[changelog] 2.2.0 / Mouhijoki [released]
This post contains the detailed changelog entries for the OS update version 2.2.0 (compared to 2.1.4). The release notes are available in a separate post here: https://together.jolla.com/question/184471/release-notes-220-mouhijoki/
This is update
- Packages removed
- Packages modified
- aliendalvik
- aliendalvik-translations-all-translations
- aliendalvik-translations-l10n
- all-translations
- ambienced
- android-tools-hadk
- apkd
- apkd-l10n
- as-daemon-all-translations
- as-daemon-l10n
- attr
- audioflingerglue
- basesystem
- bluez5
- busybox
- commhistory-daemon
- commhistory-daemon-l10n
- connectionagent-qt5
- connman
- connman-qt5
- contactsd-l10n
- csd
- csd-l10n
- curl
- dbuslog-tools
- debootstrap
- declarative-transferengine-qt5
- declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- dosfstools
- droid-config-f5121
- droid-config-l500d
- droid-config-tbj
- droid-hal-f5121
- droid-hal-f5121-img-boot
- droid-hal-l500d-img-boot
- droid-hal-prjconf-f5121
- droid-hal-tbj-img-boot
- droid-hal-version-f5121
- droid-system-f5121
- droid-system-l500d
- droid-tools
- droidmedia
- dsme
- embedlite-components-qt5
- eventsview-extensions
- eventsview-extensions-l10n
- expect
- feature-alien
- feature-eas
- fontconfig
- geoclue-provider-hybris
- geoclue-provider-mlsdb
- git
- gnupg2
- gobject-introspection
- gpgme
- gstreamer1.0
- gstreamer1.0-droid
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- htop
- hunspell
- initrd-helpers
- iptables
- jolla-alarm-ui-all-translations
- jolla-alarm-ui-l10n
- jolla-calculator
- jolla-calculator-all-translations
- jolla-calculator-l10n
- jolla-calendar
- jolla-calendar-all-translations
- jolla-calendar-l10n
- jolla-camera
- jolla-camera-l10n
- jolla-clock
- jolla-clock-all-translations
- jolla-clock-l10n
- jolla-common-configurations
- jolla-contacts
- jolla-contacts-l10n
- jolla-developer-mode
- jolla-devicelock
- jolla-email
- jolla-email-all-translations
- jolla-email-l10n
- jolla-gallery
- jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n
- jolla-gallery-extensions
- jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n
- jolla-gallery-facebook
- jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n
- jolla-gallery-l10n
- jolla-keyboard
- jolla-keyboard-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer
- jolla-mediaplayer-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n
- jolla-messages
- jolla-messages-l10n
- jolla-notes
- jolla-notes-all-translations
- jolla-notes-l10n
- jolla-sessions-qt5
- jolla-settings
- jolla-settings-accounts
- jolla-settings-accounts-l10n
- jolla-settings-bluetooth
- jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n
- jolla-settings-l10n
- jolla-settings-networking
- jolla-settings-networking-l10n
- jolla-settings-sailfishos
- jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n
- jolla-settings-sdk
- jolla-settings-sync-l10n
- jolla-settings-system
- jolla-settings-system-l10n
- jolla-signon-ui-l10n
- jolla-startupwizard
- jolla-startupwizard-l10n
- jolla-vault-l10n
- kf5bluezqt-bluez4
- kf5bluezqt-bluez5
- kpartx
- less
- libcommhistory-qt5
- libcontacts-qt5-l10n
- libdsme
- libglibutil
- libgofono
- libgrilio
- libgsupplicant
- libhybris
- libiphb
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n
- libkeepalive
- libmediaart
- libngf-qt5
- libnice
- libqapk
- libsailfishapp
- libsysperf
- libzypp-bindings
- lipstick-jolla-home-demos
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n
- lipstick-qt5
- lipstick-qt5-l10n
- lzop
- mapplauncherd
- mapplauncherd-booster-browser
- mapplauncherd-booster-silica-qt5
- mce
- mce-headers
- mer-core-project-config
- mer-kickstarter
- mic
- mms-engine
- mtools
- nemo-qml-plugin-alarms-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity
- nemo-qml-plugin-dbus-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-devicelock
- nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5-offline
- nemo-qml-plugin-filemanager
- nemo-qml-plugin-notifications-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-time-qt5
- nemo-transferengine-qt5
- nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- ngfd
- ngfd-plugin-droid-vibrator
- non-oss-package-groups
- non-oss-project-config
- ofono
- ohm-plugins-misc
- oneshot
- openvpn
- osc
- parted
- passwd
- patterns-sailfish
- perl-Devel-Symdump
- perl-Error
- perl-Pod-Coverage
- perl-Test-Pod-Coverage
- policy-settings-common
- poppler
- project-config
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-modules-droid
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-sbj
- pulseaudio-modules-nemo
- pulseaudio-policy-enforcement
- pygpgme
- python-cheetah
- python-iniparse
- python-pycurl
- python-urlgrabber
- qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n
- qmf-eas-plugin
- qmf-eas-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-eas-plugin-l10n
- qmf-notifications-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n
- qmf-qt5
- qmllive
- qt5
- qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator
- qt5-plugin-position-geoclue
- qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin
- qt5-qtdeclarative
- qt5-qtimageformats
- qt5-qtlocation-source
- qt5-qttools
- qt5-qtwebkit
- rootfiles
- rpm
- sailfish-browser
- sailfish-browser-l10n
- sailfish-btrfs-balancer-l10n
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-email-qt5
- sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-filemanager
- sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-media-qt5
- sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-store
- sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-all-translations
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default-favorites
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n
- sailfish-content-graphics-default
- sailfish-eas
- sailfish-fonts
- sailfish-maps
- sailfish-maps-all-translations
- sailfish-maps-l10n
- sailfish-mdm
- sailfish-mdm-demo
- sailfish-mdm-l10n
- sailfish-minui
- sailfish-office
- sailfish-office-all-translations
- sailfish-office-l10n
- sailfish-tutorial
- sailfish-tutorial-l10n
- sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n
- sailfish-utilities
- sailfish-utilities-all-translations
- sailfish-utilities-l10n
- sailfish-version
- sailfish-weather-all-translations
- sailfish-weather-l10n
- sailfishsilica-qt5
- sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n
- sbj-configs
- sd-utils
- sdk-configs
- sdk-setup
- sdk-webapp
- sdk-webapp-sailfish
- sensorfw-qt5
- shared-mime-info
- simkit-l10n
- sociald
- sociald-l10n
- sp-endurance
- sp-rich-core
- sp-smaps
- spectacle
- ssu
- ssu-repos
- ssu-sysinfo
- store-client
- store-client-l10n
- sudo
- transferengine-plugins
- transferengine-plugins-l10n
- ui-democontent
- usb-moded
- vm-configs
- voicecall-ui-jolla
- voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n
- xdg-user-dirs
- xdg-utils
- Packages added
- ambience-sailfish3
- createrepo_c
- droid-config-f5122
- droid-hal-version-f5122
- droid-system-f5122
- extra-cmake-modules
- feature-jolla-sdk
- feature-omp-flashing-only
- hybris-wifi-helper
- latrace
- libblockdev
- libkf5archive
- libwebp
- meson
- ngfd-plugin-native-vibrator
- ninja
- qt5-feedback-haptics-native-vibrator
- qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-halradio
- re2c
- sailfish-archive
- sailfish-archive-l10n
- sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin
- sailfish-devicelock-fpd
- sailfish-fpd
- sailfish-fpd-slave-f5121
- sailfish-mdm-ofono-plugin
- sailfish-mobile-os-rus-version
- sailfish-secrets
- sailfish-secrets-l10n
- sailfish-secrets-ui
- sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n
- sqlcipher
- udisks2
- volume_key
Packages removed
- build-mkbaselibs - 2012.05.31-1.1.1, build - 2012.05.31-1.1.1, build-mkdrpms - 2012.05.31-1.1.1
- build-compare - 2009.10.14+git2-1.2.1
Packages modified
- Updated : 1.0.85-1 -- 1.0.89-1
- Do not show crash dialogs in a wrong window (or at all).
- Fix a memory leak in system_server.
- Improve build.prop creation reliability.
Improvements to aliendalvik packaging.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui
Updated : 1.9-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.10-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization by user jahonen.: 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.3.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-archive-l10n-tr, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-kn, sailfish-archive-l10n-tt, sailfish-secrets-l10n-it, sailfish-archive-l10n-ta, sailfish-archive-l10n-gu, sailfish-archive-l10n-bn_IN, sailfish-archive-l10n-te, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-archive-l10n-ko, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-it, sailfish-archive-l10n-da, sailfish-archive-l10n-de, sailfish-archive-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-secrets-l10n-hi, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-nb, sailfish-secrets-l10n-hu, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-nl, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-fi, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-archive-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-secrets-l10n-en_US, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-fr, sailfish-archive-l10n-it, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-sl, sailfish-secrets-l10n-sv, sailfish-secrets-l10n-tt, sailfish-secrets-l10n-tr, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-secrets-l10n-te, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ta, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ko, sailfish-archive-l10n-fr, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-cs, sailfish-archive-l10n-fi, sailfish-secrets-l10n-gu, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pl, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pa, sailfish-secrets-l10n-nb, sailfish-archive-l10n-nb, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pt, sailfish-archive-l10n-nl, sailfish-secrets-l10n-fi, sailfish-secrets-l10n-bn_IN, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-hi, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-hu, sailfish-archive-l10n-sv, sailfish-secrets-l10n-fr, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ru, sailfish-archive-l10n-pl, sailfish-archive-l10n-kn, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ml, sailfish-secrets-l10n-mr, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-mr, sailfish-archive-l10n-pa, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ml, sailfish-archive-l10n-pt, sailfish-secrets-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-et, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-es, sailfish-archive-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-secrets-l10n-el, sailfish-secrets-l10n-es, sailfish-secrets-l10n-et, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-el, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-bn_IN, sailfish-archive-l10n-hu, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ru, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ja, sailfish-archive-l10n-hi, sailfish-secrets-l10n-de, sailfish-secrets-l10n-da, sailfish-secrets-l10n-nl, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-en_US, sailfish-archive-l10n-ml, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ko, sailfish-secrets-l10n-kn, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pl, sailfish-archive-l10n-mr, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pa, sailfish-archive-l10n-el, sailfish-archive-l10n-en_US, sailfish-archive-l10n-ru, sailfish-archive-l10n-es, sailfish-archive-l10n-et, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pt, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-secrets-l10n-cs, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-gu, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-te, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ta, sailfish-archive-l10n-ja, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ja, sailfish-archive-l10n-sl, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-tt, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-sv, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-tr, sailfish-secrets-l10n-sl, sailfish-archive-l10n-cs, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-de, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-da, sailfish-secrets-l10n-es_ES
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 0.28.3-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.29.0-1.4.6
[dbus] Add setFavorite dbus api.
Updated : 4.2.2_git20130218-11.10.1 -- 5.1.1+git2-10.1.1.jolla
- Binaries added : android-tools-hadk - 5.1.1+git2-10.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: android-tools-hadk = 5.1.1+git2-10.1.1.jolla
- [ubu-chroot] Make bind mounts more robust and less dangerous.
- [1] http://git.kernel.org/cgit/utils/util-linux/util-linux.git/commit/?id=f0f22e9c6f109f8c1234caa3173368ef43b023eb
- [core] Add git submodule for Android 5.1.1 release 38.
- [extras] Add git submodule for Android 5.1.1 release 38.
- [mkbootimg] Add --dt parameter to specify DT image
- [rpm] Add tar git packaging.
- [ubu-chroot] Fix broken 'exec' handling and be quiet by default.
- [ubu-chroot] Fix crash with >=util-linux-2.27.
[ubu-chroot] Let environment know we are within the ubu-chroot
Updated : 0.7.29-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.8.4-1.4.18
- Unmet requirements: liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [apkd] Android settings entry to have consistent capitalization.
- [apkd] Cleanup Android SDK version logging.
- [apkd] Read SDK version always from the build.prop.
- [configs] Drop empty /data/app if it exists.
- [apkd] Improve error messages when installing broken apk file.
- [packaging] Make sure filesystem structure is there early.
- [apkd] Check minimum SDK version before trying to install apk.
[apkd] Remove hardcoded default android sdk version 16.
Updated : 1.74-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.85.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched apkd from version 1.85
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.8.3
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.20-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.21.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched as-daemon from version 1.21
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.4.46-1.1.1 -- 2.4.47-1.3.1
- [packaging] Do not depent attr on libattr.
- [packaging] Rename Source for tar_git:
- [packaging] Revert to 2.4.47.
[packaging] Update attr to 2.4.48.
Updated : 0.0.5-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.7-1.4.3
- [audioflinger] Droid 7.0 services with custom version.
- [audioflingerglue] Figure out whether to use services extensions automatically.
- [audioflingerglue] fix/simplify obs build (and simplify local build).
- [audioflingerglue] add a custom services header, necessary for some android 5 devices.
- [audioflingerglue] Add empty header as placeholder.
- [audioflingerglue] allow building 32 bit miniafservice for 64 bit devices.
- [packaging] Bump version.
[packaging] Use target specific config header.
Updated : 8.1-1.1.1 -- 11+git1-1.3.1
- [packaging] Minor formatting fix for source line.
- [packaging] Move to tar_git packaging.
[update] Sync with upstream.
Updated : 5.47+git2-1.2.1 -- 5.47+git6-1.5.1
- [sailfish] avctp: Make avctp session reference counted.
- [sailfish] backporting upstream fixes.
- [sailfish] Enable mgmt tracing in tracing package.
[bluez5] Bluez claims connected when remote not paired.
Updated : 1.21.0+git6-1.2.3 -- 1.21.0+git8-1.3.4
- Binaries added : busybox-symlinks-dosfstools - 1.21.0+git8-1.3.4
- [packaging] Move dosfstools to separate package.
- [iputils] Packag needed parts of iputils.
- [mkfs.vfat] Add mkfs.vfat.
[time] Use time from busybox.
Updated : 0.8.13-1.2.1 -- 0.8.14-1.3.6
[qt] Drop Qt gui dependency.
Updated : 1.55-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.56.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched commhistory-daemon from version 1.56
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.11.33-1.2.1 -- 0.11.34-1.3.5
[connectionagent] Add null check for all remote interface access.
Updated : 1.31+git51-1.4.1 -- 1.32+git20-1.11.2
- Unmet requirements: libxtables.so.12
- [connman-vpn] Proper adding of default route for VPN.
- [connman] Disconnect only connected VPNs.
- [connman-vpn] Check if agent is present at VPN connect.
- [connman-vpn] Set autoconnect on each connect request.
- [connman] Fix memory leak in iptables extension.
- [connman] Improve handling of iptables rule comments.
- [connman-vpn] Prevent connecting VPN if not online.
- [connman-vpn] Add default route if not defined.
- [connman-vpn] Connect VPN after vpnd crash if autoconnect set.
- [coverage] Remove *.gcda and *.gcno files on clean
- [sailfish_ofono] Sync plugin and libgofonoext log levels
- [connman] Use stored settings when creating a service from provider.
- [connman-vpn] systemd: restart vpnd if aborted.
- [connman] Connect to VPN if default service changes.
- [vpn] Don't call g_hash_table_remove with NULL argument.
- [vpn] Handle stale task completions.
- [connman-vpn] Implement proper VPN autoconnection support.
- [connman] Sailfish iptables API support.
- [unit] Added test-sailfish_iptables_ext to the coverage script
- [connman-vpn] systemd: start connman-vpnd after connman.
- [connman-vpn] Run VPN plugin binaries with configurable privileges.
- [VPNBinary]
- [connman-vpn] Add support for configurable user and groups to run VPN binary.
- [unit] Added test-vpn-settings to the coverage script
- [connman] Explicitely include <glib-object.h> where it's needed. MER#1437</glib-object.h>
- [connman] Additional headers to devel package for external VPN plugin development.
- [connman] Cherry pick vpn patches.
- [connman] Better support for external plugins.
- [firewall] Fixed use-after-free in __connman_firewall_remove_rule
- [gsupplicant] Roll back Sailfish OS specific patches. MER#1312
- [connman] Updated baseline to 1.32
- [rpm] Don't even compile upstream wifi plugin. MER#1312
- [wifi] Roll back all Sailfish OS specific changes in wifi plugin. MER#1312
- [connman] Make offline mode change to require privileges (again).
[connman] Cherry-pick iptables patches from upstream.
Updated : 1.2.6-1.3.1 -- 1.2.7-1.4.3
[connman-qt] Fix wrong parameter order.
Updated : 1.37-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.38.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched contactsd from version 1.38
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.11.0-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.13.3-1.10.5
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-settings-networking >= 0.4.15
- [csd] Cleanup, Capitalize ids of qml elements properly, use const references for functions called from qml.
- [csd] Use properties in calibration test
- [validation] Match regular expression properly.
- [validation] Print acceptance criteria of Bluetooth/WLAN mac addresses and Calibration String/Flag.
- [csd] Show signal strength and satellite system.
- [CSD] Show device screen resolution and touch point coordinates.
- [build] Build requires ohm-ext-route.
- [csd] Add handler for audio route.
- [csd] Build AudioRoute.
- [csd] Disable button if route is wrong.
- [csd] Disable earpiece music Start button if route is wrong.
- [csd] Disable headset music Start button if route is wrong.
- [csd] Disable speaker music Start button if route is wrong.
- [csd] Disable stereo speaker Start button if route is wrong.
- [csd] Register AudioRoute to qml.
- [csd] Remove fmradioiris implementation.
- [csd] Set route types for recording tests.
- [csd] Use Radio from QtMultimedia for FM Radio test.
- [UsbCharging] Use ContextProperty for charger detection.
- [csd] Fix shadow build with application SDK.
- [csd] Hide Power SectionHeader in DeviceStatus page if there is nothing to show.
- [csd] Validate Bluetooth and WLAN MAC address.
- [csd] Verify calibration flag/string if the device has it.
- [wlan] Use common API to get correct strength icon.
- [csd] Bump all keepalive imports to current version.
- [csd] Add Audio/UeventAccessory boolean setting value.
- [csd] Add missing property definitions to hw settings.
- [csd] Add UeventAccessory option to hw template.
- [csd] Change macro to a bit more flexible one.
- [csd] Do not expect to find device with uevent accessory.
- [csd] Handle KEY_PLAYPAUSE as well in headset detect.
- [csd] Load settings based on type prefix.
- [csd] Refactor audio hw settings.
- [csd] Refactor hw settings loading a bit.
- [csd] Use semicolon for comments in hw settings template.
[fingerprint] Adapt to changed D-Bus interface.
Updated : 1.58-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.63.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched csd from version 1.63
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 471 of 482 strings translated (3 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 474 of 474 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.2
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.3
Updated : 7.55.1-1.3.1 -- 7.58.0-1.4.1
- [curl] update curl to version 7.58.0
[curl] Update to 7.58.0. Fixes MER#1877
Updated : 1.0.10-1.3.1 -- 1.0.11-1.3.1
[libdbuslog] Explicitely include <glib-object.h> where it's needed. </glib-object.h>
Updated : 1.0.53-2.2.1 -- 1.0.53+mer1-10.2.3.jolla
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format.
Updated : 0.2.5-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.3.5-1.5.5
- [declarative-transferengine] Add empty view placeholder on sharing.
- [declarative-transferengine] Add SharePage to qmldir.
- [declarative-transferengine] Provide sharing page.
- [declarative-transferengine] Support extra sharing options.
- [sharing] Added add account button to all sharing views.
- [sharing] Show account icon on sharing list.
- [sharing] Use new transferMethods API.
- [declarative-transferengine] Show pressed progressbar highlighted.
- [declarative-transferengine] Do not enable transfers' view placeholder until model has finished.
- [transfers] Adapt to ContextMenu API changes.
[declarative-transferengine] Don't hardcode ProgressBar height.
Updated : 1.63-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.75.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched declarative-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.75
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 22 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.8
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.1
Updated : 3.0.10-6.6.1 -- 3.0.10+git1-10.2.3.jolla
[mer] Migrated packaging from OBS-only to Git.
Updated : -- 1.0.9-1.7.5
- [ks] Calculate factory image size properly.
- [ks] Include os and hw release files inside image zip.
- [ks] Remove extra "-" from release image name.
- [f5121] Add sailfish img resize fix.
- [f5121] Update submodule and remove 999-droid-system-bootdevice.rules.
- [f5121] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [f5121] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [performance] Improve HWC performance.
- [zram] Enable zram swap.
- [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video.
- [sailfish-fpd] Disable some quirks after fp hal update.
- [config] Adjust peekfilter.
- [f5122] Add modem config.
- [f512x] Cleanup rpm dir to ease promotions
- [f512x] Cleanup rpm dir to ease promotions. MER#1880
- [systemCheck.d] Relax droid-hal-*.
- [packaging] Add F5122 configs.
- [patterns] Refactor for both SIM variants
- [patterns] Require device specifi droid-system.
- [sailfish-fpd] Add configuration file.
- [f5121] Update upstream d-h-c.
- [f5121] Use PulseAudio 11.1.
- [ks] Update img2simg usage command.
- [f5121] Use fingerprint daemon device lock.
- [flashing] Improve version check.
- [flashing] Make it possible to define blob path.
- [ks] Take use of SAILFISH_CUSTOMER in image naming.
- [f5121] Duck media streams less.
- [f5121] Enable media notify for alarm.
- [f5121] Update upstream d-h-c.
- [ks] Use os-release.
- [patterns] Drop apkd-configs-home.
- [ks] Make releasename more tolerant for errors.
- [f5121] Add mce memnotify limits.
- [camera] Support ISO 1600.
[f5121] Use native vibrator.
Updated : 0.12.0-10.3.4.jolla -- 0.13.0-1.5.5
- [codecs] Add symlink for newer media_codecs_performance.xml codec definition file, as some adaptations crash if these files are missing.
- [configs] Classify fmradio loopback source as player.
- [configs] Depend on jolla-devicelock-daemon-encsfa by default.
- [configs] Split policy earpiece configuration.
- [configs] Update bluez5 arguments for PulseAudio 11.1.
- [configs] Update loopback arguments for PulseAudio 11.1.
- [dcd] Update upstream dcd submodule.
- [ks] Add SAILFISH_CUSTOMER to os-release for image builds.
- [ks] Do not attach os-release, now available from ssu-repos.
- [l500d] Use dcd xpolicy.conf, so that proper FM radio config is used.
- [patterns] Add sd-utils for sd card support
- [systemCheck.d] Relax droid-hal-*.
- [l500d] Update img2simg binary name.
- [dcd] Update upstream for SAILFISH_CUSTOMER.
- [ks] Take use of SAILFISH_CUSTOMER in image naming.
- [ks] Use os-release.
- [l500d] Update PulseAudio configs to upstream style.
- [l500d] Update PulseAudio policy configs.
- [l500d] Update upstream d-h-c submodule.
- [l500d] Remove patterns and use meta packages.
[ks] Make build more tolerant for errors.
Updated : 0.8.0-10.3.4.jolla -- 0.9.2-1.4.13
- Binaries added : droid-config-tbj-bluez5 - 0.9.2-1.4.13, droid-config-tbj-bluez4 - 0.9.2-1.4.13
- Unmet requirements: tbj-bluez-configs
- [tbj] Update upstream d-h-c.
- [tbj] Use PulseAudio 11.1.
- [ks] Change img2simg to img2simg-old.
- [audio] Sync with upstream audio changes.
- [ks] Update .ks template.
- [packaging] Sync with upstream submodule.
- [audio] Update alarm media notify.
- [audio] Update media volume ducking.
- [ks] Make releasename more tolerant for errors.
- [tbj] Remove patterns and use meta packages.
[silica] Add config for extra small button width.
Updated : 0.3.6-10.4.2.jolla -- 0.3.8-10.3.1.jolla
- [system-core] Remove /sbin from droid PATH.
[dhd] avoid incorrect usage of Android GPS HAL in certain cases. MER#1871
Updated : --
- [f5121] Add zram.num_devices inside kernel cmdline.
- [kernel] Relax dependency to droid-config-flashing package.
- [recovery] Relax dependency to droid-config-flashing package.
[f5121] Add an option to clear external storage to device reset.
Updated : --
[l500d] Add an option to clear external storage to device reset.
Updated : 0.0.3-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.0.4-1.3.3
[prjconf] Drop explicit prefer for f512x.
Updated : --
[tbj] Add an option to clear external storage to device reset.
Updated : 0.0.1-10.2.8.jolla -- 0.2.1-1.2.20
- [version] More deps.
- [packaging] More explicit package deps.
- [packaging] Move common.inc out of rpm dir.
- [f512x] Fix build. MER#1880
- [f5121] Refactor common parts
- [f5122] Add Xperia X Dual SIM. MER#1880
- [version] More detailed version deps for packages.
- [dvd] Update latest upstream version
[dvd] Use native vibrator.
Updated : 0.2-10.3.3.jolla -- 0.4.2-1.2.2
- Binaries added : droid-system-f512x - 0.4.2-1.2.2
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-f512x
- [f5121] libpdfium.so is needed for camera to function. MER#1887
- [packaging] Fix script location.
- [f5121] Fix delete_system.list path.
- [f5121] Separate common files to f512x package.
- [f5121] Delete iptables and ip6tables droid binaries.
[f5121] Remove unused files. MER#1887
Updated : 0.0.28-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.0.29-1.3.6
[droid-system] Remove iptables and ip6tables droid binaries.
Updated : 0.0.3-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.0.4-10.2.3.jolla
- Binaries added : droid-tools-imager - 0.0.4-10.2.3.jolla
[imager] Add sub package to include img2simg.
Updated : 0.20171205.1-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.20180406.1-1.8.4
- [sony] Hardcode the QCOM colour constant.
- [codec] Pass codec colour format to gst-droid.
- [camera] Move PermissionController and AppOps back to minisf on Android 4 devices.
- [env] Append to the env.mk rather than replace it.
- [minisf] Package MiniSurfaceFlinger into a shared lib that can be invoked from hwcomposer-plugin in lipstick.
- [video] Fix SimpleDecodingSource for video.
- [32bit] Add rpm macro and env var to specify 32bit build on 64bit systems.
- [bsp] Android 7.0 support.
- [droidmedia] add a custom services header, necessary for some android 5 devices.
- [droidmedia] use custom services header if custom functions are present.
- [build] The env.sh should always be present, and should be a .mk file
- [build] Put env in temporary file to be included by droid mk.
- [camera] Add possibility to force use of camera HAL version.
[recorder] Support kMetadataBufferTypeNativeHandleSource for older HALs.
Updated : -- 0.79.2-1.5.1
- [batterytracker] Fix logging format strings.
- [batterytracker] Block battery empty shutdown during bootup.
- [batterytracker] Expose battery level within DSME.
- [batterytracker] Track battery state via MCE D-Bus interface.
- [dsme-server] Write --help to stdout
- [logging] Fix typo
- [logging] Use eventfd instead of semaphore
- [state] Allow cancellation of battery empty shutdown.
- [dsme] Make dsme message type identifiers unique.
- [dsme-wdd] Do not close watchdog file descriptors when daemonizing. Fixes MER#1870
- [dsme-wdd] Update authors list
- [iphb] Take release time stamp from /etc/os-release.
[iphb] Update hardcoded minimum system time.
Updated : 1.19.30-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.19.31-1.4.2
- [embedlite-components] Ensure that download is stopped and any partial data removed.
[mer][embedlite-components] Ensure that download is stopped and any partial data removed.
Updated : 0.0.34-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.4.8
[eventsview-extension] Adapt to jolla-lipstick property name change.
Updated : 1.19-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.20.1-1.4.1
- [l10n] Branched eventsview-extensions from version 1.20
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 5.45-1.1.1 -- 5.45+mer1-10.2.3.jolla
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format.
Updated : 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.4 Binaries removed : feature-alien-patterns
- [repo] Use variant instead of model.
[pattern] Remove feature-alien pattern.
Updated : 0.0.10-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.11-1.3.4 Binaries removed : feature-eas-patterns
[pattern] Remove feature-eas pattern.
Updated : 2.12.4-1.1.1 -- 2.12.4-1.3.1
[packaging] Require fontpackages-filesystem.
Updated : 0.2.15-10.3.2.jolla -- 0.2.16-1.4.35
- [geoclue-providers-hybris] don't fail if /system/etc/gps.conf is missing.
[geoclue-providers-hybris] remove certain groups from the setgroups call in order to avoid confusing the BSP.
Updated : 0.0.14-1.2.1 -- 0.0.15-1.3.5
- [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Adjust to changed ofono API.
- [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Do not request a location update with either incorrect or no information.
[geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Do not request a location update with empty data.
Updated : 1.8.3-4.4.1 -- 1.8.3+mer2-10.2.5.jolla
- [mer] Removed Requires rsync.
- [ew: minor style changes and manpage merge fix]
- [jc: backported for 1.6.5 maint before advice_commit_before_merge]
- [jes: I merged the later patches to that end.]
- [mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format.
- [PATCH] gitk: Heed the lines of context in merge commits
[PATCH] git-mergetool: Allow gvimdiff to be used as a mergetool - Update to
Updated : 2.0.4-1.1.2 -- 2.0.4-1.3.1
- Binaries added : gnupg2-doc - 2.0.4-1.3.1
- [aarch64] Autoreconf before build.
- [build] Remove unnecessary files that we don't want to bundle.
[gnupg] Change git submodule. Contributes to MER#1748
Updated : 1.48.0-1.2.1 -- 1.48.0-1.3.1
- [build] fix submodule patch
[gobject-introspection] Fix git submodule.
Updated : 1.2.0-1.1.1 -- 1.2.0+git1-1.3.1
- [gpgme] Don't hardcode requirement on GnuPG version, contributes MER#1780.
- [gpgme] Make the %post and %postun rule not to fail, contributes to MER#1780.
- [gpgme] Switch to git submodule.
[gpgme] Switch to submodule storage, contributes to MER#1780.
Updated : 1.10.4-1.1.2 -- 1.10.4+git2-1.3.1
[buffering] Add deactivate_max_size_time.patch.
Updated : 0.20171129.1-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.20180416.1-1.7.2
- [camera] Support "iso-speed" ISO setting variant.
- [recorder] Set a realistic timestamp on the audio buffer.
- [vdec] Fix colour conversion on MTK.
- [i420] Re-enable i420 blob when buffers don't match.
[camera] Fix framerate selection.
Updated : 1.10.4-1.1.2 -- 1.10.4+git1-1.3.1
- Unmet requirements: libwebp.so.7
[webp] Enable WebP plugin.
Updated : 1.0.1-1.1.1 -- 2.0.2+git4-10.2.5.jolla
- Binaries added : htop-desktop - 2.0.2+git4-10.2.5.jolla
- [packaging] Default to normal behaviour. MER#1847
- [htop] Package version 2.0.2. Fixes MER#1847
- [packaging] Have fingerterm requirement in correct package.
- [htop] Package version 2.0.2. Fixes MER#1847
- [packaging] Split desktop file to own package.
- [packaging] initial packaging of htop 2.0.2.
- [packaging] Require python for building.
[packaging] Show better defaults in FingerTerm.
Updated : -- 1.6.2-1.3.4
- Binaries added : hunspell-tools - 1.6.2-1.3.4
[hunspell] Update to 1.6.2, add static library to development package. Fixes MER#1882
Updated : 0.1.6-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.1.7-1.3.4
[factory-reset] Add a script for re-formatting external media on factory reset.
Updated : 1.4.15-1.1.2 -- 1.6.1+git1-1.3.1
- Unmet requirements: libxtables.so.12
- [packaging] Drop .yaml.
[packaging] Update to version 1.6.1.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.46-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.47-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.15-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.17-1.3.5
- [calculator] Fix tablet size portrait to center content.
[jolla-calculator] Allow copying calculation results.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.4.2.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.50-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.57.1-1.7.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-calculator from version 1.57
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 3 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.16
Updated : 0.6.31-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.7.3-1.5.7
- [calendar] Use common sharing page.
- [calendar] Capitalize section header consistently with first letter only.
- [calendar] Capitalize weekdays on events view widget.
- [calendar] Servicefilters for add account button.
- [sailfish-calendar] Extend calendar components for meeting invitation responses.
- [jolla-calendar] Try to fit tablet landscape to available height.
- [calendar] Add visual indication to pull down menu while sync is ongoing.
- [jolla-calendar] Move sharing options to own page.
- [calendar] Make event start/end times use one line if content fits.
[jolla-calendar] Try to open day view in meaningful time.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.113-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.126.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-calendar from version 1.126
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 91 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 80 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 80 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 82 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 92 of 92 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.36
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 82 of 82 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.32
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.35
Updated : 0.4.31-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.38-1.6.4
- [camera] Fix zoomed images not being reset when existing camera roll.
- [camera] Replace opacity values with proper color properties.
- [camera] Don't allow device switch when capture is busy.
- [jolla-camera] Align return to viewfinder button with dismiss button style.
- [jolla-camera] Move to new image viewer design.
- [camera] Remove hardcoded framerates so defaults are used.
- [camera] Support camera with different framerrates.
[camera] Replace hard-coded iso value icons with icon+text.
Updated : 1.142-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.145.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-camera from version 1.145
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 48 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.32
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.33
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.34
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.36
Updated : 0.4.9-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.11-1.4.5
- [clock] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
[clock] Don't format 1999 milliseconds as 01.00.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.91-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.92-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.7.16-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.8.5-1.5.2
- [feedback] Add vibration on device unlock.
- [systemCheck] Require meta package of ssu-vendor-data.
- [ngfd] Use pulldown_highlight sample for push_gesture.
- [base-jolla-common-configuration] Add vibra feedback event.
- [ngfd] Disable unlock sound.
[ngfd] Update NGFD event and plugin configs.
Updated : 0.5.13-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.19-1.7.5
- [contacts] Change Jolla string to generic device string.
- [contacts] Don't return to main page until sharing is done.
- [jolla-contacts] Fix crash upon Contact detail context menu closing.
- [jolla-contacts] Adapt to changed Context Menu API.
[contacts] Remove dependency for long dead google plugin package.
Updated : 1.126-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.132.2-1.8.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 154 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-contacts from version 1.132
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.19
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.14
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.16
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.17
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.18
Updated : 0.5.0-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.1-1.4.8
[jolla-developer-mode] Whitelist BROWSER.
Updated : 0.2.14-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.18-1.5.9
- [jolla-devicelock] Don't reset sideloading value when turning off lock code.
- [devicelock] Fix authentication failures when device lock is not in use.
- [mdm] Allow mdm clients to provide a reason for a lockout.
[devicelock] Verify the PID of the authenticating application.
Updated : 0.3.29-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.3.39-1.5.5
- [email] Clean up email composer usage.
- [jolla-email] Add remorse for discarding a composited email.
- [jolla-email] Unable to forward message with multiple non-downloaded attachments.
- [jolla-email] Do not reuse MessageView.
- [jolla-email] Reload HtmlViewer always when needed.
- [email] Show attachment download progress and revisit its UI.
- [jolla-email] Highlight progressbar when pressed.
- [jolla-email] Don't reply to yourself when choosing to reply to a message you sent.
- [jolla-email] Make difference between downloaded and saved attachments.
- [email] Adapt to needless empty space removed from ProgressBar.
- [jolla-email] Improve unsupported attachment error notification.
[jolla-email] Add identifier back for the attachments page's thumbnail.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.2.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.147.3-10.4.1.jolla -- 1.160.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.160
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 151 of 151 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.41
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.43
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 151 of 151 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.39
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 151 of 151 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.38
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 150 of 150 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.37
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 149 of 150 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.33
Updated : 0.2.8-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.2.14-1.4.8
- [gallery] Remove obsolete extension translation loading.
- [jolla-gallery] Add dbus interface for opening a single file.
- [jolla-gallery] Replace split view with overlay controls.
- [jolla-gallery] Add tiff and webp image handlers.
- [jolla-gallery] Return to first page when model cleared.
- [jolla-gallery] Register video/3gpp mime type.
[gallery] Adapt to changed contextmenu api.
Updated : 1.79-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.85.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-ambience from version 1.85
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 33 of 33 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.0.11-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.2-1.4.3
- Binaries added : jolla-gallery-extensions - 0.2.2-1.4.3 Binaries removed : jolla-gallery-extensions-ts, jolla-gallery-extensions-common
- Unmet requirements: jolla-gallery-extensions = 0.2.2-1.4.3
- [gallery-extension] Adapt to Nemo.DBus 2.0.
- [packaging] Fix obsoltes/provides.
- [gallery-extensions] Simplify packaging.
[jolla-gallery-extensions] Move to new image viewer design.
Updated : 1.19-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.27-1.7.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0
Updated : 0.1.1-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.3-1.3.3
- [gallery-facebook] Fix comment page and localization issues etc.
[jolla-gallery-facebook] Move to new image viewer design.
Updated : 1.51-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.56.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-facebook from version 1.56
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.2
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.3
Updated : 1.104-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.109.1-1.7.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery from version 1.109
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.14
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.13
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
Updated : 0.6.15-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.6.19-1.5.5
- [jolla-keyboard] Replace emojis unsupported by Alien with more common ones.
- [jolla-keyboard] Remove extra symbol after smiling and sad emojis.
- [jolla-keyboard] Add emoji keyboard.
[jolla-keyboard] Use proper stream-restore id for sounds.
Updated : 1.41-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.47.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-keyboard from version 1.47
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 15 of 17 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.17
Updated : 0.3.23-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.3.28-1.4.5
- [mediaplayer] Used "Play queue" on pulley menu instead of song metadata .
- [mediaplayer] Fix error messages lacking space between message parts.
- [mediaplayer] Advance a track on call button double click.
- [mediaplayer] Unshuffle a playlist correctly when the last item is selected.
- [media] Extend one song rewind behavior to cover Bluetooth.
- [media] Fix playing of externally requested audio clip.
[media] Fix playing of externally requested audio clip.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.84-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.93.1-1.7.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer from version 1.93
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.24
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.25
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.28
Updated : 0.1.14-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.15-1.3.5
[mediaplayer-radio] Update channel list after removing favourite.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.43-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.44-1.4.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.15
Updated : 0.6.62-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.6.66-1.7.5
- [messages] Use proper copy to gallery sharing icon.
- [messages] Move MMS saving action to sharing page.
- [messages] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
[mms] Replace MMS image viewer split view with gallery overlay.
Updated : 1.130-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.135.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-messages from version 1.135
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.63
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.6.65
Updated : 0.9.7-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.9.10-1.5.5
- [notes] Use common sharing page.
- [notes] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [Notes] Add account button filters added.
[Notes] Add account button on NoteSharePage.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.68-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.69-1.4.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.10
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.8
Updated : 1.1.8-10.1.1.jolla -- 1.1.11-1.3.2
- [jolla-sessions] Disable logging autologind errors to journalctl.
- [jolla-sessions] Don't use deprecated systemd package config.
[user-session] Make the autologin process act as a booster.
Updated : 0.12.35-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.12.37-1.4.15
- Unmet requirements: liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [wlan] Add DBus method for launching add network dialog.
[jolla-settings] Don't register signon ui to main d-bus service.
Updated : -- 0.3.39-1.6.9
- [settings-accounts] Add developer mode service type for Jolla provider.
- [packaging] Bump up version
- [settings-accounts] Move "Add account" after accounts flow.
- [accounts] Change Jolla string to general string.
- [settings-accounts] Use PasswordField for passwords.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Update Facebook redirect URI.
- [localization] Remove colons from combobox labels, not used in Sailfish-style.
[settings-accounts] Fix opacity binding from account busy dialog.
Updated : 1.172-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.180.1-1.7.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-accounts from version 1.180
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 337 of 338 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.38
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 319 of 338 strings translated (18 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.36
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.37
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 337 of 338 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.35
Updated : 0.1.9-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.10-1.3.3
[settings-bluetooth] Don't change pulldown menu text while hiding.
Updated : 1.77-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.80.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-bluetooth from version 1.80
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.10
Updated : 1.63-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.65.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings from version 1.65
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.37
Updated : 0.4.11-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.20-1.8.3
- Binaries added : sailfish-settings-networking-vpn-example - 0.4.20-1.8.3, sailfish-settings-networking - 0.4.20-1.8.3
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-settings-networking
- [jolla-settings-networking] Indicate which VPN handles auto reconnect.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Remove VPN Beta label.
- [networking] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [jolla-settings-vpn] Don't pass around obsolete automaticUpDown.
- [jolla-settings-vpn] Fix details page to show correct autoConnect status.
- [packaging] Update version and requirements.
- [packaging] Update version and requirements.
- [settings-networking] Cleanup VPN settings page.
- [wlan] Rewrite WLAN settings form, share with Connection Dialog.
- [vpn] Dynamically load VPN type-specific settings.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Respect FlightModeToggleEnabled policy.
[jolla-settings-networking] Ask user to select mobile data SIM if he tries to activate mobile data switch.
Updated : 1.196-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.214.1-1.9.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-networking from version 1.214
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 398 of 398 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 346 of 401 strings translated (13 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 375 of 375 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.15
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 374 of 375 strings translated (1 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.14
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 375 of 375 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.11
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.13
Updated : 0.1.12-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.1.14-1.4.12
- [settings-sailfishos] Use delayedClick instead of custom code.
[os-upgrade] Inform user if upgrading OS requires SSU registration.
Updated : 1.70-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.72.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sailfishos from version 1.72
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 49 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.13
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.14
Updated : 0.21-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.23-1.4.18
- [sdk] Added pkgconfig(systemsettings) to BuildRequires.
- [deploy] require sdk-deploy-rpm in installation.
- [sdk] add button needed by PinInput.qml
- [sdk] Add lockscreen, events and about to the project file
- [sdk] add pininput.qml to make devicelock ui work.
- [sdk] another try with button enabling.
- [sdk] Converted to regular git branch of ui-jolla-settings-system.
- [sdk] developer mode integrated and device lock disabled from view.
- [sdk] developer mode name changed to developer settings.
- [sdk] developer mode pro file name change.
- [sdk] disable button for password setting.
- [sdk] disable save button if password is empty.
- [sdk] Fix the names of settings categories
- [sdk] flow works, need to polish the ui tomorrow.
- [sdk] put developer mode into build chain
- [sdk] qml side with signals work.
- [sdk] Rebased onto ui-jolla-settings-system v0.36.50.
- [sdk] refresher emits signal on success and that is caught at qml.
- [sdk] refresher now talks to packagekit.
- [sdk] remove update mgmt ui
- [sdk] repository refresher first version.
- [sdk] Sync with jolla-settings-system (upgrade-1.1.9)
- [sdk] Update category placeholders and translations.
- [sdk] update qmldir for PinInput
- [sdk] workaround for qml method name restriction.
- [sdk] add qmldir for plugin and qml's needed fro time setting.
- [sdk] add translations also to git.
- [sdk] remove /etc/location bits
[settings-sdk] Sync with jolla-settings-system 0.6.0.
Updated : 1.47-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.48.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sync from version 1.48
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : -- 0.36.56-1.11.4
- [settings-system] Fix pin change.
- [settings-developermode] Make developer toggle always visible.
- [settings-system] Don't talk about PIN when it's security code.
- [jolla-settings-system] Bind developer mode's intermiate busy state to developer status.
- [settings-system] Refresh developer mode status after SSU is registered.
- [settings-system] Replace opacity values with proper color properties.
- [settings-system] Change opacity values with proper color properties.
- [homescreen] Don't indiscriminately steal focus on device lock feedback.
- [jolla-settings-system] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [jolla-settings-devicelock] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [devicelock] Add enablers for system dialog device lock authentication.
- [storage] Show SDK data separately.
- [fingerprint] Hide unimplemented fingerprint rename action.
- [storage] Split android runtime out of Sailfish OS.
- [settings-system] Avoid unnecessary notification categories.
- [settings-system] Make header capitalization consistent.
- [developermode] Find the provider of the developer mode service.
- [settings-storage] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [settings-storage] Change storage mount/unmount to use udisks2.
- [settings-storage] Mount/Unmount only after context menu is closed.
- [developermode] Add remorse to Enable developer updates switch.
- [developermode] Improve UI for enabling/disabling developer mode.
- [developermode] Remove jolla account checks for enabling developer mode.
- [developermode] Update dependencies.
- [fingerprint] Don't flicker fingerprint graphic to white on startup.
- [display] Hide autobrightness if device has no light sensor.
- [developermode] Request device lock when removing developer mode.
- [settings-system] Move some items under new "security" section.
- [settings-storage] Add Android data dirs to Storage only if Android support installed.
- [settings-storage] Fix reference error from disk usage page.
- [settings-system] Show OS name based on os-release file.
- [developermode] Inform user if enabling developer mode requires SSU registration.
- [languages] Format to name Chinese languages: Chinese {simplified|traditional} (Region)
- [settings-system] Add Chinese(Taiwan),Czech,Dutch,Greek,Estonian,Hungarian,Portuguese(Brazil),Slovenian,and Turkish selection.
- [translations] Drop colon from Combobox label translation examples.
[settings-system] Remove connection to slot that doesn't exit.
Updated : 1.263.3-10.4.1.jolla -- 1.288.1-1.9.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.288
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 470 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.55
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 463 of 470 strings translated (4 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.50
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.51
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.53
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.54
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 403 of 470 strings translated (19 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.25
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 473 of 473 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.23
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 472 of 472 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 457 of 471 strings translated (4 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.21
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 460 of 471 strings translated (3 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 471 of 471 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.19
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 465 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 466 of 466 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.14
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.15
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 460 of 465 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.13
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 458 of 466 strings translated (3 need review).
Updated : 1.35-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.36-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.3.36-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.3.43-1.6.5
- Unmet requirements: liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [startup-wizard] Move "Fetching application to install" to horizontal center.
- [screenblank] Power up display when starting SUW.
- [SUW] Jolla to Device.
- [SUW] Changed Jolla string to generic device string.
- [startupwizard] Add a busy state while fetching application information.
- [startupwizard] Use explicit trademark symbol.
[jolla-startupwizard] Show Sailfish and/or Android installation dialogs conditionally.
Updated : 1.137-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.149.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-startupwizard from version 1.149
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.43
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.41
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.40
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 44 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.38
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.39
Updated : 1.104-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.106.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched jolla-vault from version 1.106
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review). kernel-adaptation-pc Reverted : 3.6.11-10.2.1.jolla -- 3.6.11-1.3.1
- [packaging] Cleanup packaging.
- [packaging] Fix build failure on unpackaged vmlinux.
[sailfish] Switched from git-subtree packaging to plain git branch.
Updated : 5.24.0+git13-1.2.1 -- 5.24.0+git15-1.3.3
- [bluez-qt] Add filtering options to DeclarativeDevicesModel.
- [packaging] Bump version
[bluez-qt] Add Manager::monitorObjectManagerInterfaces.
Updated : 5.24.0+git13-1.2.1 -- 5.24.0+git15-1.3.3
- [bluez-qt] Add filtering options to DeclarativeDevicesModel.
- [packaging] Bump version
[bluez-qt] Add Manager::monitorObjectManagerInterfaces.
Updated : 0.4.9-7.7.1 -- 0.4.9+mer1-10.2.7.jolla
- [lib] merge libprio in libmultipath
- [mer] Fixed build on aarch64.
- [mer] Migrated packaging from OBS-only to Git.
[multipathd] merge a more versatile CLI parser
Updated : 436- -- 436+mer1-10.2.3.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git.
Updated : 1.9.34-1.2.1 -- 1.9.35-1.3.3
[qt] Drop Qt gui usage.
Updated : 1.14-1.3.1 -- 1.15-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.64.2-1.1.1 -- 0.66.0-1.4.1
- [messages] Make dsme message type identifiers unique.
- [protocol] Fix message io vector size calculation
[protocol] Set errno when abandoning dsmesock_send_with_extra()
Updated : 1.0.26-1.2.1 -- 1.0.29-1.4.1
- [glibutil] Added gutil_hexdump function
- [glibutil] Fixed dependencies for pkgconfig target
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [test] Fixed Windows unit tests
- [test] Unit test for gutil_hexdump
- [glibutil] Added gutil_idle_pool_get function
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [glibutil] GUtilIdlePool is not a GObject anymore
- [glibutil] MER#1437
[glibutil] Took out glib-object.h from public headers
Updated : 2.0.5-1.1.1 -- 2.0.6-1.3.1
- [libgofono] Adapt to changes in libglibutil
[libgofono] MER#1518
Updated : 1.0.20-1.2.1 -- 1.0.22-1.4.1
- [libgrilio] Explicitely include glib-object.h where it's needed
- [libgrilio] MER#1438
- [libgrilio] Added grilio_channel_inject_unsol_event.
[libgrilio] Unit test for grilio_channel_inject_unsol_event
Updated : 1.0.7-1.3.1 -- 1.0.8-1.3.1
- [gsupplicant] Explicitely include glib-object.h where it's needed
[gsupplicant] MER#1437
Updated : --
- Unmet requirements: libOpenCL.so.1
- [rpm] Add missing ldconfig for libOpenCL to spec. MER#1891
- [libhybris] Add OpenCL support.
- [update] Update libhybris submodule and packaging. MER#1891
[libhybris] Convert to submodule. MER#1890
Updated : 1.2.4-1.1.1 -- 1.2.5-1.3.1
[dsme] Make dsme message type identifiers unique.
Updated : 0.3.3-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.4.0-1.3.5
[libjollasignonui] Deprecate explicit in-process service name + path.
Updated : 1.24-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.25-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.5.0-1.2.1 -- 1.6.2-1.5.3
- Binaries added : libkeepalive-glib-doc - 1.6.2-1.5.3, libkeepalive-doc - 1.6.2-1.5.3
- [keepalive] Run astyle on lib & plugin.
- [build] Add build dependency to mer-qdoc-template.
- [backgroundjob] Drop invalid "id" QML property
- [doc] Build Doxygen documentation for glib API.
- [doc] Build qdoc documentation for QML API.
- [doc] Unify spelling and use of acronyms.
- [doc] Update copyright blurbs.
- [nemo-keepalive] Warn on importing nemo.keepalive 1.0.
- [nemo-keepalive] Warn on importing nemomobile.keepalive.
- [displayblanking] Drop unneeded safety margin from renew period.
[displayblanking] Listen to blank prevent allowed signals.
Updated : 1.9.0-1.2.1 -- 1.9.4-1.3.2
[libmediaart] Update to 1.9.4, remove git subtree and build with Meson.
Updated : 0.6.0-1.2.1 -- 0.6.1-1.3.3
[qt] Drop Qt gui and quick usage.
Updated : 0.1.10-1.1.4 -- 0.1.13-1.3.2
[libnice] Upgrade to 0.1.13.
Updated : 0.4.7-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.4.11-1.4.2
- [apk] Use resource indices instead of names, as the latter are often obfuscated.
- [qapk] Properly link package and .pc version.
- [qapk] Declare methods that are logically const as const.
[qapk] Follow coding conventions better.
Updated : 1.2.5-10.3.2.jolla -- 1.2.8-1.4.5
- [libsailfishapp] Remove python-markdown build-requirement from libsailfishapp.
- [libsailfishapp] Migrate Python Markdown documentation to qdoc.
- [libsailfishapp] Add information about additional translation sources to the README. Fixes MER#1866
- [libsailfishapp] Optimize string operations. Fixes MER#1867
[libsailfishapp] Try to load also appname.qm for translations.
Updated : 0.2.4-10.2.1.jolla -- No new changelog entries!
Updated : -- - Drop old changelog entries with QA issues.
Updated : 0.5.2-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.5.3-1.3.30
[events] Do not use explicit year.
Updated : 0.36.30-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.36.52-1.10.10
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-settings-networking >= 0.4.15, sailfish-installationhandler, liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [security] Swap the password dialog message and instruction labels.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not focus device lock view during startup wizard.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove hardcoded /home/nemo paths.
- [homescreen] Avoid removing focus from windows during transistions.
- [homescreen] Fix lockscreen camera failing to launch.
- [homescreen] Suppress feedback on device lock authentication starting.
- [pinentry] Ensure the SIM PIN input has focus when it's on screen.
- [security] Add a daemon for entering passwords.
- [security] Add device lock and polkit authentication dialogs.
- [lipstick-jolla] Use separate package handler instead of jolla-store.
- [wlan] Allow manually setting up network in connection dialog.
- [lipstick-jolla] Don't make connection selector busyindicator smaller in tablet.
- [lipstick-jolla] Provide some hyphenated translations for usb mode.
- [weather] Change Jolla to Sailfish.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not allow unlocking when display is off.
- [bluetooth] Always complete requests so that we don't get stuck.
- [bluetooth] Let's make sure we are initiating only when we are initiating.
- [lipstick] Show SIM selector even if shortcuts and quick actions have been disabled.
- [jolla-home] Remove extra padding from avatar test code.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Prolong lockscreen blank timeout when using MPRIS controls.
- [lipstick] Unify margins between status area indicators
- [lipstick] Don't reserve space for Bluetooth indicator if it is invisible
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Make LauncherItem visible for non grid apps.
- [notifications] Use common dismiss animation.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Allow increasing the boundary detection area and press delay for peek filter.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix progressbar reference.
- [lipstick-jolla] Progress support on notifications.
- [bluetooth] Avoid creating extra BluezQt::Manager instance.
- [bluetooth] Avoid using exit timer with arbitrary timeout.
- [bluetooth] Disable BluezQt::Manager object updates when not needed.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Suppress CoverActionModel logs.
[bluetooth] prevent wait spinner blocking in case pairing fails.
Updated : 1.218-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.232.1-1.9.1
- [l10n] Branched lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 from version 1.232
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 183 of 183 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.49
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.51
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 165 of 173 strings translated (2 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.47
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 169 of 173 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.44
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.45
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.46
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 167 of 167 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.33
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.39
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.41
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.36.43
Updated : 0.32.13-1.4.2 -- 0.32.21-1.5.4
- Unmet requirements: liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [lipstick] Do not freeze on exit.
- [lipstick] Handle unix signals more properly.
- [lipstick] Properly link rpm package and .pc file versions.
- [lipstick] Handle display wakeup to dimmed state. MER#1831
- [lipstick] Android notifications to wake display only if having feedback.
- [lipstick] Add support for vibration notification hint.
- [lipstick] Expose mime-type from LauncherItem.
- [lipstick] Remove legacy orientation lock file support.
- [lipstick] Add progress hint for notifications.
[lipstick] Remove copies of qmsystem classes that are not used.
Updated : 1.65-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.66-1.4.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.32.14
Updated : 1.03-10.2.3.jolla -- 1.04-1.3.4
- Binaries added : lzop-doc - 1.04-1.3.4
[aarch64] Update to 1.04.
Updated : 4.1.25-1.1.1 -- 4.1.28-1.5.2
- [mapplauncherd] Create cgroup for each process if possible. Fixes MER#1896
- [mapplauncherd] Fix race when in writing the daemon PID file and exiting.
[mapplauncherd] Support running boosters as forking systemd services.
Updated : 0.0.3-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.4-1.3.6
[booster-browser] Remove silicabackground dependency.
Updated : 0.2.4-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.6-1.4.6
- [booster-silica] Add a login session root parent booster .
[booster-silica] Remove Silicabackground dependency.
Updated : 1.90.4-1.2.1 -- 1.93.4-1.7.1
- [dsme] Do not take shutdown actions on shutdown notification.
- [display] Normalize whitespace
- [dsme] Make dsme message type identifiers unique.
- [display] Unblank when compositor starts during bootup.
- [tklock] Disable display state restore during bootup.
- [datapipe] Add init_done_pipe.
- [datapipe] Remove lintisms.
- [datapipe] Use macro for making display state requests.
- [datapipe] Use macro for making tklock requests.
- [dbus] Add dbus peer tracking api.
- [dbus] Cleanup mce-dbus header file.
- [display] Add blanking pause allowed -policy.
- [display] Add slack to blanking pause timeout.
- [display] Allow blanking pause when app is on top of lockscreen.
- [display] Expose blanking pause allowed -policy on dbus.
- [display] Only topmost application can pause blanking.
- [display] Track pid of topmost window.
- [dsme] End transition submode on init_done condition.
- [inactivity] Optional shutdown after idling. Fixes MER#1889
- [mce] Make tristate_t type generally available.
- [build] Remove unneeded include statements
- [fingerprint] Ignore powerkey during fingerprint enroll.
- [logging] Log human readable state names instead of enumeration values
- [battery-bme] Use charger_state_t instead of gboolean
- [datapipe] Unify naming.
[tklock] Add settings for proximity sensor uncover delays. Fixes MER#1881
Updated : 1.24.0-1.2.1 -- 1.25.0-1.4.1
- [mce] Add blanking pause related D-Bus constants
[mce] Add blanking pause related D-Bus constants.
Updated : 0.2.0-1.4.1 -- 0.2.3-1.7.1
- [prjconf] Add _obs_build_project macro.
- [prjconf] Remove unused patform-version macros.
[prjconf] Remove build and build-compare from Support as they are not used.
Updated : 0.19-2.13.1 -- 0.20.1-10.2.4.jolla
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format. - Added support for PreScripts: - Make Language, Keyboard and Timezone optional as well. - Don't require RootPass to be set. - New variable ImageType which if set currently can take special version of Url field in repos. - Fix packaging - Upstream at 0.18 - Fix problem where dicts are not merged properly (Fixes MER#583) - Upstream at 0.17: - Fixes MER#549: Don't override data from local section with data inherited se - Handle --repo-url-variables command line - Use the RepositoryURLVariables key as a plain map and inform users when it is invalid - Clarify the use of Part: key if the value isn't found as a file - If FileName is missing for a Configuration, use Name - Update to 0.16 - Update to version 0.14 - Fork into mer-kickstarter - make Active keyword works - enhance bootloader option support - Support bootloader options (bmc #16408) - Fixed bmc #16397 - temporary .yaml~ files are read - Now require python-yaml - Support external configurations - Support additional keywords to keep up with static ks files - 0.8 - Fix schedule handling. - Use cron style syntax for schedule - Fixed path where files are stored on repo - Add python-lxml as a runtime dependency - Create index file with all kickstart files - Make it build on other distros - Initial Release
Updated : 0.14-9.6.1 -- 0.14+git3-10.2.5.jolla
- Binaries added : mic-livecd - 0.14+git3-10.2.5.jolla, mic-yum - 0.14+git3-10.2.5.jolla, mic-liveusb - 0.14+git3-10.2.5.jolla
- [mic] Do not require /etc/meego-release on sailfish.
- [mic] Use python-distro.
- [imager] Warn if no file matches an %attachment.
- [btrfs] use subvolume name instead of id in fstab
- [mic] Fix build when /etc/resolv.conf is symbolic link.
- [packaging] Split out infrequently used plugins.
[zypp] don't crash sorting an empty list - Upgrade to version 0.3, changes including: - Unit test support, run 'make test' - Enable proxy support in config file - Refine configmgr and pluginmgr - Support multi instance with different cache dir - Add 47 system test case - Improve md5sum generation - Add repo option --ssl_verify - Add option --name_prefix - Reformatted code according to PEP08 - Backport from mic2: - Add priority and cost option for repos - Reinstroduced compress-disk-image option
Updated : 1.0.58-1.2.1 -- 1.0.59-1.3.2
- [mms-lib] Fixed build against libglibutil >= 1.0.27. MER#1437
[test] Fixed compilation warning
Updated : 4.0.12-4.4.1 -- 4.0.12+mer1-10.2.3.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Fix build on aarch64. - Update to 4.0.4 - add check for the info file before installing it in post/preun - add %doc to man/info in spec file
Updated : 0.3.1-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.3.2-1.3.3
[alarms] Make sure metatype has been registered for Qt DBus.
Updated : 0.2.22-1.2.1 -- 0.3.1-1.4.3
- [calendar-plugin] Fix saving event with no reminder.
[nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Changes for accept invitation from email.
Updated : 0.1.1-1.3.1 -- 0.1.3-1.4.3
- [nemo-connectivity] No signal from connection selector dialog exposed when it closed.
[nemo-connectivity] Expose ConnectHelper to C++ side as well.
Updated : 2.1.12-1.2.1 -- 2.1.17-1.4.3
- [nemo-dbus] Fix build order.
- [nemo-dbus] Expose DBus argument demarshalling (old unwind) to C++.
- [nemo-dbus] Expose DBus argument unwind (demarshalling) to C++.
- [dbus] Fix crash when one of many subscribing objects is destroyed.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-dbus] Include space between error message and string.
[nemo-qml-plugin-dbus] Unregister service in destructor.
Updated : 0.2.11-1.2.1 -- 0.2.14-1.4.5
- [devicelock] Require virtual devicelock daemon.
- [devicelock] Fix authentiation failure due to a PID mismatch.
- [devicelock] Add API for services to directly request permission for actions.
[devicelock] Allow backends to provide a reason for a lockout.
Updated : 0.2.3-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.3.2-1.4.1
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Improve email logging.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Fix bug in EmailAgent::createFolder.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Changes for calendar responses from email (Exchange Activesync accounts).
- [nemo-email] Calendar invitation part is opening in Notes application after other attachment downloaded. Contibutes to
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Renamed downloadStatus function of the attachmentListModel.
- [sailfish-eas] Calendar invitation part is opening in Notes application after other attachment downloaded. Contibutes to
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Unable to forward message with multiple non-downloaded attachments.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Provide more accurate progress.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Support canceling attachment download.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Do not write attachment to disk upon model reset.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Monitor saved attachments.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Simplify code a bit + fix style issues.
[email] Suppress debug level messages coming from email agent.
Updated : 0.2.3-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.7-1.3.46
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Provide more accurate progress.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Support canceling attachment download.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Do not write attachment to disk upon model reset.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Monitor saved attachments.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Simplify code a bit + fix style issues.
[email] Suppress debug level messages coming from email agent.
Updated : 0.1.4-1.2.1 -- 0.1.6-1.3.5
- Unmet requirements: libKF5Archive.so.5
- [nemo-filemanager] Add extected and extrected target path roles.
[filemanager] Introduce ArchiveInfo and ArchiveModel.
Updated : 1.1.4-1.3.1 -- 1.1.5-1.4.3
[nemo-qml-plugin-notifications] Deprecate origin property.
Updated : 0.3.0-1.3.1 -- 0.4.9-1.13.2
- [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Don't queue multiple refreshes.
- [developermode] Change developermode enabling on top PackageKit-Qt.
- [developermode] Refresh package cache before resolving developer mode packages.
- [settings-vpn] Remove hardcoded user and move under privileged system data.
- [settings-vpn] Re-sort VPNs only when the name property is changed.
- [settings-vpn] When VPN doesn't provide domain create one.
- [systemsettings-vpn] Disconnect VPN when removed from the model.
- [nemo-settings-system] Cleanup VPN automaticUpDown.
- [nemo-settings-system] Connect pending disconnect only when disconnecting.
- [disk] Do not follow to other filesystems.
- [disk] Use QStorageInfo.
- [packaging] Update connman build requirement.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Add autoConnect property for VpnConnection.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Allow only one active vpn at once.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Remove vpn-updown script and service.
- [systemsettings] Add vpn logging category.
- [about] More locations for serial number.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Change PartitionManager to use Udisks2.
- [developermode] Remove AccountManager references.
- [developermode] Remove developerModeAccountProvider property.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Expose deviceName from the PartitiionModel.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Show also /dev/sd[a-z] devices in paritition model.
- [nemo-systemsettings] With Udisks2 external device mounting changes under /run.
- [developermode] Remove undefined function.
- [qml-plugin-systemsettings] disable accounts some more.
- [qml-plugin-systemsettings] Disable developer mode account check for now.
- [developermode] Add a developerModeAvailable property.
- [developermode] Add DeveloperModeSettings::developerModeAccountProvider.
- [developermode] Always resolve the developer-mode package before doing an install/remove.
- [developermode] Selectively update the install/remove progress value.
- [developermode] Use PackageKit directly to install developer mode packages.
- [vpn] Store VPN types in generic strings instead of hard-coded enums.
[nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Provide OS name from os-release.
Updated : 0.3.5-1.2.1 -- 0.3.6-1.3.3
[thumbnailer] Suppress debug level messages.
Updated : 0.1.0-1.2.1 -- 0.1.1-1.3.3
[qt] Drop Qt gui usage.
Updated : 0.2.1-1.2.1 -- 0.3.1-1.4.5
- [transfer-engine] Fix canceled download keeping progress notification.
- [transfer-engine] Add progress info to notifications.
[sharing] Show account icon on sharing list.
Updated : 1.28-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.33.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched nemo-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.33
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.0
Updated : 0.112-1.1.2 -- 1.0.1-1.4.3
- [callstate] Don't publish active to ringing state change.
- [build] Build new event features.
- [build] Build new null sink.
- [build] Build new route plugin.
- [build] Include new dbus helper to build.
- [build] Update version to 1.0.
- [callstate] Fix memleak when call state changes.
- [callstate] Use new core-dbus helper.
- [canberra] Update request proplist after uploading.
- [canberra] Use sink interface for userdata.
- [data] Update default ffmemless effects.
- [data] Update default plugin configs.
- [data] Update default values to resource plugin.
- [dbus] Check for valid client for pause and stop methods.
- [dbus] Have limit on max requests.
- [dbus] Have maximum client limit. Fixes MER#1825
- [dbus] Have per-client request limits. MER#1825
- [dbus] Remove delaying, as it can be handled in gst plugin.
- [dbus] Use dynamic userdata in favor of old static.
- [dbus] Use request's id instead of property value.
- [%define common_entry_stuff]
- [%define message.haptic]
- [%define message.sound]
- [devicelock] Use new core-dbus helper.
- [ffmemless] Don't spam error messages.
- [ffmemless] Initialize allocated data to zero.
- [ffmemless] Use new haptic API.
- [gst] Add fade and delay configurations.
- [gst] Call synchronize after startup delay.
- [gst] Clear bus watch source on error.
- [gst] Remove unnecessary casts.
- [gst] Stop all audio if voice call is activated.
- [mce] Remove display control functionality.
- [mce] Use new core-dbus helper.
- [message]
- [message => context@ouput.class == external, context@volume > (int) 0]
- [message => context@volume == (int) 0]
- [message @priority 100 => context@disable_message_tone == (bool) true]
- [ngfd] Add DBus helper.
- [ngfd] Add define parsing to events.
- [ngfd] Add function for copying requests.
- [ngfd] Add function to get current log level.
- [ngfd] Add setter and getter for plugin userdata.
- [ngfd] Add userdata set and get to sink interface.
- [ngfd] Allow defining keytypes in plugin configuration.
- [ngfd] Assign proper id to requests.
- [ngf] Define value identifier strings in n_value header.
- [ngfd] Fix segfault if daemon is started without sinks.
- [ngfd] Handle SIGINT and SIGTERM.
- [ngfd] Implemented improved events.
- [ngfd] Load plugins in two steps.
- [ngfd] Log both plugin and file names when loading.
- [ngfd] Make sure fallback request has correct id.
- [ngfd] Read event definitions in descending order.
- [ngfd] Revise haptic handling.
- [ngfd] Update context internal handling.
- [ngfd] Version 1.0.
- [ngf] Enable storing userdata for interface.
- [ngf] Fix unnecessary memory allocation in proplist dump.
- [ngf] Remove context key entry if no subscribers.
- [null] Simple sink to handle any event.
- [packaging] Build and package new route plugin.
- [packaging] Bump version.
- [packaging] Package new null sink.
- [plugins] Add type for plugins that implement sink interface.
- [real_entry]
- [resouce] Update resource filtering to type based.
- [route] New plugin for following audio route.
- [service] Allow passing arguments from sysconfig file.
- [sinkinterface] Add sink type for type based filtering.
- [streamrestore] Add function to get volume to volumecontroller.
- [streamrestore] Allow handling both builtin and external events.
- [streamrestore] Allow transforming stream volumes to context values.
- [streamrestore] Build with ohm-ext-route flags.
- [streamrestore] Follow audio route.
- [streamrestore] Get initial volume for streams we follow.
- [streamrestore] Listen to individual context keys instead of all of them.
- [streamrestore] Remove unnecessary casts.
- [streamrestore] Update media state to ngfd context.
- [tests] Add type to test-fake-plugin.
- [tests] Update context tests.
- [tests] Update core event related tests.
[tests] Update test building to compile with new dbus helper.
Updated : 0.91.4-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.0-1.3.12
- [packaging] Update ngfd requirements.
- [vibrator] Add sink interface type.
- [vibrator] Update default effect configuration.
- [vibrator] Use haptic API from NGFD 1.0.
- [build] Add configure option to build native implementation.
- [droid-vibrator] Split plugin and hal implementation.
- [native-vibrator] Add native implementation.
- [packaging] Add packaging for native vibrator.
- [packaging] Bump droid vibrator version.
- [packaging] Droid and native implementations conflict.
- [packaging] Fix license for droid vibrator.
[README] Update description to mention native implementation.
Updated : 1.0.2-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.0.7-1.6.2
- [core] Add gawk for now.
- [core] Drop prelink from core.
- [patterns] Remove 'build' from packaging-tools.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-archive to default application list.
- [patterns] Require tiff and webp Qt image format plugins.
- [patterns] Drop obsoleted patterns from repos.
[patterns] Move ssu vendor data out of core.
Updated : 0.6.17-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.7.1-1.5.4
- [non-oss] Remove _obs_build_project macro.
[prefer] Prefer sailfish-version-variant.
Updated : 1.20+git6-1.4.1 -- 1.21+git17.3-1.10.1
- [ril] Handle NITZ string without DST part.
- [ril] Don't wait for SIM state change after enabling/disabling pin.
- [ussd] Don't ignore data from TERMINATED response.
- [ril] Fix SET_INITIAL_ATTACH_APN crash on some MTK devices.
- [ril] Don't use QUERY_AVAILABLE_BAND_MODE with MTK RILs.
- [ofono] Return AccessDenied if filter disallows a data call.
- [ril] Deduce signal strength from RSRP.
- [ril] Fixed parsing of data call list.
- [ofono] Added support for gprs filter plugins.
- [ofono] Fixed a few corner cases in D-Bus queue
- [unit] Added test-dbus-queue.
- [unit] Added test-gprs-filter
- [ril] Added ril_config_merge_files utility
- [ril] Allow comments in int array config values
- [ril] Allow multiple RIL config files.
- [ril] Unit test for ril_config.c
- [ril] Explicitely include <glib-object.h> where it's needed. MER#1437</glib-object.h>
- [ril] Detect MTK variant based on events codes.
- [ril] Fix UICC subscription.
- [gprs] Disable special treatment of LTE
- [ril] A better way to reset the SIM state
- [ril] Give SIM card 10 seconds to activate USIM app.
- [ril] Make sure that SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION is not repeated forever.
- [ril] Make CBS support configurable. Fixes MER#1873
- [mtk] Handle INCOMING_CALL_INDICATION event.
- [ril] Make 4G work on MTK tablet.
- [ril] Poll registration state on PS_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED.
- [ofono] sailfish_watch should reset online flag when modem is removed
- [ril] INT_MAX -> SAILFISH_CELL_INVALID_VALUE where appropriate
- [ril] Use the right cid to signal context settings change.
- [rpm] Made dbus unit tests work with older versions of dbus (e.g. 1.6)
- [unit] Added test-sailfish_watch
- [ofono] Upgrade baseline to 1.21.
- [ril] Updated netmon implementation
- [ril] A few corner cases for cached SIM info
- [ril] Don't require AID for SIM pin requests.
- [unit] Added test-sailfish_sim_info_dbus
- [unit] Improved ril_util.c test coverage
- [unit] Improved test coverage for sailfish_sim_info.c
- [ofono] gprs: Add __ofono_gprs_context_settings_by_type
- [ril] Support for vendor extensions.
- [ril] Don't repeat cell info requests indefinitely.
- [ril] Validate dbus_bool_t
[unit] Added test-sailfish_cell_info_dbus
Updated : 1.4.1-1.1.2 -- 1.4.4-1.4.3
- [mdm] Update plugin D-Bus rules.
- [mdm] Update plugin policy enforcement configuration.
- [route] Update plugin D-Bus rules.
- [accessories] Recognize alternative HSP HS UUID.
[media] Handle alarm media type.
Updated : 0.4.6-1.1.1 -- 0.4.8-1.3.1
- [packaging] Require findutils.
[packaging] Do not require qt for building.
Updated : 2.3.13-1.2.1 -- 2.4.5-1.3.1
[openvpn] Update to 2.4.5.
Updated : 0.146.0-1.3.1 -- 0.146.0-10.2.5.jolla - Drop old changelog entries with QA issues. - Trap any kind of exception during plugin parsing (eg IOError for a dangling symlink) - Add architecture and scheduler maps - Upgrade osc to 0.128 with updated MeeGo patches - Add patch to remember authentication header to save time and server loading - Disable 'authentication header' patch temporarily - Upgrade to 0.124 to work with new obs APIs - Update to 0.117 - Synced the changes in osc-mobsr.py according new version - Added new plugin to support 'unmobsr' cmd - Fixed of mobsr, should check remote for .changes - Synced mobsr with git code, para of server_diff to False - Add two new plugin to support 'mobaccept' and 'mobdecline' cmd - They can accept/decline req and send mail to maillist and submitter automatically - Added an alias 'mobrevoke' to 'unmobsr' cmd - Some code cleaning - Debian package error fix - Remove moblin plugsin from pkg, and use spectacle yaml - Update to 0.115 - Add one plugin to support 'mobci' cmd, a wrapper of 'ci' to do extra check for moblin packages before commit. - Fixed mobsr - Update to support target - Adapt: Moblin:2.0 -> Trunk - make default build_platform point to Trunk package-groups Reverted : 0.9.18-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.1-1.2.1 Binaries removed : package-groups-doc, patterns-sailfish-demo-android-apps
Unmet requirements: ui-democontent-settings - Initial version of Mer package groups
Updated : 3.0-10.2.1.jolla -- 3.0+mer1-10.2.5.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Merged 9 new upstream patches and dropped 2 old ones
Updated : 0.78-1.1.2 -- 0.79-1.3.1
[packaging] Update to version 0.79.
Updated : 1.0.2-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.0.7-1.6.4
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-archive
- [core] Add gawk for now.
- [core] Drop prelink from core.
- [patterns] Remove 'build' from packaging-tools.
- [patterns] Add sailfish-archive to default application list.
- [patterns] Require tiff and webp Qt image format plugins.
- [patterns] Drop obsoleted patterns from repos.
[patterns] Move ssu vendor data out of core.
Updated : 2.08-5.5.1 -- 2.10+mer1-10.2.9.jolla
- [mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git.
[mer] Upgraded to upstream version 2.10. - Update to 2.08 - Add %doc before man file entry
Updated : 0.17020-1.3.1 -- 0.17020+mer2-10.2.2.jolla
- [mer] Dropped old static change log items.
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format. - Update to Error-0.17020.tar.gz
Updated : 0.20-1.1.1 -- 0.20+mer1-10.2.6.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Update to 0.20. - Update to 0.19. - Use fixperms macro instead of our own chmod incantation. - Reformat to match cpanspec output.
Updated : 1.08-6.6.1 -- 1.08+mer1-10.2.4.jolla
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format.
Updated : 0.7.3-1.3.1 -- 0.7.4-1.4.2
- [common] Do not route from usbmic if fmradio is enabled.
- [common] Make earpiece detachable audio accessory.
- [common] Make usbaudio higher in priority.
- [common] Never route to usbaudio if voice call is active.
[common] Use more broad match for media speaker override.
Updated : 0.47-1.2.1 -- 0.62.0-1.3.3
- Unmet requirements: libpoppler.so.73
[poppler] Update to 0.62.0.
Updated : 0.0.6-1.1.1 -- 0.0.6-1.2.4
- [tools] Remove _obs_build_project macro.
- [tools] Remove prefer lines.
- [l10n] fix _with_l10n rpm macro
- [l10n
- [prjconf] Define _with_l10n
- [prjconf] Define with_l10n
[prjconf] Add project name,
Updated : 8.0+git13-1.2.1 -- 11.1+git2-1.4.1
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
- [sailfish] bluez4-device: Set suspend correctly when connecting device.
[sailfish] Update to PulseAudio 11.1.
Updated : -- 11.1.67-1.3.2
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
- [common] Add quirk output_make_writable.
- [README] Add description for output_make_writable quirk.
- [sink] Implement output_make_writable quirk.
- [card] Update to PulseAudio 11.1.
- [common] Decrease verbosity of failing input resume.
- [source] Post silence if resuming input stream fails.
- [card] Update record profile correctly with merged input.
- [common] Get mapping based on device.
- [packaging] Bump version.
[sink] Use pa_memblock_acquire_chunk.
Updated : 8.0.2-10.3.1.jolla -- 11.1.2-1.4.3
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
[pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue] Build against PulseAudio 11.1.
Updated : -- 11.1.66-1.4.2
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
- [card] Update to PulseAudio 11.1.
- [common] Decrease verbosity of failing input resume.
- [source] Post silence if resuming input stream fails.
- [card] Update record profile correctly with merged input.
- [common] Get mapping based on device.
- [packaging] Bump version.
[sink] Use pa_memblock_acquire_chunk.
Updated : -- 11.1.24-1.4.2
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
- [packaging] Bump version.
[pulseaudio-modules-nemo] Build against PulseAudio 11.1.
Updated : -- 11.1.36-1.5.2
- Unmet requirements: libpulsecommon-11.1.so, libpulsecore-11.1.so
- [policy-group] Check moving source output properly.
- [classify] Add functions to fetch all card,sink,source types.
- [classify] Reserve large enough result object.
- [policy] Reset all types before sending current state.
[pulseaudio-policy-enforcement] Build against PulseAudio 11.1.
Updated : 0.1-8.8.1 -- 0.1+mer1-10.2.9.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git.
Updated : 2.4.4-5.5.1 -- 2.4.4+mer1-10.2.5.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Update to 2.4.0 - Initial Import to Moblin
Updated : 0.3.1-1.1.1 -- 0.3.1+mer1-10.2.4.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Update to 0.3.1 and enable spectacle - Update to 0.3.0 - make it build on opensuse - Added missing tar - Update to version 0.2.4
Updated : 7.19.0-4.4.1 -- 7.19.0+mer1-10.2.8.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git.
Updated : 3.9.1-1.1.1 -- 3.9.1+mer1-10.2.5.jolla
[mer] Migrated from OBS-only packaging to Git. - Upgrade to 3.9.1 and enable spectacle Dropped all old patches except David's libproxy one Integreted the updated version of libproxy patch, found in: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=542224 - Correct SOURCE - Version update to 3.1.0 - Add dependency to m2crypto so that it can works with https connection fixed bug #1289 - Use libproxy to find proxy information
Updated : 0.4.4-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.3.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.63-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.65.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched qmf-activesync-plugin from version 1.65
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 76 of 76 strings translated (0 need review).
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 76 of 76 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.7-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.0-1.4.7
- [qmf-eas-plugin] No internet connection dialog when creating AS account.
- [qmf-eas-plugin] Invitation response implementation.
- [qmf-eas-plugin] Unable to forward message with multiple non-downloaded attachments.
- [rpm] Bump versions
- [sailfish-eas] Unable to forward message with multiple non-downloaded attachments.
- [qmf-eas-plugin] OBS, oh please.
- [qmf-eas-plugin] Clean up code.
[qmf-eas-plugin] don't allow duplicate accounts creation.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.23-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.28.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched qmf-eas-plugin from version 1.28
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 67 of 68 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 67 of 67 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.35-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.36.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched qmf-notifications-plugin from version 1.36
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 4.0.4+git62-1.2.2 -- 4.0.4+git63-1.3.5
[qmf] Initialize messagelistmodel before processing add/remove/update of messages.
Updated : 1.0.0+git3-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.0.0+git4-1.3.1
- [Bench] Added configurable limit on filesystem watches.
- [Bench] Enabled simultaneous use by multiple users on the same machine
- [Bench] Fixed assertion failure on double click in directory preview
- [Bench] Fixed crash on exit when previewGenerator is running
- [Bench] Fixed locating previewGenerator on Windows
- [Bench] Fixed missing app icon and name on Mac.
[Runtime] Improved log output with blocking connect.
Updated : 5.6.3+git2-1.3.1 -- 5.6.3+git5-1.5.2
- [mer][qtgui] Fix crash when a focused window's surface is destroyed.
[qtbase] Fix expected signature from connman Scan method.
Updated : 0.0.7-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.8
- [build] Conditional build for droid or native implementation.
- [packaging] Add packaging for native vibrator.
- [packaging] Droid vibrator conflicts with native.
- [vibrator] Add native implementation.
[vibrator] Split implementation to hal.
Updated : 5.2.1+git25-1.2.1 -- 5.2.1+git31-1.4.3
- [mer][qtlocation] Fix QGeoSatelliteInfo connect/disconnect undefined slots from geoclue side.
- [mer][qtlocation] Let satellite infos be hardware driven.
- [mer][qtlocation] Move geocluetype registrations to geocluetypes.h.
- [packaging] Ensure geoclue gets installed.
- [ChangeLog][QtPositioning][Position] The Geoclue plugin has been
- [ChangeLog][QtPositioning][QGeoPositionInfoSource] Report errors when
- [mer][qtlocation] Fix build.
- [mer][qtlocation] Remove dependency on libgeoclue.
- [packaging] Cleanup libqtposition_geoclue.so.
- [qtlocation] Start Geoclue client position interface asynchronously.
[QtLocation] Register needed metatypes.
Updated : --
- [hwcomposer] initialize binder thread pool, add fake SurfaceFlinger service.
[hwcomposer] turn QPA_HWC_SYNC_BEFORE_SET into an environment variable.
Updated : 5.6.3+git1-1.3.1 -- 5.6.3+git5-1.5.1
- [qtdeclarative] Fix crash in ModelNodeMetaObject::emitDirectNotifies.
- [qtdeclarative] Keep 5.6.3 version id.
[qtdeclarative] Update to 5.6 branch head.
Updated : 5.6.2+git0-1.2.1 -- 5.6.3+git1-1.3.2 Binaries removed : qt5-qtimageformats-plugin-dds
- Unmet requirements: libwebp.so.7
[mer][qtimageformat] Upgrade to 5.6.3 and build webp against system package.
Updated : 5.2.1+git27-1.3.2 -- 5.2.1+git31-1.4.3
- [mer][qtlocation] Fix QGeoSatelliteInfo connect/disconnect undefined slots from geoclue side.
- [mer][qtlocation] Let satellite infos be hardware driven.
- [mer][qtlocation] Move geocluetype registrations to geocluetypes.h.
- [mer][qtlocation] Fix build.
[mer][qtlocation] Remove dependency on libgeoclue.
Updated : 5.6.2+git9-1.3.2 -- 5.6.3+git1-1.4.3
[qttools] Update to 5.6.3.
Updated : 5.6.2+git5-1.3.1 -- 5.6.2+git7-1.4.3
- Unmet requirements: libwebp.so.7
- [mer][webkit] Don't read textures as BGRA if QT_OPENGL_NO_BGRA is defined.
- [webkit] Don't read textures as BGRA if QT_OPENGL_NO_BGRA is defined.
- [mer][qtwebkit] Enable same image quality options as Blackberry.
[mer][qtwebkit] Enable WebP support.
Updated : 8.1-1.1.1 -- 8.1+git2-1.3.1
- [packaging] Drop %setup.
- [packaging] Convert to tar_git format.
[update] Sync with upstream.
Updated : --
[rpm] Add --nobuildstage option to rpmbuild.
Updated : 1.16.3-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.16.9-1.4.16
- [sailfish-browser] Do not treat empty url as local file.
- [browser] Improve local file handling when opening a local externally.
- [browser] Make to possible to force web content to portrait.
- [browser] Adapt to changed Context Menu API.
- [browser] Do not lower overlay if there are no open tabs.
- [sailfish-browser] Improve geo location manual test.
- [sailfish-browser] Add BROWSER environment variable.
[sailfish-browser] Use delayedClick signal for "Close all tabs".
Updated : 1.124-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.127.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-browser from version 1.127
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 1.16.4
Updated : 1.14-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.15-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.11-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.13-1.5.2
- [sailfish-accounts] Do not show cloud and other section header when not needed.
[sailfish-components-accounts] Don't recompile lib for every test.
Updated : 1.51-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.52-1.4.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.12
Updated : 0.2.10-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.11-1.3.4
[bluetooth] Avoid creating unnecessary delegates for nearby devices.
Updated : 1.62-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.65.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5 from version 1.65
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.11
Updated : 0.2.7-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.11-1.6.3
- [components-contacts] Use common sharing page.
- [contacts] Adapt to changed ContextMenu API.
- [contacts] Added servicefilters to ContactSharePage.
[components-contacts] Use common delayedClick code.
Updated : 1.110-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.113.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-contacts-qt5 from version 1.113
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 122 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.11
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 120 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.8
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
Updated : 0.1.1-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.3-1.4.3
- [components-email] Adapt to email composer cleanup and offer end destination.
[email] Removed Jolla strings.
Updated : 1.46-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.50.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-email-qt5 from version 1.50
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.2
Updated : 0.1.13-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.18-1.4.3
- [components-filemanager] Use common sharing page.
- [rpm] Bump up version and requimenents.
- [sailfish-components-filemaner] Add archive support for storage.
- [filemanager] Add servicefilters for add account button.
- [sailfish-filemanager] Remove unused x-jolla.storage.error notification category.
[filemanager] Fix typo from SortingPage popping.
Updated : 1.27-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.31.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-filemanager from version 1.31
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.15
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.16
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.17
Updated : 0.1.18-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.3-1.4.3
- [components-gallery] Use common sharing page.
- [components-gallery] Support extra sharing options.
- [Gallery] Removed add button creation from GallerySharePage.
- [sailfish-components-gallery] Replace split view with overlay controls.
[sharing] Show account icon on sharing list.
Updated : 1.76-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.86.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-gallery-qt5 from version 1.86
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 22 of 53 strings translated (31 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 53 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 55 of 55 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
Updated : 0.1.9-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.1-1.4.3
- [sailfish-components-media] Use nemo-keepalive for DisplayBlanking.
[media] Allow disabling forward action if there is nothing to forward to.
Updated : 1.72.1-10.4.2.jolla -- 1.75.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-pickers-qt5 from version 1.75
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 32 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.0.11-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.12-1.3.7
- [sailfish-components-store] Add androidSupportInstalled property to StartupApplicationModel.
- [sailfish-components-store] Add androidSupportStatus property to StartupApplicationModel.
[sailfish-components-store] Expose isInstalled invokable and packageInstalled signal.
Updated : 1.19-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.20-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.63-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.64-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 691 of 691 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.0-10.3.2.jolla -- 0.4.2-1.5.5
- [components-weather] Bump keepalive import to current version.
[components-weather] Fix feels-like property.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.27-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.36.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-weather-qt5 from version 1.36
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.1
Updated : 0.0.20-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.0.22-1.5.7
- [components-webview] Use common sharing page.
[sailfish-webview] Do not show add account button label.
Updated : 1.16-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.18.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-webview-qt5 from version 1.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.22
Updated : 0.4.15-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.16-1.4.6
[preload-ambiences] Use sparser ambience timestamps.
Updated : 0.4.15-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.4.16-1.4.6
[preload-ambiences] Use sparser ambience timestamps.
Updated : 1.20-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.22-1.5.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 18 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.9.3-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.9.11-1.8.4
- [signing] Add icon for Sign share action.
- [secrets] Add icon for Keys settings page.
- [jolla-ambient] Add sharing icon for mms copy to gallery.
- [jolla-ambient] Archive cover graphic.
- [archive] Upgrade archive folder and compressed file icons.
- [archive] Add archive icons.
- [gallery] Icon button variants for the new content viewer design.
[theme-jolla-ambient] Add iso icon.
Updated : 0.1.29-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.3-1.3.6
- [sailfish-eas] Adding custom fields support for meeting invitations. Always forward meeting invitations using SmartForward.
- [sailfish-eas] Attachments are not shown in meeting invitations with attachments.
- [sailfish-eas] Unable to forward message with multiple non-downloaded attachments.
- [sailfish-eas] Fixes always-on mode for EAS accounts. Re-creates network managers after switch of a network or going from offline to online and vice versa.
- [sailfish-eas] MeetingResponse request should always remove temporary created response emails.
- [sailfish-eas] Cannot download attachments from Zimbra (OMP) account.
[sailfish-eas] Make sure that DeviceID is an alphanumeric value.
Updated : 0.1.4-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.1.5-1.3.4
[packaging] Depend on fontpackages-filesystem.
Updated : 1.1.28-10.2.2.jolla -- 1.1.32-1.4.6
- [sailfish-maps] Update nemo imports to Nemo naming.
- [sailfish-maps] Remove usage of MapMouseArea.
- [sailfish-maps] Don't move to current position on press and hold.
- [sailfish-maps] Remove notification category leftover.
[sailfish-maps] Don't flash main screen on dbus activation.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.79-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.81.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-maps from version 1.81
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 1.1.30
Updated : 0.2.67-10.3.1.jolla --
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-mdm-ofono-plugin >= 1.0.4
- [sailfish-mdm] Document explicit privileged group for now.
- [sailfish-mdm] Use PackageKit directly for package installations.
- [sailfish-mdm] Sync device lock API enums.
- [packaging] Bump version to
- [simfilters] Fix Action->int conversion for SimFilter::Rule and fix warnings.
- [simfilters] Fix SimFilter signal emission for added/removed/changed and add tests.
- [mdm] Add user feedback options to the device lock lockout.
- [simfilters] Add SimMobileDataFilter.
- [simfilters] Move 'Action' and 'TextRule' enums to SimFilter.
- [simfilters] Remove SimSmsFilter::textRuleChanged() and change signal behavior.
- [mdm] Don't fail on policy-updater if device doesn't have camera files configured.
- [libsailfishmdm] Only allow flight mode policy changes if policy is enabled.
- [libsailfishmdm] Simplify flight mode toggling in mdm-tool.
- [sailfish-mdm-examples] Add flight mode to examples.
- [sailfish-policy] Add flight mode policy settings.
[libsailfishmdm] Add SimSmsFilter class and use it from mdm-tool.
Updated : 0.1.8-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.0-1.4.83
[mdm-demo] Build libaccesscontrol variant from master.
Updated : 1.5-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.8.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-mdm from version 1.8
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.0.2-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.0.3-1.3.1
[minui] Press releases not sometimes being recognized.
Updated : 1.3.10-10.2.1.jolla -- 1.3.13-1.5.5
- Unmet requirements: libpoppler.so.73
- [office] Removed accidental Content property from the sharingpage.
- [office] ServiceFilters for Add account button.
[sailfish-office] Add privileges for account handling.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.2
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.90-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.94.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-office from version 1.94
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.13.12
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 58 of 58 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.37-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.38-1.3.7
[tutorial] Don't allow flicking over target item in Homescreen carousel demo.
Updated : 1.49-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.52.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-tutorial from version 1.52
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 97 of 98 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.5.2-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.10.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-upgrade-ui from version 1.10
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.4
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.6-10.2.2.jolla -- 0.1.7-1.3.4
[utilities] Fix clearing tracker database.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.48-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.49-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.1.4-10.3.14.jolla -- 2.2.0-1.5.29
- Binaries added : sailfish-version-variant - 2.2.0-1.5.29
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-release-variant
- [version] Change name for 2.1.5 (Mouhijoki).
- [version] Rename 2.1.5 version to 2.2.0.
- [os-release] Fix NAME= field.
- [packaging] Add variant subpackage.
[os-release] Make symbolic link relative.
Updated : 0.4.4-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.4.1
[all-translations] Add sailfish-archive, sailfish-secrets and -ui.
Updated : 1.21-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.23.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-weather from version 1.23
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.25.5-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.26.10-1.8.6
- [sailfishsilica] Allow overriding Slider coloring.
- [silica] Menu items can not be selected during open animation.
- [sailfishsilica] Map mime/type and archive folder.
- [doc] Fix context command usage
- [doc] Fix links
- [silica] Capitalize weekdays and months in sections.
- [silica] Fix pending page navigation indicators used in dialogs.
- [silica] Rename PageNavigation.None to PageNavigation.NoNavigation
- [doc] Fix ProgressBar reference in the introduction page
- [doc] Fix the type of ComboBox::currentItem property.
- [silica] Allow customizing dismiss button click action.
- [api] Add return to deprecated ListItem::showMenu.
- [sailfishsilica] Set implicit width for buttons before initialing initial layout parameters.
- [sailfishsilica] Allow overriding device size category.
- [passwords] Expose TextInput's passwordMaskDelay and length in TextField.
- [sailfishsilica] Expose temporary location from StandardPaths.
- [sailfishsilica] Support vertical page stack navigation.
- [silica] Add formatter support for date full without year.
- [silica] Remove glass image provider.
- [remorse] Allow swiping remorse items away.
- [sailfishsilica] Include simple FramerateMonitor for convenience.
- [silica] Add support for ProgressBar highlight.
- [sailfishsilica] Support extra small Silica button variant.
- [sailfish-silica] Fix immediate show and hide of Drawer.
- [sailfish-silica] Introduce first logging categories and suppress debug logs.
- [silica] Make ProgressBar height scale on content.
[sailfish-silica] Fix inconsistent open/close vs show/hide functions.
Updated : 1.91-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.94.1-1.6.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfishsilica-qt5 from version 1.94
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 103 of 104 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.26.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 84 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.26.1
Updated : -- 0.12.3-1.4.8
- [policy] Use correct identifier for a2dp devices.
- [sbj] Update img2simg binary name.
- [ks] Make releasename more tolerant for errors.
[sbj] Remove patterns and use meta packages.
Updated : 0.1.3-1.1.1 -- 0.1.5-1.3.2
[sd-utils] Prepare sd-utils deprecation.
Updated : 0.106-10.3.3.jolla -- 0.110-1.6.29
- [ssu] Add tools repo, disable mer-tools by default.
- [ks] Change use of sailfish-release to os-release.
- [ssu] Do not suggest developer-mode feature.
[ks] Update after
Updated : 1.2.2-10.4.1.jolla -- 1.2.10-1.7.1
- [mb2] Imply -x in app SDK when version in spec is 0.
- [mb2] Fix version also during qmake/make/install commands.
- [mb2] Do not fail on modified git submodules.
- [sdk-setup-enginelan] Prevent ConnMan setting an invalid gateway.
- [sdk-assistant] Avoid ambiguity in options processing.
- [sdk-assistant] Fix detecting tarball type.
- [mb2] Do not produce short-circuited RPMs.
[sdk-manage] Prevent accidental concurrent use.
Updated : 0.7.2-10.4.1.jolla -- 0.7.3-1.4.1
- [sdk-webapp] Fix mouse-hover on update button.
[sdk-webapp] Refresh after updating tooling.
Updated : 0.17-10.1.1.jolla -- 0.18-1.3.1
[webapp] Use HTTPS to download targets.json.
Updated : 0.9.4-1.2.1 -- 0.9.7-1.4.1
- [systemd] Make sensorfwd wait for oneshot-root.service.
- [patch] Take patches from LuneOS. Fixes MER#1879
- [cleanup] Remove gyroadaptor-evdevplugin.h.autosave file
- [doc] Make @file tags match the actual filenames
- [PATCH] Implement luna-service integration
- [PATCH] Replace android headers hard-coded include path with pkgconfig
[PATCH] sensord-daemon-conf-setup: improve check for libhybrissensorfw
Updated : 1.2+git3-1.1.1 -- 1.9-1.3.1
- [packaging] Drop upstreamed patch, drop rpmlintrc.
- [rebase] x-vnote patch.
[update] Update to version 1.9.
Updated : 1.42-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.44.1-1.5.1
- [l10n] Branched simkit from version 1.44
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.64-10.3.2.jolla -- 0.1.66-1.4.6 Binaries removed : sociald-facebook-notifications
- [sociald] Fix name of old facebook plugin package.
[buteo-sync-plugins-social] Remove Facebook Notifications sync plugin.
Updated : 1.69-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.70-1.4.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 4.2.0-10.2.1.jolla -- 4.3.1-1.5.2
- [packaging] Depend on findutils.
- [endurance-plot] show /etc/os-release, /etc/system-release content in graphs
- [endurance-recompress-snapshots] compress sysfs_fs, sysfs_cpu, sched
- [endurance-recompress-snapshots] fix .gz file recompression
- [measure/endurance-snapshot] collect /proc/softirqs
- [measure/endurance-snapshot] compress sysfs_cpu, sysfs_fs
- [measure/endurance-snapshot] NO_SYSLOG=1 to skip syslog & journal log collection
- [measure/endurance-snapshot] proc2csv, sp-noncached from script directory
- [measure/endurance-snapshot] simpler smaps.cap capture unless sp_smaps_snapshot is available
- [postproc-lib] add MemAvailable, AnonPages to system_memory_1 graph
- [postproc-lib] always use [0,120] yrange in CPU utilization plots
- [postproc-lib] avoid div-by-zero error in generate_plot_cpu_suspend_time()
- [postproc-lib] fix /proc/pid/status parsing in 4.7+
- [postproc-lib] gnuplot noenhanced terminal
- [postproc-lib] include script name in python and perl processes
- [postproc-lib] per-cpu utilization plots, add steal, guest, guest_nice
- [postproc-lib/README] add note how to run the unit tests
- [postproc-lib/README] fedora installation example
- [postproc-lib] skip sleeping and idle task states in csv_proc_pid_stat()
- [postproc-lib] smaps data parsing without /proc/pid/status data
- [postproc-lib] softirqs parsing and plotting
- [postproc-lib] swapless 'private dirty' graphs
- [postproc-lib/t/Parser.t] add more one smaps testcase
- [postproc-lib] try NAME from /etc/system-release if PRETTY_NAME not defined
- [postproc-lib] update task state descriptions in generate_plot_process_state_count()
- [rpm] update version to 4.3.0.
- [src/proc2csv.c] capture more characters from cmdline
- [src/proc2csv.c] handle larger PIDs
- [src/proc2csv.c] ignore file open errors in show_proc_pid_stat()
[src/proc2csv.c] null terminate string after snprintf() in show_proc_pid_stat()
Updated : 1.74.13-10.1.2.jolla -- 1.74.14-1.3.4
[packaging] Depend on findutils.
Updated : 0.4.2-10.2.1.jolla -- No new changelog entries!
Updated : 0.30-1.5.1 -- 0.30-10.2.4.jolla
[packaging] Fix QA issues with changelog. - Add support for qmake5 Builder (by sage) - Add armv6 to architecture list (by kulve) - Make "%{summary}." the default description (by sage) - Drop SupportOtherDistros, Documents and PostScript support from yaml (by sage) - Update pkgconfig-provides.csv (by sage) - Warn if URL is not set in .yaml (by sage) - Improve test case coverage (by sage) - Release 0.18, with the following changes: specify: - Support new builder: 'qmake' - Added all sub-package specific keywords, including: - License - Version, Release, Epoch - NoAutoreq, NoAutoprov - BuildArch - URL - Added the following new keywords: - BuildConflicts - Prefix - More precise duplicate checking for customized spec part: - duplicate '/sbin/ldconfig' in %post/postun - duplicate scripts for special files handling: Info, Desktop, Icon, Schema, etc - duplicate "%defattr" line in %files - Checking for valid configure/builder values - Checking for valid keywords for sub-packages - Warning for PkgBR/PkgConfigBR in sub-packages - Added Icon/Scheme auto-handling for sub-packages spec2spectacle: - Fixed bugs in parsing of Perl packages' spec - More old spec directives support: Prereq, BuildConflicts - Release 0.17, with the following changes: specify: - Add compatible support for older 'OtherDistros' - More precise handling for .desktop in packages - Better match rules for desktop files and info files - Newkey 'UpdateDesktopDB' to do the 'update-desktop-database' operation in a explicit way - More precise handling for python module installation path spec2spectacle: - Fixings for macro definitions' parsing - Update to 0.16, with the following changes: specify: - New key 'NoDesktop' to skip desktop files in package - New key 'RpmLintIgnore' to ignore rpmlintrc - README updated with new MeeGo information - Fixed modules installation path in Debian/Ubuntu system - Update to 0.15, with the following changes: specify: - Architecture namespace support - supported archs: ix86, arm - supported keywords: Requires, PkgBR, PkgConfigBR, Patches, ConfigOptions - New keyword 'NoFiles' to support empty main package - Customized %pre/preun/post/postun scripts for sub-packages - Precise duplicate checking for auto-generated Requires - More proper automatic processing for Icons files - More proper automatic processing for Desktop files - More proper automatic processing for share libraries - Decent handling for exceptions of YAML errors and key interrupts spec2spectacle: - More tolerance for problems in input spec - Parsing for customized %pre/preun/post/postun scripts of sub packages - More helping warning messages doc and testsuites: - new cases for new features - README, as the reference, updated according all changes - Add lost requires for 'python-cheetah', fixed BMC#779 - Update to 0.14, with the following changes: specify: - Proposals for pkgconfig requires to replace buildrequires - Checking for MeeGo approved Groups - series.conf support for 'Patches', with more friendly comments - Support for new builder: 'qmake', 'perl' - Accurate checking for mandatory/invalid/empty keys, and checking for the types of all keys - More customized scripts in spec for %pre/preun/post/postun sections - Testsuites: the spectacle specific testing framework and about 45 cases to cover the most features' checking - Automatic locale data including, if found 'intltool' in PkgBR,
rpm macro will be inserted to spec to search locale data, but 'NoAutoLocale' keyword can suppress it. - New keywords: - 'ExclusiveArch' of the corresponding spec one - 'Files' to enable putting file list in YAML for small packages - 'AutoDepend' to enable/disable automatic requires for sub-pkg - 'AsWholeName' to make sub-pkg use its name without the main package name as prefix. ("-n" options in spec) - Dropped 'PostScripts' key, use customized "%post" in spec instead - Renamed 'NeedCheckSection' to 'Check', with compatibily support for all renamed/dropped keys. spec2spectacle: - Support parsing of %pre/preun/post/postun scripts - Support parsing of %check section in spec - Support parsing of "-n" and "-p" options of spec headers - More accurate parsing of pkgconfig build requires - Update to 0.13, with the following changes: - Added python-urlgrabber to 'Requires' - Added new document to package: TODO and examples/ Changes of features: - Support fdupes - Add new key 'NoSetup' and 'SetupOptions' and new customized section ">> setup" for %setup customization. - Include YAML file as Source100. - Enhaneced message printing: colorized and different levels: - info/warning/error/ask - ini2spec: Skip missed *.desc files and leave 'Description' empty with warning printing. - Type checkings for all list-typed tags - Add date string to generated spec. - Try to find out the source prefix path from tarballs if 'SourcePrefix' not specified. - Using urlgrabber to download src files for several advantages. - Give info about possible usage of pkgconfig to replace BuildRequires, based on a predefined database(pkgconfig-provides.csv). - Checking for proved MeeGo Groups. - More careful checking for duplicates values for auto-generated ones: - sub-pkg's 'Requires' of base package - '--disable-static' of ConfigOptions - 'defattr(-,root,root,-)' in %files - Static library detect and automatic handling - Add perl package support. - Tools' cmdln options changes: need not to specify file path now, tools will search in CWD with expected ext names. - Add support for UseAsNeeded/NoAutoReq/NoAutoProv boolean keys - Use the value 'configure' as the default value of 'Configure' tag. - Cleanup obsoletes files to backup sub-dirs: all spec-builder files and origin spec file, in converter tools. - Other bug fixings and minor changes... - update to 0.11, with the following changes: Changes of features: - download newer source package automatically - new optional YAML key 'SourcePrefix' to specify the prefix path for tarballs - new optional YAML key 'FilesInput' to specify extra %files input file in spec - new optional YAML key 'SupoprtOtherDistros' to support other distros explicit - complete the support for Requires(pre/post/preun/postun)/Conflicts/Provides/Obseletes for both main package and sub packages - support Epoch spec directive - support %check spec section - more convenient cmdln options for all tools - update to 0.10, many features and fixes were added - Update to 0.9, new tool spec2spectacle added - Add python-cheetah to BuildReq - Update to 0.7 - Update to 0.6ssu
Updated : 0.43.6-1.3.2 -- 0.43.9-1.5.3
- [ssuks] Allow to inhibit implicit feature suggestions.
- [ssu] Expose deviceVariant to repository urls.
- [ssu] Make deviceFamily fallback to deviceVariant.
[ssu] Expose Ssu to QML.
Updated : 0.104-10.5.1.jolla -- 0.105-1.5.2
[ks] Attach os-release extended with customer info.
Updated : 1.1.2-1.2.1 -- 1.1.3-1.4.2
- [ssu-sysinfo] Glob hw-settings ini files.
[ssu-sysinfo] Handle semicolon as comment.
Updated : 0.12.8-10.7.1.jolla --
- Binaries added : sailfish-installationhandler -
- Unmet requirements: liblipstick-qt5.so.0
- [store-client] Match server and os-release versions with plus postfix.
- [store-client] Fix os update getting canceled instantly.
- [store-client] Partly revert "Remove os update UI methods from d-bus interface".
- [store-client] Release cover image for 2.2.0.
- [jolla-store] Separate some actions to own daemon.
- [store-client] Update package list upon external uninstallations.
- [store] Fix compilation warning on Q_PROPERTY WRITE + CONSTANT.
- [store-client] Use MenuItem delayedClick instead of custom delay.
- [sailfish-upgrade] Remove old enablers for the upgrade UI.
[store-client] Take vertical page navigation in use in screenshot carousel.
Updated : 1.124-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.135.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched store-client from version 1.135
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.3
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 148 of 148 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.12.11
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.0
Updated : 1.8.6p3-2.3.1 -- 1.8.20p2-10.2.3.jolla
- [packaging] Update to upstream release 1.8.20p2. - New upstream release
- [packaging] Convert from gitpkg/pristine-tar to tar_git.
[packaging] Fix bad indentation in rpm/sudo.changes.
Updated : 0.1.9-10.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.3-1.5.6
- [transferengine-plugins] Support destination page after sharing.
- [tranferengine-plugins] Change Jolla to Sailfish OS.
- [transferengine-plugins] Polish and remove unnnecessary private import.
[sharing] Show account icon on sharing list.
Updated : 1.84-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.91.1-1.7.1
- [l10n] Branched transferengine-plugins from version 1.91
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.1
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.2
Updated : 0.9.10-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.0.3-1.4.34
- Binaries added : ui-democontent-preload-eu - 1.0.3-1.4.34, ui-democontent-settings - 1.0.3-1.4.34, ui-democontent-fake-operator-telia - 1.0.3-1.4.34
- [settings] Add placeholders for couple security settings.
- [contacts] Update contacts.
- [packaging] Add fake operator package.
[packaging] Add eu-demo preload content package.
Updated : 0.86.0+mer20-1.2.2 -- 0.86.0+mer23-1.4.3
- [dsme] Make dsme message type identifiers unique.
- [config] Do not switch from undefined mode to charging fallback.
- [dbus] Log incoming D-Bus messages in verbose mode
- [doc] Fix Doxygen tagging issues
- [usb-moded] Do not disable warnings that affect code quality
- [usb-moded] Forget stale timer id
- [usb-moded] Move usb_mode structure away from header
- [usb-moded] Tune global variables
- [android] Do not require android configuration block.
[build] Fix "implicit declaration of function" compilation warning
Updated : 0.15-10.5.6.jolla -- 0.15.5-1.6.37
- [ssu] Add tools repo, disable mer-tools by default.
- [ssu] Suggest customer-jolla-sdk feature.
- [vm-configs] Do not declare BuildRequires ssu-vendor-data-jolla.
- [vm-configs] Do not declare Provides ssu-vendor-data.
- [ssu] Do not suggest developer-mode feature.
- [ks] Rename images including proper version ID.
[ks] Make systemd quiet during startup.
Updated : 0.10.14-10.2.1.jolla --
- [voicecall-ui] Fix missed call today having bad context menu.
- [voicecall-ui] Move glass image provider here from Silica.
- [voicecall-ui-jolla] Create Bluetooth audio object on-demand.
[calllog] Display start time on over day old logs.
Updated : 1.166-10.3.1.jolla -- 1.175.1-1.8.1
- [l10n] Branched voicecall-ui-jolla from version 1.175
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 203 of 203 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.19
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.22
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.23
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 203 of 203 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 203 of 203 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 203 of 203 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.15
Updated : 0.14-1.1.1 -- 0.16+git1-1.3.1
- [packaging] Add NOCONFIGURE option to autogen.sh
- [packaging] Update to version 0.16.
[license] Unify open source licenses.
Updated : 1.1.1-1.1.1 -- 1.1.2+git1-1.3.1
- Binaries added : xdg-utils-doc - 1.1.2+git1-1.3.1
- [xdg-utils] Update to 1.1.2 and change to git submodule.
- [lca] lca-tool has to be tried for local files before the generic open method. Fixes MER#971.
- [xdg-utils] Updated to 1.1.1.
- [xdg-utils] Remove unused patch and modify changelog.
- Added patch for generation of txt files; pulled in clean Vanilla upstream build
Packages added
- Binaries added : ambience-sailfish3 - 0.0.4-1.2.36, ambience-sailfish3-ts-devel - 0.0.4-1.2.36, ambience-sailfish3-default-ambience - 0.0.4-1.2.36
- Unmet requirements: ambience-sailfish3 = 0.0.4-1.2.36
- [ambiences] Add new Silent and Cloudberry ambiences.
- [flow] add also flow ambience by default.
- [ambience] Update ambience photo.
- [ambience] Update with draft photo.
[ambience] Create Sailfish 3 ambience project.
Binaries added : createrepo_c - 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, python2-createrepo_c - 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, createrepo_c-devel - 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, createrepo_c-libs - 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: createrepo_c-libs = 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, createrepo_c-libs(armv7hl-32) = 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, createrepo_c-libs(x86-32) = 0.10.0+git1-10.1.1.jolla, libcreaterepo_c.so.0
[createrepo_c] Add rpm packaging.
Binaries added : droid-config-f5122-preinit-plugin - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-pulseaudio-settings - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-flashing - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-policy-settings - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-patterns - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-bluez4 - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-sailfish - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-ssu-kickstarts - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-bluez5 - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122 - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-out-of-image-files - 1.0.9-1.7.5, droid-config-f5122-kickstart-configuration - 1.0.9-1.7.5
- Unmet requirements: f5122-bluez-configs, droid-config-f5122 = 1.0.9, droid-config-f5122 = 1.0.9-1.7.5
- [ks] Calculate factory image size properly.
- [ks] Include os and hw release files inside image zip.
- [ks] Remove extra "-" from release image name.
- [f5121] Add sailfish img resize fix.
- [f5121] Update submodule and remove 999-droid-system-bootdevice.rules.
- [f5121] Add udev rule to ignore internal card.
- [f5121] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs.
- [performance] Improve HWC performance.
- [zram] Enable zram swap.
- [camera] Force autofocus mode for photos, and continuous for video.
- [sailfish-fpd] Disable some quirks after fp hal update.
- [config] Adjust peekfilter.
- [f5122] Add modem config.
- [f512x] Cleanup rpm dir to ease promotions
- [f512x] Cleanup rpm dir to ease promotions. MER#1880
- [systemCheck.d] Relax droid-hal-*.
- [packaging] Add F5122 configs.
- [patterns] Refactor for both SIM variants
- [patterns] Require device specifi droid-system.
- [sailfish-fpd] Add configuration file.
- [f5121] Update upstream d-h-c.
- [f5121] Use PulseAudio 11.1.
- [ks] Update img2simg usage command.
- [f5121] Use fingerprint daemon device lock.
- [flashing] Improve version check.
- [flashing] Make it possible to define blob path.
- [ks] Take use of SAILFISH_CUSTOMER in image naming.
- [f5121] Duck media streams less.
- [f5121] Enable media notify for alarm.
- [f5121] Update upstream d-h-c.
- [ks] Use os-release.
- [patterns] Drop apkd-configs-home.
- [ks] Make releasename more tolerant for errors.
- [f5121] Add mce memnotify limits.
- [camera] Support ISO 1600.
- [f5121] Use native vibrator.
- [camera] Added camera quirks.
- [f5121] Upgrade droid-configs-device from upstream.
- [f5121] Use property flags for classification.
- [configs] Don't fail PulseAudio startup if module-droid-glue fails to load.
- [f5121] Upgrade droid-configs-device from upstream.
- [f5121] Show reboot dialog on SIM removal.
- [camera] Drop video recording to 1080p, as we're dropping frames at 4k.
- [camera] Drop video recording to 1080p.
- [flashing] Add more comments for script execution.
- [flashing] Improve windows flash script error checks.
- [flashing] Fix issues on macOS use of flash.sh.
- [droid-config-f5121] Support ISO 800.
- [flash] Defer unlocking instructions to Sony website.
- [win] Add windows EOL conversion.
- [win] Convert text files to DOS format for easier reading on Windows.
- [win] Escape special characters on echo.
- [f5121] Fix packaging for removed and renamed files.
- [flash] Update extracting and flashing instructions. Remove incomplete Windows fastboot driver.
- [flash] Update flash scripts and documentation.
- [oem] Tighten up device and blob image checking.
- [f5121] Vendor binaries are now under /odm (handled by dhd). MER#1824
- [f5121] Add mapplauncherd-booster-silica-qt5-media for default configuration.
- [camera] Add focus modes to front camera.
- [flashing] Improve flashing guidance.
- [f5121] Linux: flashing the vendor image. MER#1821
- [f5121] Make version comparison more robust. MER#1821
- [flashing] Improve windows flashing script
- [f5121] Mount oem partition instead of cache to /system/vendor.
- [flashing] Improve guidance.
- [flashing] Improve linux flashing script to match windows version.
- [ks] Make .zip instead of .tar.bz2.
- [vendor] Flash the vendor blob image.
- [f5121] Pull camera key handling from upstream. Contributes to MER#1817
- [f5121] Ship hybris-recovery.img in the installation tarball. MER#1819
- [lvm] Handle cases when partition is already minimal. MER#1820
- [zypp] Perform systemCheck only on OBS. MER#1807
- [f5121] Check unlocked device on win flashing.
- [f5121] Fix windows flashing script.
- [config] Use proper card profile with pulseaudio.
- [dhc] Upgrade droid-configs-device from upstream
- [f5121] Add windows flashing support.
- [f5121] Update latest fastboot driver from upstream.
- [flash-win] Check installed android version.
- [bluetooth] Copy bt mac address so system settings can find the address.
- [f5121] Add configuration for bluetooth.
- [f5121] Change xt9 from preload to Imager feature.
- [f5121] Remove jolla-store-apps from Imager features.
- [patterns] Add bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach.
- [dhc] Enable community adaptations also for productised devices.
- [f5121] Adjust touch screen feedback volume.
- [f5121] Upgrade upstream droid-config device.
- [f5121] Do not filter lid sensor reporting based on als state.
- [f5121] Ensure make_ext4fs is executable.
- [f5121] Relax upstream versioning.
- [sensors] Re-enable Hall sensor as f5121 really does have one.
- [mce] Add doubletap configuration file for f5121.
- [mce] Add doubletap settings file for f5121.
- [f5121] Add aliendalvik-feature to suggested feature.
- [theme] Increase launcher icon size and sync pixel ratios.
- [touch] Automatically scale start drag distance if pixel ratio is known.
- [upstream] Update latest droid-configs-device
- [f5121] Add apkd-config-home to pattern.
- [f5121] Include f_bcmdhd_apsta.bin and fw_bcmdhd.bin binaries to image.
- [f5121] Move vendor mounting systemd link to the right place.
- [f5121] Make binary blobs from the zip file executable.
- [f5121] Prevent future droid-system updates from failing with "Read-only file system".
- [f5121] Install the mount unit properly.
- [f5121] Provide make_ext4fs separately due to conflict with package's noarch.
- [f5121] Fix OBS build.
- [camera] Higher camera resolutions enabled with v11 blobs.
- [f5121] Generate oem.img from SW binaries and flash it to cache partition.
- [f5121] Mount cache under /system/vendor.
- [droid-configs-device] Upgrade latest upstream version
- [zypp] Prevent removing main HA packages.
- [f5121] Add factory reset support F5121.
- [shutdown] Update droid-configs-device for droid-hal-init shutdown.
- [f5121] Improve vkb haptics.
- [camera] Default front 4:3 viewfinder resolution had a green bar.
- [camera] Enable flashlight.
- [camera] Set a default front 4:3 viewfinder resolution that doesn't show a green bar at the edge.
- [sensors] Disable Hall sensor as f5121 doesn't actually have one.
- [wlan] Systemd service for macaddrsetup. Bring wlan0 up before connman starts so the change takes effect.
- [f5121] Provide root readable screen configurations.
- [f5121] Fix mute phonecall issue.
- [f5121] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA.
- [obs] Take products from OBS :dhd subproject.
- [camera] 8mpix configuration.
- [camera] 8mpix configuration.
- [f5121] Initial CSD hw-settings.
- [f5121] Initial CSD hw-settings.
- [f5121] Remove custom hangup reasons.
- [f5121] Add remote hangup reason.
- [patterns] Add everything that upstream libhybris gives, for now.
- [camera] Add better viewfinder resolution.
- [f5121] Add jolla store apps by default on imager.
- [f5121] Add more flashing instructions.
- [camera] Initial camera configs.
- [f5121] Add pulseaudio and gstreamer droid packages to hw pattern.
- [f5121] Use Sony vendor id on flashing script.
- [f5121] Fix typo in kickstart attachment.
- [f5121] Initial kickstart configuration with LVM.
- [dhc] Update upstream droid-hal-configs
- [f5121] Add usb config files.
- [f5121] Clean up patterns according to droid-configs upstream template.
- [f5121] Add GPS packages to the patterns.
- [f5121] Clean up GStreamer 0.10 packages from pattern.
- [f5121] Clean up usb-moded configs.
- [f5121] Provide ofono-configs.
- [f5121] Update upstream droid-configs-device
- [f5121] Add csd and sd-utils to pattern.
- [f5121] Add ofono config.
- [f5121] Add symbolic link to android sensors configs.
- [f5121] Add udev rule for /dev/block/bootdevice.
- [f5121] Add udev rule for touch driver.
[dcd] Patterns and compositor config
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-f5122 - 0.2.1-1.2.20, droid-hal-version-f5122-doc - 0.2.1-1.2.20
- [version] More deps.
- [packaging] More explicit package deps.
- [packaging] Move common.inc out of rpm dir.
- [f512x] Fix build. MER#1880
- [f5121] Refactor common parts
- [f5122] Add Xperia X Dual SIM. MER#1880
- [version] More detailed version deps for packages.
- [dvd] Update latest upstream version
- [dvd] Use native vibrator.
[dvd] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-f5122 - 0.0.2-1.2.4
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-f512x
- [packaging] Provide droid-system.
[packaging] Initial version of f5122 droid-system.
Binaries added : extra-cmake-modules - 5.42.0+git1-1.2.1
[extra-cmake-modules] Initial packaging for KDE extra cmake modules (ECM).
Binaries added : feature-jolla-sdk - 0.1-1.2.2
[feature-jolla-sdk] Initial commit.
Binaries added : feature-omp-flashing-only - 0.0.8-1.2.5
- [packaging] Conflict with other features.
- [deps] Drop here plugin.
- [deps] Require osm plugin.
- [apps] Prevent removal of preinstalled apps.
- [libs] Preinstall some libraries.
- [settings] Allow sideloading.
- [ssu] Disable some repos.
- [apps] Add more apps by default.
[packaging] First version of flashing only feature.
Binaries added : hybris-wifi-helper - 0.0.1-1.2.4
[hybris-wifi-helper] Initial commit.
Binaries added : latrace - 0.5.11+mer1-10.2.4.jolla
[mer] Converted to tar_git packaging format. - updated to new version - Specify and allow to build for ARM, solve MER#399 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
Binaries added : libblockdev-plugins-all - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-fs-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-loop - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-crypto - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-fs - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-utils-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-loop-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-utils - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-swap - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-crypto-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev - 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-swap-devel - 2.14+git1-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: libblockdev-utils = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libbd_part_err.so.2, libbd_utils.so.2, libblockdev-utils-devel, libblockdev-fs = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-swap = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-loop = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libblockdev-crypto = 2.14+git1-1.2.1, libvolume_key.so.1, libblockdev-utils >= 0.11
[libblockdev] Add initial packaging.
Binaries added : libkf5archive-devel - 5.41.0+git3-1.3.3, libkf5archive - 5.41.0+git3-1.3.3
- Unmet requirements: libkf5archive = 5.41.0+git3-1.3.3
- [packaging] Fix aarch64 build
- [packaging] Fix aarch64 build Fixes MER#1893
- [karchive] Add an option to rename target file/path before extracting.
[karchive] Initial packaging for karchive.
Binaries added : libwebp - 0.6.1+git2-1.3.1, libwebp-devel - 0.6.1+git2-1.3.1, webp-tools - 0.6.1+git2-1.3.1
- Unmet requirements: libwebp = 0.6.1+git2-1.3.1, libwebpmux.so.3, libwebp.so.7
- [packaging] fix aarch64 build
- [packaging] fix aarch64 build Fixes MER#1892
- [libwebp] Package libwebp 0.6.1.
[packaging] Rename libwebp-tools package webp-tools.
Binaries added : meson - 0.44.0-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: ninja
[meson] Initial packaging. Contributes to MER#1883
Binaries added : ngfd-plugin-native-vibrator - 1.0-1.2.4
- [packaging] Update ngfd requirements.
- [vibrator] Add sink interface type.
- [vibrator] Update default effect configuration.
- [vibrator] Use haptic API from NGFD 1.0.
- [build] Add configure option to build native implementation.
- [droid-vibrator] Split plugin and hal implementation.
- [native-vibrator] Add native implementation.
- [packaging] Add packaging for native vibrator.
- [packaging] Bump droid vibrator version.
- [packaging] Droid and native implementations conflict.
- [packaging] Fix license for droid vibrator.
- [README] Update description to mention native implementation.
- [droid-vibrator] Change default notice event.
- [droid-vibrator] Add support for new Android vibrator API.
- [build] Install default sequence config.
- [droid-vibrator] Add default sequence config.
- [droid-vibrator] Add support for effect sequences.
- [packaging] Package default sequence config.
- [mer-hybris] Bump version number.
- [haptic] Use haptic policy from ngfd 0.91
- [mer-hybris] ngfd-plugin-droid-vibrator for mer-hybris packaging
[packaging] CMake-based build system, RPM packaging
Binaries added : ninja - 1.8.2-1.2.1
[ninja] Initial packaging for Ninja. Fixes MER#1884
Binaries added : qt5-feedback-haptics-native-vibrator - 0.1.0-1.2.3
- [build] Conditional build for droid or native implementation.
- [packaging] Add packaging for native vibrator.
- [packaging] Droid vibrator conflicts with native.
- [vibrator] Add native implementation.
- [vibrator] Split implementation to hal.
- [qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator] Add support for new Android vibrator API.
- [qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator] Rename private variable.
- [qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator] Don't install default ini.
- [rpm] Don't package default ini.
- [qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator] Suppress category logs if not explicitly enabled.
- [rpm] Increment package version
- [qt5-feedback-haptics-droid-vibrator] Implement QFeedbackHapticsInterface.
- [mer-hybris] Bump version number.
- [packaging] Add missing build-dependency
[plugin] Initial commit
Binaries added : qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-mediaservice-halradio - 0.1-1.2.9
- [halradio-plugin] Initial implementation of HAL fm radio plugin.
[packaging] Package HAL fm radio mediaservice plugin.
Binaries added : re2c - 1.0.3-1.2.1
[re2c] Package re2c. Fixes MER#1885
Binaries added : sailfish-archive-ts-devel - 0.0.4-1.3.5, sailfish-archive - 0.0.4-1.3.5
- [sailfish-archive] Adjust cover opacity ramp.
- [sailfish-archive] Use archive cover graphic.
- [rpm] Fix build.
- [rpm] Update package requirements.
[sailfish-archive] Introduce Sailfish Archive application.
Binaries added : sailfish-archive-l10n-mr - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-ru - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-pt - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-hi - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-et - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-gu - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-en_US - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-sl - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-de - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_HK - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-bn_IN - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-ja - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-ko - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-ml - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-hu - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-sv - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-da - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-pt_BR - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-nb - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-te - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-tr - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-es - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-pa - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-kn - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-all-translations - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-pl - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-es_ES - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-fi - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_TW - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-en_GB - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-zh_CN - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-cs - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-el - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-tt - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-fr - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-ta - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-nl - 1.6.1-1.3.1, sailfish-archive-l10n-it - 1.6.1-1.3.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-archive from version 1.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.2
Binaries added : sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin-tests - 0.0.4-1.2.6, sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin-config - 0.0.4-1.2.6, sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin - 0.0.4-1.2.6, sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin-unit-tests - 0.0.4-1.2.6, sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin-docs - 0.0.4-1.2.6
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin = 0.0.4
- [build] Add correct license to spec file.
- [build] Makefile to use makefile style rm command at cleanup.
- [build] Version bump to 0.0.4.
- [code] Add connman_iptables_content typedef.
- [code] Cleanup of license text and code.
- [code] Cleanup of old D-Bus API.
- [code] Cleanup rule adding function.
- [code] Cleanup, test fix and new signals.
- [code] D-Bus API parameter order corrected.
- [code] Modify connman header name.
- [code] Removed saving/restore from plugin.
- [doc] Documentation and spec update.
- [test] Disable test_rule_post from tests.
- [build] Added libdbusaccess and libglibutil dependencies.
- [code] Cleanup of duplicate checks for values.
- [code] Code restructuring.
- [code] Disable table param for GetIptablesContent D-Bus method.
- [code] New D-Bus API with less methods (8).
- [code] Use integers for D-Bus messages.
- [code] Add iptables match use.
- [doc] Docbook xml format documentation added.
- [doc] Updated documentation.
- [doc] Updated readme.md.
- [feature] Add D-Bus method for iptables content retrieval.
- [feature] Added loading of D-Bus policy from policy file.
- [feature] Add iptables chain management.
- [feature] Add signals for chain management and improve parameter use.
- [feature] Custom table management with sfos_ prefix.
- [feature] Keep track on iptables chain add/removal.
- [test] Added QA testing xml and renamed end-to-end test.
- [test] Add iptables save and restore test.
- [test] Fix QA test script.
- [test] Restructured test scripts.
- [test] Run end-to-end test script also as privileged user.
- [test] Updates to unit test and test script permissions.
- [bug] Fix D-Bus message parameter use.
- [bug] Fixed connman dbus connection use.
- [bug] Fixes to issues in code that were found with unit tests.
- [build] Removed -soname from LDFLAGs.
- [build] Updated requirements in spec file.
- [code] Improved IP address validation and cleanup.
- [code] Remove save and load of iptables from D-Bus.
- [code] Restructuring of code for unit test needs.
- [code] Use changed headers of connman. Use BSD-3 license.
- [doc] Updated documentation.
- [doc] Updated XML specification also code restructuring.
- [doc] XML specification to "spec" dir.
- [feature] Implemented access control with libdbusaccess.
- [sailfish-connman-iptables-plugin] Removed -soname from LDFLAGs.
- [test] Add a test tool for the iptables D-Bus API.
- [test] Added automated unit tests.
- [test] Add test running script and end-to-end test.
- [test] Improved test script manageability.
- [test] Improvements and restructuring to test script.
- [test] Test script improvements.
- [code] First version of sailfish iptables plugin for connman.
[doc] Added package spec and makefile.
Binaries added : sailfish-devicelock-fpd - 1.0.3-1.3.19
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-fpd >= 1.0.0
- [devicelock] Proxy authenticating PID information.
- [fingerprintservice] Leave lock code auth active.
- [packaging] Do not use systemctl enable/disable.
- [fingerprintservice] Use new fingerprint daemon D-Bus API.
- [fpd] Make it build in OBS.
- [devicelock] Don't stop devicelock when mce is stopped.
- [devicelock] Ensure the fpd device lock is started before the user session.
- [devicelock] Enable device management.
- [fpd] Port to daemonization of device lock.
- [fingerprints] Require sailfish-fpd
- [rpm] Increment version
[fingerprints] Add initial fpd device lock plugin.
Binaries added : sailfish-fpd -
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-fpd-slave
- [sailfish-fpd] Terminate if hal gets stuck in aborting state.
- [sailfish-fpd] Make fpslave mirror logging target for daemon.
- [sailfish-fpd] Use LOG_WARNING verbosity.
- [fpd-slave] Fix cache directory permissions.
- [build] Adjust source list for android build.
- [fpd-slave] Add config file support.
- [fpd-slave] Allow limiting number of allowed fingerprints.
- [fpd-slave] Do not expect nonzero GID/FID during verification.
- [fpd-slave] Add missing build requirement.
[fpd] Use android fingerprint hal.
Binaries added : sailfish-fpd-slave-f5121 -
- [sailfish-fpd] Terminate if hal gets stuck in aborting state.
- [sailfish-fpd] Make fpslave mirror logging target for daemon.
- [sailfish-fpd] Use LOG_WARNING verbosity.
- [fpd-slave] Fix cache directory permissions.
- [build] Adjust source list for android build.
- [fpd-slave] Add config file support.
- [fpd-slave] Allow limiting number of allowed fingerprints.
- [fpd-slave] Do not expect nonzero GID/FID during verification.
- [fpd-slave] Add missing build requirement.
[fpd] Use android fingerprint hal.
Binaries added : sailfish-mdm-ofono-plugin - 1.0.4-1.3.4
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Added mobile data filter plugin.
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Explicitely include <glib-object.h> where it's needed. </glib-object.h>
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Made unit tests compatible with older dbus.
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Simplified unit_mdm_sms_filter_dbus.
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Added unit_mdm_sms_filter_dbus
[mdm-ofono-plugin] Initial commit.
Binaries added : sailfish-mobile-os-rus-version - 0.1.3-1.2.37
- [version] Make symbolic link relative to the path.
- [packaging] Make version number shorter.
- [packaging] Add dep to -variant.
- [packaging] Add version identifier.
- [packaging] Initial packaging of this variant package.
[packaging] Require sailfish-version.
Binaries added : libsailfishcryptopluginapi - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcrypto - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfishsecretsdaemon-cryptoplugins-default - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfishsecrets-tool - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcrypto-tests - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecretspluginapi-devel - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecrets - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfishsecretsdaemon - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcryptopluginapi-devel - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecrets-devel - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecretspluginapi - 0.1.18-1.7.1, qt5-plugin-sqldriver-sqlcipher - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcrypto-doc - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecretsplugin - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcrypto-devel - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecrets-doc - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecrets-tests - 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcryptoplugin - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfishsecretsdaemon-secretsplugins-default - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfishsecretsdaemon-secretsplugin-common - 0.1.18-1.7.1, sailfish-secrets-ts-devel - 0.1.18-1.7.1
- Unmet requirements: libsqlcipher.so.0, libsailfishsecrets = 0.1.18-1.7.1, pkgconfig(sailfishcrypto), pkgconfig(sailfishsecretspluginapi), libsailfishsecretspluginapi.so.0, pkgconfig(sailfishsecrets), libsailfishsecrets.so.0, sailfishsecretsdaemon-secretsplugin-common = 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishsecretspluginapi = 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcryptopluginapi = 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcrypto.so.0, libsailfishcrypto = 0.1.18-1.7.1, libsailfishcryptopluginapi.so.0, libsailfishsecretspluginapi-devel = 0.1.18-1.7.1, qt5-plugin-sqldriver-sqlcipher, sailfishsecretsdaemon = 0.1.18-1.7.1
- [sailfish-secrets] Data protection for sensitive files.
- [sailfish-secrets] Protect lock code data.
- [sailfish-secrets] Protect salt data.
- [sailfish-secrets] Enforce building with C++11 support.
- [sailfish-secrets] Initialize passwordagent once accepted.
- [sailfish-secrets] Report collection lock state from CollectionNamesRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Fix plugin API path issues.
- [secrets] Fix rpmlint errors and reduce warnings.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add InteractionViewUserCanceledError error code.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add support for keep-unlocked semantics to secrets-tool.
- [secrets] Align passphrase to lock code when applicable.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add import-stored-key support to test tool.
- [sailfish-crypto] Trigger collection unlock flow for crypto operations.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add QueryLockStatus operation to LockCodeRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Make PluginInfo read-only, fixes #90.
- [secrets] Change SecretsDaemonLocked error to IncorrectAuthenticationCode when unlocking master.
- [secrets] Change SecretsDaemonLocked error to IncorrectAuthenticationCode when unlocking master.
- [secrets] Expose LockCodeRequest to qml.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add customParameters arg to StoredKey/StoredKeyIdentifiers.
- [sailfish-crypto] Rename some Result enum values.
- [sailfish-crypto] Use VerificationStatus instead of bool for verified values.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add missing hide_symbols to opensslcrypto in tests also.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add VerifyUser continuations for DeviceLocked data.
- [sailfish-secrets] Expand secrets tool to support DeviceLock semantics.
- [sailfish-secrets] Improve authentication plugin API.
- [sailfish-secrets] Improve readme.
- [sailfish-secrets] Make testopensslcrypto plugin to link with libcrypt.
- [sailfish-secrets] Use appropriate auth plugin depending on permissions.
- [sailfish-secrets] Use auth_self for VerifyUser polkit policy.
- [secrets] Split passphrase prompt text into multiple strings.
- [sailfish-crypto] Implement Sign/Verify CipherRequest support.
- [sailfish-crypto] Update plugin documentation for changes in key importation routines.
- [sailfish-secrets] Expose PluginInfos to QML.
- [sailfish-secret] Update plugin documentation for changes in key importation routines.
- [sailfish-crypto] Improve ImportKeyRequest API.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add default plugin packages that provides plugins.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add more status reporting API to PluginBase.
- [sailfish-secrets] Extend PluginInfo to expose more information.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add collectionName parameter to StoredKeyIdentifiersRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add displayName() to PluginBase API.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix crash when opening signing again.
- [sailfish-secrets] Use QPointer in crypto and secrets managers.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add CCM support to Encrypt/DecryptRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Explicitly set IV and tag lengths for CipherRequests.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix pre/post steps from daemon.
- [sailfish-secrets] Write documentation for plugin implementers.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add string translation ids.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix for recent method renamings.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix misspellings in the API.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix stray comma.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix warnings from QML.
- [sailfish-secrets] Use US spelling.
- [sailfish-secrets] Write command line tool.
- [sailfish-crypto] Implement example USB token for documentation purposes.
- [packaging] Fix broken dependencies.
- [packaging] Align source package naming to comply with Pootle requirements.
- [packaging] Cleanup spec.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add custom parameters to Request.
- [sailfish-crypto] fix packaging issues with tests
- [sailfish-crypto] Perform crypto plugin operations in thread.
- [sailfish-secrets] don't build auth client without booster
- [sailfish-secrets] fix compilation with OpenSSL 1.1
- [sailfish-secrets] fix fallthrough
- [sailfish-secrets] fix warning in tst_cryptorequests
- [sailfish-secrets] Prevent bookkeeping database operation interleaving.
- [sailfish-secrets] Serialise plugin operations via QtConcurrent.
- [sailfishsecrets] Start sailfish-secretsd upon boot.
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix libcrypto linking to sqlcipherplugin and opensslplugin test plugins.
- [packaging] Fix build.
- [sailfish-crypto] add basic QML test for signing flow
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GCM support to DecryptRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GCM support to EncryptRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GenerateInitializationVectorRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] add signatureLength to SignRequest
- [sailfish-crypto] Add 'verified' value to indicate authenticated decryption result.
- [sailfish-crypto] fix key references with sign/verify in openssl plugin
- [sailfish-crypto] fix up stuff in QML
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove authenticatedEncrypt/Decrypt().
- [sailfish-crypto] Rename 'tag' to 'authenticationTag' for clarity.
- [sailfish-crypto] Various fixes for encrypt/decrypt/iv changes.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add missing dependencies for QML tests.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add missing Qt5QuickTest dependencies and cleanup extras.
- [sailfish-secrets] fix issues with Secrets QML module
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix libcrypto linking to sqlcipherplugin and opensslplugin.
- [sailfish-secrets] fix some packaging issues
- [sailfish-secrets] Wrap StoredKeyIdentifiersRequest to be QML-friendly
- [secrets] Add a lipstick password authentication plugin.
- [secrets] Add ImportKey and ImportStoredKey requests.
- [sailfish-crypto] add basic QML test for signing flow
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GCM support to DecryptRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GCM support to Encrypt/Request & DecryptRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add GenerateInitializationVectorRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] add signatureLength to SignRequest
- [sailfish-crypto] Add 'verified' value to indicate authenticated decryption result.
- [sailfish-crypto] fix key references with sign/verify in openssl plugin
- [sailfish-crypto] fix up stuff in QML
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove authenticatedEncrypt/Decrypt().
- [sailfish-crypto] Rename 'tag' to 'authenticationTag' for clarity.
- [sailfish-crypto] Various fixes for encrypt/decrypt/iv changes.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add missing dependencies for QML tests.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add missing Qt5QuickTest dependencies and cleanup extras.
- [sailfish-secrets] fix issues with Secrets QML module
- [sailfish-secrets] Fix libcrypto linking to sqlcipherplugin and opensslplugin.
- [sailfish-secrets] fix some packaging issues
- [sailfish-secrets] Wrap StoredKeyIdentifiersRequest to be QML-friendly
- [secrets] Add a lipstick password authentication plugin.
- [secrets] Add ImportKey and ImportStoredKey requests.
- [sailfish-secrets] Update version.
- [sailfish-crypto] add support for SHA-512 and MD5 with tests
- [sailfish-crypto] add support for some RSA paddings
- [sailfish-crypto] add test for sign+verify with EC key
- [sailfish-crypto] Carve out hard-coded AES
- [sailfish-crypto] EC key generation
- [sailfish-crypto] fix osslevp_key_is_rsa on OpenSSL < 1.1
- [sailfish-crypto] new style for evp.c
- [sailfish-crypto] Support for RSA encrypt/decrypt + tests
- [sailfish-secrets] refactor plugin load mechanism
- [sailfish-crypto] Add API for asymmetric cipher key pair generation.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add autotests for GCM mode (for AES encryption).
- [sailfish-crypto] Add CalculateDigestRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add cipher session encrypt/decrypt support.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add CSPRNG functionality.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add support for AES encryption with ECB, CFB, OFB.
- [sailfish-crypto] Add support for CBC 128 and 192.
- [sailfish-crypto] Allow the client to limit retrieve key data.
- [sailfish-crypto] Allow user-defined data as input for KDF.
- [sailfish-crypto] Don't pad the cipher key.
- [sailfish-crypto] Expose LockCodeRequest in Crypto API.
- [sailfish-crypto] Fix bug in DeleteStoredKey request.
- [sailfish-crypto] Fix bugs in stored-crypto-key codepaths.
- [sailfish-crypto] Implement calculateDigest operation.
- [sailfish-crypto] Implement sign+verify support.
- [sailfish-crypto] Improve the encrypt/decrypt client API.
- [sailfish-crypto] Include explicit signature parameter to verify().
- [sailfish-crypto] Make sqlcipher plugin a crypto+storage plugin.
- [sailfish-crypto] Only test GCM when testing CipherRequest.
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove deleteStoredSecret from Crypto plugin interface.
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove duplicated evp_p.h.
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove explicit enum values that would be implicitly assigned
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove hardcoded references to block mode enum values
- [sailfish-crypto] remove included cpp file,
- [sailfish-crypto] Remove unnecessary key hashing.
- [sailfish-crypto] Support AES with CTR and XTS.
- [sailfish-crypto] Support batch-mode Cipher requests.
- [sailfish-crypto] Test sign+verify against openssl commandline.
- [sailfish-crypto] Time-out inactive cipher sessions.
- [sailfish-crypto] Unify stored-crypto-key book-keeping.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add CollectionNamesRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add framework overview documentation.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add SQLCipher-based EncryptedStoragePlugin.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add SQLCipher driver plugin for QtSql.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add support for InteractionRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Allow EncryptedStorage plugins to be Crypto plugins.
- [sailfish-secrets] Allow NoAccessControl semantic.
- [sailfish-secrets] Allow plugin-target lock code request.
- [sailfish-secrets] Allow user-requested data stored in secret.
- [sailfish-secrets] debug print database file,
- [sailfish-secrets] Derive key from code for secrets encryption.
- [sailfish-secrets] Expose Secret type in top-level API.
- [sailfish-secrets] fix plugin load mechanism,
- [sailfish-secrets] Implement and expose filtering operations.
- [sailfish-secrets] Implement master lock functionality.
[sailfish-secrets] OpenSSL compiles on 1.1.0,
Binaries added : sailfish-secrets-l10n-ja - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-es_ES - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-bn_IN - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-et - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pt - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-sv - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pt_BR - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-all-translations - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-sl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-tt - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-el - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pa - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-nl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_TW - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ta - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ml - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-en_GB - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-cs - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-it - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_CN - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-de - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-nb - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-hu - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-mr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ru - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-te - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-da - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-ko - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-hi - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-es - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-gu - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-fi - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-fr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-zh_HK - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-pl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-tr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-en_US - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-l10n-kn - 1.9.1-1.1.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets from version 1.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 10 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.13
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 51 of 51 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.12
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 46 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 22 of 22 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 21 of 21 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.3
Binaries added : sailfish-secrets-ui-ts-devel - 0.0.11-1.4.2, sailfish-secrets-ui - 0.0.11-1.4.2, sailfish-components-secrets-ui - 0.0.11-1.4.2
- Unmet requirements: libsailfishsecretsplugin, sailfishsecretsdaemon-secretsplugin-common, libsailfishcrypto.so.0, sailfishsecretsdaemon-secretsplugin-ssl, libsailfishsecrets.so.0, libsailfishcrypto, libsailfishsecrets, libsailfishcryptoplugin, sailfishsecretsdaemon-cryptoplugin-ssl, sailfish-components-secrets-ui
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Support showing keys from arbitrary collections.
- [secrets-ui] Support showing keys from arbitrary collections.
- [secrets-ui] Use the key's storage plugin as crypto plugin if possible.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Allow passphrase entry when importing keys.
- [secrets-ui] Add "Unlock" option per plugin.
- [secrets-ui] Use secret plugins for both document signing and settings page.
- [secrets-ui] Don't treat re-importing a key as an error.
- [secrets-ui] Make it possible to enter master lock key.
- [secrets-ui] Merged in venemo-jb40882-scalablesigning (pull request #17)
- [secrets-ui] Refactor signing in preparation for scalability.
- [secrets-ui] Signer: implement scalable signing mechanism.
- [secrets-ui] Signer: method to determine signature path.
- [secrets-ui] Treat CollectionAlreadyExistsError as success when creating a collection.
- [secrets-ui] Various fixes and refactor.
- [settings-keys] Move collection creation after import & generate.
- [settings-keys] Remove fake keysLocked.
- [secrets-ui] Don't treat re-importing a key as an error.
- [secrets-ui] Treat CollectionAlreadyExistsError as success when creating a collection.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Fix placeholder busy.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Change Settings->Keys to use real models.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Refresh StoredKeysModel upon completed.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Adapt to API changes.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Fix requirements.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Require secrets daemon.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Make to possible to resign with another key.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Support deletion of keys.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Support importing of keys.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Add Sailfish.Secrets.Ui module.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Dependency to sailfish-secrets.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Divide code shared by the sharing plugin and settings page into components, add translations hooks.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Initial key selection view.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Key generation dialog.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Load translations for sharing page.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Move key import and generation actions to pulley.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Prototype signing functionality.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Secrets and crypto QML components.
- [sailfish-secrets-ui] Stub settings page.
[sailfish-secrets-ui] Stub sharing plugin.
Binaries added : sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_TW - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pt_BR - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-all-translations - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-te - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ko - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-en_GB - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ml - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-fr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-fi - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-tt - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-de - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-nl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_HK - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-cs - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-zh_CN - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ru - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ja - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-da - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-ta - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pt - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-nb - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-bn_IN - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-hu - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-et - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-hi - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-it - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-mr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-el - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-sl - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-gu - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-tr - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-kn - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-en_US - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-pa - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-es_ES - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-sv - 1.9.1-1.1.1, sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n-es - 1.9.1-1.1.1
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets-ui from version 1.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.11
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation : 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.5
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 46 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.3
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization : 47 of 47 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.2
Binaries added : sqlcipher-devel - 3.4.1+git1-1.2.1, sqlcipher - 3.4.1+git1-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: sqlcipher = 3.4.1+git1-1.2.1
- [sqlcipher] Fixed OBS build.
[sqlcipher] Package upstream version 3.4.1.
Binaries added : libudisks2 - 2.7.5+git8-1.5.2, udisks2 - 2.7.5+git8-1.5.2, libudisks2-devel - 2.7.5+git8-1.5.2
- Unmet requirements: libblockdev >= 2.14, libudisks2.so.0, libblockdev-crypto >= 2.14, libudisks2 = 2.7.5+git8-1.5.2, libbd_utils.so.2, libblockdev.so.2, libblockdev-fs >= 2.14, libblockdev-swap >= 2.14, libblockdev-loop >= 2.14
- [udisks2] Create mount path with 755 rights.
- [packaging] Fix sourcing of a oneshot.
- [udisks2] Disable zram udev rule for now
- [udisks2] Cleanup packaging.
- [udisks2] Udev rules for sda.
[udisks2] Initial package for udisks2 (2.7.5).
Binaries added : volume_key-devel - 0.3.9+git1-1.2.1, volume_key - 0.3.9+git1-1.2.1, volume_key-libs - 0.3.9+git1-1.2.1
- Unmet requirements: libvolume_key.so.1, volume_key-libs = 0.3.9+git1-1.2.1
Thanks for sharing a detailed changelog.
Vieno ( 2018-07-12 22:13:17 +0200 )