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Android vs. Sailfish apps

asked 2018-01-18 15:52:59 +0200

stef gravatar image

updated 2018-01-18 17:16:29 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hi all, I have a question mainly for longer term Sailfish users. What proportion of your phone's apps is native Sailfish and what is Android? And, what are the main apps that you still use Android for? Just really curious what great native Sailfish apps I might be missing ;) Cheers

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For most services I simply use official Android apps, since even if there is an alternative, experience is usually not good enough - with Feedly as exception, for that one I use Feed Haven. This leaves me with 25 Android apps, 4 of which have a native counterparts that aren't really maintained any more and are a bit broken. Not counting built-in ones, I have about ~14 native ones installed. These are mostly utilities - like SailOTP, Slumber, etc. (I'm counting vim in too, not sure if it's really an "app" though) - except for Poor Maps and Feed Haven.

pisarz1958 ( 2018-01-18 16:11:59 +0200 )edit

I don't have any Android apps on my SFOS devices. The main reason? The native ones are enough for my needs.

I use the following apps daily: - Sailbook - BeRail - Jolla Together - SeriesFinale - Unplayer - Storeman - Piepmatz - YTPlayer - Poor Maps - ...

I don't need Whatsapp nor any other messenger clients, I would appreciate a Telegram and Matrix.org client (which is coming soonTM) but I'm not going to run the Android version of them just for those apps.

Dylan Van Assche ( 2018-01-18 16:35:52 +0200 )edit

25?! Granted, I've been using mine for just about a month now, but what do with your phone that you use so many apps? I use chrome or brave for general browsing because it is faster, use the native browser for youtube because it works better than the ytplayer app (allows for listening to video sound while in order program or with screen off, yay) and then Deezer and Shazam becuase there is no equivalent. For navigation I use Poor Maps (native), train planning Fahrplanner (native), and Whatsapp because there is no equivalent. Anything else I use native apps for. My recommends would be Leszek's noto (to do list, pretty nice), and Defender, which works as a system wide adblock.

revave ( 2018-01-18 16:47:17 +0200 )edit

Android: Ingress, Telegram, Google Maps, 2 bank apps, Facebook Messenger Lite (for those people who do not use telegram) + some that I do not use but have.

Sailfish: Piepnatz, Podcatcher, Pingviini, Siutations, Warehouse, Jolla official apps + some that I do not really use + some casual games.

salarelv ( 2018-01-18 16:53:42 +0200 )edit

@revave, Well... everything? :D I was shocked at first but then I realized that for whatever reason I need every damn IM in the world. And it's not like adding another one to equation would solve anything. Then there is Office which is nice to have even though I barely use it, some shit apps for coupons because these get handy when you're roaming around the city wasted and hungry or something. A few apps for getting around, checking time tables, trains etc. (no alternative in my case) And then there are things like Pocket, cloud storage, streaming services... When you sum it all up, you end up with 25 apps. I'd really love to stop using one of the IM apps since I have exactly one person there, but it's not like the other ones that I use will fit the purpose, so I'm stuck (again, I don't accept swapping it for something else as it won't solve anything). Oh, and there is also Opera that I keep just in case Sailfish Browser couldn't open something.

pisarz1958 ( 2018-01-18 17:25:42 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2018-01-18 20:40:47 +0200

pawel gravatar image

updated 2018-01-18 20:46:20 +0200


telegram due to.missing shareto.. (else using native sailorgram) here maos kurviger maps booking fenneck browser deezer

native :

songkick sailorgram olive tasklist filebrowser keepass several native music players ok board

and the standard


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Have you tried telegram desktop from open repos? It works really well.

Stedephys ( 2018-01-27 11:14:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-01-19 22:41:22 +0200

Asmir gravatar image


standart, CodeReader, TAO Translator, Books, TinyEdit, Webcat, JTC, SailorGram,Slackfish, Map, Pilot, GPSInfo, SailWave, Received, YTPlayer, AIDA64, Puzzle Master

Android: messengers (2), online banking, apps stores (3), e-mail clients (2), maps (3), transport (8) and some others

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answered 2018-01-27 11:19:57 +0200

Stedephys gravatar image

updated 2018-01-27 11:20:27 +0200

The only non native app I use is WhatsApp and store. Natively I have File Bowser, Storeman, all osm scout apps, telegram desktop, Shmoose, Whisperfish, Hiragana FBRoot and tIDEditor

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Asked: 2018-01-18 15:52:59 +0200

Seen: 1,742 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '18