[bug or something else?] [Lapuanjoki and Mouhijoki] [intex aqua fish] cannot connect to 4g internet through sim slot 1

asked 2018-07-06 20:34:37 +0200

hardy_magnus gravatar image

updated 2018-07-11 07:38:58 +0200

i have two sim cards, one with unlimited voice and data pack (not jio) and second just for receiving calls. when i connect to internet with 4g preferred network through sim 1 slot nothing happens and when i see cellular network in settings the internet toggle is like showing connecting and enabled twice every second but there is no internet access but when i change network to 3g, internet works. I tried 3 sim cards in slot 1 same thing happened, no 4g internet access but when i access 4g through sim slot 2 everything works like nothing is wrong. It started in Lapuanjoki and then i thought why not update to Mouhijoki but problem still remains.Any ideas ? Ofone logs are here. There was something like Unexpected data call status- 3 and 83.ofono_2018-07-06_222903-mohujoki.tar.gz(/upfiles/15308983198016202.gz)

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Check this. https://together.jolla.com/question/143389/jolla-c-20251-lte-only-when-sim-is-in-slot-2/

And I remember seeing this as issue in some release notes. You could try to browse through those.

hetas ( 2018-07-06 22:04:35 +0200 )edit

I also have intex aqua fish with latest update but lte works in my phone in both sim.

Xeon ( 2018-07-07 04:43:46 +0200 )edit

i am facing this issue after i used my sim cards in a rooted android phone. i will disassemble the phone and clean it today. hard reset may not work at all.

hardy_magnus ( 2018-07-07 06:12:12 +0200 )edit

reset the phone via telnet but all in vain.

hardy_magnus ( 2018-07-07 09:59:49 +0200 )edit