Emojis from "jolla keyboard" broken in Android apps
In https://together.jolla.com/question/174587/broken-emojis-strange-chars-eg-in-conversations/ @Rah posted about problems, using emojis from the Openrepos emoji keyboard in Android apps.
Now with the most recent Sailfish OS Version "Mouhijoki", we got an original Sailfish OS "beta emoji keyboard" (https://together.jolla.com/question/184471/release-notes-220-mouhijoki-released/).
This new SailfishOS emoji keyboard seems to have the same problem as described by @Rah. Using the most recent update on my Jolla 1 device and my Sailfish X device gives the following results:
- Emojis work well in Jolla Apps like "SMS" or "People" on both devices
- Emojis work well in Conversations on my Sailfish X device
- But trying to use "Jolla Emoji keyboard" in Conversations (or WhatsApp) on my Jolla 1 device leads to those strange characters mentioned by @Rah in https://together.jolla.com/question/174587/broken-emojis-strange-chars-eg-in-conversations/
- Copying Jolla Emojis from Jolla App "SMS" to Conversations on Jolla 1 leads to strange characters, too
@olf posted a workaround in https://together.jolla.com/question/174587/broken-emojis-strange-chars-eg-in-conversations/?answer=174601#post-id-174601: Using android apps to generate emojis for Android apps. (Thanks for this!)
But I think the problem should be fixed in the new SailfishOS "beta emoji keyboard", so I opened this question / bug report.