[Dev] Sailfish SDK as a Docker image
Hello !
For your delight, here is the Sailfish (platform) SDK packaged as a docker image. However, at the moment you have to build it yourself, as I'm unsure about if I have the rights to upload it to docker hub.
Check https://github.com/SfietKonstantin/docker-sailfishos-sdk for more information.
Tests are welcomed, and bugreports can be posted on the github repo.
this way is for creating kinda "readonly" image, like obs does. every rpm build will download build requires again, and changes inside image will not be persistent.
but it's good start for making base image, everyone can commit to new image with required changes.
coderus ( 2018-07-24 13:26:42 +0200 )edit@coderus, indeed, I desgined this image to be able to use in (eg) Jenkins CI.
What kind of persisted changes you are expecting ? Maybe we can see if there are always-installed packages to be included in the script, or build several flavours of the image.
Sfiet_Konstantin ( 2018-07-24 20:38:21 +0200 )editfor example sudo
coderus ( 2018-07-29 10:17:11 +0200 )editzypper in python-rpm lvm2 atruncate pigz
is required to build firmware images using this container :)