[changelog] 3.0.0 Lemmenjoki [released]
This post contains the detailed changelog entries for the Sailfish OS update to The release notes are available in a separate post here: https://together.jolla.com/question/191509/release-notes-300-lemmenjoki/.
- Packages removed (10)
- Packages modified
- PackageKit
- SDL2
- acl
- aliendalvik-translations-all-translations
- all-translations
- ambienced
- apkd-l10n
- audioflingerglue
- boost
- buteo-mtp-qt5
- buteo-sync-plugin-caldav
- buteo-sync-plugins-email
- cmake
- commhistory-daemon
- commhistory-daemon-l10n
- connectionagent-qt5
- connman
- connman-qt5
- contactsd-l10n
- crash-reporter
- crda
- csd
- csd-l10n
- curl
- declarative-transferengine-qt5
- declarative-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- droid-config-f5121
- droid-config-f5122
- droid-config-tbj
- droid-hal-f5121
- droid-hal-l500d
- droid-hal-tbj
- droidmedia
- eventsview-extensions-l10n
- extra-cmake-modules
- feature-sailfish-eas
- fingerterm
- geoclue-provider-hybris
- geoclue-provider-mlsdb
- glib2
- gnupg2
- gobject-introspection
- gstreamer1.0-droid
- gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad
- harfbuzz
- hw-ramdisk
- hybris-libsensorfw-qt5
- jolla-actdead-charging
- jolla-alarm-ui
- jolla-alarm-ui-all-translations
- jolla-calculator
- jolla-calculator-all-translations
- jolla-calculator-l10n
- jolla-calendar
- jolla-calendar-all-translations
- jolla-calendar-l10n
- jolla-camera
- jolla-camera-l10n
- jolla-clock
- jolla-clock-all-translations
- jolla-clock-l10n
- jolla-contacts
- jolla-contacts-l10n
- jolla-developer-mode
- jolla-email
- jolla-email-all-translations
- jolla-email-l10n
- jolla-gallery
- jolla-gallery-ambience
- jolla-gallery-ambience-l10n
- jolla-gallery-extensions
- jolla-gallery-extensions-l10n
- jolla-gallery-facebook
- jolla-gallery-facebook-l10n
- jolla-gallery-l10n
- jolla-keyboard
- jolla-keyboard-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer
- jolla-mediaplayer-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-l10n
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-all-translations
- jolla-mediaplayer-radio-l10n
- jolla-messages
- jolla-messages-l10n
- jolla-notes
- jolla-notes-all-translations
- jolla-notes-l10n
- jolla-settings
- jolla-settings-accounts
- jolla-settings-accounts-l10n
- jolla-settings-bluetooth
- jolla-settings-bluetooth-l10n
- jolla-settings-l10n
- jolla-settings-networking
- jolla-settings-networking-l10n
- jolla-settings-sailfishos
- jolla-settings-sailfishos-l10n
- jolla-settings-sync-l10n
- jolla-settings-system
- jolla-settings-sdk
- jolla-settings-system-l10n
- jolla-startupwizard
- jolla-startupwizard-l10n
- jolla-vault
- jolla-vault-l10n
- kcalcore-qt5
- kernel-adaptation-sbj
- libblockdev
- libcommhistory-qt5
- libcontacts-qt5
- libgbinder
- libglibutil
- libgrilio
- libhybris
- libical
- libjollasignonuiservice-qt5-l10n
- libngf-qt5
- libqofonoext
- libsbc
- libsolv
- libzypp
- libzypp-bindings
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5
- lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-l10n
- lipstick-qt5
- lipstick-qt5-l10n
- lvm2
- maliit-framework-wayland
- mapplauncherd-booster-qtcomponents-qt5
- mce
- mce-plugin-libhybris
- meson
- mic
- mkcal-qt5
- mobile-broadband-provider-info
- nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-connectivity
- nemo-qml-plugin-dbus-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5
- nemo-qml-plugin-email-qt5-offline
- nemo-qml-plugin-filemanager
- nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings
- nemo-qml-plugin-thumbnailer-qt5
- nemo-transferengine-qt5-l10n
- non-oss-package-groups
- ofono
- ohm-plugins-misc
- openssh
- openssl
- pango
- patterns-sailfish
- pulseaudio-modules-droid
- pulseaudio-modules-droid-sbj
- pulseaudio-policy-enforcement
- pyotherside-qml-plugin-python3-qt5
- qmf-eas-plugin
- qmf-eas-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-eas-plugin-l10n
- qmf-notifications-plugin
- qmf-notifications-plugin-all-translations
- qmf-notifications-plugin-l10n
- qmf-oauth2-plugin
- qmf-qt5
- qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin
- qt5-qtfeedback
- qtmozembed-qt5
- quick-feedback
- sailfish-archive
- sailfish-archive-l10n
- sailfish-browser
- sailfish-browser-l10n
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5
- sailfish-components-accounts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5
- sailfish-components-bluetooth-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5
- sailfish-components-contacts-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-email-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-filemanager
- sailfish-components-filemanager-l10n
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5
- sailfish-components-gallery-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-pickers-qt5
- sailfish-components-pickers-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-telephony-qt5
- sailfish-components-telephony-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-textlinking
- sailfish-components-timezone-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-all-translations
- sailfish-components-weather-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5
- sailfish-components-webview-qt5-l10n
- sailfish-connman-plugin-suspend-wmtwifi
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default-favorites
- sailfish-content-ambiences-default-l10n
- sailfish-content-graphics-default
- sailfish-eas
- sailfish-fpd
- sailfish-fpd-slave-f5121
- sailfish-maps
- sailfish-maps-all-translations
- sailfish-maps-l10n
- sailfish-mdm
- sailfish-mdm-demo
- sailfish-mdm-l10n
- sailfish-mdm-ofono-plugin
- sailfish-minui
- sailfish-office
- sailfish-office-all-translations
- sailfish-office-l10n
- sailfish-secrets
- sailfish-secrets-l10n
- sailfish-secrets-ui
- sailfish-secrets-ui-l10n
- sailfish-silica-background-qt5
- sailfish-svg2png
- sailfish-tutorial
- sailfish-tutorial-l10n
- sailfish-upgrade-ui
- sailfish-upgrade-ui-l10n
- sailfish-utilities-all-translations
- sailfish-utilities-l10n
- sailfish-version
- sailfish-weather
- sailfish-weather-all-translations
- sailfish-weather-l10n
- sailfishsilica-qt5
- sailfishsilica-qt5-l10n
- sbj-configs
- sbj-version
- sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator
- sdk-setup
- sdk-webapp
- sdk-webapp-sailfish
- sensorfw-qt5
- sociald
- ssu
- store-client
- store-client-l10n
- swig
- totem-pl-parser
- transferengine-plugins-l10n
- udisks2
- usb-moded
- valgrind
- voicecall-ui-jolla
- voicecall-ui-jolla-l10n
- zypper
- Packages added (45)
- bluebinder
- droid-config-h3113
- droid-config-h3213
- droid-config-h3413
- droid-config-h4113
- droid-config-h4213
- droid-config-h4413
- droid-hal-discovery
- droid-hal-discovery-img-boot
- droid-hal-pioneer
- droid-hal-pioneer-img-boot
- droid-hal-prjconf-sony-nile
- droid-hal-version-h3113
- droid-hal-version-h3213
- droid-hal-version-h3413
- droid-hal-version-h4113
- droid-hal-version-h4213
- droid-hal-version-h4413
- droid-hal-voyager
- droid-hal-voyager-img-boot
- droid-system-discovery
- droid-system-discovery-h3213
- droid-system-discovery-h4213
- droid-system-pioneer
- droid-system-pioneer-h3113
- droid-system-pioneer-h4113
- droid-system-vendor-discovery
- droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213
- droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213
- droid-system-vendor-pioneer
- droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113
- droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113
- droid-system-vendor-voyager
- droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413
- droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413
- droid-system-voyager
- droid-system-voyager-h3413
- droid-system-voyager-h4413
- fribidi
- lxc
- ofono-ril-binder-plugin
- p7zip
- sailfish-minui-l10n
Packages removed (10)
as-daemon-tests - 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla, as-daemon-ts-devel - 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla, as-daemon - 0.8.18-1.2.3.jolla
as-daemon-all-translations - 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla, as-daemon-all-translations-pack - 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla
as-daemon-l10n-kn - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ja - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-es - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-hi - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pl - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-sl - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ml - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-te - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-es_ES - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-cs - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-de - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-et - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-sv - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_TW - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ta - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-nb - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_CN - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-hu - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-bn_IN - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-da - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-tr - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ko - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-fr - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-it - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-mr - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-tt - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-gu - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-fi - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-en_GB - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-el - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pt_BR - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-all-translations - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-zh_HK - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pa - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-ru - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-nl - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-en_US - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla, as-daemon-l10n-pt - 1.21-1.3.6.jolla
feature-eas - 0.0.11-1.2.8.jolla
libas-common-utils-devel - 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla, libas-common-utils - 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla, libas-common-utils-tests - 0.4.14-1.2.1.jolla
libas-protocol - 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-doc - 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-devel - 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla, libas-protocol-tests - 0.5.17-1.1.15.jolla
qmf-activesync-plugin-ts-devel - 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-tests - 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin - 0.1.59-1.2.3.jolla
qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations - 0.5.0-1.2.4.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-all-translations-pack - 0.5.0-1.2.4.jolla
qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-gu - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tr - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-el - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-en_GB - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_HK - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hu - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-bn_IN - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-et - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ko - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pa - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ta - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ja - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-tt - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-en_US - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sl - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pl - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-sv - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-es_ES - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nl - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt_BR - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_TW - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-all-translations - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-cs - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-it - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-fr - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-te - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-fi - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-pt - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-mr - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-nb - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-de - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-kn - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ml - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-da - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-hi - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-zh_CN - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla, qmf-activesync-plugin-l10n-ru - 1.65-1.4.3.jolla
sdk-dummy-dependencies - 0.0.5-1.3.9.jolla
Packages modified
- Updated : 1.1.9-1.3.3.jolla -- 1.1.9-1.5.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
[PackageKit] Disable GPG signature checking on temporary local repositories created to install local packages from file.
Updated : 2.0.3-1.2.1.jolla -- 2.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
[sdl] Fix "unresponsible application" issue. Contributes MER#1934
Updated : 2.2.51-1.1.4.jolla -- 2.2.53-1.2.1.jolla Binaries removed : acl-docs, acl-locale
[acl] Update to 2.2.53-2 version and switch to sub module.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.3.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-minui-l10n-sv, sailfish-minui-l10n-fr, sailfish-minui-l10n-de, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_TW, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_GB, sailfish-minui-l10n-da, sailfish-minui-l10n-fi, sailfish-minui-l10n-sl, sailfish-minui-l10n-gu, sailfish-minui-l10n-it, sailfish-minui-l10n-mr, sailfish-minui-l10n-kn, sailfish-minui-l10n-ko, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_CN, sailfish-minui-l10n-et, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt_BR, sailfish-minui-l10n-es, sailfish-minui-l10n-ru, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_US, sailfish-minui-l10n-cs, sailfish-minui-l10n-ta, sailfish-minui-l10n-el, sailfish-minui-l10n-ml, sailfish-minui-l10n-te, sailfish-minui-l10n-hu, sailfish-minui-l10n-pl, sailfish-minui-l10n-pa, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_HK, sailfish-minui-l10n-es_ES, sailfish-minui-l10n-tt, sailfish-minui-l10n-nb, sailfish-minui-l10n-tr, sailfish-minui-l10n-hi, sailfish-minui-l10n-ja, sailfish-minui-l10n-nl, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt, sailfish-minui-l10n-bn_IN
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 0.29.1-1.5.2.jolla -- 0.29.7-1.8.4.jolla
- [ambienced] Fix unintentional change of color scheme when editing the favorite property.
- [ambience] Use silica APIs to derive highlight colors.
- [ambienced] Fix ambience timestamps.
- [ambienced] Fix failing test on tst_ambiencemanager.
- [ambiences] Introduce color scheme property to the ambiences.
- [ambienced] Ensure database upgrades complete before the homescreen accesses the database.
- [ambienced] Show more recently modified ambiences first.
[ambienced] Update ambience timestamp when certain changes are made.
Updated : 1.86.1-1.10.1.jolla -- 1.90.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched apkd from version 1.90
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : -- 0.0.10-1.6.1.jolla
- [audioflinger] Correct method signatures for Android 7.0.0.
- [arch] detect_build_targets can take 2nd argument for android arch, but use droid-make or droid-cmd if available.
- [arch] Temporarily fix android arch detection.
[arch] Temporarily fix android arch detection.
Updated : 1.51.0+git2-1.2.1.jolla -- 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla Binaries added : boost-atomic - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-log - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-stacktrace - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-container - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-exception - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-type_erasure - 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla Binaries removed : boost-context, boost-build, boost-jam
- Unmet requirements: libboost_chrono.so.1.66.0, libboost_date_time-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_thread-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-log = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_filesystem-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_system-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-exception = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-container = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_chrono-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_timer-mt.so.1.66.0, boost-atomic = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_regex-mt.so.1.66.0, libboost_timer.so.1.66.0, boost-type_erasure = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, boost-stacktrace = 1.66.0-1.3.2.jolla, libboost_system.so.1.66.0, libboost_regex.so.1.66.0
- [boost] Fix ld script.
- [boost] Switch BuildRequires to pkgconfig where possible.
- [icu] Loosen build dependency on ICU to allow for version changes.
- [package] Update to upstream Boost 1.66.0.
- [rpm] Fix inaccurate week days because new RPM actually checks that.
- [rpm] Remove temporary doc dir for new RPM.
- [boost] Set include files as non-executable.
- [package] Update to upstream Boost 1.60, incorporating recent patches
- [update] Removed obsolete patches.
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
- use the real version number to point to the shared libs
Updated : 0.4.22-1.2.3.jolla -- 0.5.1-1.3.1.jolla
- [build] Adjust sub-mts-fsstorage-tests build dependencies.
- [build] Document top level build targets
- [build] Reorder top level build targets
[mtpresponder] Activate transporter after enumerating storages.
Updated : 0.1.46-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.1.47-1.4.1.jolla
[buteo-sync-plugin-caldav] Recover incidence with missing uri and etag. Contributes to MER#1944
Updated : 0.0.16-1.2.3.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
[buteo-sync-plugins-email] Adapt to qmf changes.
Updated : 3.6.2-1.1.6.jolla -- 3.11.4-1.2.3.jolla
[boost] Update cmake to 3.11.4 to properly detect latest Boost.
Updated : 0.8.14-1.3.2.jolla -- 0.8.15-1.4.1.jolla
[commhistoryd] Added error message for IM message failure.
Updated : 1.59.1-1.5.1.jolla -- 1.63.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched commhistory-daemon from version 1.63
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.11.34-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.11.35-1.4.1.jolla
[connectionagent] Add plugins.qmltypes.
Updated : 1.32+git27.7-1.15.1.jolla -- 1.32+git35.1-1.16.1.jolla
- [1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/commit/?id=41662f5cc55335807d39404371cfcbb1909304c4
- [connman] Don't skip cellular services in auto_connect_service().
- [connman] Make tethering work with newer kernels.
- [vpn] Save provider conf when properties are changed.
- [vpn] Add remove function callback to VPN driver.
- [vpn] Reset flags for vpn_newlink() if interface was up.
- [1] https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=902fefb82ef72a50c78cb4a20cc954b037a98d1c
- [connman] Removed disconnect_vpn_service().
- [vpn] Don't touch AutoConnect flag on VPN connection state changes.
- [connman] Add service.c unit test.
- [connman] Bookkeeping of VPN connections.
- [connman] Check default route in service list sort.
- [connman] Default service change checks simplified.
- [connman] Do not update preferred order if VPN is as default.
- [connman] Improve default service selection logic.
- [connman] Improve service autoconnection.
- [connman] Increase service online state checks.
- [connman] Remove unnecessary VPN autoconnect.
- [connman] Restructure code from default change to sorting.
- [connman] Service autoconnect: use service type and reason.
- [connman] Traverse service list only with debug.
- [connman] Use DNS of depending non-default route VPN.
- [connman] User connect request resets VPN auto connect timeout.
- [connman] Use transport service of VPN in compare.
- [connman-vpn] Improve auto connection of VPNs.
- [connman-vpn] Increasing delay in VPN autoconnect.
- [connman] Check active flag when updating gateway.
- [connman] Set/unset active flag if changing gw.
- [connman] cherry-picks from upstream for dnsproxy
- [connman] Increased WIFI_AUTOSCAN_RESTART_MS to 1 sec.
- [ofono] Fixed network registration state tracking
- [unit] Removed test-dnsproxy
- [connman] Make net.connman.Service.Connect work for VPN services
- [connman] Turn VPN autoconnect if user cancels the connection.
- [openvpn] Avoid closing management socket twice
- [vpn] Let connman know if user canceled the connection.
- [vpn] Use longer timeout for Connect D-Bus call
- [connman-vpn] Set autoconnect off if dialog canceled.
[openvpn] Don't create pipes that we don't use.
Updated : 1.2.8-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.2.12-1.8.1.jolla
- [connman-qt] Added NetworkManager::connectedWifi property.
- [connman-qt] Clear all service lists when connman disconnects.
- [connman-qt] Optimize service list queries.
[libconnman-qt] Use for range-loop instead of Q_FOREACH.
Updated : 1.38-1.3.6.jolla -- 1.39-1.5.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 5 of 5 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.14.1-1.4.1.jolla -- 1.14.2-1.5.1.jolla
[crash-reporter] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 3.18+git1-1.1.5.jolla -- 4.14+git1-1.2.1.jolla
- [Packaging] Update to 4.14 .Fixes MER#1969
[Packaging] Update to 4.14. Fixes MER#1969
Updated : 0.14.3-1.11.8.jolla -- 0.14.8-1.16.2.jolla
- [csd] Adapt LCD tests to light ambience.
- [csd] Remove unused network connectivity type.
- [csd] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [csd] Add Galileo support.
- [csd] Fix identifier typo(s) in satellite system detection.
[csd] Added WiFi information.
Updated : 1.64-1.6.3.jolla -- 1.68-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.3
Updated : 7.58.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 7.61.1+git1-1.5.1.jolla
- [curl] update to version 7.61.1 Fixes MER#1966
- [curl] update to version 7.60.0 Fixes MER#1931
[curl] update to version 7.61.0
Updated : 0.3.5-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.3.7-1.7.1.jolla
- [sharing] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [sharing] Wait for sharing method model to load before showing add account item.
[declarative-transferengine] Add plugins.qmltypes.
Updated : 1.77.1-1.10.1.jolla -- 1.79.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched declarative-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.79
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.1.6-1.7.3.jolla -- 1.1.9-1.9.1.jolla
- [flashing] Update flashing instructions Sony URLs.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
[configs] Update PulseAudio module-role-ducking arguments.
Updated : 1.1.6-1.7.2.jolla -- 1.1.9-1.9.1.jolla
- [flashing] Update flashing instructions Sony URLs.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
[configs] Update PulseAudio module-role-ducking arguments.
Updated : 0.9.3-1.5.3.jolla -- 0.9.4-1.5.6.jolla
[tbj] Enable Headset in bluetooth as workaround.
Updated : 0.4-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.4.3-1.5.1.jolla
- [kernel/sony/msm] Fix build failure due to CONFIG_MEMCG configs.
- [manifest] Addition of reference.xml for speeding up source build
- [dhd] Fix build packages in SDK since Sailfish OS 2.2.0. MER#1924
- [hybris/mer-kernel-check] Recommend CONFIG_MEMCG starting from 3.10 kernels.
- [kernel/sony/msm] Use renamed configs according to mer-kernel-check.
[rpm] disable /dev/cpuctl mouting since it fails and leaves systemd in degraded state.
Updated : 0.0.85-1.6.1.jolla -- 0.0.86-1.7.1.jolla
- [l500d-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.
[manifest] Update manifest for bitbucket urls.
Updated : 0.0.41-10.3.1.jolla -- 0.0.42-1.4.1.jolla
- [kernel-check] Recommend CONFIG_MEMCG starting from 3.10 kernels.
- [manifest] Update manifest for bitbucket urls.
[tbj-kernel] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.
Updated : 0.20180626.1-1.10.4.jolla -- 0.20180924.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [camera] Disable 'media.metrics' service as it depends on a Java service.
- [codec] Add constants for OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar. MER#1959leleiva
- [arch] Find droid-cmd and droid-make on adaptations where they aren't in the android root dir.
- [arch] detect_build_targets can take 2nd argument for android arch, but use droid-make or droid-cmd if available.
- [droidmedia] Temporarily fix android arch detection.
- [android8] Initial Android 8 support. Fixes MER#1923
[properties] set properties required for hybris per default.
Updated : 1.20-1.3.3.jolla -- 1.21-1.5.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 5.42.0+git1-1.1.2.jolla -- 5.47.0-1.2.2.jolla
[boost] Update cmake to detect latest Boost.
Updated : 0.0.6-1.2.9.jolla -- 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
[feature] Clean up pattern from feature ini.
Updated : 1.3.6-1.1.9.jolla -- 1.3.7-1.3.1.jolla
[fingerterm] More pleasant visual bell and more configurability.
Updated : 0.2.17-1.5.14.jolla -- 0.2.19-1.6.2.jolla
- [geoclue-providers-hybris] Fix compilation for old devices (Android 4) after Android 8 support was added.
- [geoclue-providers-hybris] Fix compilation for old devices (Android < 8) after Android 8 support was added.
- [geoclue-providers-hybris] Unify spec files.
- [geoclue-provider-hybris] Add libgbinder based backend. MER#1942
[geoclue-provider-hybris] Split adaptation code to backend. MER#1942
Updated : 0.0.19-1.6.2.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.7.1.jolla
- [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Prevent unnecessary MLS queries.
- [geoclue-provider-mlsdb] Reduce position calculation frequency.
- [mls] Require 5 mandatory cell info fields.
- [mls] Require BSSID for wlan AP's.
[mls] Require more than one wlan ap.
Updated : 2.48.0+git3-1.1.5.jolla -- 2.56.1+git2-1.2.2.jolla
- [glib] Reinstate mtab patch, so tracker can see SD cards again.
[glib2] Update to 2.56.1.
Updated : 2.0.4-1.2.3.jolla -- 2.0.4-1.3.2.jolla
- [gnupg] Correct signing issues in pkglue.c, contributes to MER#1748 and MER#1780
[gnupg2] Add missing automake build dependency. Contributes to MER#1780
Updated : 1.48.0-1.2.3.jolla -- 1.56.1+git1-1.3.1.jolla
[gobject-introspection] Update to 1.56.1.
Updated : 0.20180503.0-1.6.3.jolla -- 0.20181004.1-1.8.2.jolla
- [codec] Remove stagefright mp3 codec support.
- [camera] Query photography parameters from the Android HAL instead of using the config file.
- [codec] Add quirk to prevent using libI420colorconvert binary. MER#1959
[vdec] Add support for format OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar. MER#1959
Updated : 1.14.1-1.3.1.jolla -- 1.14.1+git2-1.4.1.jolla
- [camera] Lost the actual patch application in the rebase :(
- [camera] EOI patch needed to detect rotation on some cameras.
[Packaging] Remove unneeded requires. Fixes MER#1964
Updated : 1.3.0-1.1.5.jolla -- 1.8.4-1.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libharfbuzz-subset.so.0
[harfbuzz] Update to 1.8.4.
Updated : 1.1.1-1.1.18.jolla -- 1.1.2-1.3.1.jolla
- [gen_init_cpio] Prioritize installed binary over local one.
- [rpm] Bump version to 1.1.2
[rpm] Package all needed binaries.
Updated : 0.10.2-1.3.4.jolla -- 0.10.6-1.4.1.jolla
- [hybrisadaptor] Deal with sensor type aliasing changes.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback sensor maxDelay value.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for sensor types.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for select sensors.
- [hybrisadaptor] Refactor sensor start/stop logic
- [hybrisadaptor] Subject sensor type specific actions to common policy
[logging] Allow printf style logging similarly as qDebug() does
Updated : 0.13.4-1.1.9.jolla -- 0.13.6-1.3.4.jolla
- [actdead] Adapt to renamed color scheme API.
[ambiences] Don't follow light style ambiences.
Updated : 0.2.1-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.2-1.3.1.jolla
[alarm] Fix showing as an alarm window with Qt 5.9.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 0.2.18-1.4.1.jolla --
- [jolla-calculator] Avoid coloring field item labels when not pressed.
[jolla-calculator] Don't use highlight color for buttons.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.57-1.6.3.jolla -- 1.59-1.9.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.7.5-1.6.3.jolla -- 0.7.8-1.9.1.jolla
- [calendar] Increase events view delegate's color bar thickness on light ambience.
- [calendar] Don't use translated cache dir name.
[calendar] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.126-1.7.3.jolla -- 1.130.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-calendar from version 1.130
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 91 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.6
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.7
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 91 of 91 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.39-1.6.8.jolla -- 1.0.1-1.9.2.jolla
- [camera] Have lighter highlight color on light ambience.
- [jolla-camera] Always use light labels on viewfinder.
- [jolla-camera] Add simple camera roll to Lock Screen Camera.
- [camera] Always display the viewfinder grid in light colors.
- [jolla-camera] Don't show black background on Camera sub-pages.
[jolla-camera] Don't invert camera viewfinder colors.
Updated : 1.147.1-1.7.1.jolla -- 1.153.1-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-camera from version 1.153
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 50 of 50 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.43
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 48 of 48 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.11-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.4.12-1.5.1.jolla
[clock] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.94-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.97.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-clock from version 1.97
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 38 of 38 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.5.20-1.8.1.jolla -- 0.5.22-1.10.1.jolla
- [contacts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[contacts] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder until vcard index model has been populated.
Updated : 1.135.1-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.139.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-contacts from version 1.139
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 152 of 154 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.21
Updated : 0.5.1-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.5.2-1.5.1.jolla
[jolla-developer-mode] Protect signals handlers a bit more.
Updated : 0.4.2-1.9.2.jolla -- 0.4.5-1.10.1.jolla
- [jolla-email] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [jolla-email] Do not attach original email attachments to a forwarded meeting invitation.
[jolla-email] Scale email view onPortraitChanged.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.2.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.167.3-1.12.1.jolla -- 1.174.1-1.15.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-email from version 1.174
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 172 of 172 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.5
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 172 of 172 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.16-1.5.5.jolla -- 0.2.19-1.8.4.jolla
- [gallery] Fix broken multi-selection deletion.
- [gallery] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[jolla-gallery] Add Screenshots folder.
Updated : 0.2.7-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.17-1.8.1.jolla
- [ambience] Add translations for ambience style combobox.
- [ambiences] Fix incorrect secondary highlight for user defined ambience color.
- [ambiences] Re-instate gradient so title label is visible.
- [ambiences] Ensure modifed ambience colors have the correct brightness.
- [ambience] Use the correct primary color scheme when editing ambiences.
- [settings-networking] Don't allow ambience page link to be favorited.
- [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
- [ambience] Fix ambience dialog opening.
- [ambience] Remove duplicate Wallpaper duplication.
- [ambiencelist] Remove favorite status actions from ambience settings.
- [gallery-ambience] Refer to "favorites" instead of "top menu".
- [ambiencelist] Don't animate ambience list delegates during page opening.
[ambiences] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.87.1-1.7.1.jolla -- 1.101.1-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-ambience from version 1.101
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 37 of 37 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.14
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.15
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.12
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.10
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.8
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.2-1.4.2.jolla -- 0.2.4-1.6.1.jolla
- [gallery-extensions] Migrate omitted page pushes to animatorPush.
[gallery-extensions] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.29-1.8.3.jolla -- 1.30-1.10.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 13 of 13 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.3-1.3.2.jolla -- 0.1.5-1.5.1.jolla
- [jolla-gallery-facebook] Don't invert gallery overlay graphics.
[gallery-facebook] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.56-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.58.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery-facebook from version 1.58
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.110.1-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.120.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-gallery from version 1.120
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.18
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.19
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 15 of 15 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.17
Updated : 0.6.20-1.6.2.jolla -- 0.7.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [jolla-keyboard] Add timer to key release.
- [jolla-keyboard] Cancel layout drag with more than one touch point.
- [jolla-keyboard] Preload additional layouts to make transition more fluent.
- [jolla-keyboard] Add swipe gesture for layout switch.
- [jolla-keyboard] Fix flicker caused by autocaps and sym view.
- [jolla-keyboard] Flash language indicator after transition.
- [jolla-keyboard] Give better directional sense to layout switch.
[keyboard-settings] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.48-1.6.3.jolla -- 1.55.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-keyboard from version 1.55
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 16 of 16 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.3.28-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.4.2-1.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libtotem-plparser.so.18(LIBTOTEM_PL_PARSER_MINI_1.0)
- [media] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [jolla-media] Refresh current playlist when updated.
- [mediaplayer] Avoid creating audio control panel on app launch.
- [mediaplayer] Avoid creating Media Player active cover on app launch.
- [mediaplayer] Avoid flickering empty state UI on app launch.
- [mediaplayer] Improve app launch.
- [mediaplayer] Only display playlist labels once we know what to show.
[mediaplayer] Pre-reserve space for recent playlists grid.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.94.1-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.97.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-mediaplayer from version 1.97
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 62 of 64 strings translated (2 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 64 of 64 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.0
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.1
Updated : 0.1.16-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.1.17-1.5.1.jolla
[mediaplayer-radio] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.46-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.49-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 11 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.17
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 11 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.6.67-1.8.1.jolla -- 0.7.2-1.11.1.jolla
- [jolla-messages] Don't translate applicationName.
- [messages] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [messages] Wait for OfonoModemManager to fetch SIM data before fading in Messages settings.
- [messages] Create page component before trying to create the object
- [messages] Refresh attached page contacts once the page activates
[messages] Remember to clear previous numbers when populating recipient list.
Updated : 1.136.1-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.139-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.7.2
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.9.11-1.6.1.jolla -- 0.9.12-1.7.1.jolla
[notes] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.71-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.75-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.9.12
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.12.37-1.4.10.jolla -- 0.13.23-1.12.3.jolla
- [settings] Share base grid component with App Grid.
- [settings] Share launcher grid component with App Grid.
- [jolla-settings] Reduce on/off label timeout to 1500ms.
- [jolla-settings] Wait toggle icon change until "ON"/"OFF" state goes by.
- [jolla-settings] Reduce settings toggle heigth and move toggle towards top.
- [settings] Add TreeItem::shortTitle for abbreviated setting titles.
- [jolla-settings] Don't bind SettingsToggled enabled to busy, and add SettingsErrorNotification.
- [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: don't set enabled=!busy.
- [jolla-settings] Protect topmenu switches for long on/off texts.
- [jolla-settings] Add SettingsSlider.
- [jolla-settings] Bump silica dependency.
- [settings] Support an "action" setting type.
- [jolla-settings] Fix invalid reference.
- [jolla-settings] Add SettingsControl.
- [jolla-settings] FavoritesModel: make grid_favorites_page filter respect allow_favorite parameter.
- [jolla-settings] Improve showAmbienceSettings() behavior.
- [jolla-settings] Rename SettingsToggle toggleChecked->toggled.
- [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: don't trigger onClicked on press+hold.
- [jolla-settings] SettingsToggle: show 'on' and 'off' text.
- [jolla-settings] Reduce width of setting toggle a bit.
- [jolla-settings] Load translations for the jolla settings plugin.
- [jolla-settings] Use highlight color for checked/active coloring.
- [jolla-settings] Add SettingsToggle default context menu.
- [jolla-settings] Add some dbus calls for top menu features.
- [jolla-settings] Remove SettingsToggle 'description'.
- [jolla-settings] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [topmenu] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [jolla-settings] Rename SettingsSwitch to SettingsToggle and use HighlightImage.
- [rpm] Bump version to 0.13.7
- [jolla-settings] Allow two-line labels in settings switches.
- [jolla-settings] Add SettingsSwitch for TopMenu switches.
- [jolla-settings] Remove unused json entry types and their related QML types.
- [jolla-settings] Rework SwitchSetting to use it for TopMenu switches.
- [settings] Don't translate applicationName.
- [jolla-settings] Revert unrelated code lines from animatorPush commit.
- [settings] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [settings] Don't use horizontalPageMargin in the middle of two-column settings main page.
- [jolla-settings] Add logging category "org.sailfishos.settings.framework".
- [jolla-settings] Fix crash when calling SettingsModel::objectForPath with invalid tree.
- [jolla-settings] Use var instead of variant.
[spec] Use _smp_mflags instead of jobs macro.
Updated : 0.3.46-1.8.9.jolla -- 0.3.48-1.10.5.jolla
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Remove contact sync scopes from Facebook Sync.
- [jolla-settings-accounts] Remove deprecated rsvp_events scope.
[settings-accounts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.188.2-1.11.1.jolla -- 1.195.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-accounts from version 1.195
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 335 of 336 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.47
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 336 of 336 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.11-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.2.7-1.7.1.jolla
- [settings-bluetooth] Fix hanging top menu bluetooth toggle.
- [settings-bluetooth] Don't allow bluetooth page link to be favorited.
- [settings-bluetooth] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
- [settings-bluetooth] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
- [settings-bluetooth] Auto-start discovery when required.
- [settings-bluetooth] Customize SettingsToggle context menu.
- [settings-bluetooth] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [settings-bluetooth] Update dependencies.
- [settings-bluetooth] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle.
- [settings-bluetooth] Avoid placeholder flicker when main settings page loads.
- [rpm] Update version and dependencies.
- [settings-bluetooth] Update labels in settings switches.
- [settings-bluetooth] Use SwitchSetting for Bluetooth switch.
- [settings-bluetooth] Improve connection title calculation.
- [settings-bluetooth] Add BluetoothConnectionTitle.
[settings-bluetooth] Remove unnecessary container item in bluetooth switch
Updated : 1.80-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.90.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-bluetooth from version 1.90
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.12
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.13
Updated : 1.66-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.82.3-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localisation: 18 of 18 strings translated
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings from version 1.82
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 18 of 18 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.19
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.14
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.15
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 12 of 12 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.13
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.13.0
Updated : 0.4.20-1.8.1.jolla -- 0.5.24-1.18.1.jolla
- [multisim] Show sim card icon in the "SIM cards" sub page.
- [settings-networking] Use icon to indicate current data SIM.
- [settings-networking] Use new icons.
- [rpm] Update jolla-settings requirement.
- [settings-networking] Always enable tethering switch.
- [settings-networking] Use errorNotification from SettingsToggle.
- [settings-networking] Use FadeAnimation for large areas instead of using animator.
- [settings-networking] Fixed spelling of VPN AutoConnect property.
- [settings-networking] VPN toggle needs to update AutoConnect flag.
- [settings-networking] Prevent some page settings from being favorited.
- [settings-networking] Fix EnableSwitch for mobile data.
- [settings-networking] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
- [settings-networking] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
- [settings-networking] Show WLAN strength in SettingsToggle.
- [settings-networking] Add missing operator name for mobile data toggle.
- [settings-networking] Add notification for mobile data toggle (switch).
- [settings-networking] Send error notification from flight mode toggle when toggle not available.
- [settings-networking] Send error notification from tethering when on flight mode/disabled by MDM.
- [settings-networking] Send error notification from vpn toggle when no connectivity.
- [settings-networking] Send error notification from wlan toggle when disabled by MDM.
- [settings-networking] Customize SettingsToggle context menus.
- [vpn] Make VPN page behaviour consistent with WLAN page.
- [settings-networking] Ensure mobile data switch name/description are not duplicated.
- [settings-networking] Remorse remove flight mode remorse popup.
- [settings-networking] Remove double opacity from tethering toggle switch.
- [settings-networking] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [settings-networking] Update dependencies.
- [settings-networking] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle.
- [settings-networking] Update jolla-settings dependency.
- [settings-networking] Update labels in settings switches.
- [settings-networking] Pull WiFi network name from the right place.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
- [rpm] Update jolla-settings requirement
- [settings-networking] Use SwitchSetting for all settings switches.
- [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
- [networking] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [vpn] Fix page replacement failing after OpenVPN import re-try
- [jolla-settings-networking] Provide mobile data icon kludge.
- [datacounters] Suppress mobile data counter height animation during page opening.
- [mobiledata] Only fade in mobile network settings once OfonoModemManager has fetched SIM data.
- [performance] Fix flickering issues in Network Settings page opening transitions.
- [settings-networking] Localize SIM label (if necessary)
- [tethering] Only fade in Internet sharing settings once OfonoModemManager has fetched SIM data.
- [vpn] Fix Enter Key focus movement in advanced VPN settings pages
- [vpn] Follow dynamic content height instead of using fixed VPN list item height.
- [vpn] Hide redial settings fields when the L2TP redial has been disabled
- [wlan] Don't flicker error label on page opening.
- [settings-networking] Use SIM label instead of the slot number
- [wlan] Reset domainsConfig and nameserversConfig if DHCP is selected.
- [wlan] Add "Disconnect" menu item for connected WiFi networks.
- [settings-networking] Add connectionTitle() functions to various switches.
- [settings-networking] Signal strength value is reported in percent.
[settings-networking] Add real time strength value.
Updated : 1.216.1-1.11.1.jolla -- 1.247.2-1.17.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-networking from version 1.247
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.20
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.21
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.14
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.15
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.11
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.12
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.13
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 399 of 399 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.23
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.24
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.25
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.22
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 397 of 397 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.21
Updated : 0.2.2-1.6.7.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.9.2.jolla
- [settings-sailfishos] Always show white icons on top of the upgrade header.
- [settings-sailfishos] Use light foreground colors on top of the version image.
[settings-sailfishos] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.73-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.76.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-sailfishos from version 1.76
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.3
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.48-1.3.6.jolla -- 1.49-1.5.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 23 of 23 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.37.0-1.11.8.jolla -- 0.39.7-1.20.2.jolla
- [settings-system] Move top menu actions under top menu settings path.
- [settings] Short title for orientation lock switch in top menu.
- [usb] Indicate charging despite undefined usb-mode.
- [settings-system] Fix volume slider dimensions.
- [settings-system] Bump silica dep.
- [settings-system] VolumeSlider label should follow the slider handle position.
- [settings-system] Use portrait / landscape label for orientation lock.
- [settings-networking] Move ErrorNotification to jolla-settings.
- [jolla-settings-system] Add remorse to Remote Connection switch.
- [location] Update to new location icon.
- [settings-system] Bump jolla-settings dependency.
- [settings-system] Use new icons.
- [settings-system] Use SettingsSlider for brightness setting in top menu.
- [settings-storage] Add error notifications for the sd card states.
- [pin] Tune PIN input colors for light ambience.
- [settings-system] Remove "Apps" section header on top menu settings.
- [settings-system] Rename top-menu icon name.
- [settings-system] Adjust to quick action model changes.
- [settings-system] Bump jolla-settings dep.
- [settings-system] Move section entries into categories.json.
- [settings-system] Remove shortcut actions from lockscreen settings.
- [settings-system] Fix topmenu sliders having bad heights.
- [settings-system] Add context menu to ringtone and brightness sliders in top menu.
- [settings-system] Rework sections in top menu settings UI.
- [settings-system] Add default icon-system-warning for toggle error notification.
- [settings-networking] Adapt to SettingsToggle API changes.
- [settings-system] Set SettingsToggle name and activeText.
- [settings-system] Fix location switch settings path.
- [settings-system] Add common error notification.
- [settings-system] Send error notification from gps toggle when disabled by mdm.
- [settings-system] Remove quick app close option from settings.
- [topmenu] Add translation for settings layout files.
- [settings-system] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [settings-system] Update dependencies.
- [settings-storage] Let storage circle animate forever when busy.
- [settings-storage] Let storage circle animate forever when formatting.
- [settings-storage] Disable formatting of an unlocked encrypted device.
- [settings-system] SettingsSwitch is now SettingsToggle and uses HighlightImage.
- [jolla-settings-system] Fix top menu description color and some wordings.
- [jolla-settings-system] Separate top-menu settings out of events settings.
- [rpm] Integrate Sailfish3 and update rpm dependencies.
- [settings-system] Update labels in settings switches.
- [settings-system] Use SwitchSetting for all settings switches.
- [topmenu] Polish Top Menu settings page.
- [jolla-settings-system] Fix top menu description color and some wordings.
- [jolla-settings-system] Separate top-menu settings out of events settings.
- [rpm] Update systemsettings requirement.
- [settings-storage] Add context menu option to lock an encrypted device.
- [settings-storage] Don't show old device label on format page.
- [settings-storage] Fix error in formatting text.
- [settings-storage] Hide invalid warning text when formatting encrypted device.
- [settings-storage] Use device paths for format, mount, unmount.
- [jolla-settings-system] Fix fading of long device label.
- [settings-storage] Support creating an encrypted sd card on device.
- [settings-storage] Support creating an encrypted storage device.
- [settings-system] Fix regression in Location settings page opening.
- [settings-system] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [settings-storage] Show busy state for a storage when unlocking.
- [settings-storage] Show encrypted mass storage as valid.
- [settings-storage] Do not show "Format" option in the directory pages.
- [about] Avoid flickering IMEI when maximising About page.
- [jolla-settings-system] Use all operations through partition model.
- [sounds] Play the ringtone when the volume slider is being adjusted
- [settings] Allow overriding presence list item horizontal margins.
- [about] Avoid flickering IMEI detail on page opening.
- [performance] Fix flickering issues in System Settings page opening transitions.
[sounds] Don't animate volume slider value during page opening.
Updated : 0.23-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.24-1.5.9.jolla
[sdk] Rebased onto ui-jolla-settings-system v0.39.7.
Updated : 1.291.2-1.12.1.jolla -- 1.335.3-1.18.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched jolla-settings-system from version 1.335
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 458 of 484 strings translated (19 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.5
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 483 of 483 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 484 of 484 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.25
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.26
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.39.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 477 of 477 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.21
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.23
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.24
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 478 of 478 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.20
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 480 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 480 of 480 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.13
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.14
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 479 of 479 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.12
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 462 of 478 strings translated (1 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 478 of 478 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.12
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.7
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 474 of 474 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.8
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 473 of 473 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.7
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.4
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 470 of 470 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : -- 0.4.0-1.11.4.jolla
- [startup-wizard] Implement compositor D-Bus service.
- [startupwizard] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[startupwizard] Make sure columns calculated by ApplicationsGridView are respected.
Updated : 1.153.2-1.11.1.jolla -- 1.159.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-startupwizard from version 1.159
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.47
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.46
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 45 of 45 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.61-1.2.9.jolla -- 0.5.0-1.3.5.jolla
[vault] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.107-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.111.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched jolla-vault from version 1.111
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.5.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 85 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 4.10.2+9git16-1.3.1.jolla -- 4.10.2+9git17-1.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libicalss.so.3
[kcalcore] Remove deprecated libical API . Fixes MER#1941
Updated : --
[sbj] Upstream patch for CVE-2017-10661.
Updated : 2.14+git1-1.2.1.jolla -- 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla Binaries added : libblockdev-part - 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla, libblockdev-part-devel - 2.19+git1-1.2.1.jolla
[libblockdev] Upgrade to 2.19.
Updated : 1.9.35-1.3.1.jolla -- 1.9.37-1.4.1.jolla
- [libcommhistory] Emit resolving change after model is ready.
[libcommhistory] Add plugins.qmltypes.
Updated : 0.1.9-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.1.10-1.4.1.jolla
[libcontact] Fix recursive resolve never finishing.
Updated : 1.0.10-1.3.1.jolla -- 1.0.12-1.4.1.jolla
- [gbinder] Add byte array reader and writer.
[local_object] Make sure NULL objects are passed as BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_HANDLE.
Updated : 1.0.29-1.3.2.jolla -- 1.0.32-1.6.1.jolla
- [glibutil] Added gutil_idle_pool_add_strv function
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [test] Unit test for gutil_idle_pool_add_strv
- [glibutil] Added GUtilData type and functions
- [glibutil] MER#1437
- [test] Tests for new GUtilData functions
- [glibutil] Added gutil_parse_int function
- [glibutil] MER#1437
[test] Unit test for gutil_parse_int
Updated : 1.0.24-1.4.1.jolla -- 1.0.25-1.5.3.jolla
- [libgrilio] Added grilio_parser_get_nullable_utf8
[libgrilio] Introduced GRilIoTransport interface.
Updated : -- Binaries added : libhybris-libsf -, libhybris-libsf-devel -
- Unmet requirements: libgralloc.so.1
- [rpm] add provides libsf-devel to libhybris-libsf-devel.
[rpm] update packaging for android 8 aware libhybris. TODO: wifi, nfc, ...
Updated : 1.0.1-1.1.4.jolla -- 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla Binaries added : libical-glib - 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla, libical-glib-devel - 3.0.3-1.2.2.jolla
[libical] Update to 3.0.3. Fixes MER#1940
Updated : 1.25-1.3.6.jolla -- 1.26-1.5.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.6.1-1.2.6.jolla -- 0.6.2-1.4.1.jolla
- [libngf-qt] Declare typeinfo in qmldir.
[libngf-qt] Do not hardcode version number in sources.
Updated : 1.0.21-1.2.3.jolla -- 1.0.23-1.5.1.jolla
- [libqofonoext] Cleaned up onPresentSimListChanged mess. MER#1954
[libqofonoext] Add "slot" role to OfonoExtSimListModel.
Updated : 1.1-1.2.3.jolla -- 1.3-1.3.1.jolla
[sbc] Update to 1.3 Fixes MER#1939
Updated : 0.1.0-1.1.4.jolla -- 0.6.35-1.4.1.jolla
- [libsolv] Update to 0.6.35
- Unmet requirements: libsolv.so.0(SOLV_1.2)
- [packaging] Build from submodule.
- [update] Update to libsolv upstream version 0.6.23.
- [update] Update to libsolv upstream version 0.6.34.
- [update] Upgrade to 0.6.34.
- Upgrade to upstream version 0.6.8
- Removed add-mipsel.patch (added upstream)
- Removed fix-armv7tnhl-typo.patch (fixed upstream)
- [packaging] Update to upstream version 0.6.8
- [spec] Conflict with old libzypp versions
Add support for mipsel
Updated : 12.2.0+git6-1.2.1.jolla -- 17.3.1-1.4.3.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libboost_thread-mt.so.1.66.0
- [packaging] Switch to patched upstream.
- [update] Update packaging for libzypp 16.2.2.
- [update] update to upstream 16.2.2
- [zypp] Update to 17.3.1.
- [mic] Reintroduce missed patch adding .netrc support for auth while building images.
- [upstream] Sync to version 14.35.0
- [zypp] Add patch: Use GPG_BINARY in PublicKey.cc
- [rebuild] Bug reference in changelog
- [upstream] Sync to version 14.35.0
- [zypp] Add patch: Use GPG_BINARY in PublicKey.cc
- [spec] Require libsolv 0.6.8
- [zypp] Support for *.check files in the systemCheck.d directory
- [zypp] Support for /etc/zypp/systemCheck.d
- [rpm] Fix compatibility with RPM < 4.12.x
- [libzypp] Set download.use_deltarpm.always=true .
- [libzypp] Set rpm.install.excludedocs = yes. Save space on mobile devices.
- [deltarpm] Ensure that the destination path for applying the delta rpm exists.
- [license] Unify open source licenses.
[packaging] Require 'lsof'.
Updated : -- 0.7.4+git3-1.2.2.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
- [python] Include SolvableType after RepoInfo and Repository, as it uses them.
- [python] Include SolvableType after RepoInfo and Repository, as they are used there.
- [zypp] Fix spec.
- [zypp] Fix spec. remove cd in %setup, and correct version number.
- [zypp] Update to 0.6.4.
- [mic] Reinstate one part of meego-add-more-class.patch.
- [swig] Compatibility workaround for SWIG 2.0.4 (Fixes MER#1048)
[rpm] Remove changes file, as it's misformatted
Updated : -- 1.0.31-1.18.2.jolla
- [notifications] Always align icon with top of notification banner.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Scale also home wallpaper always.
- [compositor] Delay Sailfish 3 welcome screen until ambience is ready.
- [homescreen] Blur the wallpaper on the events view a little.
- [homescreen] Blur the wallpaper on the events view.
- [lipstick-jolla] Add paddingLarge to the PeekFilter.boundaryHeight.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve scaling of App Grid phone layout.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Share common grid component with browser and settings-side icon grids.
- [lipstick-jolla] Make X icon on quick close always color white.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show Top Menu hint after Sailfish 3 Welcome screen.
- [topmenu] Fix sim selector inner margin after sha1 11b4674cfa.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Define drag thresholds for app grid, topmenu, and home.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit Sailfish 3 Welcome screen body text height increase.
- [topmenu] Introduce peek filter boundary height for opening of top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Make Top Menu column count dynamic.
- [lipstick-jolla] Lighten light ambience notification preview.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve legibility of Sailfish 3 welcome screen.
- [topmenu] Bind outer handle to the TopMenuLayer's content opacity when closing from edge.
- [topmenu] Don't show top menu hint in partnerspace apps.
- [topmenu] Keep top menu expanded when peeking away from it.
- [lipstick-jolla] Move apps/ settings actions under top menu path.
- [topmenu] Reduce settings shortcut height and remove extra space from sliders.
- [homescreen] Don't hide the background if the displayed is turned back on during a call.
- [topmenu] Don't pan lock screen when peeking from top menu.
- [topmenu] Avoid passing touch events to apps beneath the top menu.
- [homescreen] Increase the contrast behind the status bar.
- [homescreen] Reload the application wallpaper when the overlay color changes.
- [homescreen] Don't delay ambience changes indefinitely while the top menu is open.
- [topmenu] Use short titles for quick actions in top menu.
- [topmenu] Align default top menu shortcuts as per design.
- [lipstick-home] Fix top menu settings opening with long press.
- [topmenu] Make sure that handle is visible on the TopMenuWindow side when needed.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix Sailfish 3 welcome screen to match active ambience.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu when requesting connection selector.
- [homescreen] Fix vignette flicker when changing color scheme.
- [topmenu] Fix positioning of settings context menu in top menu.
- [storage] Add error notifications for memory card unlocking.
- [topmenu] Ensure effect of power button press is visible in top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show Sailfish 3 Welcome Screen after the upgrade.
- [topmenu] Don't change the top menu y while the orientation transition is running.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align Top Menu housekeeping remove buttons.
- [homescreen] Don't animate the raising of hidden windows.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix settings app margins.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix settings app margins.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Translation description fix for "Got it".
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust accept margin to (screen.width - topMenu.width)/2 on tablet ui.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable app close gesture hint when system gestures are disabled.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show close app hint for two apps.
- [bluetooth] Adapt Bluetooth dialogs to light-ambience style.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align app grid hint with top menu hint.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Allow status bar hinting only in normal position.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Dim lockscreen camera icon when top menu exposed.
- [lockscreen] Remove QuickActionsModel from LockItem.
- [topmenu] Bump dependencies.
- [topmenu] Change quick actions config format and merge actions into page shortcuts.
- [topmenu] Fix top menu settings context menu position.
- [lipstick-jolla] Remove all but app shortcuts from lockscreen pulley.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show close app gesture hint when opening application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add handle for the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu housekeeping.
- [homescreen] Delay changing ambience color until the UI has faded out.
- [lipstick-jolla] Fix location indicator staying on screen.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Follow light ambience style in App Grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu when changing window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Top menu should not steal focus from current window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align toggles to the horizontal center of an ambiece.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove unsed x-jolla.lipstick.connectionmobile notification category.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable dynamic/temporary toggles for now.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix ambience selector clipping in inverted landscape.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix typo from GlassBackground.
- [homescreen] Vignette for light backgrounds.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove weather and alarm from top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Brighten light covers, show more of the blurred wallpaper.
- [topmenu] Show switch context menu on press+hold.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove quick app close dconf.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add labels for shortcuts.
- [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Clip ambience selector list always on large screen.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Clip ambience selector list on large screen.
- [topmenu] Fix top menu housekeeping and expanded height
- [topmenu] Restrict TopMenu actions when device is locked.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add multi sim selector to the top menu.
- [homescreen] Remove duplicate background glass shader.
- [ambiences] Use dark visual style in app grid folders.
- [homescreen] Replace uses of PressEffect with the Silica HighlightImage.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Suppress peek layer changes when TopMenu is visible.
- [lipstick-jolla] Define fallback screenshot - [libsolv] Update to 0.6.35path. Contributes to MER#1915
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fetch connection status from NetworkTechnology.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Pull WiFi signal strength from the right place.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use FileWatcher for WeatherIndicatorLoader.
- [homescreen] Add applications in folders to the switcher when launched externally.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve traffic detection.
- [homescreen] Fix peek filter crash in the tutorial.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick switching functionality.
- [lipstick-jolla] Avoid applicationName on notifications.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup old shortcuts from events view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Ensure TopMenu loads when Sailfish.Weather is not installed.
- [topmenu] Remove overlay switch implementation for favorite switch settings.
- [homescreen] Limit the close gesture to edges of the screen.
- [homescreen] Limit the close gesture to edges of the screen.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Avoid odd section clipping in TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick app toggling for now.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu ambience configuration.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit clipped sections in TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Improve TopMenu ambience configuration.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Avoid odd section clipping in TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Limit clipped sections in TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable quick app toggling for now.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Label ambiences in the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move TopMenu ambience code into AmbienceSelector.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable events housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Disable switcher housekeeping upon top and bottom peek.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable events housekeeping (clear notifications).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Enable switcher housekeeping (close all apps).
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Launch Weather through switcher.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add dynamic switches to the top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add titles below dynamic switches in top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide TopMenu when switcher item needs to be visible and when raising window.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup undefined references from FavoriteSettingsDelegate.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Hide top menu always when raising an application.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Integrate with topmenu settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup one FavoriteSettingsDelegate image decoding error.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Introduce housekeeping mode to the TopMenuLayer.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Move quick action/favorite loaders and sim selector components to TopMenu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Align code structure to new top menu design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Use FileWatcher from Nemo.FileManager.
- [rpm] Bump version and update requirements
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Do not reserve space for ambience if there are no favorites.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add ngf effect to the quick app switch gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show connection toggles highlighted when connected.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Further polishes to Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Turn on the new switch design.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Adjust large fullhd app grid.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish quick app toggling Switcher item highlighting.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix regression with slider settings.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Tune visual style of Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Polish Top Menu, adapt for tablets.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Change quick switch gesture distance to 30mm and duration to 500ms.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Check windowId also from SwitcherItem.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add extra gesture duration property for the peekfilter.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add cascading transition back to top menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Fix transition breaking when Top Menu contents don't fit the view.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show weather and next alarm on Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add quick app toggling gesture.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Combine Events shortcuts and Ambience Top Menu.
- [lipstick-jolla] Avoid applicationName on notifications.
- [launcher] Don't show an uninstall icon for system apks.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Don't store weather banner height in dconf
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Show notification when external storage inserted.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Speed up the app launch transition.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Pull serviceProviderName directly from the model.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Prevent abort in lipstick-security-ui-helper.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Register polkit agent with suffixed locale name.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Call showScreenshots() when screenshot notification is clicked.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Remove four covers in a row limitation.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Call showScreenshots() when screenshot notification is clicked.
- [lipstick-jolla-home] Add Singleton ConnectionManager aka NetworkManager.
[lipstick-jolla-home] Cleanup unwanted NetworkService and NetworkTechnology tier downs.
Updated : 1.234.1-1.11.1.jolla -- 1.267.2-1.16.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 221 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched lipstick-jolla-home-qt5 from version 1.267
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 222 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.23
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.24
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.27
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 221 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.18
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 220 of 222 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.10
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.3
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.6
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 215 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.9
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 192 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 196 of 197 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.41.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.74
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 194 of 195 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.73
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 192 of 193 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.52
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.56
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 186 of 192 strings translated (1 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.51
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 191 of 192 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.42
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.45
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 191 of 192 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.40.40
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 188 of 188 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.38.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 183 of 183 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.3
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.37.9
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 183 of 183 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.32.21-1.5.8.jolla --
- [lipstick] Scale hwcimage to the requested texture size.
- [lipstick] Update the status of a HwcImage when updating an property which affects its appearance.
- [lipstick] screenshotservice return fail if can't save screenshot. Fixes MER#1915
[lipstick] Fix configuration dir changing by language.
Updated : 1.68-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.72.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched lipstick-qt5 from version 1.72
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.32.22
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 26 of 26 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.02.115+git6-1.1.4.jolla -- 2.02.177+git1-1.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_106), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_133), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_107), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_131), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_104), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_141), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_110), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_100), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_113), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_138), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_135), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_101), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_98), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_128), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_105), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_97), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_129), libdevmapper.so.1.02(DM_1_02_103)
[lvm2] Upgrade to 2.02.177 upstream version.
Updated : 0.99.1-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.99.1-1.3.1.jolla
[maliit] Don't block touch events outside the visible part of the keyboard.
Updated : 0.0.7-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
- [booster] Remove Qt4 support fixes MER#1937
[booster] Remove Qt4 support. Fixes MER#1937
Updated : -- 1.95.3-1.10.1.jolla
- [display] Workaround state machine freeze on unblank.
- [suspend] Expose suspend type within mce.
- [radiostates] Rewrite active/saved radio states handling.
- [als] Avoid using DATAPIPE_USE_CACHED in brightness re-evaluation.
- [datapipe] Add datapipe_value().
- [datapipe] Add name property for datapipes.
- [datapipe] Detect and mitigate recursive datapipe execution.
- [datapipe] Drop unused DATAPIPE_DATA_DYNAMIC enumeration value.
- [datapipe] Drop unused DATAPIPE_USE_CACHED enumeration value.
- [datapipe] Drop useless datapipe_data_t enumeration type.
- [datapipe] Drop useless datapipe_use_t enumeration.
- [datapipe] Fix datapipes incorrectly marked as dynamic.
- [datapipe] Make cache control property of datapipe.
- [datapipe] Make datapipe_exec_output_triggers() static.
- [datapipe] Make internal functions static.
- [datapipe] Mass rename datatypes.
- [datapipe] Mass rename functions.
- [datapipe] Refactor datapipe execution.
- [datapipe] Remove dead code.
- [datapipe] Use const pointers in datapipe.
- [mce] Use array based datapipe binding.
- [mce] Use datapipe_exec_full() for all datapipe actions.
- [fingerprint] Add settings for controlling fingerprint wakeups.
- [fingerprint] Implement fingerprint wakeup.
- [fingerprint] Suspend proof timer and idle callbacks.
- [fingerprint] Work around fp scanner on power key issues.
- [mce] Expand also intra-line tabs
- [mce-lib] Add suspend proofed glib timeout lookalikes
- [settings] Fingerprint wakeups are disabled by default.
- [tklock] Keep tklock submode and lockscreen state in sync.
- [tklock] Move cached datapipe values in one place
- [tklock] Unblank and tkunlock when device gets unlocked.
- [usbmode] Do not assume "busy" means connected.
- [datapipe] Add datapipe for requesting ngfd event playback
- [fingerprint] Add support for debug led patterns
- [powerkey] Add "nop" powerkey action
- [tklock] Delay tklock removal until exit from LPM state is finished
- [tklock] Exit from LPM on device unlock.
- [tklock] Sync ipc state with submode changes
- [als] Enable sensor before requesting notifications.
[mce] Parse static config before probing for fb device.
Updated : 1.12.1-1.2.13.jolla -- 1.12.3-1.5.1.jolla
- [hybris-fb] Tolerate having a v0 hw composer hal.
[hybris-fb] Add support for blank/unblank via hw composer.
Updated : 0.44.0-1.1.2.jolla -- 0.44.0-1.2.1.jolla
[meson] Require ccache to work around autodetection failure on OBS.
Updated : 0.14+git5-1.2.4.jolla -- 0.14+git6-1.4.1.jolla
- [zypp] Disable GPG signature checking.
[zypp] Remove check for patched in functions, as they're now present upstream.
Updated : 0.3.30-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.4.2-1.5.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libicalss.so.3
- [mkcal] Adapt to messaging framework changes.
- [mkcal] Run astyle on the code.
[mkcal] Enabled invitation plugins compilation.
Updated : 20131125+git65-1.1.3.jolla -- 20131125+git66-1.2.1.jolla
- [mbpi] Fix MMS proxy IP for Telenor SE.
- [mbpi] Fix MMS proxy IP for Telenor Sweden. MER#902
[mbpi] Specify auth protocol for Telenor Sweden MMS access point. MER#902
Updated : 0.3.3-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.3.5-1.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libicalvcal.so.3, libical.so.3, libicalss.so.3
- [nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Correction update list of actual calendars in Calendar application.
[nemo-qml-plugin-calendar] Avoid 100% cpu with agendamodel without start date.
Updated : 0.1.4-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.1.6-1.7.1.jolla
- [nemo-connectivity] Add MobileDataConnection::serviceProviderName.
- [nemo-connectivity] Improve MobileDataConnection subscriberIdentity connections.
[nemo-connectivity] React on cellularServicesChanged rather than servicesListChanged.
Updated : 2.1.19-1.4.3.jolla -- 2.1.20-1.6.1.jolla
[nemo-dbus] Pass dbus error and error message as errorCallback arguments.
Updated : 0.3.4-1.5.3.jolla -- 0.4.1-1.8.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Properly set the charset of newly built email. Fixes MER#1957
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adapt to updated messagingframework.
[nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adding accounts update support for EmailMessageListModel.
Updated : 0.3.4-1.5.8.jolla -- 0.4.0-1.6.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
- [nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adapt to updated messagingframework.
[nemo-qml-plugin-email] Adding accounts update support for EmailMessageListModel.
Updated : 0.1.8-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.1.9-1.6.1.jolla
[nemo-filemanager] Create QFileSystemWatcher for FileWatcher on demand.
Updated : -- 0.4.30-1.14.1.jolla
- [systemsettings] Disable autoconnect before removing VPN.
- [settings-system] Make VPN model modifyConnection only to set properties.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Stay in formatting state until filesystem/encrypted interface appear.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Don't duplicate already unlocked block device to the model.
- [partitionmodel] Allow locking of mounted/unmounted ecrypto device.
- [partitionmodel] Change lock, unlock, mount, unmount to devicePath based.
- [partitionmodel] Expose cryptoBackingDevicePath.
- [vpn] Forward local AutoConnect property changes to connman.
- [systemsettings] Expose isEncrypted role from partition model.
- [systemsettings] Pass "take-ownership" flag when formatting a storage.
- [systemsettings] Expose isSupportedFileSystem role from partition model.
- [systemsettings] Expose objectPath lookup from partition model.
- [systemsettings] Add a role to partition that tells whether partition is encrypted.
- [systemsettings] Updated udisks2 defines and add it to devel package.
- [systemsettings] Expose more statuses through partitionmodel.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Support lock/unlock in udisks2monitor.
- [systemsettings] Fix initial FileSystem interface reading.
- [systemsettings] Follow udisks2 File System and Encrypted interface changes.
- [systemsettings] Make Udisks monitor to track "org.feedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem" interface changes.
- [nemo-qml-plugin-systemsettings] Support formatting encrypted partitions.
- [systemsettings] Cleanup unwanted partitions.
- [vpn] Also remove cached configuration files when deleting VPN connection.
- [vpn] Remove credentials when deleting VPN connection.
- [vpn] Remove provisioned files when deleting VPN connection.
- [nemo-systemsettings] Add plugins.qmltypes.
- [vpnmodel] Cleanup pending connection / disconnect handling.
- [vpnmodel] Update autoConnect upon connect/disconnect.
- [vpnmodel] VPN disconnects should go through connman.
- [systemsettings] Expose format, unmount, and mount from partitionmodel.
- [certificatemodel] Fixed compilation error
[vpnmodel] Ask connman to establish VPN connection.
Updated : 0.3.6-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.3.8-1.5.1.jolla
- [thumbnailer] Allow NemoThumbnailCache to be re-used for different caches.
[thumbnailer] Declare typeinfo in qmldir.
Updated : 1.33-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.34.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched nemo-transferengine-qt5 from version 1.34
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.0.7-1.5.7.jolla -- 1.0.9-1.8.1.jolla
- [patterns] Require buteo-mtp-qt5 instead of sync plugin.
[patterns] Require udisks2 and busybox-symlinks-dosfstools from middleware.
Updated : 1.21+git26-1.10.2.jolla -- 1.21+git33-1.16.1.jolla
- [ril] Disconnect stray data calls.
- [ril] Don't take LTE caps away from the only SIM
- [ril] Respect state restrictions.
- [ril] Fix incoming call indication on mtk2 vendor.
- [ril] Improved cell info debug log.
- [ofono] Add interface for RIL transport plugins.
- [ril] Added confirmRadioPowerOn configration entry
- [ril] Added radioPowerCycle configration entry.
- [ril] Do not submit unnecessary radio power requests
- [ril] Do not wait for radio power request to complete
- [ril] Fix broken QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK packets.
- [ril] Housekeeping
- [ril] Pull phone number type from SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION event
[ofono] Allow to filter existing calls.
Updated : 1.4.5-1.3.8.jolla -- 1.4.6-1.5.2.jolla
- [dbus] Reduce debug level log spam.
- [media] Fix automatic resource acquiring with simultaneous streams.
- [signaling] Don't log signals not meant for us.
[signaling] Fix compiler warning.
Updated : 7.1p2+git2-1.1.5.jolla -- 7.7p1+git3-1.3.1.jolla
- [sftp] Reinstate the 'noreplace' of the sshd config file, as the file was correct in the previous version.
- [sftp] Fix path to sftp-server, and set the config to overwrite.
- [cve] Update to 7.7p1.
- [cve] Update to 7.7p1. Switch to submodule.
[git] Switch to submodule build.
Updated : 1.0.2h-1.2.2.jolla -- 1.0.2o-1.3.1.jolla
- [openssl] update to version 1.0.2o Fixes MER#1898
- [openssl] Fix patches to apply to hobbled 1.0.2o source.
- [openssl] Add no-asm for aarch64 build. Fixes MER#1560
- [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2h. Fixes MER#1580
- [rpm] Remove undefined macro causing errors in new RPM.
- [rpm] Remove unneeded Provides tag containing undefined macro that causes errors in new RPM.
- [openssl] Remove more unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
- [openssl] Remove unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
- [security] Upgrade openssl to 1.0.2g. Fixes MER#1534
- [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2f. Fixes MER#1503
- [openssl] Remove unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
- [security] Upgrade to 1.0.2f. Fixes MER#1503
[openssl] Remove more unneeded patches. Contributes MER#1503
Updated : 1.40.1-1.1.5.jolla -- 1.42.3-1.2.1.jolla Binaries added : pango-tests - 1.42.3-1.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libfribidi.so.0, pkgconfig(fribidi)
[pango] Update to 1.42.3.
Updated : 1.0.7-1.5.9.jolla -- 1.0.9-1.8.1.jolla
- [patterns] Require buteo-mtp-qt5 instead of sync plugin.
[patterns] Require udisks2 and busybox-symlinks-dosfstools from middleware.
Updated : 11.1.68-1.5.1.jolla -- 11.1.74-1.8.1.jolla
- [card] Free config after use.
- [card] Use common pattern of getting hw module.
- [common] Add function to duplicate configuration.
- [common] Add quirk unload_call_exit.
- [common] Be less verbose about missing config.
- [common] Duplicate config for hw module.
- [keepalive] Update state properly.
- [README] Add description for unload_call_exit quirk.
- [sink] Free config after use.
- [source] Free config after use.
- [common] Make sure QCOM_HARDWARE is defined when needed.
- [build] Install common headers and pc file properly.
- [common] Check for primary flag instead of string.
- [common] Check for SPEAKER_DRC_ENABLED_TAG directly.
- [common] Combine output and input configurations.
- [common] Move public headers to include/droid
- [common] Remove sllist implementation to own header.
- [common] Remove unused config functions.
- [common] Use global include with public headers.
- [config] Refactor hw module creation.
- [config] Reorder configuration file search locations.
- [modules] Update includes.
- [packaging] Remove obsolete header and pc file installs.
- [README] Add note about xml parsing.
- [xml-parser] More generic channel mask direction workaround.
- [common] Use uint32_t for input flags.
- [parser-xml] No need to idfef input flags.
- [sbj] Add empty input flag struct.
- [build] Add workaround for SBJ HAL headers.
- [conversion] Disable input flags for API 1 and 2.
- [sbj] Add missing include.
- [sbj] Disable xml explicitly.
- [build] Add test for expat.
- [build] Use expat.
- [common] Split configuration parsing to multiple files.
- [config] Allocate config in parsing functions.
- [conversion] Add workarounds for format and device parsing.
- [legacy-parser] Allocate config in parser.
- [module-droid-sink] Include conversion header.
- [modules] Update contact information.
- [packaging] Build requires expat.
- [sink] Include conversion header.
- [source] Include conversion header.
- [xml-parser] Add workaround for certain config error.
- [xml-parser] Drop include parsing for now.
- [xml-parser] New parser for xml style configuration.
[xml-parser] Placeholder for xml parser implementation.
Updated : 11.1.68-1.5.2.jolla -- 11.1.74-1.8.1.jolla
- [card] Free config after use.
- [card] Use common pattern of getting hw module.
- [common] Add function to duplicate configuration.
- [common] Add quirk unload_call_exit.
- [common] Be less verbose about missing config.
- [common] Duplicate config for hw module.
- [keepalive] Update state properly.
- [README] Add description for unload_call_exit quirk.
- [sink] Free config after use.
- [source] Free config after use.
- [common] Make sure QCOM_HARDWARE is defined when needed.
- [build] Install common headers and pc file properly.
- [common] Check for primary flag instead of string.
- [common] Check for SPEAKER_DRC_ENABLED_TAG directly.
- [common] Combine output and input configurations.
- [common] Move public headers to include/droid
- [common] Remove sllist implementation to own header.
- [common] Remove unused config functions.
- [common] Use global include with public headers.
- [config] Refactor hw module creation.
- [config] Reorder configuration file search locations.
- [modules] Update includes.
- [packaging] Remove obsolete header and pc file installs.
- [README] Add note about xml parsing.
- [xml-parser] More generic channel mask direction workaround.
- [common] Use uint32_t for input flags.
- [parser-xml] No need to idfef input flags.
- [sbj] Add empty input flag struct.
- [build] Add workaround for SBJ HAL headers.
- [conversion] Disable input flags for API 1 and 2.
- [sbj] Add missing include.
- [sbj] Disable xml explicitly.
- [build] Add test for expat.
- [build] Use expat.
- [common] Split configuration parsing to multiple files.
- [config] Allocate config in parsing functions.
- [conversion] Add workarounds for format and device parsing.
- [legacy-parser] Allocate config in parser.
- [module-droid-sink] Include conversion header.
- [modules] Update contact information.
- [packaging] Build requires expat.
- [sink] Include conversion header.
- [source] Include conversion header.
- [xml-parser] Add workaround for certain config error.
- [xml-parser] Drop include parsing for now.
- [xml-parser] New parser for xml style configuration.
[xml-parser] Placeholder for xml parser implementation.
Updated : 11.1.36-1.5.1.jolla -- 11.1.38-1.6.1.jolla
- [classify] Avoid segfault if classify can't find a stream.
- [classify] Add option to update proplist of recognized stream.
- [config-file] Read set-properties from stream definition.
[config-file] Refactor section closing a bit.
Updated : 1.5.1-1.1.9.jolla -- 1.5.1+git2-1.3.1.jolla
[pyotherside] Include qmltypes.
Updated : 0.2.2-1.6.5.jolla -- 0.3.0-1.7.2.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
- [activesync] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[qmf-eas-plugin] Adapt to qmf changes.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.5.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.29-1.6.3.jolla -- 1.32.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched qmf-eas-plugin from version 1.32
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 68 of 68 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.9-1.2.3.jolla -- 0.2.0-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5), libQmfMessageServer.so.5(Qt_5)
[qmf-notifications-plugin] Adapt to qmf changes.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.36-1.3.6.jolla -- 1.37-1.5.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 6 of 6 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
Updated : 0.0.8-1.2.3.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
[base-qmf-oauth2-plugin] Adapt to qmf upstream changes.
Updated : 4.0.4+git63-1.3.3.jolla -- 4.0.4+git101-1.5.2.jolla Binaries removed : qmf-qt5-doc, qmf-qt5-tests
- Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5_PRIVATE_API), libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
- [messageingframework] Rebase to upstream and drop merged patch.
[messagingframework] Update upstream to current master.
Updated : --
[backend] include unistd for close to fix build.
Updated : 5.2.0+git5-1.1.9.jolla -- 5.2.0+git6-1.3.1.jolla Binaries added : qt5-qtfeedback-doc - 5.2.0+git6-1.3.1.jolla
[packaging] Fixes to documentation packaging.
Updated : 1.13.29-1.2.1.jolla -- 1.13.31-1.3.1.jolla
- [qtmozembed] Fix Qt 5.9 build.
[qtmozembed] Use test profile in unit tests.
Updated : 0.0.23-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla
[quickfeedback] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.0.4-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.4.1.jolla
[archive] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.6-1.2.3.jolla -- 1.9.1-1.6.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-archive from version 1.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 7 of 7 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.16.10-1.5.10.jolla -- 1.17.7-1.12.3.jolla
- [browser] Use shared icon grid component in favorites grid.
- [browser] Use lighter tab item text/icon color on light ambience.
- [sailfish-browser] Cleanup old overlay active handling.
- [browser] Color tab item controls always light on dark.
- [sailfish-browser] Use lightPrimaryColor with opaque background.
- [sailfish-browser] Check foreground from browser window visibility instead of Qt.application.active.
- [sailfish-browser] Create background for each page if doesn't background exists.
- [browser] Fix Qt 5.9 compatibility issues.
- [sailfish-browser] Add remorse popup for closing all tabs.
[browser] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.128-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.135.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-browser from version 1.135
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.5
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.1
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.17.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 52 of 52 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.13-1.5.3.jolla -- 0.2.16-1.7.1.jolla
- [sailfish-components-accounts] Show username for obsolete accounts.
- [sailfish-components-accounts] Allow exposing obsolete accounts in AccountModel.
[sailfish-component-accounts] Allow to pass QJSValue type to setConfigurationValue().
Updated : 1.55-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.56-1.7.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 10 of 10 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.11-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.2.12-1.4.1.jolla
[bluetooth] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.66-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.67-1.7.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.13-1.7.1.jolla -- 0.2.16-1.9.1.jolla
- [components-contacts] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [components-contacts] Assume recent list has content to reduce flicker on page startup.
- [components-contacts] Reduce recent list limit, assume recent list has content to reduce flicker on page startup.
[components-contacts] Disallow deleting contacts in recent contacts list.
Updated : 1.114-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.118.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-contacts-qt5 from version 1.118
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 122 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 122 of 122 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.14
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.15
Updated : 1.50-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.51.1-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-email-qt5 from version 1.51
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.19-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.2.0-1.6.1.jolla
- [components-filemanager] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[files] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder until directory model has been populated.
Updated : 1.36.2-1.10.1.jolla -- 1.41.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-filemanager from version 1.41
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.2.5-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.3.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [gallery] Allow hiding ambience action from GalleryOverlay.
- [gallery] Paint gallery overlay icons always white.
- [component-gallery] Fix regression with photo edit page opening.
- [components-gallery] Migrate omitted page pushes to animatorPush.
- [components-gallery] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[sailfish-components-gallery] Make sure that pageStack._noGrabbing is not left enabled.
Updated : 1.87.1-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.95.1-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-gallery-qt5 from version 1.95
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.7
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.9
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 53 of 53 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.6
Updated : 0.3.4-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.3.5-1.5.1.jolla
[pickers] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.75-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.79.1-1.10.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-pickers-qt5 from version 1.79
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.3.5
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 39 of 39 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.0-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.1.3-1.6.1.jolla
- [sailfish-telephony] Add default inner margin for Sim Selector.
- [components-telephony] Add horizontalMargin property that is applied between sim cards.
- [components-telephony] Add shortSimDescription() and longSimDescription() formatters.
[components-telephony] Simplified check for default voice modem.
Updated : 1.21-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.23-1.7.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 14 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.1
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 14 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.1.2-1.1.7.jolla -- 0.1.3-1.3.1.jolla
[textlinking] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.65-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.66-1.6.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 691 of 691 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.4.2-1.5.2.jolla -- 1.0.0-1.8.2.jolla
- [sailfish-components-weather] Improve legibility of selected weather forecast item.
- [sailfish-components-weather] Mark directory ownership.
[sailfish-components-weather] Tune weather details layouts on landscape a bit.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.2.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.38.1-1.10.1.jolla -- 1.41.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-components-weather-qt5 from version 1.41
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 65 of 65 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.3
Updated : 0.0.22-1.5.3.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.6.4.jolla
[webview] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.18-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.19-1.6.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 34 of 34 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.0.1-1.1.6.jolla -- 0.0.2-1.3.2.jolla
- [suspendplugin] fix use of uninitialized variables.
[suspendplugin] Rework netlink message handling.
Updated : 0.4.16-1.4.2.jolla -- 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla Binaries added : sailfish-content-ambiences-default-rolling - 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-airy - 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-breeze - 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-sailfish3 - 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla, sailfish-content-ambiences-default-glacial - 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-content-ambiences-default-sailfish3
- [ambiences] Clear favorites before installing Sailfish3 ambience set.
- [ambiences] Add new preloaded ambiences for Sailfish 3.
- [ambiences] Set Sailfish 3 ambience as default when upgrading.
- [ambiences] Remove device specific ambience configurations.
- [ambiences] Tweak ambience timestamps to sort platform before community.
- [ambiences] Introduce one prototype light ambience.
[ambiences] Add Sailfish 3 ambience and make it the sole default favorite ambience.
Updated : 0.4.16-1.4.2.jolla -- 1.0.2-1.7.1.jolla
- [ambiences] Clear favorites before installing Sailfish3 ambience set.
- [ambiences] Add new preloaded ambiences for Sailfish 3.
- [ambiences] Set Sailfish 3 ambience as default when upgrading.
- [ambiences] Remove device specific ambience configurations.
- [ambiences] Tweak ambience timestamps to sort platform before community.
- [ambiences] Introduce one prototype light ambience.
[ambiences] Add Sailfish 3 ambience and make it the sole default favorite ambience.
Updated : 1.23.2-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.38.3-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-content-ambiences-default from version 1.38
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localization based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 21 of 21 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 20 of 20 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.4.17
Updated : 0.9.12-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.0.10-1.14.1.jolla
- [lightambiences] Provide dark variant of call recording icon.
- [lightambiences] Provide dark variants of colored mime-type icons.
- [theme] New data sim icons.
- [theme] Fix naming of landscape and portrait images.
- [topmenu] Add new Top Menu icons.
- [topmenu] Updated top-menu icon.
- [topmenu] Add top menu icon.
[topmenu] Remove rounded background from Top Menu power actions.
Updated : 0.3.1-1.5.4.jolla -- 0.4.0-1.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfClient.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5(Qt_5)
- [sailfish-eas] Adapt to qmf changes.
[sailfish-eas] Correction update list of actual calendars in Calendar application.
Updated : 1.1.4-1.3.3.jolla -- 1.2.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [fpdevice] Suspend proof fingerprint hal event processing.
- [mrcontrol] Make wakelocking durations configurable.
- [settings] Add daemon side configuration parsing
[wakelock] Move raw wakelock handling to common sysfs module
Updated : 1.1.4-1.2.4.jolla -- 1.2.0-1.4.1.jolla
- [fpdevice] Suspend proof fingerprint hal event processing.
- [mrcontrol] Make wakelocking durations configurable.
- [settings] Add daemon side configuration parsing
[wakelock] Move raw wakelock handling to common sysfs module
Updated : 1.1.35-1.5.1.jolla -- 1.2.3-1.8.1.jolla
- [sailfish-maps] Move topmenu action under new place.
- [sailfish-maps] Adjustments for light ambience.
- [maps] Add org.sailfishos.maps.json.
- [maps] Migrate org.sailfishos.maps.conf to JSON format.
[maps] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.4.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.82-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.86-1.8.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 89 of 89 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 1.2.0
Updated : 0.2.78-1.8.10.jolla -- 0.2.82-1.10.5.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libQmfMessageServer.so.5, libQmfClient.so.5
- [sailfish-mdm] Avoid linking every libsailfishpolicy user to systemsettings.
- [mdm-examples] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [sailfish-mdm] Adapt to qmf changes.
- [libsailfishmdm] Fix copypaste error with pending packages store.
[libsailfishmdm] Check if package was resolved successfully.
Updated : 0.2.0-1.4.36.jolla -- 0.2.1-1.5.11.jolla
[mdm-demo] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.8-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.13.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-mdm from version 1.13
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 4 of 4 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 1.0.6-1.4.5.jolla -- 1.0.7-1.6.2.jolla
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] gprs_filter should react to rule_removed signal
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Housekeeping
- [mdm-ofono-plugin] Improved mdm_imsi_filter test coverage
[mdm-ofono-plugin] Re-apply voicecall filter when rules change.
Updated : 0.0.3-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla Binaries added : sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.75 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z2.0 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.25 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.0 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-ts-devel - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.0 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.25 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5-large - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.75 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.5-large - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-gallery-resources-z1.5 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla, sailfish-minui-resources-z2.0 - 0.0.4-1.4.4.jolla
[minui] Add an item hierarchy and more built in types.
Updated : 1.3.15-1.7.2.jolla -- 1.4.0-1.9.1.jolla
- [office] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
[office] Avoid flickering empty state placeholder on app startup.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.96.1-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.99-1.11.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.4.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 57 of 57 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 1.3.16
Updated : 0.1.23-1.5.3.jolla -- 0.2.1-1.6.1.jolla
- [sailfish-secrets] Add parameters to the key generation QML bindings.
- [sailfish-secrets] Bump version.
- [sailfish-secrets] Export lists to QML from PluginInfoRequest.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add a helper constructIdenifier() function to be able to set it in DeleteStoredKeyRequest and StoredKeyRequest from QML.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add a helper constructIdentifier() to be able to set the identifier in QML requests.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add health check request.
- [sailfish-secrets] Add health check to tool.
- [sailfish-secrets] Allow to create filterData for secrets.
- [sailfish-secrets] Better error messages.
- [sailfish-secrets] Data corruption notification.
- [sailfish-secrets] Deal with data corruption by deleting corrupted data for now.
- [sailfish-secrets] Declare the proper type for Secrets::Request::Status for QML.
- [sailfish-secrets] QML binding for HealthCheckRequest.
[sailfish-secrets] Wrap the FindSecretsRequest to be able to list identifiers in QML.
Updated : 1.11.1-1.4.1.jolla -- 1.17.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets from version 1.17
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 49 of 49 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 0 of 46 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.0.12-1.3.4.jolla -- 0.1.0-1.4.2.jolla
- [secrets-ui] Add SecretsResetter component.
- [secrets-ui] Deal with data corruption on UI.
- [secrets-ui] Don't request stored keys twice on component completed.
[secrets-ui] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.11.1-1.4.1.jolla -- 1.16.1-1.7.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-secrets-ui from version 1.16
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 54 of 54 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.0
Updated : 0.9.12-1.1.9.jolla -- 0.9.13-1.3.1.jolla
[silica-background] Initialize the blur parameters based on the dconf settings.
Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.7.jolla -- 0.2.4-1.4.1.jolla
- [icons] Make z1.5 launcher icons a bit larger.
[svg2png] Add support for building inside Sailfish SDK (Qt Creator).
Updated : 0.1.39-1.4.2.jolla -- 0.2.3-1.8.1.jolla
- [tutorial] Fix close button and cover text for light ambience.
- [tutorial] Use dark style pulleys.
- [tutorial] Adapt to renamed color scheme API.
[tutorial] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
Updated : 1.55.1-1.8.1.jolla -- 1.60.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-tutorial from version 1.60
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.2
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 88 of 88 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.39
Updated : 0.1.0-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.1.1-1.5.4.jolla
- Unmet requirements: sailfish-minui-resources-z1.75, sailfish-minui-resources-z2.0, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5-large, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.0, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.25, sailfish-minui-resources-z1.5
[upgrade-ui] Adapt to API changes in sailfish-minui.
Updated : 1.11-1.5.3.jolla -- 1.13.1-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-upgrade-ui from version 1.13
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 3 of 3 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.1.1
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.51-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.53-1.7.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 19 of 19 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.2.1-1.6.18.jolla -- 3.0.0-1.8.5.jolla
- [version] Change name for 3.0.0 (Porvoonjoki).
- [version] Change name for 3.0.0 (Lemmenjoki).
[version] Change name for 2.2.2 (Oulujoki).
Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.6-1.4.1.jolla
- [weather] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [weather] Load online part of the model asynchronously to not block app launch transition.
[weather] Instruct user to type more when under 3 character location search limit.
Updated : 0.5.0-1.3.3.jolla -- 0.6.0-1.5.1.jolla
- [all-translations] Add sailfish-minui.
[l10n] Remove duplicates and sort alphabetically.
Updated : 1.23-1.4.3.jolla -- 1.29-1.9.1.jolla
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 24 of 24 strings translated (0 need review).
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.2.4
Updated : --
- [sailfishsilica] Fix icon grid minimal values to take orientation into account.
- [sailfishsilica] Avoid creating Theme inside Theme constructor.
- [silica] Add a simple cache for icon paths.
- [silica] Add dark icon variant support to theme icon resolver.
- [silica] Add textColor for CoverPlaceholder.
- [silica] Support null patterns and rendering to full screen textures in GlassBackground.
- [sailfishsilica] Provide base grid component for app settings, home launcher and browser favorites.
- [silica] Fix ContextMenu x offset calculation.
- [silica] Fix icon colors not being updated in hidden windows.
- [sailfishsilica] Fix hint coloring.
- [silica] Allow overriding the color of a context menu highlight bar.
- [silica] Fix test failure.
- [silica] Add a private type for background gradients.
- [silica] Fix SliderValueLabel initialization and add to Private lib.
- [sailfishsilica] Improve legibility of pulley busy animation.
- [sailfishsilica] Improve light ambience style legibility
- [sailfishsilica] Improve remorse visibility on light ambience style.
- [silica] Add private SliderBase.
- [sailfishsilica] Don't highlight menu item during context menu opening.
- [silica] Fix inverted user highlight colors.
- [silica] Fix delayed primary color update of non-atlas theme icons.
- [silica] ContextMenu: fix menu positioning and changes to parent flickable.
- [sailfishsilica] Polish time picker glass items for light-style ambiences.
- [silica] Adjust the implicit highlight color for light ambiences.
- [sailfishsilica] Improve legibility of switch busy state in light ambience style.
- [silica] Ensure the primary and secondary colors are correct if the color scheme is overwritten.
- [silica] Adjust font rendering depending on the color scheme.
- [silica] Specify the minimum required version of silica-background.
- [ambiences] Add public API for deriving highlight colors.
- [silica] Further polish glass items for light ambiences.
- [silica] Add some contrast to the glass item with light backgrounds.
- [silica] Add some API to coordinate the timing of ambience changes.
- [silica] Ensure all colors are updated when changing color scheme.
- [silica] ExpandingSectionGroup: fix contentY and height animations.
- [sailfishsilica] Start dimming the pages already when context menu opens.
- [sailfish-silica] Change touch interaction hint loops to alias.
- [silica] Fix scaling of aligned highlight images.
- [silica] Reload theme icons when the style changes.
- [silica] Allow overriding Slider colors.
- [silica] Paint DismissButton always white.
- [sailfishsilica] Try to match Wallpaper with current ApplicationWallpaper.
- [ambiences] Support light ambiences.
- [silica] Add a caching image provider for blurred background images.
- [silica] Import the glass background shader effect from homescreen.
- [sailfishsilica] Introduce static light and dark variants of primary and secondary color.
- [silica] Make HighlightImage a public type.
- [silica] Remove unused method.
- [sailfish-silica] Deactive context menu when destroyed.
- [sailfishsilica] Make sure page fade in transition always completes.
- [sailfishsilica] Don't animate DockedPanel position during page orientation or or panel height changes.
- [silica] Update ContextMenu for smaller, horizontally-scrolled containers.
- [sailfishsilica] Group push transition parameters to reduce risk to off-by-one indexing errors.
- [sailfishsilica] Allow pages to be created during page transition.
- [silica] Fix crash with remorse items.
- [sailfishsilica] Provide earlyClick() for enable loading content during pulley menu selection transition.
- [silica] Fix unicode parser tests.
- [silica] Make sure the part Dialog header parts follow the same positioning.
- [silica] Make sure PanelBackground gradient matches item's dimensions.
- [slider] Allow disabling slider handle animation.
- [sailfishsilica] Add section about SVG to scalability documentation.
- [silica] Modifying the pattern for phone number for supporting telephone numbers which is started start like: 8 ( 800 )
- [silica] Modifying the patterns for Phone number and Url address.
[sailfishsilica] Make sure two rows of active covers always fit comfortably on landscape tablet home.
Updated : 1.95.2-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.101.1-1.12.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfishsilica-qt5 from version 1.101
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 105 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 1.0.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 104 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.2
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.4
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.6
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 85 of 105 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.27.0
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 84 of 104 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 0.12.5-1.6.2.jolla -- 0.12.6-1.7.1.jolla
[eas] Obsolete old eas and add repository for sailfish-eas.
Updated : 1.0.1-1.3.11.jolla -- 1.0.2-1.4.4.jolla
- [version] Drop sbj-release, keep just hw-release.
[version] Drop _target_cpu information from hw-release.
Updated : 1.48.8-1.3.1.jolla -- 1.48.10-1.6.1.jolla
- [harbour-validator] Allow providing application() capability.
[harbour-validator] Add 172x172 to recommended icon sizes.
Updated : 1.2.17-1.7.1.jolla -- 1.2.26-1.13.1.jolla
- [sdk-manage] Fix working with uncompressed tarballs.
- Unmet requirements: p7zip-full
- [sdk-manage] Add support for .tar.7z archives.
- [sdk-manage] Verbosely block while acquiring lock.
- [sdk-manage] Add --mode option.
- [sdk-manage] Let Qt Creator know the path of Linguist binaries.
- [sdk-manage] Manage the user-targets repository.
- [sdk-assistant] Fix listing unused toolings.
- [sdk-assistant] List targets grouped by toolings.
- [mb2] Add option to not update target dependencies.
- [mb2] Build version field more safely.
- [mb2] Build version field more safely.
[sdk-motd] Initial commit.
Updated : 0.7.3-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.7.4-1.4.1.jolla
- [sdk-webapp] Add italic fonts
- [sdk-webapp] Do not allow removing installer-managed objects.
[sdk-webapp] Update fonts
Updated : 0.18-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.19-1.4.1.jolla
[webapp] Update default provider URL.
Updated : 0.10.2-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.10.6-1.6.1.jolla
- [hybrisadaptor] Deal with sensor type aliasing changes.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback sensor maxDelay value.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for sensor types.
- [hybrisadaptor] Provide fallback values for select sensors.
- [hybrisadaptor] Refactor sensor start/stop logic
- [hybrisadaptor] Subject sensor type specific actions to common policy
[logging] Allow printf style logging similarly as qDebug() does
Updated : 0.1.67-1.5.4.jolla -- 0.1.68-1.6.1.jolla
[sociald] Organizer of the event shouldn't be in the attendees list.
Updated : 0.43.9-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.43.11-1.7.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
- [ssu] Add plugins.qmltypes.
- [ssu] Proper d-bus adaptor/interface generation
- [ssu] Provide list repos over dbus
- [ssu] Provide list repos over dbus. Fixes MER#1933
[ssu] Use SsuRepo struct for listRepos
Updated : -- 0.15.3-1.12.5.jolla
- [store-client] Tune release cover image still a bit.
- [store-client] Tune release cover image for 3.0.0.
- [store-client] Release cover image for 3.0.0.
- [store-client] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [jolla-store] Refresh installed package list for startup wizard.
- [store] Don't flicker PageHeader when transitioning to WelcomePage.
[store-client] Release cover image for 2.2.2.
Updated : 1.137.1-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.143.1-1.13.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched store-client from version 1.143
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.15.0
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.14.8
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 142 of 142 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.0.4-1.1.4.jolla -- 3.0.12+git1-1.2.1.jolla Binaries removed : swig-doc
- [swig] Use byacc and remove empty doc subpackage.
- [zypp] Update to 3.0.12.
[packaging] Upgrade to swig 2.0.12 (Fixes MER#365)
Updated : 3.10.7-1.1.10.jolla -- 3.26.1-1.3.1.jolla
[totem-pl-parser] Update to 3.26.1 and use meson to build.
Updated : 1.93.1-1.9.1.jolla -- 1.94-1.10.1.jolla
[l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 61 of 61 strings translated (0 need review).
Updated : 2.7.5+git13-1.6.1.jolla -- 2.8.0+git3-1.8.1.jolla
- [udisks2] Loosen up polkit rules to work from another seat.
- [rpm] Fix build, missing dependency.
- [udisks2] Upgrade to 2.8.0.
- [udisks] Fix internal memory card encryption.
[udisks2] Treat partition type setting as success if blockdev part it's not supported.
Updated : 0.86.0+mer24-1.4.3.jolla -- 0.86.0+mer27-1.1.1.jolla
- [worker] Enable android usb before starting mtpd.
- [appsync] Exclude problematic timer from compilation.
- [appsync] Use module prefix also for static variables
- [build] Silence warnings about unused parameters
- [common] Do not implicitly map fallback charging mode to ask on D-Bus
- [config] Never return NULL mode setting
- [control] Make internal module state data static
- [dbus] Deal with NULL strings on D-Bus signal broadcast attempts
- [dbus] Deny mode change requests while busy.
- [dbus] Use module prefix also for static variables
- [devicelock] Use device_lock_xxx instead of devicelock_xxx
- [modesetting] Replace questionable async timer with sleep loop.
- [udev] Switch local variable from static to auto
- [usb-moded] Move synchronous mode switch to worker thread.
- [usb-moded] Normalize typedefs
- [usb-moded] Normalize use of return statement
- [usb-moded] Normalize use of sizeof operator
- [usb_moded] Refactor startup and exit
- [usb-moded] Remove redundant include statements
- [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for diag mode toggle
- [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for modelist
- [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for pc cable connect delay
- [usb_moded] Use accessor functions for rescue mode toggle
- [worker] Adjust mtp daemon start/stop timeouts
- [worker] Make internal module state data static
- [worker] Undo partially executed mode switch on failure
- [worker] Use module prefix also for static variables
- [android] Normalize numerical id-values to lower case hex.
- [android] Refactor android usb handling module.
- [android] Use wrapper function for all sysfs writes.
- [configfs] Add support for mass-storage mode.
- [dyn-config] Align config parsing for readability
- [dyn-config] Drop unused softconnect keys
- [dyn-config] Drop unused syfs_path and sysfs_reset_value attributes
- [modesetting] Fix memory leak in modesetting_report_mass_storage_blocker()
- [modesetting] Refactor mass-storage mode handling
- [mtp-mode] Require buteo-mtp-qt5
- [trigger] Fix resource leaks
- [trigger] Use trigger_xxx prefix for variable naming
- [udev] Ignore stale events received while blocked in mode transition
- [usb_moded] Add configfs support.
- [usb_moded] Arrange a route for signaling mode switch failures.
- [usb_moded] Do not track pc / charger connect separately.
- [usb_moded] Drop --android-bootup-function option.
- [usb_moded] Explicitly start/stop mtp daemon.
- [usb_moded] Expose mode switch as "busy" during transition
- [usb_moded] Fix mode-switch failure handling
- [usb_moded] Move connect/disconnect signaling to udev
- [usb_moded] Normalize multiline comments
- [usb_moded] Refactor entering/leaving usb mode.
- [usb_moded] Reject mtp_mode if mtp daemon can't be started
- [usb_moded] Tweak mode selection dialog related D-Bus signaling
[usb_moded] Use common code for evaluating "can-export" state
Updated : 3.11.0-1.1.10.jolla -- 3.13.0+git1-1.3.1.jolla Binaries removed : valgrind-doc
[valgrind] Update to 3.13 with git upstream.
Updated : --
- [voicecall-ui] Brighten call avatar on dark ambience style.
- [voicecall-ui] Use custom colors to improve incoming call pulley contrast.
- [voicecall-ui] Use TogglePlayPause for call control as well.
- [voicecall] Adjust the incoming call colors for light ambiences.
- [voicecall-ui-jolla] Create dialer during pulley menu click transition.
- [voicecall-ui] Improve SIM presense tracking.
- [voicecall] Replace the glass background image provider with the Silica Wallpaper type.
- [voicecall-ui] Use the new PageStack animatorPush().
- [messages] Wait for OfonoModemManager to fetch SIM data before fading in Phone settings.
[voicecall-ui] Add basic landscape orientation support.
Updated : 1.178.2-1.11.1.jolla -- 1.185.1-1.14.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched voicecall-ui-jolla from version 1.185
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.6
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.7
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.8
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.4
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.28
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.0
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.1
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.11.3
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.27
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 207 of 207 strings translated (0 need review).
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.25
[tpl] translation templates update for 0.10.26
Updated : 1.8.3-1.1.5.jolla -- 1.14.6-1.2.4.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libzypp.so.1702, libzypp.so.1702(ZYPP_plain)
- [packaging] Move to patched upstream.
- [update] Update to upstream version 1.13.9.
- [update] Update to upstream version 1.14.6.
- [update] Update to version 1.14.6.
- [upstream] Sync to version 1.11.22
- [upstream] Sync to version 1.11.22
- [license] Unify open source licenses.
Packages added (45)
- Binaries added : bluebinder - 1.0.0-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libgbinder.so.1
- [bluebinder] Fix callback status reporting.
- [bluebinder] Fix cleanup on exit. Improve error reporting.
- [bluebinder] Make sure data type is correct before shifting.
- [bluebinder] Use GIO channel functions instead of read/write.
- [bluebinder] Wait for bluetooth Android service before starting.
[bluebinder] write bluetooth address to /var/lib/bluetooth/board-address.
droid-config-h3113 Updated : 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.7.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h3113-patterns - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-flashing - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h3113-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3113 = 0.2.3, droid-system-pioneer-h3113, droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113, droid-config-h3113 = 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, h3113-bluez-configs
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-config-h3213 Updated : 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.6.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h3213-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-flashing - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-patterns - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3213 = 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h3213 = 0.2.3, h3213-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213, droid-system-discovery-h3213
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-config-h3413 Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.3.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h3413 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-flashing - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-patterns - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h3413-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-config-h3413 = 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-system-voyager-h3413, droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413, h3413-bluez-configs, droid-config-h3413 = 0.2.3
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-config-h4113 Updated : 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.7.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h4113 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-flashing - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-patterns - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-config-h4113-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-config-h4113 = 0.2.3-1.6.1.jolla, droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113, droid-config-h4113 = 0.2.3, droid-system-pioneer-h4113, h4113-bluez-configs
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-config-h4213 Updated : 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.6.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h4213-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213 - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-flashing - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-patterns - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, droid-config-h4213-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery-h4213, droid-config-h4213 = 0.2.3-1.5.1.jolla, h4213-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213, droid-config-h4213 = 0.2.3
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-config-h4413 Updated : 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla -- 0.2.5-1.3.4.jolla
- [audio] Add ignore rule for builtin card for usbaudio. MER#1952
- [audio] Remove extra ignore rule for builtin card. MER#1952"
- Binaries added : droid-config-h4413 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-ssu-kickstarts - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-sailfish - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-pulseaudio-settings - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-out-of-image-files - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-flashing - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-patterns - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-bluez5 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-bluez4 - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-preinit-plugin - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-policy-settings - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-config-h4413-kickstart-configuration - 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: h4413-bluez-configs, droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413, droid-config-h4413 = 0.2.3, droid-config-h4413 = 0.2.3-1.2.1.jolla, droid-system-voyager-h4413
- [bluetooth] add bluebinder to hw patterns.
- [ks] Add /opt partition for vendor data.
- [configs] Enable HFP profile in oFono.
- [configs] Increase XA2 Ultra margins slightly.
- [configs] Don't override launcher icon size set by the icon packages.
- [patterns] Add platform specific tools package.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus DS devices.
- [rpm] Add support for XA2 Plus SS devices.
- [patterns] Fix XA2 Ultra DS pattern.
- [camera] Enable video torch for main camera.
- [configs] Use own silica configs for discovery devices.
- [ks] Add aliendalvik to suggested features.
- [ks] Fix flashing script modification.
- [camera] Camera and codec quirks.
- [configs] Separate configs based on device family.
- [flashing] General model name on flashing-README.
- [graphics] Fix pixel ratio for XA2 Ultra devices.
- [ks] Set supported devices in flashing scripts.
- [audio] Use workaround to prevent segfault on quit.
- [configs] Load droid modules earlier.
- [rpm] Get proper system and vendor packages for discovery devices.
- [conf] Rename pioneer specifig conf files according to device ID.
- [rpm] Add support for H3213. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add support for H4213. MER#1955
- [camera] Camera settings on a HAL1 connection, enabling ISO speed settings.
- [flashing] Make flashing-README up-to-date.
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics
- [qtfeedback] Improve vkb haptics. Fixes MER#1953
- [rpm] Require proper system and vendor packages.
- [ofono] Separate dual-sim config.
- [patterns] Separate pioneer hw-adapatation packages.
- [pulseaudio] Enable PulseAudio usbaudio configs. MER#1952
- [rpm] Add support for h3113.
- [udev] Add udev rule to ignore internal card. MER#1952
- [patterns] Add udisks2 to patterns for SD card support. MER#1951
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121. also add /dev/touchscreen symlink.
- [config] add lipstick and silica configs from f5121.
- [config] Add udev rule for touch driver.
- [actdead] Start surfaceflinger also in actdead target. MER#1949
- [boot] Add systemd service to mark boot as successful. MER#1947
- [h4113] disable keymaster and keystore since we don't need them currently and they are not easily fixable.
- [flashing] H3113 is valid product as well.
- [flashing] Use boot_a as boot partition name.
- [h4113] Remove custom audio policy config.
- [h4113] Show reboot warning on SIM removal.
- [patterns] Require pulseaudio-modules-droid-glue.
- [h4113] Add ofono config.
- [h4113] Provide physical screen size.
- [h4113] Provide usb-moded configuration.
- [flashing] Add flashing scripts.
- [h4113] Clean up patterns.
- [media] Add gstreamer1.0-droid and audioflingerglue for multimedia and camera support.
- [wifi] Add systemd service to enable wifi.
- [h4113] Add flashing script for kernel.
- [ssu] Fix configuration for h4113.
- [camera] Add camera configurations. Fixes MER#1927
- [csd] Add CSD configuration file. Fixes MER#1929
- [h4113] Add needed symlinks to /etc. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Disable and fix some android side services. Contributes to MER#1926 and MER#1927
- [h4113] Update submodule. Contributes to MER#1927
- [pulseaudio] Add legacy audio_policy.conf and load it in droid module. Fixes MER#1926
- [qtscenegraph] Make hybris textures work on devices without BGRA. Fixes MER#1928
- [ks] Add initial kickstart configuration.
- [dcd] Add patterns and initial device configuration files.
[h4113] Add initial ssu config.
droid-hal-discovery Updated : 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla -- 0.0.16-1.4.1.jolla
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Disable bt_power rfkill.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.158 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] (hybris) Revert "proc: make oom adjustment files user read-only" MER#1978
- [manifest] Fix duplicate name tag in bootctrl.
- Binaries added : droid-hal-discovery-kernel-modules - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-devel - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-detritus - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-tools - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla, droid-hal-discovery-kernel - 0.0.14-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-discovery-detritus
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
- [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
- [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
- [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
- [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
- [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
- [reference] update reference branch to r35.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
- [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
- [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
- [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
- [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
- [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
- [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
- [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
- [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
- [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
- [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
- [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
- [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
- [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
- [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] Revert "cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon"
- [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
- [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
- [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
- [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
- [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
- [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
- [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
- [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
- [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
- [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
- [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
- [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
- [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
- [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
- [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
- [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
- [manifest] Don't use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
- [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
- [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
- [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
- [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
- [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
- [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
- [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
- [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [system/core] (hybris) ignore "mount" and "mkdir /tmp" commands entirely.
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
- [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
- [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
- [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can't support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert "repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery "rotation logic""
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don't use shell in make file
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert "Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
- [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
- [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
- [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
[rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.
Binaries added : droid-hal-discovery-img-boot -, droid-hal-discovery-img-recovery -
- [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
- [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
- [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
- [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
[h4113] Initial content.
droid-hal-pioneer Updated : 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla -- 0.0.16-1.5.1.jolla
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Disable bt_power rfkill.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.158 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] (hybris) Revert "proc: make oom adjustment files user read-only" MER#1978
- [manifest] Fix duplicate name tag in bootctrl.
- Binaries added : droid-hal-pioneer-tools - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-kernel - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-kernel-modules - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-devel - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla, droid-hal-pioneer-detritus - 0.0.14-1.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-pioneer-detritus
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
- [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
- [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
- [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
- [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
- [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
- [reference] update reference branch to r35.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
- [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
- [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
- [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
- [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
- [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
- [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
- [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
- [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
- [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
- [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
- [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
- [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
- [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
- [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] Revert "cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon"
- [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
- [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
- [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
- [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
- [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
- [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
- [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
- [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
- [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
- [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
- [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
- [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
- [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
- [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
- [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
- [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
- [manifest] Don't use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
- [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
- [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
- [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
- [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
- [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
- [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
- [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
- [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [system/core] (hybris) ignore "mount" and "mkdir /tmp" commands entirely.
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
- [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
- [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
- [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can't support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert "repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery "rotation logic""
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don't use shell in make file
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert "Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
- [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
- [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
- [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
[rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.
Binaries added : droid-hal-pioneer-img-boot -, droid-hal-pioneer-img-recovery -
- [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
- [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
- [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
- [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-hal-prjconf-sony-nile -
- [camera] Revert "Force Camera HAL1 to enable ISO speed setting and more."
- [version] Remove tools and add dependency to verison package.
- [prjconf] Prefer pioneer hal packages.
- [camera] Force Camera HAL1 to enable ISO speed setting and more.
- [prjconf] Fix package name for more generic one.
[prjconf] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3113 - 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3113-doc - 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3213 - 0.0.7-1.4.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3213-doc - 0.0.7-1.4.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h3413-doc - 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h3413 - 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4113-doc - 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4113 - 0.0.7-1.5.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4213-doc - 0.0.7-1.2.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4213 - 0.0.7-1.2.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
Binaries added : droid-hal-version-h4413 - 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla, droid-hal-version-h4413-doc - 0.0.7-1.1.2.jolla
- [version] Add support for h3413 device.
- [version] Add support for h4413 device.
- [version] Define proper device id for Xperia XA2 Ultra DS.
- [version] Require specific tools package.
- [version] Require specific kernel package.
- [version] Add support for h3213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h4213 device MER#1955
- [version] Add support for h3113 device.
[dhd] Add BuildRequires for droid-config packages.
droid-hal-voyager Updated : 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla -- 0.0.16-1.2.1.jolla
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Disable bt_power rfkill.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Update kernel to 4.4.158 level.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] (hybris) Revert "proc: make oom adjustment files user read-only" MER#1978
- [manifest] Fix duplicate name tag in bootctrl.
- Binaries added : droid-hal-voyager-detritus - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-tools - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-kernel - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-kernel-modules - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla, droid-hal-voyager-devel - 0.0.14-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor, droid-hal-voyager-detritus
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [device/sony/voyager] Build nfc_nci module.
- [frameworks/av] Support ISO setting on HAL3 devices under API1 on Qualcomm devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for voyager devices.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] hybris friendly defconfig for voyager.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Sync discovery and pioneer kernel configs.
- [manifest] Update to aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015 base.
- [rpm] Add support for voyager devices.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Add support for discovery (hx213). MER#1955
- [rpm] Add spec file for discovery. MER#1955
- [external/libhybris] point to mer-hybris android8-initial branch since it was rebased and moved.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for discovery.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Enable CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI for pioneer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Hybris friendly defconfig for discovery. MER#1955
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Merge patches from sony-aosp-8.1.0_r35_20181003. MER#1955
- [rpm] Add rpm_device macro.
- [reference] update reference branch to r35.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [device/sony/common] Revert dsp directory change.
- [device/sony/nile] Remove dsp symlink.
- [device/sony/nile] Update from upstream.
- [android/system/core] Fix actdead charging animation. MER#1949
- [build] rename dbus group to adbus to avoid conflicts with mer.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] add configs for systemd-nspawn and other useful things.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] enable extra filesystems which are useful.
- [device/sony/akari] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/akari] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/akari] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] remove prebuilt dtbo.img when TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL is true
- [device/sony/apollo] remove unused Sensors Configuration
- [device/sony/apollo] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/apollo] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/common] add cdsprcpd service
- [device/sony/common] cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon
- [device/sony/common] data: add the configuration for sdm845
- [device/sony/common] Do not create the dsp directory since it is created by all platforms which need it, as a symlink.
- [device/sony/common] init.common.rc: Create dir for display
- [device/sony/common] libpolyreg: Fix libcutils private headers
- [device/sony/common] librqbalance: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [device/sony/common] move the common SRC_CAMERA_HAL_DIR
- [device/sony/common] odm: packages: add sensors.sdm845
- [device/sony/common] power: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] Revert "cnss-daemon.rc: set net_admin for cnss-daemon"
- [device/sony/common] switch Display HAL to our own branch
- [device/sony/common] treble: add the packages needed for BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [device/sony/common] vendor: increment vendor version
- [device/sony/common] vendor: init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/discovery] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/discovery] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/dora] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/kagura] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/keyaki] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/loire] genfs_contexts: fix duplicate path
- [device/sony/loire] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/loire] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/loire] uevent: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/maple] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/nile] (hybris) Remove duplicate vendor mountpoint and add back odm mountpoint. MER#1948
- [device/sony/pioneer] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/pioneer] set GSM capability for DS devices
- [device/sony/poplar] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/sepolicy] add basic cdsprpcd permisisons
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/sepolicy] sepolicy: avoid kernel 4.9 denials
- [device/sony/suzu] reorder properties for DS devices
- [device/sony/tama] add A/B OTA dexopt support
- [device/sony/tama] add PRODUCT_STATIC_BOOT_CONTROL_HAL
- [device/sony/tama] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate rmtfs_sharedmem
- [device/sony/tama] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tama] ueventd.rc: Update paths for kernel 4.9
- [device/sony/tone] genfs_contexts: remove duplicate sysfs_mdss_mdp_caps
- [device/sony/tone] init: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] platform: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/tone] sepolicy: avoid sde denials
- [device/sony/tone] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] remove the duplicate androidboot.console
- [device/sony/yoshino] sepolicy: Add paths for k4.9
- [device/sony/yoshino] ueventd: Add paths for k4.9
- [hardware/qcom/bt] bt: use TARGET_BOARD_AUTO to override qcom hals
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Adapt pioneer mountpoints to upstream changes. MER#1948
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Build bootctl for Android 8. MER#1947
- [kernel] Merge upstream changes.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel/drivers/staging/wlan-qc/qcacld-3.0] Android.mk: add SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION
- [manifest] Add HIDL interfaces. MER#1948
- [manifest] Add Qualcomm Display HAL. MER#1948
- [manifest] also point gps repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote and fix qcom_display repo.
- [manifest] Don't use copyfile tags instead of linkfile since they cause additional build failures. repo update is mandatory.
- [manifest] point repos with repo_update.sh patches to the correct remote.
- [manifest] remove other unused 4.9 kernel projects.
- [manifest] remove unused 4.9 kernel common-headers.
- [manifest] Revert to aosp bootctrl. MER#1948
- [manifest] Update manifest to sony aosp r35 branch.
- [manifest] Use copyfile repo xml tag instead of linkfile tag temporarily.
- [manifest] Use o-mr1 branch for device repos. MER#1948
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Grant access to private SDK APIs such as SystemProperties.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Migrate to AAPT2
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: preference framework has moved out of v7 folder.
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [packages/apps/ExtendedSettings] ES: Using private APIs does not require SDK guard.
- [rpm] after dsp folder fix we can fix this path.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [sony-nile] Update manifest.
- [system/core] (hybris) ignore "mount" and "mkdir /tmp" commands entirely.
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR0800.9.0.10
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0A_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] NFC_NCIHALx_AR2000.09.00.0D_OpnSrc
- [vendor/nxp/NXPNFCC_FW] Update README.md
- [vendor/oss/cash] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/cash] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/cash] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Update sysfs path for k4.9
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Android.mk: Use SOMC_KERNEL_VERSION for path selection
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Fix warnings of unused parameters and variables
- [vendor/oss/fingerprint] Remove cpp flags
- [vendor/oss/projection] add LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS
- [vendor/oss/projection] remove unused variables
- [vendor/oss/projection] REVERTME: remove Android.bp
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add display HAL patch for night mode
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add patches required to build using sdm845 hals and 4.9 kernel headers
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Add support for exFAT file system to vold
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Fix bug Device that can't support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] media: msm8996: bump 713242 patch version
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] msm8996: fix build
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] repo_update: Add odm check
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] Revert "repo_update: Properly fetch and apply recovery "rotation logic""
- [vendor/oss/repo_update] ?ode alignment and duplicate removal
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Don't use shell in make file
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Let TimeKeep use private platform APIs
- [vendor/oss/timekeep] Timekeep: set LOCAL_SDK_VERSION to current
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump app version (2.1.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Bump up version (2.2.1)
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Fix access to telephony-common lib and additional resources
- [vendor/oss/transpower] Require access to hidden platform APIs
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] camera: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] CameraParameters: fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Fix dependencies for mm-camera-interface
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] fix display folder path
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] mm-camera: Change kernel version check for SoMC
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] move the camera dumps to /data/vendor/camera
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] msm8998: Update from AOSP
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] QCamera2: HAL: Change media entity enumeration logic. Issue: Media entity enumeration logic not support kernel 4.9 Fix: Changes added to support media entity enumeration for both Kernel 4.9 and 4.4 version.
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:Compilation fix for OMR release"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:HAL :Changes to get the vsync event and presentation timestamp"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Dynamic registration of display service."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/camera] Revert "QCamera2:QCameraDisplay:Merging fix of DisplayService transaction failed."
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] fix build with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] loc_api: include: Correct pointer type of message_table
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] Revert "Speed, bearing and vertical accuracy must be read from Zpp Fix"
- [vendor/qcom/opensource/location] silence LOG_TAG macro redefined warning
- [manifest] Add reference to sony-nile cache.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Include libsf_compat_layer_32 in the build.
- [hybris/hybris-boot] Update to upstream after merge.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] Fix defconfig to include necessary configs for LVM.
- [kernel/sony/msm-4.4/kernel] update to kernel prepared for mer.
- [rpm] define lunch_device for obs builds.
- [rpm] require droid-system and droid-system-vendor on obs builds.
- [rpm] Update droid-hal to upstream after merge.
[rpm] update submodule to fix obs builds of usergroupgen and image_tools for android 8.
Binaries added : droid-hal-voyager-img-boot -, droid-hal-voyager-img-recovery -
- [rpm] Add support for voyager kernel.
- [rpm] Add support for discovery kernel.
- [recovery] support linux 4.4 configfs based ub_gadget mode.
- [root-mount] Remove bashism from log function.
- [rpm] Rename h4113 to pioneer.
- [initrd] Fix factory image partition label.
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-discovery - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
[droid-system] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-discovery-h3213 - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
[droid-system] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-discovery-h4213 - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-discovery
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-system] Add h3213 files.
[droid-system] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer - 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer-h3113 - 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-pioneer
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-pioneer-h4113 - 0.0.7-1.4.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-pioneer
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions andv capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update system binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [fs] fix capabilities on filesystem to avoid issues with SELinux in android blobs.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] set capabilites on /system/bin/logd to avoid crashes.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart.
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
[droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery-h3213 - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-discovery
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
[droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-discovery-h4213 - 0.0.3-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-discovery
- [discovery] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [discovery] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [discovery] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [droid-vendor] Add h3213 files.
[droid-vendor] Add h4213 files.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer - 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h3113 - 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-pioneer
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-pioneer-h4113 - 0.0.6-1.3.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-pioneer
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Add post script to spec file.
- [pioneer] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [pioneer] Update copy script to handle file permissions and capabilities.
- [pioneer] Update vendor binaries for aosp-8.1.0_r47.
- [rpm] Fix promotion problems from spec file.
- [pioneer] Add support for h3113.
- [h4113] Update to sony aosp r35 syspart (vendor files).
[h4113] Initial content.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager - 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager-h3413 - 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-voyager
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : droid-system-vendor-voyager-h4413 - 0.0.4-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-vendor-voyager
- [macaddrsetup] Ensure that /data/vendor/wifi directory exist.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Remove unused overlay directory.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add vendor files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : droid-system-voyager - 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : droid-system-voyager-h3413 - 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-voyager
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : droid-system-voyager-h4413 - 0.0.3-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: droid-system-voyager
- [camera] Force first ISO value to ISO100, or we might not match the app values.
- [voyager] Update copy script to sort file permissions and capabilities.
- [voyager] Build from droid-src-sony-aosp-8.1.0_r47_20181015.
[voyager] Add system files for voyager devices.
Binaries added : fribidi-devel - 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla, fribidi - 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: fribidi = 1.0.5-1.1.1.jolla
- [fribidi] Initial packaging.
- [unit] Added test for new gbinder_reader_read_hidl_struct()
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_reader_read_hidl_vec().
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_writer_append_hidl_vec().
- [unit] Added test for gbinder_reader_read_hidl_vec()
- [unit] Added test for gbinder_writer_append_hidl_vec()
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_remote_reply_copy_to_local().
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_remote_request_copy_to_local().
- [gbinder] Make sure RPC protocol matches servicemanager type
- [unit] Added test for gbinder_remote_reply_copy_to_local()
- [unit] Added test for gbinder_remote_request_copy_to_local()
- [gbinder] Fixed GBinderServiceManager lifecycle management.
- [gbinder] Add double and float support. MER#1942
- [unit] Slightly increased gbinder_local_reply.c coverage
- [gbinder] Handle transaction result on the main thread.
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_local_reply_append_bool().
- [gbinder] Added gbinder_local_request_append_bool().
- [gbinder] Unit test for gbinder_local_reply_append_bool()
- [gbinder] Unit test for gbinder_local_request_append_bool()
- [gbinder] Fixed a few typos
- [gbinder] Getters for pid/euid of GBinderRemoteRequest.
- [gbinder] Updated project URL
- [gbinder] Zero-initialize the buffer passed to the driver.
[gbinder] C interface for Android binder.
Binaries added : lxc - 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-templates - 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-libs - 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-devel - 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, lxc-doc - 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla
- Unmet requirements: lxc-libs(armv7hl-32) = 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla, liblxc.so.1, lxc-libs(x86-32) = 3.0.1+git1-1.1.1.jolla
[lxc] Clean up spec file.
Binaries added : ofono-ril-binder-plugin - 0.0.4-1.3.2.jolla
- Unmet requirements: libgbinder >= 1.0.9, libgbinder.so.1
- [rilbinder] Moved some reusable code to libgbinder.
- [rilbinder] Hooked up REQUEST_SET_UICC_SUBSCRIPTION.
- [rilbinderplugin] Hooked up cell positioning requests.
- [rilbinderplugin] Updated project URL
[rilbinderplugin] First version, work in progress.
Binaries added : p7zip - 16.02+git1-1.1.1.jolla, p7zip-full - 16.02+git1-1.1.1.jolla
- [p7zip] Add packaging for Sailfish OS.
- Binaries added : qt5-qpa-surfaceflinger-plugin - 5.6.0+git1-1.2.2.jolla
- [packaging] Add RPM .spec
- [packaging] fix BuildRequires and update package URL.
- [packaging] Ignore cmake integration plugin
- [packaging] update packaging and README.md
[sf] unblank vs setDisplayPowerMode is now handled in libhybris
Binaries added : sailfish-minui-l10n-tr - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-nl - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_TW - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ru - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-da - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-hi - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-fr - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_GB - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pa - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-sv - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-it - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ja - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-nb - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_CN - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-de - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-fi - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-zh_HK - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pl - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-cs - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ko - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-el - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-en_US - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-all-translations - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-es - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-gu - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-mr - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-et - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-te - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-es_ES - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-tt - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-pt_BR - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-sl - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-bn_IN - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ml - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-kn - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-ta - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla, sailfish-minui-l10n-hu - 1.10.1-1.3.1.jolla
- [l10n] Branched sailfish-minui from version 1.10
- [l10n] Commit from Jolla localization: 9 of 9 strings translated (0 need review).
- [l10n] New files added from Jolla localisation based on templates
- [tpl] translation templates update for 0.0.4
The most immense change log since inception, having mental exhaustion just trying to keep up. Thanks Jolla, do keep up the amazing work
DameCENO ( 2018-11-09 13:33:21 +0200 )