[BUG] Search results are different from 'Ask Question' suggestions.
I want to ask a question on the Jolla forum.
I enter the search keyword in the search text field.
I don't see sufficient results so I ask a question.
Searching for the same keyword in the 'Ask a question' search field brings back completely different results.
Must I proceed to ask a question every time I see insufficient results, only to have a more comprehensive set of results displayed to me in the 'Ask a Question' area instead?
Which browser are you using?
olf ( 2018-06-29 14:45:46 +0200 )editWith Firefox on the desktop (under Linux) and Firefox for Android (under SailfishOS) I obtain the exactly same Search Suggestions in either search field using your example "Situations", which are many (not just two entries).
It is indeed Firefox for Android in SailfishOS. I've just tested it once again with the same reproduction steps and I'm still seeing the same results. I have taken new screenshots to show this but are not able to attach them in a comment as the topic has already been closed.
jimjamz ( 2018-07-02 22:47:10 +0200 )editRetested (with Firefox 60.0.2 for Android), and I still cannot reproduce any differences between the Search Suggestions provided when entering Situations in the search field on either https://together.jolla.com/questions/ or https://together.jolla.com/questions/ask/
At least I now understand, that this has not been reported before, hence reopening (sorry for closing this question prematurely).
BTW, which Firefox version do you use?
olf ( 2018-07-03 01:28:47 +0200 )editHitting All as you seem to have done on your first screenshot and entering Situations in the search field there (i.e. on https://together.jolla.com/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/page:1/), also provides exactly the same long list (depicted in your second screnshot) of Search Suggestions as everywhere else on TJC (for me).
BTW, have you tried disabling all Firefox plugins, subsequently restarting Firefox and restesting?
olf ( 2018-07-03 01:39:51 +0200 )edit@olf Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to explain. It seems the scenario you are trying to explain is the one I have taken within my screenshots. So I don't understand your point. In the first attached screenshot, I am currently on the All section (where I expect most results to be shown), yet only 2 results are returned.When on the _Ask A Question_ page, typing the same search criteria returns more results.
jimjamz ( 2018-07-05 15:52:46 +0200 )edit