? How to make use of NFC to start/stop specific programs, WiFi, BT, GPS, etc. ?
Hello together!
I am jumping into and out of different cars/trucks all the time. I would like to automate Bluetooth, GPS, poor maps, etc. with NFC tags that are glued to the car holder. This shall turn off WiFi, turn on Bluetooth connection, GPS and 4G. And when I leave the car it shall go back to "normal" and turn off GPS and Bluetooth and turn Wifi on.
I have read about the trouble with TOH and NFC and that it is turned off at some point so you can't scan NFC tags.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
AFAIK the problem with NFC and Jolla 1 was that NFC was solely used for TOH recognition and not available for other interaction. However as Jolla 1 is already legacy and the future of Jolla seems to be Sailfish X I think it should be possible to get NFC for interaction in some forseeable future. And if so, maybe situations app will provide NFC based situations...
naytsyrhc ( 2018-02-12 23:07:03 +0200 )edit