[changelog] 2.1.4 / Lapuanjoki [released]
This post lists the detailed changelog entries for the OS update version 2.1.4 (compared to 2.1.3). The release notes are available in a separate post here: https://together.jolla.com/question/179223/release-notes-214-lapuanjoki/ . Update
- Packages obsoleted
- Packages removed
- Packages modified
- PackageKit
- PackageKit-Qt5
- aliendalvik
- aliendalvik-translations-all-translations
- aliendalvik-translations-l10n
- all-translations
- ambience-oobplayful
- ambienced
- apkd
- apkd-l10n
- as-daemon-all-translations
- as-daemon-l10n
- audioflingerglue
- bluez
- bluez5
- broadcom-bluetooth
- buteo-sync-plugin-caldav
- buteo-sync-plugin-carddav
- buteo-sync-plugins-sailfisheas
- buteo-syncfw-qt5
- commhistory-daemon-l10n
- connman
- connman-qt5
- contactsd-l10n
- crash-reporter
- csd
- csd-l10n
- curl
- db4
- dbuslog-tools
- declarative-transferengine-qt5
- declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- desktop-file-utils
- droid-bin-tbj
- droid-config-f5121
- droid-config-l500d
- droid-config-tbj
- droid-glibc
- droid-hal-f5121
- droid-hal-l500d
- droid-hal-tbj
- droidmedia
- dsme
- elfutils
- embedlite-components-qt5
- eventsview-extensions
- eventsview-extensions-l10n
- feature-sailfish-eas
- geoclue-provider-hybris
- glibc
- gmp
- gstreamer1.0-droid
- jolla-alarm-ui-all-translations
- jolla-alarm-ui-l10n
- jolla-calculator-all-translations
- jolla-calculator-l10n
- jolla-calendar-all-translations
- jolla-calendar-l10n
- jolla-camera
- jolla-camera-l10n
- jolla-clock
- jolla-clock-all-translations
- jolla-clock-l10n
- jolla-contacts
- jolla-contacts-l10n
- jolla-developer-mode
- jolla-devicelock-l10n
- jolla-email
- jolla-email-all-translations
- jolla-email-l10n
- jolla-firstsession
- jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n
- jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n
- jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n
- jolla-gallery-l10n
- jolla-keyboard
- jolla-keyboard-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer
- jolla-mediaplayer-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n
- jolla-messages
- jolla-messages-l10n
- jolla-notes
- jolla-notes-all-translations
- jolla-notes-l10n
- jolla-settings
- jolla-settings-accounts
- jolla-settings-accounts-l10n
- jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n
- jolla-settings-l10n
- jolla-settings-networking
- jolla-settings-networking-l10n
- jolla-settings-sailfishos
- jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n
- jolla-settings-sdk
- jolla-settings-sync-l10n
- jolla-settings-system
- jolla-settings-system-l10n
- jolla-signon-ui-l10n
- jolla-startupwizard
- jolla-startupwizard-l10n
- jolla-vault-l10n
- kcalcore-qt5
- kernel-adaptation-sbj
- libav
- libcontacts-qt5
- libcontacts-qt5-l10n
- libdbusaccess
- libffi
- libgee
- libglibutil
- libgpg-error
- libgrilio
- libgsupplicant
- libhybris
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n
- libpng
- libresourceqt-qt5
- libsailfishapp
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n
- lipstick-qt5
- lipstick-qt5-l10n
- mce
- mce-headers
- mce-plugin-libhybris
- mer-core-project-config
- nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity
- nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-notifications-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-policy-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer-qt5-libav
- nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- non-oss-package-groups
- non-oss-project-config
- nspr
- ofono
- patterns-sailfish
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-modules-droid
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-sbj
- pulseaudio-modules-nemo
- pulseaudio-policy-enforcement
- qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n
- qmf-eas-plugin
- qmf-eas-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-eas-plugin-l10n
- qmf-notifications-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n
- qt5
- qt5-qt3d
- qt5-qtdeclarative
- qt5-qtdocgallery
- qt5-qtlocation-source
- qt5-qtsensors
- qt5-qttools
- qt5-qtwayland-wayland_egl
- qt5-qtwebkit
- qtcontacts-sqlite-qt5
- qtscenegraph-adaptation
- rpm
- sailfish-browser
- sailfish-browser-l10n
- sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-pickers-qt5
- sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-timezone-qt5
- sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-all-translations
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n
- sailfish-content-graphics-default
- sailfish-maps-all-translations
- sailfish-maps-l10n
- sailfish-mdm
- sailfish-mdm-demo
- sailfish-office-all-translations
- sailfish-office-l10n
- sailfish-svg2png
- sailfish-tutorial-l10n
- sailfish-version
- sailfish-weather-all-translations
- sailfish-weather-l10n
- sailfishsilica-qt5
- sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n
- sb2-tools-qt5-armv7hl
- sbj-configs
- sdk-deploy-rpm
- sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator
- sdk-setup
- sdk-webapp
- signon-qt5
- simkit-l10n
- sociald
- sociald-l10n
- sp-endurance
- splashscreen-sdk-sailfish
- ssu
- ssu-repos
- ssu-sysinfo
- statefs-providers
- store-client
- store-client-l10n
- syslinux
- systemd
- thumbnaild
- tracker
- transferengine-plugins-l10n
- usb-moded
- util-linux
- vala
- vm-configs
- voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n
- wpa_supplicant
- xkeyboard-config
- Packages added
Packages obsoleted
- cryptsetup-luks - 1.1.3-1.1.10 obsoleted by cryptsetup-libs - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1
- cryptsetup-luks - 1.1.3-1.1.8 obsoleted by cryptsetup-libs - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1
- cryptsetup-luks-devel - 1.1.3-1.1.10 obsoleted by cryptsetup-devel - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1
cryptsetup-luks-devel - 1.1.3-1.1.8 obsoleted by cryptsetup-devel - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1
Packages removed
cryptsetup-luks-devel - 1.1.3-1.1.8, cryptsetup-luks-doc - 1.1.3-1.1.8, cryptsetup-luks - 1.1.3-1.1.8, cryptsetup-luks-devel - 1.1.3-1.1.10, cryptsetup-luks-doc - 1.1.3-1.1.10, cryptsetup-luks - 1.1.3-1.1.10
- feature-example - 0.0.5-10.5.1.jolla
- generic-logos - 2.1.2-1.1.2
- installer-shell - 0.6-1.1.2
- jolla-launcher-settings-ts-devel - 0.0.1-10.1.4.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings - 0.0.1-10.1.4.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings - 0.0.1-10.1.6.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-ts-devel - 0.0.1-10.1.6.jolla
- jolla-launcher-settings-l10n
- jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-nb - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-es - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-it - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-zh_HK - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-pt - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-fi - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-da - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-pl - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-sv - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-en_GB - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-de - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-fr - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-ru - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-zh_CN - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla, jolla-launcher-settings-l10n-en_US - 1.7-10.6.1.jolla
- linux-firmware - 20110709-1.1.2
- mesa-x86-generic-libEGL-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLESv2 - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-dri-swrast-driver - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-dri-i915-driver - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLU - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGL - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLESv1 - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLESv2-compat - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libglapi - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-dri-drivers-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGL-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-dri-i965-driver - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLU-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libEGL - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libEGL-compat - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLESv1-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libGLESv2-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo, mesa-x86-generic-libglapi-devel - 8.0.1-1.8.Nemo
- nemo-configs-x86-prjconf - 0.2.2-4.1.Nemo, nemo-configs-x86-generic - 0.2.2-4.1.Nemo, nemo-configs-x86-vm-xorg - 0.2.2-4.1.Nemo, nemo-configs-x86-vm-common - 0.2.2-4.1.Nemo, nemo-configs-x86-vm-wayland - 0.2.2-4.1.Nemo
- opencryptoki - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.8, opencryptoki - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.9, opencryptoki-tpm - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.8, opencryptoki-tpm - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.9, opencryptoki-doc - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.9, opencryptoki-doc - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.8, opencryptoki-devel - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.9, opencryptoki-devel - 3.3+git2.594702a-1.2.8
- patterns-x86-common - 0.2-5.1.Nemo
- pgovernor-enable - 0.0.2-10.1.1.jolla
- ppl-docs - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-static - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-devel - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-docs - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-pwl-devel - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-pwl-devel - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-devel - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-static - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-pwl-docs - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-pwl - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-pwl - 0.10.2-1.2.2, ppl-pwl-docs - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-pwl-static - 0.10.2-1.2.5, ppl-pwl-static - 0.10.2-1.2.2
- prjconf-turing - 0.0.1-10.1.1.jolla
- qmsystem-qt5-devel - 1.4.20-1.11.9, qmsystem-qt5-devel - 1.4.20-1.11.7, qmsystem-qt5-tests - 1.4.20-1.11.7, qmsystem-qt5 - 1.4.20-1.11.7, qmsystem-qt5 - 1.4.20-1.11.9, qmsystem-qt5-tests - 1.4.20-1.11.9
- retail-lockcode - 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla
- sailfish-content-apps-example - 0.0.4-10.1.1.jolla
- scummvm - 1.7.0-10.3.1.jolla, scummvm - 1.7.0-10.2.187.jolla
- xorg-x11-drv-intel - 2.20.10-1.5.Nemo
- xorg-x11-drv-mtev - 0.1.13-1.5.Nemo
- xorg-x11-drv-synaptics - 1.4.0-1.5.Nemo, xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-devel - 1.4.0-1.5.Nemo
Packages modified
- Updated : 0.8.9+93-1.30.1 -- 1.1.7-1.3.1
- Binaries removed : PackageKit-debug-install, PackageKit-plugin-devel, PackageKit-python
- Unmet requirements: libpackagekit-glib2.so.18
- [PackageKit] Merge some patches that have a common goal.
- [PackageKit] Update to 1.1.7.
- [PackageKit] Clean up packaging.
[PackageKit] Delete unneeded binaries instead of excluding.
Updated : 0.8.8+nemo5-1.6.5 -- 0.9.6+git-1.3.1
- [PackageKit-Qt5] Update to 0.9.6.
- [PackageKit-Qt] Export commits to patches and switch to submodule build.
[PackageKit-Qt] Fix aarch64 lib installation path.
Updated : 1.0.82-1 -- 1.0.85-1
- [] Solve an issue where certain apps (i.e. Wechat) were unable to record voice messages.
- [] Add support for camera HAL introduced in Android 7.
- [] Prepare for notification improvements.
- [] Update device configurations.
[] Improve camera startup speed on Android 7 based devices.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: aliendalvik-translations-l10n-hu, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-nl, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-pt_BR, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-tr, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-cs, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-sl, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-ja, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-et, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-zh_TW, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-ko, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-es_ES, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-el
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.3-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.9-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : aliendalvik-translations-l10n-pt_BR - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-tr - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-sl - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-et - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-cs - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-ja - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-hu - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-es_ES - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-nl - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-ko - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-zh_TW - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla, aliendalvik-translations-l10n-el - 1.9-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.3.0-10.13.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.3.jolla
- Unmet requirements: transferengine-plugins-l10n-el, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-el, eventsview-extensions-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-system-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-cs, jolla-gallery-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-sl, jolla-keyboard-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-et, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-ko, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-pt_BR, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-ja, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-ko, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-fi, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-nl, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-tr, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-system-l10n-tr, simkit-l10n-ko, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-pt_BR, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-sl, jolla-camera-l10n-et, jolla-gallery-l10n-el, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-ja, sailfish-browser-l10n-el, transferengine-plugins-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-browser-l10n-et, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-ja, jolla-camera-l10n-el, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-tr, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-de, jolla-settings-system-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-da, simkit-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-hu, jolla-contacts-l10n-hu, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-et, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-el, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-es_ES, transferengine-plugins-l10n-et, sailfish-browser-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-es_ES, jolla-contacts-l10n-zh_TW, eventsview-extensions-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-el, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-hu, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-sl, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-es_ES, jolla-messages-l10n-ko, commhistory-daemon-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-hu, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-messages-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-et, eventsview-extensions-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-es, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-pt_BR, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-en_US, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-hu, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-ko, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-ko, jolla-camera-l10n-es_ES, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-es_ES, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-zh_TW, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ko, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-es_ES, lipstick-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-sl, lipstick-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-el, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-et, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-hu, store-client-l10n-el, transferengine-plugins-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-et, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-el, sailfish-browser-l10n-hu, store-client-l10n-et, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-sl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-mr, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-vault-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-pt_BR, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-nl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ml, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-tr, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-sl, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-vault-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-ko, jolla-contacts-l10n-cs, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-nl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-kn, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-hu, jolla-gallery-l10n-et, apkd-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-l10n-ko, jolla-messages-l10n-hu, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-es_ES, transferengine-plugins-l10n-sl, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-system-l10n-sl, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-nl, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-nl, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-es_ES, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-et, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-system-l10n-el, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-et, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-es_ES, sociald-l10n-tr, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-el, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-el, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-et, store-client-l10n-sl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ru, jolla-settings-system-l10n-et, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-ja, sociald-l10n-sl, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ru, jolla-keyboard-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-system-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-es_ES, jolla-vault-l10n-el, jolla-devicelock-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-l10n-tr, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-nl, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-vault-l10n-et, lipstick-qt5-l10n-hu, transferengine-plugins-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-cs, contactsd-l10n-hu, jolla-camera-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-ko, simkit-l10n-nl, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-ko, simkit-l10n-sl, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-hu, simkit-l10n-el, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-nl, apkd-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-ko, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-it, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pt_BR, simkit-l10n-et, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-es_ES, jolla-devicelock-l10n-et, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-es_ES, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-es_ES, contactsd-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-cs, jolla-devicelock-l10n-el, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-sl, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-hu, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-zh_TW, commhistory-daemon-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-nl, simkit-l10n-pt_BR, apkd-l10n-el, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-hu, apkd-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-da, sailfish-mdm-l10n-de, jolla-messages-l10n-sl, jolla-devicelock-l10n-tr, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-hu, jolla-vault-l10n-sl, jolla-keyboard-l10n-nl, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-nl, eventsview-extensions-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-et, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-browser-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-cs, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-gallery-l10n-tr, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_CN, eventsview-extensions-l10n-ko, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-cs, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-sl, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-el, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-ja, contactsd-l10n-pt_BR, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ml, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-tr, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-nl, commhistory-daemon-l10n-sl, sailfish-browser-l10n-ko, sailfish-mdm-l10n-tt, lipstick-qt5-l10n-ko, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-zh_TW, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-sl, contactsd-l10n-es_ES, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ja, jolla-devicelock-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-devicelock-l10n-sl, apkd-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-sl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-es, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-cs, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-et, jolla-camera-l10n-hu, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-el, jolla-vault-l10n-hu, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-messages-l10n-et, jolla-devicelock-l10n-hu, jolla-messages-l10n-el, jolla-contacts-l10n-ko, commhistory-daemon-l10n-hu, eventsview-extensions-l10n-el, sailfish-mdm-l10n-it, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-ko, lipstick-qt5-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-cs, eventsview-extensions-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-cs, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-sl, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-ko, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-el, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-sv, eventsview-extensions-l10n-hu, jolla-keyboard-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-system-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-sl, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-ko, sailfish-browser-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-contacts-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-sl, jolla-keyboard-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-l10n-sl, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, csd-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-nl, store-client-l10n-es_ES, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-zh_TW, eventsview-extensions-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-el, eventsview-extensions-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-fr, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-et, jolla-gallery-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-et, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-l10n-el, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-sl, commhistory-daemon-l10n-et, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-hu, commhistory-daemon-l10n-el, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-sl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-nl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-nb, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-l10n-et, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-system-l10n-cs, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-en_GB, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-ko, apkd-l10n-hu, jolla-camera-l10n-ko, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-sl, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-nl, jolla-vault-l10n-tr, simkit-l10n-tr, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, transferengine-plugins-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-es_ES, sociald-l10n-nl, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-cs, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-ko, sailfish-mdm-l10n-te, jolla-camera-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-nb, transferengine-plugins-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-contacts-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-nl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pt_BR, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-browser-l10n-ja, lipstick-qt5-l10n-es_ES, simkit-l10n-hu, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-zh_TW, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-et, sociald-l10n-pt_BR, contactsd-l10n-nl, eventsview-extensions-l10n-tr, store-client-l10n-nl, simkit-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-browser-l10n-cs, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-el, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-ja, contactsd-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-ja, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-el, jolla-keyboard-l10n-tr, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-tr, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-hu, jolla-gallery-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-el, lipstick-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-contacts-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-cs, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-cs, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-sl, sociald-l10n-cs, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-tr, jolla-settings-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-ja, sociald-l10n-hu, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-cs, apkd-l10n-ko, sailfish-browser-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-tt, sociald-l10n-ja, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-sl, jolla-settings-l10n-nl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-te, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ta, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-system-l10n-hu, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-cs, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-ko, jolla-messages-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-pt_BR, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-en_US, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-messages-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-sl, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-contacts-l10n-es_ES, contactsd-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-ko, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-tr, jolla-vault-l10n-nl, store-client-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-es_ES, commhistory-daemon-l10n-tr, transferengine-plugins-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-system-l10n-ko, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-ja, store-client-l10n-ja, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-tr, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-hu, contactsd-l10n-ja, lipstick-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pl, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-kn, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ko, simkit-l10n-cs, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-pt_BR, transferengine-plugins-l10n-tr, jolla-contacts-l10n-el, sociald-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-sl, contactsd-l10n-el, jolla-vault-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-browser-l10n-es_ES, sociald-l10n-el, contactsd-l10n-et, jolla-devicelock-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sociald-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-tr, jolla-contacts-l10n-et, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-el, sailfish-mdm-l10n-fr, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-hu, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-el, jolla-contacts-l10n-nl, jolla-messages-l10n-ja, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-ko, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-zh_TW, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-l10n-nl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-fi, eventsview-extensions-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-et, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-nl, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-nl, lipstick-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-tr, store-client-l10n-pt_BR, apkd-l10n-pt_BR, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-hu, apkd-l10n-nl, jolla-camera-l10n-sl, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-hu, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pa, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-l10n-es_ES, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-et, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pt, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-sl, jolla-keyboard-l10n-el, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pa, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pl, transferengine-plugins-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pt, jolla-camera-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-es_ES, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-hu, lipstick-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-ja, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-pt_BR, lipstick-qt5-l10n-et, jolla-vault-l10n-cs, jolla-vault-l10n-ja, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-et, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-ko, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_HK, jolla-camera-l10n-ja, lipstick-qt5-l10n-nl, store-client-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-devicelock-l10n-nl, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-gu, commhistory-daemon-l10n-cs, jolla-keyboard-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_CN, jolla-settings-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-sl, jolla-contacts-l10n-pt_BR, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-tr, commhistory-daemon-l10n-ja, sailfish-mdm-l10n-mr, simkit-l10n-ja, sailfish-browser-l10n-tr, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-sl, store-client-l10n-tr, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-hi, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, apkd-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-nl, apkd-l10n-cs, sociald-l10n-ko, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-ko, commhistory-daemon-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-sl, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-nl, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-cs, jolla-devicelock-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-et, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-mdm-l10n-sv, jolla-keyboard-l10n-hu, sailfish-mdm-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-sl, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-nl, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-tr, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-tr, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-el, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-el, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-et, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-el, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-camera-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-et, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-et, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-et, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ta, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-ko, jolla-keyboard-l10n-pt_BR, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-nl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-settings-system-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-mdm-l10n-tr, contactsd-l10n-tr, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-ja, contactsd-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-tr, jolla-gallery-l10n-hu, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-tr, store-client-l10n-ko, jolla-vault-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-et, jolla-messages-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-hu, jolla-keyboard-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-sl, sailfish-mdm-l10n-hu, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-tr, apkd-l10n-ja, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-bn_IN, jolla-camera-l10n-nl, jolla-settings-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-hi, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-nl, sociald-l10n-et, jolla-devicelock-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-nl, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-cs, sailfish-mdm-l10n-bn_IN, jolla-gallery-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-et, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-cs, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-ko, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-et, store-client-l10n-zh_TW, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-es_ES, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-ja, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-el, jolla-keyboard-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-el, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-sl, commhistory-daemon-l10n-zh_TW, commhistory-daemon-l10n-nl, jolla-messages-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-el, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-el, transferengine-plugins-l10n-es_ES, jolla-messages-l10n-nl, jolla-devicelock-l10n-cs, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-et, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-sl, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-el, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-mdm-l10n-gu, sailfish-mdm-l10n-en_GB
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.4-10.2.1.jolla
- Binaries added : ambience-oobplayful-qm-eng_en - 0.0.4-10.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: ambience-oobplayful-qm-eng_en
- [ambience] Port building and packaging to use ambienced enablers.
[ambience-oobplayful] Specify a valid initial volume.
Updated : 0.28.0-10.52.2.jolla -- 0.28.3-10.3.1.jolla
- [log] Improve error messages.
- [log] Improve error message.
[ambienced] Remove custom rpmlintrc.
Updated : 0.7.28-10.36.2.jolla -- 0.7.29-10.3.1.jolla
[apkd] Remove categories for notifications.
Updated : 1.67.1-10.33.1.jolla -- 1.74-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : apkd-l10n-ja - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-sl - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-cs - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-es_ES - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-zh_TW - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-hu - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-et - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-pt_BR - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-el - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-tr - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-ko - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla, apkd-l10n-nl - 1.74-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 40 of 40 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 40 of 40 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 40 of 40 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 40 of 40 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.32.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: as-daemon-l10n-ja, as-daemon-l10n-el, as-daemon-l10n-es_ES, as-daemon-l10n-sl, as-daemon-l10n-nl, as-daemon-l10n-cs, as-daemon-l10n-ko, as-daemon-l10n-hu, as-daemon-l10n-zh_TW, as-daemon-l10n-tr, as-daemon-l10n-et, as-daemon-l10n-pt_BR
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.15-10.12.46.jolla -- 1.20-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : as-daemon-l10n-pt_BR - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-et - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-hu - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ja - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-sl - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-el - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-nl - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-es_ES - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-tr - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_TW - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-cs - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ko - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.0.4-10.5.1.jolla -- 0.0.5-10.2.1.jolla
[packaging] Autodetect library arch.
Updated : 4.101+git75-1.33.1 -- 4.101+git76-1.2.1
[tools] upstream patches for CVE-2016-783.
Updated : 5.47+git1-1.8.1 -- 5.47+git2-1.2.1
[bluez5] Disable autopair plugin.
Updated : 1.0.3-10.1.3.jolla -- 1.0.4-10.2.1.jolla
- [broadcom-bluetooth] Add latest upstream code.
[broadcom-bluetooth] Repository has been archived so removing submodule.
Updated : 0.1.42-1.25.1 -- 0.1.46-1.3.2
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Fix infinite loop in delta calculation when deleting persistent exceptions, contributes to MER#1864.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Bump version.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Add a test, ensuring that relative alarm time is as expected, contributes to MER#1836.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Add a test to Notebooksyncagent::calculateDelta(), contributes to MER#1843.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Add missing install in spec for previous test file on alarms.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Only update uri and ETag when possible, fixes MER#1848.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Update non standard properties, fixes MER#1827.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Add the time span for sync as a profile setting, contributes to MER#1671.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Compare QString event fields with trimmed(), contributes to MER#1796
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Convert duration of alarms to day-type whenever possible, contributes to MER#1796.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Correct possible segfault when constructing incidence to upload.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Don't require time span. Contributes to MER#1671
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Do value comparisons in incidence handler, not pointer ones, contributes to MER#1796.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Ensure that sync is done on right notebook, contributes to MER#1805.
- [buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Remove EXDATE for modified incidence before doing comparisons, contributes to MER#1796.
[buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Use the syncDate() of each notebook instead of lastSyncDate() from logs, contributes to MER#1805.
Updated : 0.0.28-1.17.2 -- 0.0.29-1.3.2
[buteo-sync-plugin-carddav] Prevent failure in %pre.
Updated : 0.0.6-10.5.7.jolla -- 0.0.7-10.3.2.jolla
[buteo-sync-plugin-sailfisheas] Prevent failure in %pre.
Updated : 0.8.12-1.36.2 -- 0.8.13-1.3.6
- [buteo-syncfw] Add a unit test for last successful sync entry in logs.
- [buteo-syncfw] Correct wrong log entries in case of plugin failure, fixes MER#1810.
[buteo-syncfw] Save / restore last successful sync in log, contributes to MER#1699.
Updated : 1.50-10.32.1.jolla -- 1.55-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : commhistory-daemon-l10n-et - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-pt_BR - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-es_ES - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-cs - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-el - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-ja - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-nl - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-hu - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-zh_TW - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-sl - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-tr - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla, commhistory-daemon-l10n-ko - 1.55-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 1.31+git44-1.41.1 -- 1.31+git51-1.4.1
- [wifi] Perform active scans even more often.
- [wifi] Perform active scans more often.
- [connman] Fixed another problem with SSID generated by CreateService.
- [connman] Fixed a problem with SSID generated by CreateService.
- [connman] Relaxed restrictions on SSID for CreateService.
- [connman] Expose storage dir to the plugins.
- [connman] Don't autoconnect new services (those that haven't been saved)
- [connman] Tweak the criteria for wifi authentication failures.
- [rpm] Include libtool in build requirements.
- [connman] Don't allow non-privileged processes to mess with tethering. Fixes MER#1815
[connman] Slight refactoring of the D-Bus access control framework
Updated : 1.2.4-1.38.1 -- 1.2.6-1.3.1
- [libconnman-qt] Fix crash on repeated connection attempts.
[connman-qt] Fix initial value of "connected" property. MER#1849
Updated : 1.32-10.21.1.jolla -- 1.37-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : contactsd-l10n-ko - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-zh_TW - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-pt_BR - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-hu - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-el - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-es_ES - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-cs - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-et - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-sl - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-nl - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-ja - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla, contactsd-l10n-tr - 1.37-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.13.6-10.37.1.jolla -- 1.14.0-10.3.1.jolla
[crash-reporter] Ran astyle on sources.
Updated : 0.9.3-10.42.1.jolla -- 0.11.0-10.4.1.jolla
- [csd] Add Audio/InputSource to hw settings.
- [csd] Use input source from hw settings in FM Radio test.
- [csd] Use input source from hw settings in recording tests.
- [csd] Fix contradicting translation source strings.
- [config] Add sample hw key configuration
- [csd] Add button backlight test.
- [csd] Turn button backlight on during hw key verification.
[csd] Add units to horizontal/veritcal accurancy.
Updated : 1.51.1-10.29.1.jolla -- 1.58-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : csd-l10n-pa - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-bn_IN - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-tt - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-te - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-ta - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-gu - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-all-translations - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-hi - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-es_ES - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-kn - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-mr - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla, csd-l10n-ml - 1.58-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Remove Japanese .spec (we only translate csd to en+chinese)
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 474 of 474 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.1
- [l10n] 473 of 473 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.0
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.4
Updated : 7.51.0-1.11.5 -- 7.55.1-1.3.1
- [curl] Update to 7.55.1. Contributes to MER#1809
[update] Update to 7.55.1. Contributes to MER#1809
Updated : 4.8.30-1.1.5 -- 4.8.30-1.2.1 - Add ldconfig to cxx package too.
Updated : 1.0.9-1.2.1 -- 1.0.10-1.3.1
[dbuslog-client] Added -w option (writes log to file).
Updated : 0.2.3-10.29.4.jolla -- 0.2.5-10.3.1.jolla
- [declarative-transferengine] Remove deprecated SailfishTransferModel.
[declarative-transferengine] Remove transfer cover leftovers.
Updated : 1.58-10.37.1.jolla -- 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-et - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-el - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 22 of 22 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 22 of 22 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] 22 of 22 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.3
Updated : 0.20-1.1.8 -- 0.23+git1-1.2.1
- Binaries added : desktop-file-utils-doc - 0.23+git1-1.2.1
[rpm] Upgrade to 0.23.
Updated : 0.0.16-10.6.1.jolla -- 0.0.17-10.4.3.jolla
[droid-bin] Select 1.6.0 java version before building.
Updated : 0.5.2-10.10.1.jolla --
- [f5121] Add mce memnotify limits.
- [camera] Added camera quirks.
- [f5121] Upgrade droid-configs-device from upstream.
- [f5121] Use property flags for classification.
- [configs] Don't fail PulseAudio startup if module-droid-glue fails to load.
[f5121] Upgrade droid-configs-device from upstream.
Updated : 0.11.2-10.109.4.jolla -- 0.12.0-10.3.3.jolla
[l500d] Use property flags for classifying.
Updated : 0.7.4-10.20.4.jolla -- 0.8.0-10.3.3.jolla
- [audio] Enable no_hw_volume quirk.
[audio] Use property based classification.
Updated : 0.0.1-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.0.3-10.2.1.jolla
- [dgc] Fix paths as we only have /system.
[dgb] Android 7 doesn't build mkbootimg - it's been replaced with a python script.
Updated : 0.3.2-10.7.1.jolla -- 0.3.6-10.4.2.jolla
- [kernel_sony_msm] ext4: evict inline data when writing to memory map.
- [kernel_sony_msm] Add memnotify driver.
- [kernel_sony_msm] Disable sw interrupts in nr_blockdev_pages().
- [kernel_sony_msm] Enable low memory killer.
- [kernel_sony_msm] Enable memnotify.
- [mer-kernel-check] Make Android low memory killer optional.
- [kernel_sony_msm] Enable BTRFS filesystem support.
[kernel_sony_msm] Wireless: fix wireless AP creation (and switching back).
Updated : 0.0.79-10.43.1.jolla -- 0.0.83-10.6.4.jolla
- [headers] Add wifi.h since new libhybris needs it.
- [l500d] Add user to bluetooth group by default.
- [dhd] Update submodule for latest libhybris and cleanup.
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2016-5340.
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-1000364.
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-11176.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patches for CVE-2015-7872.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patches for CVE-2016-6787 and fix merge issue.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patches for CVE-2017-7618.
- [l500-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-8890.
- [l500-kernel] upstream Patch for CVE-2013-7446.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patch for CVE-2015-7550.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patch for CVE-2015-8767.
- [l500-kernel] upstream patch for CVE-2017-5970.
[l500-kernel] upstream patch fot CVE-2016-8480.
Updated : 0.0.39-10.17.1.jolla -- 0.0.41-10.4.4.jolla
- [tbj-kernel] Patches to fix CVE-2015-7872.
- [tbj-kernel] Patch to fix CVE-2013-7446.
- [tbj-kernel] Patch to fix CVE-2015-7550.
- [tbj-kernel] Patch to fix CVE-2015-8767.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2016-6787 and fix merge issue.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-1000364.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-11176.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-5970.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-7618.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-8890.
- [tbj-kernel] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-9077.
[dhd] Update submodule for latest libhybris and cleanup.
Updated : 0.20170921.1-10.17.1.jolla -- 0.20171205.1-10.4.1.jolla
- [codec] Fix misplaced #endif.
- [codec] Use SimpleDecodingSource for decoding on Android 7. Only works for audio.
- [camera] Support Android 7 metadata in video buffers.
- [omx] Add getHandler method for passing DroidMediaBuffers on to gst-omx.
[audio] Fix recorder audio. Fixed
Updated : 0.78.2-1.5.1 --
- [iphb] Take release time stamp from /etc/os-release.
[iphb] Update hardcoded minimum system time.
Updated : 0.156-1.3.6 -- 0.170-1.2.2
- Unmet requirements: libelf.so.1(ELFUTILS_1.7), libdw.so.1(ELFUTILS_0.165), pkgconfig(libelf) = 0.170, libdw.so.1(ELFUTILS_0.167), libdw.so.1(ELFUTILS_0.158)
- [packaging] Update to version 0.170.
Upgrade to 0.161 and fix -Os build
Updated : 1.19.29-10.6.2.jolla -- 1.19.30-10.3.1.jolla
- [nemo][embedlite-components] Align EmbedHistoryListener with Android FF's nsAndroidHistory.
- [nemo][embedlite-components] Clear selection marker if selection fails.
- [nemo][embedlite-components] Disable json messages from history changes.
[nemo][embedlite-components] Improve user-agent override handling.
Updated : 0.0.33-10.13.1.jolla -- 0.0.34-10.3.1.jolla
[jolla-eventsview-extensions] Remove call to function that doesn't exist anymore.
Updated : 1.14-10.13.1.jolla -- 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : eventsview-extensions-l10n-pt_BR - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-el - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-cs - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-ko - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-hu - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-zh_TW - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-tr - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-ja - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-nl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-sl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-et - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, eventsview-extensions-l10n-es_ES - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.0.4-10.5.1.jolla -- 0.0.6-10.2.1.jolla
- Binaries removed : feature-sailfish-eas-patterns
- [ssu] Drop extra version from release repo url.
[patterns] Drop patterns as it is not used.
Updated : 0.2.13-10.28.2.jolla -- 0.2.15-10.3.2.jolla
- [geoclue-provider-hybris] download Xtra data automatically.
- [geoclue-providers-hybris] add a gps callback that exists on some specific devices.
- [xtra]
- [geoclue-provider-hybris] Add support for new callbacks introduced in Android 7.
[geoclue-provider-hybris] fix permissions with Android 7 based devices.
Updated : 2.19+6.13-1.9.2 -- 2.19+6.13.1-1.2.2
- Add ldconfig to %post.
Move docs out of main package.
Updated : 4.3.2-1.3.2 -- 6.1.2-1.2.1
Updated : 0.20170918.0-10.17.1.jolla -- 0.20171129.1-10.4.1.jolla
- [i420] Re-enable i420 blob when buffers don't match.
- [pkgconfig] Add pkgconfig support, and fix devel package. MER#1837
[pkgconfig] Add pkgconfig support, and fix devel package. MER#1860
Updated : 0.3.0-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-et, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-es_ES, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-el, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-hu, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-sl, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-cs, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-nl, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-ja, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-ko, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-tr
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.41-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.46-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-es_ES - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-ja - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-pt_BR - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-sl - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-ko - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-zh_TW - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-tr - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-et - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-nl - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-el - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-hu - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-alarm-ui-l10n-cs - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.4.2.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-calculator-l10n-hu, jolla-calculator-l10n-tr, jolla-calculator-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-calculator-l10n-nl, jolla-calculator-l10n-ja, jolla-calculator-l10n-sl, jolla-calculator-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-calculator-l10n-ko, jolla-calculator-l10n-el, jolla-calculator-l10n-cs, jolla-calculator-l10n-et, jolla-calculator-l10n-es_ES
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.44-10.15.1.jolla -- 1.50-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-calculator-l10n-et - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-sl - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-tr - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-zh_TW - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-ja - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-cs - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-hu - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-es_ES - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-nl - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-ko - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-el - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calculator-l10n-pt_BR - 1.50-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.5.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-calendar-l10n-es_ES, jolla-calendar-l10n-ko, jolla-calendar-l10n-nl, jolla-calendar-l10n-ja, jolla-calendar-l10n-sl, jolla-calendar-l10n-hu, jolla-calendar-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-calendar-l10n-el, jolla-calendar-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-calendar-l10n-cs, jolla-calendar-l10n-et, jolla-calendar-l10n-tr
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.108-10.34.1.jolla -- 1.113-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-calendar-l10n-zh_TW - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-et - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-hu - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-nl - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-sl - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-ko - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-ja - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-pt_BR - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-cs - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-tr - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-es_ES - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-calendar-l10n-el - 1.113-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 80 of 80 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.4.27-10.67.1.jolla -- 0.4.31-10.3.1.jolla
- [camera] Use pending capture state on shutter button opacity too.
- [jolla-camera] Update the camera reel when the storage location changes.
- [jolla-camera] Acquire snap button resource.
- [camera] Avoid hardcoding iso value text set.
- [camera] Make ISO value mode specific.
[camera] Move to capture view when camera button is clicked on gallery side.
Updated : 1.132.1-10.61.1.jolla -- 1.142-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-camera-l10n-tr - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-nl - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-sl - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-ja - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-cs - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-pt_BR - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-el - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-es_ES - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-zh_TW - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-ko - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-et - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-camera-l10n-hu - 1.142-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.28
Updated : 0.4.8-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.4.9-10.3.1.jolla
[clock] Fix main page clock not updating when backstepping.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.2.3.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-clock-l10n-sl, jolla-clock-l10n-es_ES, jolla-clock-l10n-nl, jolla-clock-l10n-ko, jolla-clock-l10n-et, jolla-clock-l10n-cs, jolla-clock-l10n-ja, jolla-clock-l10n-tr, jolla-clock-l10n-el, jolla-clock-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-clock-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-clock-l10n-hu
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.83-10.6.1.jolla -- 1.91-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-clock-l10n-zh_TW - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-sl - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-ko - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-hu - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-ja - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-nl - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-el - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-cs - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-tr - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-pt_BR - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-et - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-clock-l10n-es_ES - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.5.12-10.64.2.jolla -- 0.5.13-10.3.1.jolla
- [contacts] Fix placement glitch on'add new' label text.
[jolla-contacts] Fix contact editor date button not scaling.
Updated : 1.117.1-10.65.1.jolla -- 1.126-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-contacts-l10n-cs - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-ja - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-hu - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-nl - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-sl - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-es_ES - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-zh_TW - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-el - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-ko - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-pt_BR - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-tr - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-contacts-l10n-et - 1.126-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 154 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.13
[l10n] 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.0-10.28.2.jolla -- 0.5.0-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libpackagekitqt5.so.0
[jolla-developer-mode] Migrate rnd-dist-upgrade to new PackageKit-Qt.
Updated : 1.30-10.21.1.jolla -- 1.36-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-devicelock-l10n-sl - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-et - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-pt_BR - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-zh_TW - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-es_ES - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-ja - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-nl - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-tr - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-ko - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-el - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-hu - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-devicelock-l10n-cs - 1.36-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.25-10.75.2.jolla -- 0.3.29-10.3.1.jolla
- [jolla-email] Crash when open attachment second time.
- [jolla-email] Sometimes navigation buttons disappeared when html message view is just activated.
- [jolla-email] Sometimes navigation buttons disappeared when html message view is just activated.
- [jolla-email] Fix contradicting translation source.
- [jolla-email] Email search field loses focus after backstepping from message view.
- [jolla-email] Email search field loses focus after backstepping from message view.
- [jolla-email] Bump package version and update requirements.
- [jolla-email] Cleanup Add Attachment also from pulley menus.
- [jolla-email] Cleanup attachments page.
- [jolla-email] Fix attachment merging.
[jolla-email] Remove "Add attachment" action from context menu of email composer.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.2.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.2.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-email-l10n-el, jolla-email-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-email-l10n-es_ES, jolla-email-l10n-et, jolla-email-l10n-cs, jolla-email-l10n-ja, jolla-email-l10n-tr, jolla-email-l10n-ko, jolla-email-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-email-l10n-sl, jolla-email-l10n-nl, jolla-email-l10n-hu
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.136-10.45.1.jolla -- 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-email-l10n-et - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-es_ES - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-tr - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-sl - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-el - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-hu - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-cs - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-pt_BR - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-zh_TW - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-ja - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-nl - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-email-l10n-ko - 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla
- [l10n] 150 of 150 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.147
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.32
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.26
Updated : 0.46-10.30.1.jolla -- 0.47-10.2.1.jolla
[tracker] Remove obsolete tracker-control status report.
Updated : 1.74-10.46.1.jolla -- 1.79-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-pt_BR - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-nl - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-cs - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-sl - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-et - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-hu - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-zh_TW - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-tr - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-ja - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-ko - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-el - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n-es_ES - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 33 of 33 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.14-10.8.1.jolla -- 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-pt_BR - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-hu - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-nl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-ja - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-et - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-tr - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-sl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-zh_TW - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-cs - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-el - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-es_ES - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n-ko - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 1.46-10.32.1.jolla -- 1.51-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-ja - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-el - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-es_ES - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-sl - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-tr - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-pt_BR - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-zh_TW - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-cs - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-ko - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-hu - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-et - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n-nl - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.97-10.52.1.jolla -- 1.104-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-gallery-l10n-pt_BR - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-es_ES - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-nl - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-el - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-ja - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-ko - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-tr - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-cs - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-hu - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-sl - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-zh_TW - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-gallery-l10n-et - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.6.12-10.61.1.jolla -- 0.6.15-10.4.1.jolla
- [jolla-keyboard] Add HW keyboard layout for Hungarian and Slovenian.
- [jolla-keyboard] Add Hungarian layout.
- [jolla-keyboard] Add Slovenian layout.
[jolla-keyboard] Silence haptic and sound feedback during close swipe gesture.
Updated : 1.36-10.27.1.jolla -- 1.41-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-keyboard-l10n-et - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-sl - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-pt_BR - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-nl - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-cs - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-ko - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-tr - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-ja - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-hu - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-el - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-es_ES - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-keyboard-l10n-zh_TW - 1.41-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.21-10.44.2.jolla -- 0.3.23-10.3.1.jolla
- [mediaplayer] Show the correct playback state when the playlist stops.
- [mediaplayer] Query compatibility with new tracker, plus album reorder by date. MER#1830
- [music] Order albums by descending date in the artist view.
[tracker] Album title has changed from nmm:AlbumTitle to nie:title. Backwards compatible. MER#1830
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.4.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-es_ES, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-hu, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-sl, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-ko, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-ja, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-cs, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-et, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-tr, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-nl, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-el, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-pt_BR
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.76-10.27.1.jolla -- 1.84-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-ko - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-pt_BR - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-el - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-sl - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-tr - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-ja - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-nl - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-et - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-hu - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-zh_TW - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-cs - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-l10n-es_ES - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.0-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-el, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-tr, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-et, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-sl, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-nl, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-ja, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-es_ES, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-ko, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-cs, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-hu
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.38-10.10.1.jolla -- 1.43-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-ja - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-hu - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-pt_BR - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-ko - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-et - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-el - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-nl - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-sl - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-cs - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-tr - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-es_ES - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n-zh_TW - 1.43-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.6.61-10.75.1.jolla -- 0.6.62-10.3.1.jolla
- [conversation] Increase send button touch area.
[cover] Fix broken fade fading check always evaluating to true
Updated : 1.124.1-10.69.1.jolla -- 1.130-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-messages-l10n-sl - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-ko - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-zh_TW - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-et - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-es_ES - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-tr - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-ja - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-el - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-hu - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-nl - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-pt_BR - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-messages-l10n-cs - 1.130-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 92 of 92 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.9.6-10.32.1.jolla -- 0.9.7-10.3.1.jolla
[jolla-notes] Support in-app search in Notes.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.2.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: jolla-notes-l10n-ja, jolla-notes-l10n-pt_BR, jolla-notes-l10n-ko, jolla-notes-l10n-sl, jolla-notes-l10n-nl, jolla-notes-l10n-tr, jolla-notes-l10n-hu, jolla-notes-l10n-zh_TW, jolla-notes-l10n-el, jolla-notes-l10n-et, jolla-notes-l10n-es_ES, jolla-notes-l10n-cs
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.60-10.25.1.jolla -- 1.68-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-notes-l10n-ja - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-cs - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-et - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-pt_BR - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-zh_TW - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-nl - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-el - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-hu - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-tr - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-es_ES - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-sl - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-notes-l10n-ko - 1.68-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.12.34-10.53.1.jolla -- 0.12.35-10.3.1.jolla
[jolla-settings] Remove transfer cover leftovers.
Updated : --
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Update Facebook redirect URI.
- [jolla-settings-accounts-extensions] Update Dropbox account flow.
[jolla-settings-accounts-extensions] Remove deprecated Facebook scopes.
Updated : 1.166.1-10.80.1.jolla -- 1.172-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-es_ES - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-nl - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-pt_BR - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-sl - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-el - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-zh_TW - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-ko - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-et - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-hu - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-ja - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-tr - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-accounts-l10n-cs - 1.172-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 326 of 338 strings translated (11 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.72-10.38.1.jolla -- 1.77-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-ko - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-pt_BR - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-zh_TW - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-cs - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-tr - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-et - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-es_ES - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-hu - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-ja - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-sl - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-nl - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n-el - 1.77-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 1.58-10.41.1.jolla -- 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-l10n-hu - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-cs - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-zh_TW - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-tr - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-sl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-pt_BR - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-ja - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-el - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-nl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-et - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-es_ES - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-l10n-ko - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.34
Updated : 0.4.10-10.84.2.jolla -- 0.4.11-10.3.1.jolla
[settings-networking] Fix (again) preedit staying in tethering ssid field.
Updated : 1.189.1-10.73.1.jolla -- 1.196-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-networking-l10n-nl - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-el - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-cs - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-zh_TW - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-ko - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-es_ES - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-pt_BR - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-ja - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-tr - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-sl - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-et - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-networking-l10n-hu - 1.196-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 374 of 374 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.1.9-10.29.2.jolla -- 0.1.12-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-upgrade-ui
- [sailfish-upgrade] Move the upgrade-ui dependency from the lib to the UI.
- [os-upgrade] Reboot into the systemd system-update target to perform an OS upgrade.
- [jolla-settings-sailfishos] Allow adding links to OS upgrade summary text.
[jolla-settings-sailfishos] Support longer OS upgrade texts.
Updated : 1.63-10.35.1.jolla -- 1.70-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-sl - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-zh_TW - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-et - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-nl - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-es_ES - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-cs - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-hu - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-el - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-tr - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-pt_BR - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-ja - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n-ko - 1.70-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.10
Updated : 0.20-10.10.2.jolla -- 0.21-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-sdk-about-product-license-jolla - 0.21-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-sdk-product-license
[license] Update after "Split the license text to two files.".
Updated : 1.42-10.28.1.jolla -- 1.47-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-sync-l10n-nl - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-et - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-el - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-ja - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-zh_TW - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-ko - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-sl - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-pt_BR - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-cs - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-hu - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-tr - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-settings-sync-l10n-es_ES - 1.47-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.12.5-10.89.1.jolla --
- [languages] Format to name Chinese languages: Chinese {simplified|traditional} (Region)
- [settings-system] Add Chinese(Taiwan),Czech,Dutch,Greek,Estonian,Hungarian,Portuguese(Brazil),Slovenian,and Turkish selection.
- [settings-system] Add Spanish (Bolivian) to the list of languages.
- [display-settings] Use DeviceInfo from nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- [storage] Hide mount option in context menu for unsupported filesystems.
[storage] Use canMount property to indicate unsupported filesystems.
Updated : 1.251.2-10.90.1.jolla -- 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-settings-system-l10n-nl - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-hu - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-et - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-ja - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-cs - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-sl - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-ko - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-zh_TW - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-pt_BR - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-es_ES - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-el - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla, jolla-settings-system-l10n-tr - 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla
- [l10n] 463 of 463 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.263
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.11
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.6
Updated : 1.30-10.22.1.jolla -- 1.35-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-signon-ui-l10n-hu - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-cs - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-pt_BR - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-zh_TW - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-es_ES - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-sl - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-nl - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-tr - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-ko - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-el - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-et - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-signon-ui-l10n-ja - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.35-10.61.1.jolla -- 0.3.36-10.3.1.jolla
[startup-wizard] Show MdmTermsDialog if MDM terms of service are installed.
Updated : 1.129-10.62.1.jolla -- 1.137-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-startupwizard-l10n-cs - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-hu - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-nl - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-ja - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-tr - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-pt_BR - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-el - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-et - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-sl - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-ko - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-zh_TW - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-startupwizard-l10n-es_ES - 1.137-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 44 of 44 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.36
Updated : 1.99-10.48.1.jolla -- 1.104-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : jolla-vault-l10n-es_ES - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-zh_TW - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-nl - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-et - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-ko - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-hu - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-cs - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-el - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-sl - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-ja - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-tr - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla, jolla-vault-l10n-pt_BR - 1.104-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 4.10.2+9git14-1.8.3 -- 4.10.2+9git16-1.3.1
- [kcalcore] Allow time alarm on all day incidence, fixes MER#1836.
[kcalcore] Create second-type duration for 0 delay durations, contributes to MER#1796.
Updated : --
- [sbj] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-11176.
[sbj] Upstream patches for CVE-2017-8890.
Updated : 11.8+git3-1.10.1 -- 12.2+git1-1.3.3
- Unmet requirements: libavresample.so.3, libavformat.so.57(LIBAVFORMAT_57), libavcodec.so.57, libavfilter.so.6, libavfilter.so.6(LIBAVFILTER_6), libswscale.so.4, libavresample.so.3(LIBAVRESAMPLE_3), libavutil.so.55(LIBAVUTIL_55), libswscale.so.4(LIBSWSCALE_4), libavcodec.so.57(LIBAVCODEC_57), libavformat.so.57, libavutil.so.55
[libav] Update to 12.2.
Updated : 0.1.8-1.40.3 -- 0.1.9-1.3.1
[libcontacts] Fix defines from public header.
Updated : 1.8-1.5.1 -- 1.14-1.3.1
- Binaries added : libcontacts-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-et - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-el - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.14-1.3.1, libcontacts-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.14-1.3.1
- [l10n] 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 1.0.5-1.4.1 -- 1.0.6-1.2.1
- Binaries added : dbusaccess-tools - 1.0.6-1.2.1
- [dbusaccess]
[dbus-creds] Packaged dbus-creds tool
Updated : 3.0.10-1.1.4 -- 3.2.1+git1-1.2.1
[packaging] Add symbolic link to .so.5.
Updated : 0.16.1+git1-1.3.6 -- 0.20.0+git1-1.3.1
[update] Update to release 0.20.0. MER#1830
Updated : 1.0.24-1.14.1 -- 1.0.26-1.2.1
- [glibutil] Cleaned up makefile
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [glibutil] Optimized GUtilIdleQueue
- [glibutil] Added test_log
- [glibutil] Allow NULL module in gutil_log_enabled
[glibutil] MER#1437
Updated : 1.24+git1-1.2.3 -- 1.27+git1-1.3.1
[libgpg-error] Update libgpg-error to 1.27.
Updated : 1.0.18-1.8.1 -- 1.0.20-1.2.1
- [libgrilio] Added grilio_parser_get_data and grilio_parser_bytes_remaining
- [libgrilio] MER#1438
- [libgrilio] Moved GRilIoParser typedef to grilio_types.h
- [libgrilio] Fixed a bug in grilio_request_set_blocking
- [libgrilio] Improved the test coverage script
[libgrilio] MER#1438
Updated : 1.0.6-1.2.1 -- 1.0.7-1.3.1
[gsupplicant] Maintain the list of connected stations.
Updated : --
- Binaries added : libhybris-tests-upstream -
- [hybris] Enable aarch64 support
- [odm] Add support for odm partition. MER#1824
- [rpm] Include headers needed after upstream changes
- [rpm] Package all available linkers
- [rpm] Split not working ones to tests-upstream subpackage
[update] update libhybris. Fixes MER#1829
Updated : 1.19-10.17.1.jolla -- 1.24-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-et - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-el - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla, libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.24-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 1.6.20-1.5.3 -- 1.6.34-1.3.1
[tracker] Update to libpng v1.6.34.
Updated : 1.29.0-1.9.5 -- 1.30.2-1.3.1
- [libresourceqt] Fix build.
[libresourceqt] Move include files into better place.
Updated : 1.2.3-10.13.1.jolla -- 1.2.5-10.3.2.jolla
- [libsailfishapp] Bring application to foreground always when launched.
- [packaging] Pass package version properly to the PKGCONFIG_VERSION.
[libsailfishapp] Resize root object to the view size.
Updated : 0.36.21-10.129.1.jolla -- 0.36.30-10.3.1.jolla
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show reboot label when system reboots to perform OS upgrade.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix geoclue provider status query failing on lipstick start
- [lockscreen] Do not remove TKLock while display is off. MER#1831
- [jolla-lipstick] Launch camera if shutter key is long pressed.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add support for handling Android HW keys.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add lipstick-windowprompt.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Allow swiping notification banners away.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use NetworkService path when connecting to a WLAN AP.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix notification popup preview with no summary.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Destroy sim pin always when closing vignette
[lipstick-jolla-home] Make lock screen a carousel.
Updated : 1.212.1-10.78.1.jolla -- 1.218-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-et - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-el - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.218-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 167 of 167 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.29
Updated : 0.32.9-1.85.3 -- 0.32.13-1.4.2
- [lipstick] Pick correct size variant for the launcher icons.
- [alien] Add API to identify Alien surfaces.
- [lipstick] Enable client fullscreen hint.
[lipstick] Fix lipstick shutdown.
Updated : 1.60-10.37.1.jolla -- 1.65-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : lipstick-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-et - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-el - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla, lipstick-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.65-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : -- 1.90.4-1.2.1
- [display] Enable/disable autosuspend from worker thread.
- [build] Update mce development package dependency
- [dbus] Document root-only dbus methods in mce dbus config
- [dbus] Use constants from mde-dev instead of hard-coding. Fixes MER#1854
- [tklock] Do not allow tkunlock while display is blanked. Fixes MER#1831
[dbus] Add config for button backlight methods.
Updated : 1.23.0-1.6.1 -- 1.24.0-1.2.1
- [doxygen] Do not scan the whole source tree
- [doxygen] Do not sort member docs
- [doxygen] Remove obsolete settings that cause warnings
- [makefile] Do not silence doxygen warnings
- [mce] Add missing methods and signals. MER#1854
[rpmbuild] Use _smp_mflags instead of jobs macro
Updated : 1.11.0-10.13.1.jolla -- 1.12.1-10.3.1.jolla
- [sysfs-led] Fix issues in configuration based dynamic probing
- [sysfsval] Treat max_brightness files as read-only.
- [config] Add enablers for parsing paths from config files
- [led-hammerhead] Fix minor whitespace issues
- [sysfs-led] Do not lock-in to wrong led reset state
- [sysfs-led] Make all sysfs control paths configurable. MER#1811
- [sysfs-led] Sync structure member names with sysfs paths
[sysfs-val] Avoid journal spamming due to optional control files
Updated : 0.1.4-1.11.1 -- 0.2.0-1.4.1
- [prjconf] Add export filter for aarch64.
- [mer-core] Remove obsoleted mer-release from project config.
- [mer-core] Fixing build for 64 bit.
- [mer-core] Add library provides for gmp.
[prjconf] Provide libffi.so.5.
Updated : 0.0.12-1.7.2 -- 0.1.1-1.3.1
- [nemo-connectivity] Reset connection manager and connection context upon modem change.
- [nemo-connectivity] Expose network connectivity status.
- [nemo-connectivity] Replace service with identifier.
- [nemo-connectivity] Replace service with path.
[packaging] fix package dependency on connman-qt5
Updated : 0.0.92-1.31.4 -- 0.0.93-1.3.1
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Improve FilterData preparation.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] Update unit tests.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-contacts] When filtering contacts, match usually to any part of the field.
[rpm] Bump up version and requirements.
Updated : 1.1.2-1.19.1 -- 1.1.4-1.3.1
- [nemo-qml-plugin-notifications] Remove outdated notes on fake libnemonotification namespace.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-notifications] Remove reference to lipstick categories.
[nemo-qml-plugin-notifications] Set urgency to normal on ctor.
Updated : 0.1.0-1.5.1 -- 0.1.1-1.3.1
[nemo-qml-plugin-policy] Add snap button resource.
Updated : 0.2.32-1.37.1 -- 0.3.0-1.3.1
- [systemsettings] Add DeviceInfo interface for hw feature queries.
- [storage] Check filesystem type against /proc/filesystems when deciding canMount.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Fix libsailfishkeyprovider dependency.
[systemsettings] Add TimeZoneInfo.
Updated : 0.0.9-10.5.5.jolla -- 0.0.10-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libavformat.so.57(LIBAVFORMAT_57), libswscale.so.4, libavutil.so.55, libavcodec.so.57, libavutil.so.55(LIBAVUTIL_55), libswscale.so.4(LIBSWSCALE_4), libavcodec.so.57(LIBAVCODEC_57), libavformat.so.57
[libav] Switch PIX_FMT_BGRA macro for AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA for latest libav compatibility. MER#1837
Updated : 1.23-10.19.1.jolla -- 1.28-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-el - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-et - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla, nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.28-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.10.2-10.70.1.jolla -- 1.0.2-10.3.1.jolla
- [patterns] do not depend on mesa directly.
- [patterns] Remove dependency to developer mode in devel image.
- [patterns] Drop lsb-release from core pattern.
[patterns] Drop mer-release from core pattern.
Updated : 0.6.16-10.19.1.jolla -- 0.6.17-10.2.1.jolla
[prjconf] Add prefer for sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources.
Updated : 4.13.1-1.5.2 -- 4.17-1.2.1
Update to 4.17. Fixes MER#1856
Updated : 1.19+git34.1-1.56.1 -- 1.20+git6-1.4.1
- [ofono] Properly reset cached SIM info after removal.
- [ril] Make sure SIM_IO and QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK get completed
- [test] Improve sailfish_manager.c test coverage
- [ofono] sms-filter: Added api_version field.
- [ril] Handle SIM reset.
- [ril] Housekeeping
- [sailfish_bt] Handle multiple EMULATOR_HFP atoms.
- [ofono] Adapt Sailfish OS plugins to newly introduced <ofono storage.h=""></ofono>
- [ofono] Add gdbus.h to the devel package.
- [ril] Added legacyImeiQuery configuration option.
- [ril] Fixed a few compilation warnings
- [devnode interface number label sysattr subsystem]
- [(null)] Successfully got file '/dev/cdc-wdm0' attributes from the UIM:
- [ofono] Generic queueing of D-Bus requests
- [ofono] Moved ofono_gprs_get_roaming_allowed declaration from gprs.h to ofono.h
- [ofono] network: Use ofono_dbus_queue for queuing D-Bus requests
- [ofono] radio-settings: Use ofono_dbus_queue for queuing D-Bus requests
- [ofono] Upgrade baseline to 1.20.
- [operator:MCC1,MNC1]
- [operator:MCC2,MNC2]
- [ril] Fixed -Wsign-compare compilation warnings
- [ril] Housekeeping
- [ril] Removed a few unused things
- [ril] First fix permissions on top-level directories.
- [ril] Added ril_parse_int utility
- [ril] Fix storage directory permissions at startup.
- [test] Added test-ril_util
- [build] Fixed configure check for libmce-glib
- [iofono] Allow to manage logs of binary plugins
- [mbpi] Use PROVIDER_DATABASE from config.h as the default
- [ofono] Added __ofono_plugin_foreach()
- [ofono] Allow older versions of plugins.
- [ofono] Fixed setting/clearing debug flags for binary plugins
- [ofono] Moved gutil_log_func initialization from ril_plugin_init()
- [ofono] Support for SMS filter plugins.
- [ril] Don't mix slice and default allocators in ril_plugin.c
[ril] Fixed erroneous assert
Updated : 0.10.2-10.5.1.jolla -- 1.0.2-10.2.1.jolla
- [patterns] do not depend on mesa directly.
- [patterns] Remove dependency to developer mode in devel image.
- [patterns] Drop lsb-release from core pattern.
[patterns] Drop mer-release from core pattern.
Updated : 8.0+git12-1.24.1 -- 8.0+git13-1.2.1
- [sailfish] bluez5-device: droid HSP/HFP profile can have input and output.
- [sailfish] pulseaudio: Reduce sink and source samplerate verbosity.
[sailfish] role-ducking: Backport ducking group support.
Updated : 8.0.62-10.5.1.jolla --
- [packaging] Bump version.
- [common] Add new quirk no_hw_volume.
- [common] Set input stream to standby before closing.
- [README] Add description for no_hw_volume quirk.
- [sink] Allow disabling hw volume control with quirk.
- [build] Have micro version for pc version.
- [build] Link libraries in right order.
- [card] Add module argument for controlling input merging.
- [card] Attach remaining moving sink-inputs to primary sink if one exists.
- [card] Set off profile as available.
- [card] Use default profile with primary module by default.
- [common] Add function to get stream latency in PulseAudio default type.
- [common] Add option to merge input streams in default profile.
- [common] Add quirk unload_no_close.
- [common] Enable input_atoi quirk by default with modern adaptations.
- [common] Refactor stream data to separate structures.
- [common] Replace combine profile with default profile.
- [common] Use droid mapping for input stream creation.
- [keepalive] Fix assert when closing module immediately after startup.
- [keepalive] Use MCE given keepalive period.
- [modules] Flag sinks and sources with type defining properties.
- [modules] Open multiple sinks and sources by default.
- [README] Add section explaining quirks.
- [README] Update description of droid modules.
- [sink] Apply routing changes always immediately. Fixes MER#1832
- [sink] Default to not mixing output routes.
- [sink] Set created sink as data for output stream.
- [sink] Use pa_droid_stream_get_latency() from common.
- [sink] Use updated stream structures.
- [source] Mark source proplist with droid api string.
- [source] Pass droid mapping when opening input stream.
- [source] Set created source as data for input stream.
- [source] Use input name from mapping when loaded from droid card.
[source] Use updated stream structures.
Updated : 6.0.1-10.3.18.jolla -- 8.0.2-10.3.1.jolla
- [build] Define audioflingerglue paths during configure.
[glue] Try to detect audioflingerglue library path.
Updated : 8.0.61-10.38.1.jolla --
- [packaging] Bump version.
- [common] Add new quirk no_hw_volume.
- [common] Set input stream to standby before closing.
- [README] Add description for no_hw_volume quirk.
- [sink] Allow disabling hw volume control with quirk.
- [build] Have micro version for pc version.
- [build] Link libraries in right order.
- [card] Add module argument for controlling input merging.
- [card] Attach remaining moving sink-inputs to primary sink if one exists.
- [card] Set off profile as available.
- [card] Use default profile with primary module by default.
- [common] Add function to get stream latency in PulseAudio default type.
- [common] Add option to merge input streams in default profile.
- [common] Add quirk unload_no_close.
- [common] Enable input_atoi quirk by default with modern adaptations.
- [common] Refactor stream data to separate structures.
- [common] Replace combine profile with default profile.
- [common] Use droid mapping for input stream creation.
- [keepalive] Fix assert when closing module immediately after startup.
- [keepalive] Use MCE given keepalive period.
- [modules] Flag sinks and sources with type defining properties.
- [modules] Open multiple sinks and sources by default.
- [README] Add section explaining quirks.
- [README] Update description of droid modules.
- [sink] Apply routing changes always immediately. Fixes MER#1832
- [sink] Default to not mixing output routes.
- [sink] Set created sink as data for output stream.
- [sink] Use pa_droid_stream_get_latency() from common.
- [sink] Use updated stream structures.
- [source] Mark source proplist with droid api string.
- [source] Pass droid mapping when opening input stream.
- [source] Set created source as data for input stream.
- [source] Use input name from mapping when loaded from droid card.
- [source] Use updated stream structures.
- [build] Check for voice uplink and downlink enums.
[common] Use correct input mapping with voicecall record.
Updated : 8.0.23-1.15.2 --
- [packaging] Bump version.
- [build] Have micro version for pc version.
- [build] Link libraries in right order.
- [common] Add functionality to sync routing and volume changes.
- [common] Add integer type to shared data.
- [common] Add new defines for volume sync.
- [common] Enable checking for key in shared data.
- [common] Fix boolean shared data setting.
- [common] Fix segfault for boolean type shared data.
- [common] Use proper data in hook callback.
- [mainvolume] Mute audio when routing and volume changes.
- [mainvolume] Mute media streams when volumes are changing.
- [mainvolume] Update includes.
[packaging] Include new sailfishos defines.
Updated : 8.0.31-1.23.1 --
- [packaging] Bump version.
- [policy-group] Don't log mute-by-route error for group with dynamic sink.
- [build] Require common module library version 24.
- [card-ext] Have define for max card profile definitions.
- [classify] Allow overriding device and card definitions.
- [classify] Store delayed_port_change for sinks.
- [classify] Take dynamic group sink into account when classifying streams.
- [classify] Use more flexible port definitions.
- [classify] Use new policy match implementation.
- [config-file] Allow empty string for variable.
- [config-file] Allow using variables for flags.
- [config-file] Parse dynamic group sink definitions.
- [config-file] Parse flags when closing section.
- [config-file] Parse new style port configurations.
- [config-file] Parse property based group values.
- [config-file] Parse sink port change delay value.
- [config-file] Restructure section closing.
- [context] Use new policy match implementation.
- [dbusif] Report when volumes are not in sync.
- [match] Implement common way to match policy objects.
- [module] Use new sink-ext.
- [packaging] Require common module library version 24.
- [policy-enforcement] Update object classifying.
- [policy-group] Allow dynamic source and use new match implementation.
- [policy-group] Support dynamic sink name for group.
- [sink-ext] Update pending port change implementation.
- [sink-ext] Update policy groupsets after removing sink.
- [sink-ext] Use new style port entry.
- [sink-input-ext] Update volume limit to use volume factor.
- [source-ext] Update policy groupsets after removing source.
- [source-ext] Use new style port entry.
- [variable] Free variables after init.
- [variable] Log only real value updates.
- [card-ext] Modify card-ext to use pa_classify_result struct.
- [classify] Fix incorrectly const variables.
- [classify] Recognize new flag for card profile.
- [classify] Refactor classify result handling.
- [classify] Use variables for values.
- [client-ext] Determine client uid with user string as well.
- [config-file] Call endpwent() immediately after use.
- [config-file] Read configs in sorted order.
- [config-file] Support variables.
- [context] Use variables for values.
- [dbusif] Modify dbusif to use pa_classify_result struct.
- [dbusif] Refactor signal strings a bit.
- [log] Add some logging helpers.
- [module] Add argument for enabling debug logging.
- [module] Move function to config file section.
- [module-policy-enforcement] Use new config parsing.
- [policy-group] Log error message if target doesn't have sink. MER#1643
- [policy-group] Use variables for values.
- [policy] Modify policy to use pa_classify_result struct.
- [sink-ext] Modify sink-ext to use pa_classify_result struct.
- [source-ext] Modify source-ext to use pa_classify_result struct.
[variable] Add possibility to set variables for values.
Updated : 0.0.2-10.1.491.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es_ES, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sl, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-el, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ja, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hu, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tr, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt_BR, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-cs, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_TW, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nl, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-et, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ko
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.58-10.28.17.jolla -- 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-et - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ja - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-cs - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_TW - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt_BR - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-el - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ko - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hu - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es_ES - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tr - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 76 of 76 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] 76 of 76 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.6-10.8.5.jolla -- 0.1.7-10.3.1.jolla
- [qmf-eas-plugin] Don't create account settings dialog until needed.
[qmf-eas-plugin] Polish Exchange account sign-in view.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.10.2.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-zh_TW, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-pt_BR, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-cs, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-el, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-es_ES, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-sl, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-tr, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-hu, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-ja, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-nl, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-et, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-ko
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.15-10.10.1.jolla -- 1.23-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-pt_BR - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-ja - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-sl - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-es_ES - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-zh_TW - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-cs - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-el - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-tr - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-et - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-nl - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-ko - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-eas-plugin-l10n-hu - 1.23-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 67 of 67 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.6+master.20171014190102.4.g1c178c5
Updated : 0.3.0-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-ko, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-zh_TW, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-pt_BR, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-hu, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-es_ES, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-nl, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-ja, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-sl, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-tr, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-el, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-cs, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-et
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.29-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.35-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-pt_BR - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-cs - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-zh_TW - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-ko - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-tr - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-el - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-es_ES - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-sl - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-et - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-hu - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-ja - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla, qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n-nl - 1.35-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 5.6.2+git19-1.37.2 -- 5.6.3+git2-1.3.1
- [mer][qtbase] Update to 5.6.3.
[qpa] Fix font loading in the offsreen plugin.
Updated : 5.2.0+git2-1.5.6 -- 5.2.0+git3-1.3.1
[Qt] Fix build for aarch64/Qt5.6.
Updated : 5.6.2+git9-1.42.1 -- 5.6.3+git1-1.3.1
[mer][qtdeclarative] Update to 5.6.3.
Updated : 5.2.0+git6-1.16.13 -- 5.2.0+git7-1.3.1
[tracker] Switch nmm:albumTitle for nie:title for compatibility with tracker 1.12. MER#1830
Updated : 5.2.1+git26-1.30.1 -- 5.2.1+git27-1.3.2
[qtlocation] Start Geoclue client position interface asynchronously.
Updated : 5.2.1+git16-1.14.1 -- 5.2.1+git17-1.3.2
- [sensorfw] Add pressure sensor.
[sensorfw] Add pressure sensor to sensorfw plugin. Contributes to MER#1799.
Updated : 5.6.2+git6-1.11.1 -- 5.6.2+git9-1.3.2
- [qttools] Add HomePage key to symbol table.
- [qttools] Align with upstream menu key.
[qttools] Add Menu and Back keys to symbol table.
Updated : 5.4.0+git46-1.48.2 -- 5.4.0+git48-1.3.2
- [qtwayland] Map HomePage key.
[qtwayland] Map Select, Back and Menu keys.
Updated : 5.6.2+git4-1.20.1 -- 5.6.2+git5-1.3.1
[mer][qtwebkit] Fix initial value of pinching.
Updated : 0.2.27-1.50.2 -- 0.2.28-1.3.1
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Add a bunch of missing #include directives
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Build with C++11
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Don't require QtContacts/private
- [qtcontacts-sqlite-extensions] removed unused static function. Contributes to MER#1842
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Fix aggregation test. Contributes to MER#1853
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Mark method overrides
- [qtcontacts-sqlite] Run tests with "make check"
[qtcontacts-sqlite] Workaround issue with QWaitCondition. Contributes to MER#1853
Updated : 0.7.2-10.7.1.jolla -- 0.7.4-10.3.2.jolla
[scenegraph] Fix transparent textures not blending.
Reverted : --
[rpm] Hardcode vendor name.
Updated : 1.16.1-10.9.1.jolla -- 1.16.3-10.3.1.jolla
- [sailfish-browser] Fix browser cover to portrait for non-large screen displays.
- [rpm] Bump up version and package requirements.
- [sailfish-browser] Cleanup possible line breaks etc from favorite item
[sailfish-browser] Use private homePageMargin for horizontalMargin in the favorite grid.
Updated : 1.117-10.60.1.jolla -- 1.124-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-browser-l10n-ja - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-tr - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-zh_TW - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-es_ES - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-et - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-sl - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-pt_BR - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-el - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-hu - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-nl - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-ko - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-browser-l10n-cs - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 1.16.2
Updated : 1.9-10.6.1.jolla -- 1.14-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-tr - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-sl - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-ja - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-zh_TW - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-el - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-pt_BR - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-ko - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-et - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-nl - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-hu - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-es_ES - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n-cs - 1.14-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.2.10-10.54.2.jolla -- 0.2.11-10.3.1.jolla
[sailfish-components-accounts] Don't migrate "new" cdav accounts. Contributes to MER#1822
Updated : 1.45.1-10.35.1.jolla -- 1.51-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-el - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-et - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.51-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.55-10.32.1.jolla -- 1.62-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-et - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-el - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.62-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.2.5-10.60.3.jolla -- 0.2.7-10.3.1.jolla
- [rpm] Bump version and update requirements.
- [sailfish-contacts] Fix search filter result highlighting.
[sailfish-components-contacts] Remove BluetoothImportPage.
Updated : 1.103-10.47.1.jolla -- 1.110-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-el - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-et - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.110-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 128 of 131 strings translated (2 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.5
Updated : 1.41-10.27.1.jolla -- 1.46-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-et - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-el - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.46-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.22-10.10.1.jolla -- 1.27-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-cs - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-ko - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-ja - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-hu - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-nl - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-pt_BR - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-tr - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-zh_TW - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-es_ES - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-et - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-sl - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n-el - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 35 of 35 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.71-10.39.1.jolla -- 1.76-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-el - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-et - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.76-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.2-10.25.2.jolla -- 0.3.3-10.3.2.jolla
- [sailfish-pickers] Add Downloads and File System categories from content picker.
- [sailfish-pickers] Add multi download picker dialog.
- [sailfish-pickers] Add multi file picker dialog.
- [sailfish-pickers] Make it possible to hide system files.
[sailfish-pickers] Update documentation.
Updated : 1.61-10.33.1.jolla -- 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-et - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-el - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla, sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-pickers-qt5 from version 1.72
- [l10n] 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.3
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.3
Updated : 1.14-10.10.1.jolla -- 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-el - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-et - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.19-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] spec file updated
[l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
Updated : 0.1.29-10.17.3.jolla -- 0.1.30-10.3.1.jolla
[sailfish-components-timezone] Move zonetab parsing to nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings.
Updated : 1.57.1-10.34.1.jolla -- 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-el - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-et - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.63-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 691 of 691 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.3.9-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.4.0-10.3.2.jolla
[sailfish-components-weather] Also refresh weather forecast model after the connectivity has been established.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-tr, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-cs, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-ko, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-hu, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-el, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-sl, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-ja, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-et, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-nl
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.19-10.5.1.jolla -- 1.27-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-et - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-el - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.27-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.0
Updated : 0.0.19-10.8.1.jolla -- 0.0.20-10.3.1.jolla
[sailfish-webengine] Do not try to floor low pixel ratio values.
Updated : 1.10-10.8.1.jolla -- 1.16-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-el - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-et - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.16-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 1.11-10.10.1.jolla -- 1.20-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-el - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-nl - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-ko - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-es_ES - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-hu - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-ja - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-pt_BR - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-sl - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-tr - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-et - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-cs - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n-zh_TW - 1.20-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.15
Updated : 0.9.2-10.18.2.jolla -- 0.9.3-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.5-large, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.25, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z2.0, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.5, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.0, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.75
[jolla-ambient] Add a dependency to the system upgrade graphics.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.13.1.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-maps-l10n-el, sailfish-maps-l10n-sl, sailfish-maps-l10n-ja, sailfish-maps-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-maps-l10n-hu, sailfish-maps-l10n-ko, sailfish-maps-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-maps-l10n-et, sailfish-maps-l10n-tr, sailfish-maps-l10n-nl, sailfish-maps-l10n-cs, sailfish-maps-l10n-es_ES
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.73.1-10.39.1.jolla -- 1.79-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-maps-l10n-pt_BR - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-et - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-sl - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-ja - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-nl - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-el - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-cs - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-hu - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-zh_TW - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-tr - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-ko - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-maps-l10n-es_ES - 1.79-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.2.61-10.6.1.jolla -- 0.2.67-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-mdm-ts-devel - 0.2.67-10.3.1.jolla
- [sailfish-mdm] Add documentation and example how to provision WLAN networks.
- [sailfish-mdm] Add placeholder documents for Terms of Service agreements.
- [sailfish-mdm] Bump version and add linguist tools dependency.
- [sailfish-mdm] Prompt the user to accept the MDM terms of use.
- [sailfish-mdm] Provide policy types in own header.
- [sailfish-mdm] Document MDM application data directories.
- [sailfish-mdm] Use TimeZoneInfo class to list supported time zones.
[sailfish-mdm] Fix MDM tool certificates command.
Updated : 0.1.4-10.2.4.jolla -- 0.1.8-10.3.1.jolla
- [mdm-demo] Rename Sailfish.Mdm module to Sailfish.Mdm.Demo
- [mdm-demo] Include INOI and Accione devices to MDM demo.
- [sailfish-mdm-demo] Add support for more MDM API features.
- [sailfish-mdm-demo] Add support for more policy values.
[rpm] Fix build.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.3.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-office-l10n-et, sailfish-office-l10n-el, sailfish-office-l10n-ko, sailfish-office-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-office-l10n-hu, sailfish-office-l10n-sl, sailfish-office-l10n-nl, sailfish-office-l10n-ja, sailfish-office-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-office-l10n-tr, sailfish-office-l10n-cs, sailfish-office-l10n-pt_BR
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.82-10.33.1.jolla -- 1.90-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-office-l10n-hu - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-es_ES - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-ja - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-zh_TW - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-et - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-nl - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-pt_BR - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-ko - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-sl - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-el - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-cs - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-office-l10n-tr - 1.90-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 58 of 58 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.2.1-10.8.1.jolla -- 0.2.3-10.3.1.jolla
- [icons] Allow scaling icon size uniformly relative to target display resolution.
[svg2png] Add support for rgb and grayscale output formats.
Updated : 1.44-10.27.1.jolla -- 1.49-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-tutorial-l10n-ja - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-el - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-tr - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-nl - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-et - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-hu - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-cs - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-zh_TW - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-pt_BR - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-ko - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-es_ES - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-tutorial-l10n-sl - 1.49-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 98 of 98 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 2.1.3-10.45.7.jolla -- 2.1.4-10.3.11.jolla
- [version] Change name for 2.1.4 (Lapuanjoki).
- [version] Do not mention target CPU in version strings.
[packaging] Do not ghost actual file.
Updated : 0.3.0-10.12.3.jolla -- 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-weather-l10n-et, sailfish-weather-l10n-ko, sailfish-weather-l10n-el, sailfish-weather-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-weather-l10n-hu, sailfish-weather-l10n-cs, sailfish-weather-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-weather-l10n-tr, sailfish-weather-l10n-ja, sailfish-weather-l10n-nl, sailfish-weather-l10n-sl, sailfish-weather-l10n-pt_BR
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Updated : 1.14-10.14.1.jolla -- 1.21-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfish-weather-l10n-et - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-ja - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-hu - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-ko - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-nl - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-es_ES - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-zh_TW - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-tr - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-cs - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-el - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-pt_BR - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-weather-l10n-sl - 1.21-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.24.29-10.95.1.jolla -- 0.25.5-10.3.1.jolla
- [silica] Use implicitHeight on ProgressBar.
- [sailfish-silica] Fix fluctuating PushUpMenu test case.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix recursion from Silica::Theme initialization.
- [icons] Fetch launcher icon size from icon file if not defined.
- [icons] Scale smartphone launcher icons respective to display resolution.
- [sailfishsilica] Allow triggering remorse popup manually.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix Slider.rightMargin not working unless it is the same as leftMargin.
- [sailfishsilica] Add delayedClick signal for MenuItem.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix ColumnView test case.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix DatePicker unit tests.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix PageStack tests.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix pulldownmenu test to pass.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix test-definition.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix tst_components tests.
- [sailfishsilica] Log webview scaling factor defaulting as a debug.
- [sailfishsilica] Skip failing scroll decorator tests case.
- [sailfishsilica] Verify that PullDownMenu emits menuitem.clicked before inactivated.
- [sailfishsilica] Verify that PushUpMenu emits menuitem.clicked before inactivated.
- [sailfishsilica] Use showNormal for covers.
- [sailfishsilica] Allow overriding SearchField height without losing information about the implicit height.
- [sailfishsilica] Cleanup StandardPath documentation.
- [sailfishsilica] Don't force focus search field when clear button is clicked.
- [sailfishsilica] Add missing destructor for DeclarativeWindow.
- [sailfishsilica] Suppress logs when destroying DeclarativeWindow.
[sailfishsilica] Allow wrapping MenuLabel.
Updated : 1.85-10.50.1.jolla -- 1.91-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-tr - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-et - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-nl - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-ja - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-cs - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-el - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-zh_TW - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-ko - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-pt_BR - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-es_ES - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-hu - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla, sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n-sl - 1.91-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
- [l10n] 82 of 82 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.25.0
Updated : 3.0-1.7.1 -- 4.0-1.3.1
- Binaries added : sb2-tools-qt5-armv7hl - 4.0-1.3.1, sb2-tools-qt5-armv7hl-dependency - 4.0-1.3.1
[packaging] Add support for aarch64.
Updated : 0.10.0-10.61.4.jolla --
- [policy] Use correct identifier for a2dp devices.
- [packaging] Update pulseaudio dependencies.
- [policy] Update configuration for new droid-modules.
- [pulseaudio] Load mainvolume before stream-restore.
[pulseaudio] Update configuration for new droid-modules.
Updated : 1.0.1-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.1-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libpackagekitqt5.so.0
[sdk-deploy-rpm] Adapt to PackageKit-Qt 0.9.x.
Updated : 1.48.4-10.26.1.jolla -- 1.48.5-10.3.1.jolla
[rpmvalidator] Issue warnings for deprecated items.
Updated : 1.1.6-10.14.1.jolla -- 1.2.2-10.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sdk-welcome-message
- [mb2] Make --fix-version implicit.
- [sdk-setup] Let sdk-utils require git.
- [sdk-setup] Allow to rebrand SDK welcome message.
- [git-change-log] Add --descendants-of option.
- [git-change-log] Add --script option
- [git-change-log] Add --sed-entries option.
- [git-change-log] Add 'sed' option to --append-from.
- [git-change-log] Fix compatibility with newer Bash
- [git-change-log] Fix sorting revisions with Python.
[mb2] Make use of rpmbuild's --short-circuit option.
Updated : 0.7.0-10.6.1.jolla -- 0.7.2-10.4.1.jolla
- [sdk-webapp] Rename "Publishing Tools" as "Publishing".
- [sdk-webapp] Fix installing/removing multiple packages at once.
[sdk-webapp] Generalize messages mentioning Jolla Harbour.
Updated : 8.57.5-1.11.10 -- 8.57.5+git1-1.3.1
[packaging] Bump up build requirements.
Updated : 1.35-10.23.1.jolla -- 1.42-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : simkit-l10n-nl - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-hu - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-cs - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-tr - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-ja - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-sl - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-el - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-zh_TW - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-ko - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-et - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-pt_BR - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla, simkit-l10n-es_ES - 1.42-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.1.63-10.28.1.jolla -- 0.1.64-10.3.2.jolla
[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Prevent failure in %pre.
Updated : 1.64-10.35.1.jolla -- 1.69-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : sociald-l10n-sl - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-zh_TW - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-ko - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-tr - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-es_ES - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-et - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-pt_BR - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-ja - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-el - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-nl - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-hu - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla, sociald-l10n-cs - 1.69-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 4.1.8-10.10.3.jolla -- 4.2.0-10.2.1.jolla
- [endurance] Skip non existing files from proc fs.
- [endurance] Use mcetool to get suspend statistics.
- [packaging] Convert the package to tar_git format.
- [postproc] Add graph generator for GPU memory
- [postproc] Parse display state from journal properly
- [postproc] Plot suspend statistics from mcetool.
- [snapshot] Snapshot info about GPU memory usage
[sp-endurance] Data collection compat fixes and some postproc updates.
Updated : 0.6-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.7-10.2.1.jolla
[splash] Add welcome message.
Updated : 0.43.4-1.37.1 -- 0.43.6-1.3.2
- [ssu] Allow to use ssu behind proxy without connman.
[ks] Suggest developer-mode to rnd images by default.
Updated : 0.101-10.36.1.jolla -- 0.104-10.5.1.jolla
- [repos] Revert sales and sailfish domain changes.
- [ks] Do not create /etc/meego-release.
- [repos] Point credentials URL to new infra.
[repos] Point URL's to new infra.
Updated : 1.0.0-1.1.2 -- 1.1.2-1.2.1
- [ssu-sysinfo] Bump version.
- [ssu-sysinfo] Remove garbage on %postun rule.
- [ssusysinfo] Add hw feature and key queries.
[ssusysinfo] Add variant device handling.
Updated : 0.3.15-1.31.3 -- 0.3.17-1.3.1
- [power-udev] Derive OnBattery from charging state. Fixes MER#1818
[power-udev] Handle high voltage dedicated chargers.
Updated : 0.11.31-10.98.1.jolla -- 0.12.8-10.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libpackagekitqt5.so.0
- [store-client] Fix RPM package installation.
- [store-client] Fix os upgrade getting canceled.
- [store-client] Release cover image for 2.1.4.
- [store-client] Obsolete openrepos apps using old PackageKit-Qt5.
- [store] Remove the OS upgrade UI from the store.
- [store-client] Remove flattr button that no longer works.
- [store-client] Fix os update download progress.
- [store] Align expander press effect style with platform rules.
[jolla-store] Migrate to PackageKit-Qt5 0.9.x.
Updated : 1.117-10.56.1.jolla -- 1.124-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : store-client-l10n-ja - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-el - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-cs - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-pt_BR - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-ko - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-tr - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-zh_TW - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-hu - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-es_ES - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-et - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-nl - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla, store-client-l10n-sl - 1.124-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 148 of 148 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.4
Updated : 4.06-1.4.Nemo -- 4.06+git1-10.1.1.jolla
- [syslinux] Add packaging.
[syslinux] Fix building from git.
Updated : 225+git5-1.15.2 -- 225+git7-1.3.1
- [PATCH] core: downgrade "Time has been changed" to debug
- [PATCH] shutup 'Time has been changed messages' in journal info
- [systemd] Integrate systemd patch to reduce logging.
[systemd] Avoid occassional boot hangups.
Updated : 0.0.4-1.2.4 -- 0.0.5-1.3.1
- Unmet requirements: libavformat.so.57(LIBAVFORMAT_57), libswscale.so.4, libavutil.so.55, libavcodec.so.57, libavutil.so.55(LIBAVUTIL_55), libswscale.so.4(LIBSWSCALE_4), libavcodec.so.57(LIBAVCODEC_57), libavformat.so.57
- [libav] Switch PIX_FMT_BGRA macro for AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA for latest libav and ffmpeg compatibility.
[libav] Switch PIX_FMT_BGRA macro for AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA for latest libav compatibility. MER#1837
Updated : 1.8.0+git8-1.28.3 -- 1.12.4+git4-1.3.1
- Unmet requirements: libavformat.so.57(LIBAVFORMAT_57), libavutil.so.55, libavcodec.so.57, libavutil.so.55(LIBAVUTIL_55), libavformat.so.57
- [build] Disable parallel build in libtracker-sparql.
- [xing] Avoid divide-by-zero error when Xing duration is 0.
- [reset] Add switch to tracker reset command to skip confirmation prompt.
- [compat] Remove tracker util compatibility binaries and patch. MER#1830
- [tracker] Convert to patched submodule for easier migration.
- [tracker] Remove old tracker source dir.
[tracker] Update to 1.12.4. Fixes MER#1830
Updated : 1.79-10.47.1.jolla -- 1.84-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : transferengine-plugins-l10n-ja - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-es_ES - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-tr - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-ko - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-et - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-pt_BR - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-sl - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-nl - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-zh_TW - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-hu - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-el - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla, transferengine-plugins-l10n-cs - 1.84-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 0.86.0+mer18-1.32.1 -- 0.86.0+mer20-1.2.2
- [udev] Do not exit if cable state can't be determined
- [udev] Suppress repetitive property warnings.
[udev] Handle high voltage dedicated chargers.
Updated : 2.28.1+git1-1.4.4 -- 2.31+git1-1.2.2
- Unmet requirements: libmount.so.1(MOUNT_2.30), libfdisk.so.1(FDISK_2.29), libsmartcols.so.1(SMARTCOLS_2.29), libblkid.so.1(BLKID_2.30), libuuid.so.1(UUID_2.31), libblkid.so.1(BLKID_2_31), libfdisk.so.1(FDISK_2.30), libfdisk.so.1(FDISK_2.31), libsmartcols.so.1(SMARTCOLS_2.30), libsmartcols.so.1(SMARTCOLS_2.31)
- [packaging] Require bison.
[util-linux] Update to 2.31.
Updated : 0.24.0+git2-1.3.8 -- 0.34.11+git1-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: libvala-0.34.so.0
[update] Update to version 0.34.11, to support tracker 1.12. MER#1830
Updated : 0.12-10.29.4.jolla -- 0.15-10.5.2.jolla
- [ssu] Remove static nemo x86-common repository.
- [patterns] Explicitly require openssh-clients in build engine.
- [alsa-unmute-service] Properly check exit status.
[alsa-unmute-service] Require alsa-utils.
Updated : 1.158.1-10.72.1.jolla -- 1.166-10.3.1.jolla
- Binaries added : voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-es_ES - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-sl - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-ja - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-nl - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-cs - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-et - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-tr - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-hu - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-pt_BR - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-el - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-ko - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla, voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n-zh_TW - 1.166-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 203 of 203 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Updated : 2.6+git3-1.18.1 -- 2.6+git4-1.2.1
- [wpa-supplicant] Add IEEE802.11r build option.
- [wpa_supplicant] Cleaned up .gitmodules
- [wpa_supplicant] Enable IEEE802.11r support. Fixes MER#1833
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13077
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13078
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13079
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13080
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13081
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13082
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13084
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13086
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13087
- [wpa_supplicant] CVE-2017-13088
[wpa_supplicant] Security update.
Updated : 2.10.1+git5-1.6.1 -- 2.10.1+git6-1.2.1
- [sbj] Map Select key.
Packages added
- Binaries added : cryptsetup-libs - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, cryptsetup-devel - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, veritysetup - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, cryptsetup-reencrypt - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, cryptsetup - 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: cryptsetup = 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, libcryptsetup.so.4, cryptsetup-libs = 1.7.5+git1-1.2.1, libcryptsetup.so.4(CRYPTSETUP_1.0)
- [cryptsetup] Remove libselinux-devel and libsepol-devel from BuildRequires. MER#910
[cryptsetup] Upgrade to 1.7.5.
Binaries added : gstreamer1.0-omx - 1.10.4+git4-10.2.1.jolla
- [doc] Update Readme.
- [video] Fix skipping timeout.
- [colour] Colour format support updates.
- [droid] Use device OMX headers instead of the bundled ones.
- [omx] Add ldconfig calls on install/uninstall.
[omx] Build with gst-droid and droidmedia for native buffers, instead of the old gst-jolla.
Binaries added : libgudev - 232+git1-1.1.1, libgudev-devel - 232+git1-1.1.1
- Unmet requirements: libgudev = 232+git1-1.1.1
- [libgudev] Add git submodule for libgudev.
[libgudev] Add initial packaging for Sailfish.
Binaries added : minui-devel - 0.0.1-10.2.1.jolla
[minui] Package minui.
Binaries added : python-distro - 1.0.4+mer1-1.1.1
[python-distro] Initial packaging for Mer. Contribute to
Binaries added : sailfish-mdm-l10n - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-el - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-da - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-tr - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-fi - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-cs - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_CN - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-nl - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-hu - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pl - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ru - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_HK - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-hi - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-nb - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-kn - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-bn_IN - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-es - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-et - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-mr - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ja - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-de - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-es_ES - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-te - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pt - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ta - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pa - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-all-translations - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-sv - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-en_US - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-gu - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-en_GB - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ko - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-fr - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-tt - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-zh_TW - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-pt_BR - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-ml - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-sl - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mdm-l10n-it - 1.5-10.2.1.jolla
- [l10n] 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.66
Binaries added : sailfish-minui-dbus-devel - 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-label-tool - 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-mindbus-devel - 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-devel - 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: pkgconfig(sailfish-mindbus) = 0.0.2, pkgconfig(minui), pkgconfig(sailfish-minui) = 0.0.2
- [upgrade-ui] Ensure queued dbus messages are processed.
- [os-upgrade] Add a minimal C++ wrapper library for libdbus.
- [os-upgrade] Add a tool for generating localized image labels.
[os-upgrade] MinUI C++ API.
Binaries added : sailfish-upgrade-ui-ts-devel - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.25 - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.5 - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.0 - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.75 - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z2.0 - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources-z1.5-large - 0.0.4-10.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-upgrade-ui-resources = 0.0.4
- [upgradeui] Correctly resolve SBJ devices and don't disable feature repos.
- [sailfish-upgrade] Fix logging of the upgrade process.
- [sailfish-upgrade] Only show progress for the installing step.
[os-upgrade] Add a minimal dependency OS upgrade UI.
Binaries added : sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-en_US - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-tr - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pt - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-nb - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-sl - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ml - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ja - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-nl - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-da - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-en_GB - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-es - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-hu - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-cs - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-kn - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-sv - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pa - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pt_BR - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_CN - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-fr - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-gu - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-et - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-bn_IN - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-es_ES - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-mr - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-fi - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-pl - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-te - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_HK - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-tt - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ta - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-it - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ko - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-all-translations - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-zh_TW - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-el - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-hi - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-ru - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n-de - 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-upgrade-ui from version 1.5
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [l10n] spec file updated
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.1
Binaries added : sailfish-utilities-all-translations - 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-all-translations-pack - 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-utilities-l10n-el, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-utilities-l10n-cs, sailfish-utilities-l10n-et, sailfish-utilities-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-utilities-l10n-es, sailfish-utilities-l10n-sv, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ja, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-utilities-l10n-hi, sailfish-utilities-l10n-hu, sailfish-utilities-l10n-nb, sailfish-utilities-l10n-bn_IN, sailfish-utilities-l10n-sl, sailfish-utilities-l10n-gu, sailfish-utilities-l10n-nl, sailfish-utilities-l10n-en_US, sailfish-utilities-l10n-fi, sailfish-utilities-l10n-kn, sailfish-utilities-l10n-da, sailfish-utilities-l10n-de, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ko, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-utilities-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-utilities-l10n-fr, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ru, sailfish-utilities-l10n-tr, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pl, sailfish-utilities-l10n-mr, sailfish-utilities-l10n-tt, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pa, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ta, sailfish-utilities-l10n-it, sailfish-utilities-l10n-te, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ml, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pt
- [all-translations] Add Chinese(Taiwan) Czech Greek Estonian Hungarian Korean Dutch Portuguese(Brazil) Slovenian and Turkish locales.
- [all-translations] Remove Japanese from csd.
- [all-translations] Add ja locale for Japanese.
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-upgrade-ui and sailfish-mdm.
[all-translations] Add es_ES locale for Spanish (Spain).
Binaries added : sailfish-utilities-l10n-mr - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pl - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ko - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ru - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pt - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-tt - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-te - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pa - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-sv - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_HK - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-de - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ta - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-kn - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-fi - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-fr - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ja - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-tr - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-es_ES - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-pt_BR - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-da - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-gu - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-all-translations - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-es - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_TW - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-et - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-nb - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-bn_IN - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-en_GB - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-hi - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-it - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-hu - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-zh_CN - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-el - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-en_US - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-ml - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-nl - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-cs - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla, sailfish-utilities-l10n-sl - 1.48-10.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation by user sleleiva.: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[l10n] spec file updated
Binaries added : sb2-tools-qt5-aarch64-dependency-inject - 4.0-1.2.1, sb2-tools-qt5-aarch64 - 4.0-1.2.1, sb2-tools-qt5-aarch64-dependency - 4.0-1.2.1
Wow, that is a lot! And cryptsetup updated. Thanks sailors!
olf ( 2018-02-15 18:00:57 +0200 )edithttps://together.jolla.com/question/179223/release-notes-214-lapuanjoki/ "temporarily unavailable"
objectifnul ( 2018-02-15 19:35:21 +0200 )editMost unusual. Changelog published, release notes unavailable, update nowhere to be seen.
ossi1967 ( 2018-02-15 19:57:24 +0200 )edit@ossi1967 You are able to install this update via the command line
Louis ( 2018-02-15 20:12:50 +0200 )edithow do you update via command
clifford ( 2018-02-15 20:17:54 +0200 )edit