sailfish nemo]# cd /opt/alien/system/priv-app
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# cp /home/nemo/Downloads/GmsCore.apk .
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# cp /home/nemo/Downloads/Phonesky.apk .
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# cp /home/nemo/Downloads/GoogleLoginService.apk .
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# cp /home/nemo/Downloads/GoogleServicesFramework.apk .
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# chmod 664 GmsCore.apk
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# chmod 664 Phonesky.apk
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# chmod 664 GoogleLoginService.apk
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# chmod 664 GoogleServicesFramework.apk
[root@Sailfish priv-app]# cd /home/nemo/Downloads/
[root@Sailfish Downloads]# unzip system.zip
Archive: system.zip
creating: system/etc/
creating: system/etc/permissions/
inflating: system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml
inflating: system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.maps.xml
creating: system/framework/ inflating: system/framework/com.android.future.usb.accessory.jar
inflating: system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar
[root@Sailfish Downloads]# cp -avR ./system/ /opt/alien/
./system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.maps.xml' ->/opt/alien/system/etc/permissions /com.google.android.maps.xml'
./system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml' ->/opt/alien/system/etc/permissions /android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml'
./system/framework/com.android.future.usb.accessory.jar' ->/opt/alien/system/framework /com.android.future.usb.accessory.jar' ./system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar' ->/opt/alien/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar'
[root@Sailfish Downloads]# chmod 664 /opt/alien/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar
[root@Sailfish Downloads]# chmod 664 /opt/alien/system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.maps.xml
[root@Sailfish Downloads]#

Install Aptoide and find older version of Play Store within Play Store and update existing version (4.5.10) from above but don't open Store yet.

You then need to stop Store updating following either:link text or more likely:link text

Just applied to F5122 running to double check procedure.

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answered 2017-11-06 20:27:20 +0200

XFish gravatar image

Use Aptoide store to install Google Play Store services, this works without trouble, the Google Play Store you can also download and install, the problem however is app will not launch in current version of Alien Dalvik, so no Google Play apo downloads, install possible, i tried the Google Play store on the SFOS browser but also no install, download possible even though it says was downloaded installed, weird.

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Didn't get that. Works or not?

Sthocs ( 2017-11-07 00:05:58 +0200 )edit

it works, but u get the google play service not installed error message

erdinch ( 2017-11-07 02:16:45 +0200 )edit

To install Google Play Services just install Google maps and it will link you to Google services in Play Store. I have Play Market Installed on my Xperia X with and it works just fine.

White ( 2017-11-07 11:45:00 +0200 )edit

@White what version of Play Store do you have? I wasn't able to get working recent Play Store (no app downloading, everything else works fine).

velemas ( 2017-11-08 14:05:38 +0200 )edit

Google Play Store ver. 7.3.25 working.

LumoUkko ( 2017-11-09 16:29:53 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2017-11-06 19:19:16 +0200

Seen: 4,451 times

Last updated: Dec 02 '17