Bug: Facebook chat does not show contact name and my messages do not go through to FB
I have issue at least with one of my Facebook contacts. When he sends me messages I see that messages are from -10000119548489X@facebook.chat.com *X in the address is actually a number, I just did not want to put the full contact details here.
I can not see his name in the message details or in message list. I have checked that "-10000119548489X@facebook.chat.com" is also recorded under his name in my phonebook. Also I checked, that I do not have any double entries for "-10000119548489X@facebook.chat.com" in my phone book.
When I replay to his messages using Jolla Messages app then actually my messages do not reach FB despite phone showing no problems with sending messages.
Same here.
hwesselmann ( 2014-01-21 09:48:14 +0200 )editSame problem, with only one contact. Cannot import profile from facebook and my replys won't go back. And everytime that contact send message, it seems that i was the person who send it to (me) :D
Jakenymous ( 2014-11-20 13:45:54 +0200 )edit