[Bug] Timer not updated when peeking
Timer seem not to be updated when peeking on app covers from another app (swipe from side without releasing finger).
What is strange is that the time (digital clock) on the cover is updated.
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Timer seem not to be updated when peeking on app covers from another app (swipe from side without releasing finger).
What is strange is that the time (digital clock) on the cover is updated.
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Asked: 2013-12-25 23:30:53 +0200
Seen: 142 times
Last updated: Jan 18 '14
Bug: Sometimes peeking doesn't show clock/battery etc. [duplicate]
bug: peeking sometimes hides time and status (unreliable) [released]
[Fixed in] Crash when linking contacts? [not relevant]
Time slider usage in video player of Gallery app causes the app to hang [duplicate]
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Fixed sorting of application covers on home screen [released]
Bug: E-Mail synchronization does not work as configured [released]
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this is a key feature that shouldn't have been overlooked by Jolla team. Ability to check a ticking count-down timer without switching from the app in use is possibly one of the best and simplest example to demonstrate the power of the
User ( 2014-02-26 11:14:53 +0200 )editPeek
feature itself. hope its fixed soon :)no changes in
User ( 2014-03-19 07:47:04 +0200 )edit1.0.4.20
update :(Unfortunately it seems this hasn´t been fixed as yet. My Jolla with SFOS shows the same behaviour. - Clock in the status bar is updated, but the active cover one - the one I´m looking for most of the time when I´m peeking, isn´t.
MaTi ( 2016-02-22 14:51:17 +0200 )editJust run into this "trap". - As not only the time of the active cover doesn´t update when peeking. - Also the countdown does not refresh when peeking. - Funny enough... the stoppwatch seems to refresh. - Time and Countdown don´t. :/ - Any chance to fix this? Thx.
MaTi ( 2016-02-22 18:08:50 +0200 )editStill present even on jollac; forcing a single refresh of the lipstick ui when peeking could probably fix this?
tortoisedoc ( 2016-07-06 22:34:52 +0200 )edit