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again about some pc sync

asked 2017-11-10 02:09:51 +0200

luca gravatar image

After lots of improvments and so far as Sailfish X, is there some EASY way to sync calender and contacts OFFLINE? I think users have been asking since so long! or have I missed something? Thanx you all!

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well formulated headline: "again" "some" "pc sync"... ;-)

lumen ( 2017-11-11 08:51:47 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-11-10 08:49:16 +0200

danfin gravatar image

you might try SyncMate https://www.sync-mac.com/syncmate-features.html for Mac, it seems to sync all kinds of devices, for example 'MTP device'. I doubt that will be enough for Contacts, Appointments, or To-Do's. (O.K. to-do's we will have to wait for anyways)

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What makes you think the user has a Mac?

Spam Hunter ( 2017-11-10 12:21:47 +0200 )edit

well I did not exactly think he has... Just thought 'gee there's a local syncing tool that goes that way'. Plus I like the idea of offline syncing.

danfin ( 2017-11-10 15:23:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-11-10 12:28:17 +0200

luca gravatar image

I actually have no Mac, wanna skip their cloud too...

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Asked: 2017-11-10 02:09:51 +0200

Seen: 215 times

Last updated: Nov 10 '17