How can I migrate Android app, data and settings to Sailfish X?
Taking WhatsApp as an example, which files from an existing Android device would I have to copy where on the Sailfish X in order to retain all settings and contents?
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Taking WhatsApp as an example, which files from an existing Android device would I have to copy where on the Sailfish X in order to retain all settings and contents?
I copied settings for a few apps by copying the /opt/alien/data/data/ directory and fixing the permissions like so (using iMoodJournal as an example here):
$ devel-su # cd /opt/alien/data/data # tar cvf ~nemo/moodjournal.tar com.inexika.imood
$ devel-su # cd /opt/alien/data/data # ls -l
# tar xvf ~nemo/moodjournal.tar # chown -R 10042.10042 com.inexika.imood
Depending on the app there might be some more data you need to copy (e.g. ~/android_storage), but I've tried to avoid becoming an expert at Android, so I'm only figuring this out as I go ;-)
I just migrated my WhatsApp data from Android to SFOS but while I will list what I think are the steps below, there may be unnecessary steps or the order of some could be wrong. I'm not going to try it again since I'm happy I managed to do it once. Still perhaps the next victim could improve the steps:
android:Internal Storage/WhatsApp
to sailfishos:~/android_storage/WhatsApp
as mentioned aboveDatabases
and Media
directories in the WhatsApp folder, delete all others (should only be Backups
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Asked: 2017-11-08 13:33:16 +0200
Seen: 1,853 times
Last updated: Jun 18 '20
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In case of Whatsapp, you have to backup your chat history to a file and transfer that to your Xperia X before starting Whatsapp for the first time. The process is described in the Whatsapp FAQs.
The fact that Whatsapp has inbuilt backup/restore functions indicates that every Android app is responsible for their own data and settings.
ziellos ( 2017-11-08 15:14:08 +0200 )editFor whatsapp, before running it on the Xperia, do that on your current phone (install Android Support on Xperia first):
scp -r ~/android_storage/WhatsApp nemo@<xperia_ip_address>:~/android_storage/
For the rest, you shouldn't use too much Android apps so just move on to Sailfish apps ;)
Sthocs ( 2017-11-09 11:11:23 +0200 )editWhatsapp backup on Google drive is not reliable, copy and paste your local backup works better. Nemo/android_storage/WhatsApp/Databases/msgstore.db.cypt12 However, image files are not stored in that backup file.
danfin ( 2017-11-09 11:15:37 +0200 )editi have copied the back up files from my android phone to Xperia XA2 ultra and able to restore the backup. but i am not able to download any media file after that. has someone else faced same issue?
bane07 ( 2020-06-21 09:29:11 +0200 )edit