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[Announcement] Community Sony Xperia X Compact release

asked 2018-02-27 00:38:26 +0300

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updated 2018-03-09 13:52:26 +0300

steph gravatar image

[notice] to work around the sensors issue I have release a different image with working gyro/light/proximity. The link has been amended, and the new image has the tag 'sg01'


I'm happy to announce the first community build of SailfishOS 2.1.3 built upon community infrastructure for the Sony Xperia X Compact (f5321/kugo).

Many, many thanks to the porting community, sailors, private testers, the Sony Open Devices team but most of all to Manizuca upon whose device adaptation work this is based.


  • Sony Xperia X Compact (f5321) upgraded to the latest Android 6 or 7 before unlocking the bootloader. This is a critical step. Attempting to flash without upgraded firmware may brick your device
  • Download and unzip the archive here, and follow the instructions therein. They are the same as per the Xperia X Community build. For specific instructions on installing under Windows, see this XDA post

What works:

  • everything that works in the community port of the Xperia X

What isn't working:

  • everything that doesn't work on the community port of the Xperia X
  • OTA updates. If you flash this image to your device you will need to manually upgrade via the command line, and currently even that may not work. Although feature complete, this is a work-in-progress.
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Thanks a lot @steph! It's much appreciated! My X Compact still lies unboxed, waiting to be liberated from Android. :)

luen ( 2018-02-27 00:48:52 +0300 )edit

upgrade it first!

steph ( 2018-02-27 01:02:36 +0300 )edit

Yep, will start right away!

luen ( 2018-02-27 01:06:36 +0300 )edit

@steph this is really great, that you make this "officially" available now. I'm still running your build from November. Will this version here fix the gps issue? Is it save to install this version over the current one ( I use?

naytsyrhc ( 2018-02-27 01:09:36 +0300 )edit

Sir, you are absolutely awesome, many thanks for your hard work

figgis-diggis ( 2018-02-27 09:57:46 +0300 )edit

12 Answers

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answered 2018-02-28 10:05:44 +0300

ming1 gravatar image

Hello, i cant Flash the Image. Can anybody help? I get this Message.

This is a Windows flashing script for Sony Xperia X Compact device.

Power on the device in fastboot mode, by doing the following: 1. Turn off your Xperia. 2. Connect one end of a USB cable to your PC. 3. While holding the volume up button pressed, connect the other end of the USB cable to your Xperia. 4. After this you should see the blue LED lit on Xperia, and it will be ready for flashing

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . . MD5SUM 'ed5a809dc0024d83cbab4fb9933d598d' match for file 'AdbWinApi.dll'. MD5SUM '0e24119daf1909e398fa1850b6112077' match for file 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll'. MD5SUM 'c980ea6caa9140ee3f30cdc0e98844c4' match for file 'fastboot.exe'. MD5SUM '15bb5806375af0b7f031cbcbea84cf12' match for file 'flash-on-windows.bat'.

Searching a device with vendor id '0x0fce'..

The device is unlocked for the flashing process. Continuing..

'34.3' is new enough to support vendor partition. Continuing.. "." kann syntaktisch an dieser Stelle nicht verarbeitet werden.

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it appears that the hashes for the windows fastboot executable and library are out of date. I need to find more up-to-date versions for windows.

(also please download the working image here: https://futr.io/ipfs/QmTpoKtixjD7xMtVESh96ZzFHhSJLG3DtM5NRrnezSa85a/)

steph ( 2018-02-28 10:12:17 +0300 )edit


downloaded the Image from: https://futr.io/ipfs/QmTpoKtixjD7xMtVESh96ZzFHhSJLG3DtM5NRrnezSa85a/. Thats not the problem,maybe the Fastboot it is.

ming1 ( 2018-02-28 10:18:36 +0300 )edit

Hi ming1, yes the issue is with the fastboot.exe and DLL that are bundled with the zip file, and that they changed versions somewhere along the line. I need to do some research but you should be able to download both as per for the Xperia X and comment out the md5sum line in the batch file and you should be able to flash.

steph ( 2018-02-28 10:38:51 +0300 )edit

Thanks for the help. I will try it ;-)

ming1 ( 2018-02-28 10:45:55 +0300 )edit

Flashing Completed under Virtual Box (Ubuntu). with windows doest´n work. So i´m happy

ming1 ( 2018-02-28 15:58:58 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-04-09 22:33:04 +0300

Comax1970 gravatar image

Reflesh stock in emma and reflesh Sailfish. I have test 2 time all work ok

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Asked: 2018-02-27 00:38:26 +0300

Seen: 18,556 times

Last updated: Sep 05 '18