Running out of space. Check your data storage.
Extract of Oct. 18 collaboration meeting log: "No safe solutions exist to the two problems: losing 7 GB to factory reset, and too small system partition (rootfs); we'll have in mind to enlarge rootfs in future devices, for now just install less apps and use SD card".
Extract of Nov. 30 collaboration meeting log: "Q: Any work in progress regarding partitioning scheme in SailfishX/XperiaX?" "A: Not prioritised on that at the moment"
Current internal storage status of my Xperia: Is there any simple, safe, clear, unambiguous, confirmed solution for this critical issue Jolla doesn't care about until further notice? (Except "do not install or upgrade apps on this device", of course)
I had the same problem with the last update, the installer told me I need at least 600mb(or something like this?). This was the first time I realized the system partition is already full. So I uninstalled some applications to get free space for the update installation. Making root only 2,4 Gib is not a good Idea and should be fixed. Sure they wanted to have much space for user data, but this is what SD-Cards are for. (And a hint as a BTRFS fan, with BTRFS this could have been solved really elegant)
Hangman ( 2017-12-16 20:26:18 +0200 )edit