2014-01-14 02:23:18 +0200
29079 ●345 ●466 ●481
As an answer to a comment by @dan.socea
- The browser preferences are located at
Devel-su mode is needed.
- property holding the user agent is called general.useragent.override
- property called general.useragent.enable_overrides shouldn't need any changes.
- the list of all properties is accessible also from Sailfish browser url
, but it only shows them.
- Before doing any changes, make a copy of the original file with e.g.
cp prefs.js prefs.js.backup
- (or make a note of the original values to be able to undo the changes later)
- Doublecheck everything to not to brick your Sailfish browser :)
This is not a detailed HowTo - for stability reasons. This is for users knowing what they're doing
While waiting for answers, you can often force the browser to show the mobile site via adding something to the url. In google sites (e.g. blog), adding /?m=1 to the end shows the mobile site - no matter what browser is used. However, forcing desktop view via removing that from the url doesn't work.
simo ( 2013-12-26 00:01:07 +0200 )editunfortunately there are websites which require a iphone string in the user agent to show the mobile version, anything else servers the desktop variant :-( as iphone is the only mobile device out there...
Kontio ( 2013-12-30 20:34:10 +0200 )editWhile still waiting, the user agent can be tweaked via developer mode. Or... You can use an Android Browser with a setting to enter it manually (like Dolphin browser)
simo ( 2014-01-02 04:18:24 +0200 )edithow can it be tweaked via developer mode?
dan.socea ( 2014-01-10 23:53:58 +0200 )editOne of the user agent options should be 'Android', for a proper mobile experience. This is my default setting in Evolution Browser in BB10, I avoid the native browser because it lacks this feature. Then just call all web statistics misleading.
pulsar ( 2014-11-28 01:39:59 +0200 )edit