next update for sailfish x? [off-topic]
when is the next update for official sailfish x?
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
when is the next update for official sailfish x?
The version in my Sailfish X is Kymijoki, currently, but is available for those with Early Access. The EA test period is usually a couple of weeks. The release notes for Kymijoki reads that the official release will be 2017-11-XX and that is the best guess right now.
If you have waited for this, it's officially released now! :) ->
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Asked: 2017-11-12 06:16:48 +0200
Seen: 1,434 times
Last updated: Nov 13 '17
Suggestion: Use delta-RPM (presto) for bandwidth efficient updates
some ideas for next sailfish update [subjective]
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Since beginning of Sailfish there was never an official answer according to question on release dates!
SaimenSays ( 2017-11-12 11:39:14 +0200 )edit