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[BUY] Want an Xperia X Compact

asked 2018-08-31 12:48:47 +0300

addydon gravatar image

updated 2018-08-31 12:50:48 +0300

I want to buy Xperia X Compact phone to run Sailfish OS, mainly due to its sensible size. It seems to be an "old" phone and now I cannot find it online on any store. So if anyone wants to sell this phone, let me know. Country is India.

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-08-31 17:30:40 +0300

Migas gravatar image

I could help you with that, if you really want, there's one available on ebay for about €146 shipping included to Europe only from Germany (cheapest I could find so far without simlock).


I can buy it for you and then have it shipped to you in India, no problem, just let me know your email so we can talk more details easier.

Meanwhile, since there has been also some really (hard to get) demand for spare parts of the Intex Aqua Fish model for its users and Jolla C in Europe, I was wondering on wether you could assist somehow on that... thanks in advance!!

Also I can be easier reached by mrsimao at gmail dot com

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Thank you! I'll send the details over email. And should I tell you that I am actually using Intex Aqua Fish myself as my primary (only) phone. I do not want to part with it, not at least right away. This phone is not available online just like Compaxt. Also, this phone is a cheap one and shipping charges might be more than the cost. If you want a used one, few are listed here: https://www.olx.in/all-results/q-intex-aqua-fish/ (I'd prefer not go there, so tell me based on your interest level).

addydon ( 2018-09-04 16:52:39 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2018-08-31 12:48:47 +0300

Seen: 338 times

Last updated: Aug 31 '18