Prolems with apps in XperiaX and Sailfish
I have a Sony Zperix phone with Sailfish. Got a few problems.
- Camera is really dark. Tried to find similar problems, but all I found was questions about black pictures. The problem is not with the camera itself. It works fine for instance wit MiracuCam. It doesn't matter what ISO you choose.
- Whatsapp doens't communicate with anything else. If you get a message you can't save the phone number straight from whatsapp. You need to write it separately to the contacs.
- Whatsapp pictures don't show in the gallery and there fore cannot be used. I have version 2.18.192
- Whatsapp doesn't show new messages (little red number in the sorner of the icon)
- Mouhijoki update notification won't go away even though I have updated the phone two weeks ago.
If these questions have been answered before, please give me the links. Thank you.
About the darkness in your camera just a stupid idea: there is a plus/minus slider on the left side that should be in the middle of the line. I just mention it because in my early SFOS times it takes me a week to figure out why my camera is dark.
dirksche ( 2018-06-21 17:54:54 +0200 )edit