word suggestion missing [answered]
Hey, I just updated my Jolla 1 to Sailfish Mouhijoki. After this the word suggestion disappeared. I don't know if it is a bug of the new version, because the update process was a bit confused this time for me. First I tried to update the phone with the option in settings, but this doesn't worked well. But I also forgot to disable all patches. I badly had the hide-work-suggestion patch installed but not applied.
Updating via the terminal wen't well but now the word suggestion is missing... As a second point the automatic capital letter slowed down after the update. So now I have quit often two capital letters in the beginning of a sentence.
Can you help me?
Thank's in advance
One suggestion which often solves keyboard based problems is to restart the keyboard service. You can either download Sailfish Utilities from Jolla Store which contains a function for restarting the keyboard or you can open terminal and type in
Spam Hunter ( 2018-06-05 18:56:53 +0200 )editsystemctl --user restart maliit-server.service
No, that doesn't help. I also restarted the phone. I noticed that also arrow keys from the dolphin keyboard were not visible. The only thing, that appears in the upper line is the clipboard...
yajo ( 2018-06-05 19:15:25 +0200 )editOkay, perhaps to reinstall the keyboard;
Spam Hunter ( 2018-06-05 19:27:54 +0200 )editpkcon install jolla-keyboard
Testing changes
Fatal error: jolla-keyboard-hwr-0.6.19-1.5.5.armv7hl requires jolla-keyboard = 0.6.19, but this requirement cannot be provided
I'm getting this error....
yajo ( 2018-06-05 19:31:04 +0200 )editOkay, try
Spam Hunter ( 2018-06-05 19:36:21 +0200 )editpkcon refresh
thenpkcon install jolla-keyboard